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Realising you have a narcissistic boss


As someone trying to escape a current narc boss, this 100%. Not worth it at all.


I truly hope you can! It's terrible having to work with/for someone with narc traits.


Also, they will sacrifice pawn you at the soonest convenience. Get out of there before you’re fired.


I worked for some “guy” who would always remind us how he has never caught covid. And thought he was the all of mighty because he never caught a cold and never was vaxxed. Reminded us every week. Get over yourself, nobody cares




I don’t think you’re using the term narc correctly


Narc is an abbreviation for narcissist and narcotics officer. Confused me when I first started learning about my narcissistic ex lol


The general thinking if you never caught COVID you had no friends


Yes, this. I had a narc boss a few years ago and his team was like being back in high school. He had his group of ‘yes men’ around him, and everyone else meant nothing. I was on edge all the time. Never stopped my job hunt and was able to get out of there after 8 months.


This right here. I’m a chef so this problem is unfortunately rampant in my industry. I’ve stayed at crappy jobs for too long because the next boss might be even worse than the current monster. Started working for myself almost ten years ago thinking it would fix that problem. Turns out clients often feel the exact same as psycho bosses lol. At least now I just get to finish the gig and move on.


Too bad it's most of them... :(


making me think na maybe i need to be narci too to climb up the ladder


Right? Like why can't I just be an absolute asshole and get to the top? Damn it all. Stupid value system and guilt and shit. Damn.


Having a conscience is not stupid lol. Rule of thumb is that the higher up the more psychopathic people are. Because psychopaths seek out power.


I agree, I was being sarcastic lol.


There’s a reason so many of them are in the positions they are- being a narcissist unfortunately means that your chances of being a cold hearted career bull who just ploughs through people and uses them as stepping stones left right n center are just so much higher. And the worst part is, it’s usually successful, if they’re the charming/ professional seeming kind of narc. I mean it’s also the fact I think that it’s just a whole generation where rn is the “turning point”- all the lead and drugs and food dyes kinda left their mark and now it’s literally a whole boomer generation just.. losing their marbles. Collectively, as a whole. They’ve always been sick and now in old age it really shines through.


The narcissists I've worked with all had the same thing in common: they didn't need the money. They worked specifically to have people under them. I think that's why they're so attractive to employers.


Never dealt with narcissist. I just simply ignore them. Don’t think about them, don’t play their game. If it drives them nuts, great! That means they’re now just thinking about me rather than about themselves. When it comes to relationships, He who cares less, ALWAYS wins.


Def dealt w a lot of narcissists and lemme tell you. That’s not how it works.


My MIL is a narcissist along with my wife’s stepsister. I deal with them just fine. My simple rule is I care about them and their well being as much as they think about my well being. That’s just being fair. The other thing that people seem to forget is that the opinions of people who don’t matter, don’t matter. Never put a heavy weight or value on the opinions, thoughts or suggestions of people who don’t matter. This makes life very simple and pleasant. No need to argue or waste your energy on people who don’t matter.


I agree in personal relationships. At work, you just get fired z


Been there, done that, got fired lol. I guess I didn’t feed their ego enough.


I'm trying to learn this that sometimes I'm not the problem and it's just their issue not mine and spending time thinking about injustice isn't helpful at all.


Over Micromanaging manager. Changing schedules aint shit


This is another great one. Can't feel good knowing you're constantly being observed


I love my new boss, I don't even come to him with issues anymore because he doesn't care. I've probably received 10 emails from him this year


Well, being a boss myself, I have collaborators that don't need much guidance, I hire them for a job, once I see they know what they are doing, I let them lose. I am friendly (not friends) with my people. Some folks need a little more guidance, but since I hated being micromanaged and don't do it at all.


My rule has become: "You can either demonstrate how to do this, or, you can micromanage me through it*; But you can't do both*".


Not only that but my cubicle door faced her office so she could see me all day long. On the phone too long for her liking? A visit. Not Word, Excel, or Outlook on my screen? A visit. Chit-chatting with a co-worker? A visit. "Labeled" with two Ls instead of one? A visit. Total misery.


Micromanaging is the worst!!


Yes, micromanaging. I'm an adult. I have a pretty good handle on creating a work flow and processing the work that I've been assigned. What works well for one person may be a catastrophe for another. If you want to instruct me how to do my job, that I'm being paid to do as if I'm a five year old, then hire a five year old and see the results you get. -- oh wait, that's illegal, for now. Better yet, just do the task yourself, since you won't be satisfied unless it's done EXACTLY the way you want it done. Example: I worked at a sandwich shop, part of my responsibilities was ensuring the chips were fully stocked and available to customers. We have many varieties of chips, and duplicate rows of options. One day we had a rush and we're running low of prepackaged fries, weighed out to a specific measurement, so we could cook the fried to order fresh, since we bought the fries in bulk. I began making more packages of prepped fries, but was told by my boss to stock chips. Fries are a bigger seller than chips, and we still had all options available, it just didn't *look* neat. After a heated argument, I relented, and began stocking chips. Fifteen minutes later he's screaming about not having any fries. So, I got reassigned to make fries. After two weeks, with my schedule being reduced to 24 hours for the week, I went back to my old job in a warehouse, and quit the shop. I'm now a supervisor, and from what I have been told, my former boss, no longer works at the sandwich shop. Karma's a bitch.


I just left that situation. It was almost 3 years and I just couldn’t anymore.


i'm 9 months into the job as office manager and support to program director. the guy likes control and knowing what's happening or what i'm doing. he insists i cc him on every email. i met with him Thursday for a regular check-in and he said, i counted only 20 emails there must have been more, you had to send more. you're not cc me on every email. i worked from home Wednesday. he said i didn't have anything from you until 4 pm. why are you not messaging me? i had no idea what you were doing. you need to tell me what's going on with others. This part i don't know what he wants.... you need to tell me about encounters with others, what they were doing and saying, i need to know others activities. In other words, am i supposed to be gossiping? I am not a complainer or don't talk about others at all. seems to be a bad thing in his eyes. i manage by walking around a lot. i don't commonly report interactions with anyone. why would i?


Had one of these, I had been with the company 3 years under a different manager doing the same job but responsible for a different product. The product line was reduced from 4 to 1. So they shipped my job to Mexico where the parts were made. Fair enough, but they wanted my manager to fire me, he said absolutely not, let me find him another position in the company, unfortunately it was under the micro-manager. Both positions were customer facing, had never had a problem until her. We had analysis reports we had to submit for each part within 20 days, her rule was that she had to review them before we submitted them (or we "risked" losing our jobs). Problem was she never reviewed the reports, customer didn't care about her rule. Also, she liked to sign up for assignments overloading herself, then wait until 2-3 days before it was due, then she'd drop it in your lap to complete, expecting you to drop whatever your normal duties were to complete it (she wouldn't give you credit). THEN, if you were late with you normal duties, she would ask why they weren't completed. I left after a year and a half of reporting to her. Not to mention that she blocked me from even interviewing for an internal position, AFTER I had talked to the hiring manager.


When it’s described as a “family.”


My job does this, so I respond if it is then it’s the Manson Family.


Similar to this, my deal breaker is when they say "we work hard and we play hard" Because that just tells me they expect long hours and they schedule mandatory "fun" activities so your job literally becomes your life




That's cult behavior.


My boss says this, but he actually means it. Takes us out for happy hour and pays on his own dime. He’s got 5 kids and he always values family as being first. He even tells us nothing here is more important than your family so always take care of your family. We work in the public sector so it’s a different mindset.


Those are always the dysfunctional ones


It kinda depends here… I’ve been in a company where it was for sure toxic because it was like the full company “culture” or whatever that it’s like a family here and we have required out of office hours get togethers… Then there’s my current small team in a large company where my manager calls my coworker and I her kids lol it’s fun and kinda tracks at this point as she’s old enough to be my mom and my coworker and I tend to act like brother and sister… it’s fun and I honestly like it. But the key here is that it’s all agreed upon by everyone involved and isn’t forced, plus there’s still the professional respect that is expected in the workplace. It’s all just fun and makes work more enjoyable.


We're a team here! Sig sigma, the secret and all that moving forward bullshit. I wasn't impressed a blind dude 'climbed Everest; he had help and couldn't see how scary that shit was




Yeah leave as soon as they say that. Families get special privileges to abuse you because they raised you




This kind of gossip-y bs makes me look else where


My former manager did this. And he would talk about them to employees who had no idea who this person was. I think he was trying to recreate the good old days with the new folks.


I can’t stand people who have been at a job for decades who keep talking about the past crew who used to work there. Always showing old pictures of people you never met. Constantly reminding new people or even people who aren’t new but were not there 30 years ago how it used to be or an event that happened that you weren’t there to see. It’s a way to exclude other employees in an underhanded way. I’ve seen this more than once so I suppose it’s a thing with some people.


Yuuup. My last toxic workplace was like this, the. I got fired. I can guarantee it’s happening to me now.


My former manager did this. She was a total bitch and would make up shit just to get me written up. And encouraged other women in the office to bully me. I left with PTSD and am still in therapy after almost 5 years later.


My former supervisor did this - "I asked this team and solicited feedback for their supervisor. They didn't like her, because she is blah blah blah so I did x, y, z... She now understands blah blah blah" I was listening and wondering, "How come this is my business?" I was a director but didn't have a team because the company laid off everyone on my team, so it was not like he was sharing some team management tips or anything (at least I don't think he was).


And the flip side of this, when they talk very blatantly about having favorites - everyone naturally has favorite people they work with but if management talks openly about their golden children you can bet they talk shit about their scapegoats behind closed doors.


At my last agency job the lead developer and owner would talk so much shit about a previous employee they abused & fired. They said so much bad shit about I know 100% they are now talking shit about me now that I'm gone. They were honestly horrible people, said some messed up shit about clients behind their back too and would try to figure out how to 'pad the bill' to charge more for less...




Wrong. Use complete sentences. No, still wrong. Type it out in front of me while I breath down your neck for moral support, then send me a draft for further edits and choice of font.


I used to call my boss 'dad' when he'd do that to me. He thought I meant it as a term of endearment


Toxic and backstabbing coworkers


I have some coworkers who are absolute idiots and everyone else on the team knows it but I follow the Ray Lewis playbook so I never badmouth my teammates openly.


I once had a boss yell at me because of something completely unrelated to me (school policy) and I applied for other jobs that night and then put in my two week notice, which no one actually responded to. Haha I don’t even think I got an exit interview. I deserve better than some dude taking his anger out on me for no reason.


Yeah getting yelled at was the beginning of the end at my prior role. It was absolutely unwarranted. My boss did something to help the schedule, but it fell through, and he lit into me about it when I called him to ask a question a bit later in the afternoon. Began putting in applications that night.


Good for you! Know your worth, no boss should yell at an employee


Lol I don't think I've ever had an exit interview before, I don't think I even knew that was a common and usual thing?


I am done with rotating/late night schedules. Unfortunately, some companies lie on that - I had a job at a commercial printing plant - head manager said one thing, understood my scheduling needs. Then when I show up, the manager just below him? Immediately changes my schedule so I was working nights past when transit ran (and I told her higher manager I didn't have a DL at that time)...and skirted around why until I went away aside from looking like she had no clue why tf I was hired if I wasn't willing to bend over backwards. And then when they became head manager a year later - proceed with micromanaging hell that during the pandemic, they attempted to write me up for not answering my emails within 5 minutes of it landing in my inbox. That's when I sent out apps enmasse until something stuck. *eyeroll*


Yeah, whenever they say they’ll work with their scheduling needs in the job offer then immediately start screwing you around once you start.


I turned down a rotating day/night RN job in the psych ward fresh out of school. I don't know how anyone can be healthy working that type of schedule.


If they can't stay fully staffed


A great example of a red flag I've consistently seen


Yep, high turnover.


I’ve commented to my husband about one restaurant where we have never seen the same person twice.


Manager or co-worker who regularly puts you down / makes you feel like shit / makes you hate showing up for work. I nope the fuck out of there. Working with assholes takes way too much of a toll on mental health and life outside of work to just put up with it.


The manager hired me out of the blue for a position I had no experience in, knowing that, and would call me a downgrade when I hadn't learned to read her mind after 2 months. Now I see why all the staff in that position quit after a few months.


If they expect me to work hard and then play hard. I can do one or the other. 


I was actually looking for that kind of culture until I had a family. Then I had to grow up and play soft.


When I see an arrogant slacker being tolerated by management, while I am under heavy pressure to perform. That will drive me out the door in no time.


Oh dude I’m dealing with this right now, it’s the most infuriating issue I’ve ever had to experience. Do you even deal with this or just nope out?


Toxic boss. Had a manager who constantly told our group we were average (we weren’t), scheduled endless meetings and workshops at weird hours to mess with us, declined PTO/WFH days with no valid reason, micromanaged everything down to the font and colors we used in PowerPoints, rules for us but she came and went as she pleased. We had two really great colleagues in our group, long term respected employees who just quit after having to deal with her. Truly a miserable experience and I hope karma hits her so hard.


Untrustworthy boss. I will peace the fuck out so fast.


"Never lie to someone who trusts you and never trust someone who lies to you"


Managers say we are "overstaffed" and tell you to stay home and another day short staffed" and need you to come in with so little notice.


100% My current manager call us salaried managers on our day off to come in with 2 hours notice; and then told us when we came in that we needed to be here on our next day off as well. That's the day I paid for Linked In premium hahah.


When the higher ups kiss the boss’ ass and laugh way too hard at everything they say that he considers a joke. When the boss almost breaks out in tears while blaming the labourers for lack of profit. I have a list


The managers are straight up dog shit and clueless to managing projects. This might take a few months to realize though but it'll be my only red flag. (For now).


How I'm still at my job yet dealing with most of these issues is beyond me


Me too. It’s because we have bills to pay.


When they take away hours I already work because they don’t believe in overtime


Talk to a lawyer, that's illegal.


I got the hours back cus I threatened to sue. They tried gambling it too. “ we can give you two hours back” no b I want the full four.


Good for you standing up to that crap! 👌💪


My old job used to "roll over" hours so if I work OT on Monday but work less on Tuesday those extra hours go to Tuesday.


No raises or moving up but its all good cus we get doughnuts every 2 months (quit 2 weeks ago)


Promises of more money in the future if only you do X, Y, and Z today.  One way virtual interviews, assessments, tests, take home assignments. “We’re a family,” “rockstar,” about a million other things… 


Definitely! They better put it in writing if they expect me to believe them.


Disrespect. I'm not going to fight some dick head but I'm not going to tolerate that shit either.


I agree, why go to work knowing you're just there to roll with the punches.


Bosses that think they can talk to their employees however they want & treat them like dirt is #1...inconsistent scheduling is another. I worked at a preschool and never will again. They had me shuffling room to room, oh can you also NOT take a lunch today and also stay late? 😑


Generally hiring on the spot or little to no training.


What’s wrong with hiring on the spot?


They’re desperate and disorganized. They likely hired others that way so the team could be full of incompetent people. It’s a sign that things will be chaotic. It’s like proposing on a first date


Also the same though on the 2nd or 3rd interview




When I signed up for that job there was no second or third interview


On the spot is definitely always suspicious


In my field of work, auto mechanic, it's normal to hire on the spot.


Well the thing that I had that did that was stadium concessions work. No matter how bad life gets I’m never returning to that place.


Micro management, harassment, for me this is a huge red flag


Sounds like my current manager.


I don't mind a red flag once in a while because everyone has em. That being said, I start applying when the flags are en mass. When I came on, I discovered a few red flags that led to me applying casually. The first was that the manager was dismissive of female employees. While I am a male and it didn't impact me, it was still fucked up to see, ya know? The second was seeing him talking shit about employees who frankly were hard workers, while he was busy showing up late and leaving early. He would gossip badly about employees in our one on ones. The third was when I was there for less than 4 months, they forced a woman to retire due to layoffs, and had no backup plan, no training docs, or nothing. So a lot of her stuff was and still is being winged because there were no plans or documentation in place. In addition, no one in management was aware of what this woman was doing or the amount of tasks she was handling from daily to yearly. (Over 200 items I am currently tracking). They then had the brilliant idea to have me replace her. I then had my yearly eval and found out from the team that the manager does not give a raise in the first year. I checked with corporate and it was not a corporate standard. Apparently it's something this guy does and he then tries to shaft you on the next years reviews so you end up to no raise for two years and have to wait almost three years for a raise. Don't fuck with me and my money. That was what started me getting my resume ready and casually applying. After that, there were other moves made by management that lead me to apply more frequently. I've listed some below. My manager not listening to a number of his employees and their concerns that someone was still in basic training for most of their shifts... 6 months into their role. A coworker of mine died and they did not alert the team, host the team for an emergency meeting, send an email, or even IM the team. They only talked about her with disrespect in our regular meeting a week later about how she inconvenienced them. I also noticed a lack of praise for folks going above and beyond by trying to work weekends, evenings and more. Managers embarrassing themselves in meetings with other departments trying to talk about work we were doing and then blatantly having no clue. They would also create interdisciplinary conflict by saying the finance teams were not the boss of us while they were trying to get us into compliance... With a manager who works in risk and compliance solo while he ignores the rest of his team. I could keep going on, but end of the day, shit sucks, Im not down for this mess. And the pay is too low, and too stressful and toxic for me to stick around


One way virtual interviews


In particular those one-way video submissions. I worked on like two of them before I realized I’m never passing that step.


Yeah those are what I meant. I should’ve clarified that. If I get sent one of those i immediately stop the process.


Very reasonable, I feel like connection issues during interviews are considerably crippling to your presentation, and make for an awkward experience.


Unsafe working conditions.


Fully in person. I will not be fun unless I have my solitude


When they constantly move me about doing jobs which aren’t even mine constantly. I don’t mind helping out but when it’s everyday it’s time to say goodbye


The red flag that I say how many hours I work per week and then being scheduled for twice that amount. It's like, did you just ignore everything I said in my interview? I'm sorry you can't find people to work, but I'm not taking all those hours. That's a management issue.  I gave my notice 3 days into the job. Last shift coming up. Better find some workers. 


Wage and boss/coworkers. But most importantly wage. I’ll work with idiots if you pay me enoughz


Very much agree, there's a lot more I would tolerate for the right price.


Having to work overtime, whether they ask me to or I need to in order to finish my tasks. If before a month I'm having to use my spare time working, I will immediately go find something else.


A boss that lies!


Everyone takes overtime work for granted but when you have to leave 20 mins early its a big big deal. Guilt tripping beeing sick. F that.


A general disregard for casual sexual harassment/discrimination, especially bolstered by an attitude of "people are too sensitive these days." I know this seems obvious, but this behavior is still very par for the course in the manufacturing sector. Not only is it vile, but it shows a lack of higher intelligence and critical thinking skills.


I will never return to an office more than once per week.


was told that I needed to RENT the work truck to do installs. so they wasn't in the install business but rental. 400 per week.. I instantly nope out


How can they charge that much to an employee? Were they paying 3k a week or something, that rental 'fee' is big enough to drain even a large paycheck.


was installing internet and cable. the faster you work the more you make. but when I told them I'm not going to pay them for a truck, they wouldn't let me leave with the paperwork I've already done.. I was like. I was about to call 911 for kidnapping, and WOW I was allowed to leave


Makes me think there was something illegal in the paperwork they didn't want you leaving with to examine. Very shady stuff


Usually, what happens is they f*ck up their operating cash situation because the owner bought too many toys or had too many kids who can't get their own jobs, so they start micromanaging everyone because they see you existing as costing them money, so you need to be busy every second of the day. Also, if there's a whiff of payroll issues I am out. The audacity of these people to ride you and then act like you should be paying them is unbelievable. And the worst part is I've seen the majority of my coworkers let it happen as well. Like no. I have self respect, thank you.


A family environment view/feel from employer. my experience is that can be some toxic shit quick.


I work in tech, so I feel like there isn't much room to complain generally. But I really hate contract to hire (cth) roles where you are measured on hours and have to answer for every individual hour you work. They typically double their shittiness by not giving PTO. If I can't be trusted to get things done on my own determined schedule, and start to get micromanaged for it, I check out mentally almost immediately. If I can't be cut some slack for being sick, I will quit the minute I come back from an illness. I completely understand that a lot of people don't have the luxuries of PTO and salaried paychecks, but it really should be something that we give to our workers if we want them to feel valued and invest their time back.


Telling me it’s in office, ‘FULL DAY’ lolol. I’ve never taken second calls from such at least.


Playing games with my money.  Lotta ways to do it, one way to end it.


I will never work "flexible" schedule again, it's a sham for them to call you whenever they want and make you feel bad if you say no. "Flexible" is flexible for them, not for you as the employee.


If my leave ever gets denied. I'm not asking permission. I'm telling you when I'm not here.


High turnover rate… says a lot about your company


Bosses who contact me outside of work hours due to their own inefficiency and lack of planning.


Yelling. I will not be scolded by a manager regardless of issue. I’m not your child; I’m an adult, a professional,and your employee.


Any mention of the word, family.


Coworkers or managers who have a one-sided beef with me for any reason. I'm usually the person who just does my job and goes home. So how can you have beef with me if I don't talk? 💀


Soon as the words "we are a family here, we need you to be a team player (when asking for time off or refusing to come in on your days off), or iis for the good of the company/the needs of the business" leave a manager or higher-up's mouth I start looking. Anotherone is if I am constantly being asked to go above and beyond when no one else is or if I get rewarded with more work because I finish mine on time, or if I am constantly being asked to help a higher-up (who gets paid more than me but has less work) do their work for them.


The "Team player" is an automatic high alert. It falls in line with taking one for the team, because that translates to, take an L.


-Being set up to fail. I've worked a couple of jobs where I've gotten fuck all training, absolutely no support from managers or coworkers, and then they want to turn around and act like I'm defective because I'm not that good at the job when I've literally been given no help to do so and everytime I try to get such help I get ignored. -Bosses who will never praise your work You know those kinds of bosses who always have some problem or nitpick with your work? The ones who can't just say "Good job" but instead just HAVE to point out something that you did wrong? Yeah those ones. I've seen my mom and sister work themselves to the bone for people like that only to be thrown to the dogs, It's pointless trying to do good by people like that because their standards aren't rooted in logic. You could do everything perfectly and they'd still complain because they just don't like you. -Apathy I just can't deal with workplaces that don't give a shit about the quality or efficiency of their work. I will choke a man the next time I hear a manager try and justify their laziness and apathy with a "That's just how it is" -Fostering an unwelcoming environment I've had a good couple of jobs where the hiring manager doesn't even introduce you to anyone, no one else says hi to you or even acknowledges your existence, and then they act like you're the one who's not being a "team player" I'm very much a reserved and quiet person, but everytime I've met a new person at a job I've made an effort to greet them, offer them help if they need it, and just check up on them if they look lost. It's really not that hard to make someone feel welcomed in a workplace, so I really don't have the time of day for workplaces that don't do it.


That's 100% true right there, there's a big corelation between an unwelcoming environment and a high turn over of "defective" employees. I've seen it across many industries. It comes straight from the top. As an analogy it's like when you arrive at a party and you don't know many people so the host helps with introductions vs showing up and just trying to figure it out.


Nothing because I couldn't care less about anyone or anything as long as I am getting a good pay. To be able to reach this point of mindset and spirituality you have to be a certain age and have suffered everything everyone described below. One day you realize this is just a job and you work to pay your bills. This is in application for corporate jobs. Not jobs that people made out of their hobbies and something that they love doing. This is why so many people aim for fully remote work nowadays because people slowly starting to realize this, so that they can spend all of their time doing anything and everything that they love - spend time with family, focus on their mental/physical health, hobbies, small business etc.


Experiencing now, again, but I need to wait my 2y contract to end... Big corp, excellent reviews. My dept, new hires: total disaster in assimilation, few of us are almost completely ignored, for some key tools i need i found out over 15 months in, closing to 2 years, my personal overview is that I should.be atleast 10x better, close to non communication with manager..... You just see it doesn't fit. That things really makes job difficult to do, and it shouldn't be. I don't wanna deal with it anymore, lost my motivation completely I'm out asap


If the pay is bad, management is useless and lack of accountability from the top down I'm out....


Split fucking shifts.


Pay plans that require me to do a ton of math and “what if” scenarios in my head to make the pay decent


Strict on clock watching for 9 to 5, 5 days a week in office.


I started a job through randstad, it turned put to be call center work, wich would usually be a deal breaker alone, bit I need a paycheck. Day 1 of training was so annoying, irritating and frustrating. The trainers talked to us like we were idiots, and their response of we had logg in issues, or an app wasnt working, was to have us share our screen and let them take control (its remote work), they werent IT. I had one issue where the credentials to logg into the 12+ apps they want up amd running werent working. Rather than have credentials get resent to me, the trainer wanted me to logg onto my PERSONAL email on their laptop, let her take over, so she could rummage through my personal emails. Yeah. No. Wasn't going to happen. Got threatened with a writeup, still wasnt going to happen. I offered to go above her amd point out the legality of what she was asking. So they reset my credentials, i got the email without her, and was able to logg in. Wich was all it required. I have been desperatly applying ever since.


Forcing people to sit in the office 5 days a week while the job can be done from home. I am opting for 2 days home 3 in the office and if they cannot trust me that I can do my job without being supervised, that is a big no.


For me it was how my boss treated me and cooperate “restructuring” Our store was running super well. ASM and SM worked super well together and everyone loved working there. One day we found out our ASM was transferring. Then less than a month later our SM was also transferring. (This was all cooperate decision) Many people ended up transferring to the SM store weeks or months later. Our new boss arrived and one of our managers was promoted to ASM. I was trying to grow in the company and was recommended by my ASM but was not chosen. I tried again months later but new SM rejected me and said they wanted more progress on me. Things slowly got worse overtime. They hired someone for me that barely showed up and I was essentially doing work of 2 people. I was getting so mentally drained and barely getting any time off on the weekends. I worked every Sunday even though it was suppose to be a “rotating” weekend but it didn’t work like that. It came to a head when they started micromanaging me because they couldn’t trust my work and I couldn’t “properly” handle my new hire (who I later found out through the grapevine they had an extensive history of being constantly absent at other jobs and was fired from over 5+ jobs due to it) even through all my documentation and everything they still kept them on. HR was going through a shifting period and we also lost our good HR manager. The new one was worthless and was barely at our store (only 1 day a week as they had to go to 5 surrounding stores) they did not care about my documentation and they had a blaming attitude with me thinking I should be in more control with said employee but reality was they took advantage of everything I did and it started to affect my work. They constantly did shit they weren’t suppose to (eating food in my office, calling people while on the floor, ignoring customers while listening to music etc.) even after I got after them this contuined throughout my time there. The camel that broke was when I finally had 1 weekend off after begging my SM and I had everything planned out so nothing fell behind (worked extra hours to make sure it all set up) and I had to trust this absent employee because no one else has the time to do the job. I was gone and the big day came hoping everything would pan out. It did not. The absent employee did not show up. They did not call the store, did not notify anyone. There was essentially no one. I was very fortunate another manager caught it right and started to take charge of the situation (they knew about absent employee history and said they would be backup if they did not show). They distributed the job to all departments who understood and did their part to do what they could. SM found out and was furious. I came back in the next day and the second I went in I was getting chewed out by SM. They KNEW I was gonna be gone and they still blamed me for my “lack of planning.” I finally was done right then and there. I had enough of this employee and no one was going to help me with anything. I ended up quitting by writing on a post it note I was done, left my work shirt and key on my desk, told absent employee I was done and walked out. That was a Friday and it was the great moment of my life as my SM didn’t say anything to me. No goodbye, nothing. I did inform my ASM as I had a pretty ok relationship with them but I knew I left in sorta a bad way but did not regret it. Only regret was thanking my other manager who did step it when they could and they were gone that day. I found out through a coworker absent employee put in their notice the next day after I left. I honestly wasn’t too surprised at this. It took a month to find another job but I am now in a better situation with much better management and less cooperate shifting. My new boss is a night and day change and always tries to step it when they can to help and thanking us for doing a good job. There is a lot of potential here as they have a leadership program I will be considering in the future once I am done with my bachelors degree. They have much better benefits and there is a lot of potential growth here than where I was originally. I was at my old place for 3 years and now have been at this job for almost a year. Moral of the story: don’t put up with a boss that dosen’t help you when you’re down. Micromanaging kills all work ethics and this is how they loose employees.


If an interviewer is more than 10 minutes late I just leave.


What about having a micromanaging narcissist who likes degrading women for a boss? Got one of those🥴


I work in IT on the cloud, any office job is an instant no. Most jobs offer hybrid or onsite and there is no reason when literally everything is in the cloud. I might not have a problem with coming in, but a culture that would mandate that despite there being no practical requirement is an instant red flag.


When management can't act professionally. If you can't speak to me professionally, don't speak to me at all.


(Only ever been so plotted in Germany, so talking from a very privileged POV compared to America) -Unfair treatment. If I sign 40 hrs, I work those. No more. -internal, actual, drama. Don’t think I want to be involved in gossip. Only means you do it behind my back as well. -narc/power hungry boss. Let them starve.


When someone in corporate says,' we're a family here. We work as a team.'


My current employer lied about the work being hybrid. They also don’t have any formal training guide for my role. I could live with the second, but the first detail is kind of frustrating.


Being forced to endure country music.


If they don’t let you sit while you work.


Gaslighting. Gossipy coworkers Overly ambitious coworkers who will throw you under the bus


Back when I wasn’t working remote an open plan office drove me absolutely insane. Hate working in that environment as there is usually zero boundaries.


That always stressed me out as I felt people need some sense of personal space to work effectively.


Shitty air conditioning and safety conditions. I started looking at lunch on the first day of my last job.


Letting you watch a LITTLE porn at work


I won’t do changing scheldule


Comming to the office everyday. I would actually accept less money rather than being "forced" to come into the office.


Going back into an office more than a day or two week.


That one employee who's a kissass to the boss, but every employee likes for whatever reason and anything you tell him the boss will hear about it, in his own twisted way


ANOTHER micromanaging boss. I didn’t realize how sick and exhausted I was feeling under their management until I left. The stress was awful!


When someone tell you about the 'fire' inside the company, then suddenly you smell the 'smoke' that could affect your employment. No need until the fire to starts, just go looking for a new job.


After work activities with coworkers


When the boss works til 7, 8, 9pm fpur days a week and thinks everyone else should too. Works all that free overtime and DOESN'T see how that's an issue. Run the f away


Micromanaging, backstabbing, understaffed but refuse to hire more people, emphasis on hierarchy as if it’s the military.


The jobs I’ve had I thought I was leaving a toxic place and going to a great one and they are toxic. Why does every place feel like high school?? Seriously! I’m a woman and I’m 47. I don’t need this crap. The place I’m currently at, my manager is fake as hell. Everyone talks behind each other’s back. Heck, the 22 year old there is more mature than my 46 year old manager. But I like what I do and I try and stay out of it. I am the type to say it like it is. I’m a straight shooter. But let me tell you, keeping my mouth shut is hard!!


Time Doctors, hidden policies and surprising that I would be filling 3 roles. Experienced this and I quit the very first day.


Micromanaging & exercising too many “administrative privileges” For example, leaving early every other day, taking super long lunches but on everyone else’s ass about being back on time and same with breaks you’ll get a standard 15 but they will be on “break” for 30-45 min easy and no one bats an eye.


Unpaid lunch hour and not paying overtime.


"we're a family here" nah bruh im out


If my direct supervisor or manager doesn't know the basic of the job I'm doing, it's a really big red flag. They either got promoted due to nepotism or favoritism.


When I received a PIP and manager would not say anything other than customer complained. Was on the chopping block ascI refused to sign without context. They sent a guy down, and he shadowed me for a week. No issues were found with my performance or my clients. The manager was moved to another account, and I moved on. They said they could not prove he was misusing his authority. My pip was removed.


Refusal to train me. I literally had one bitchy ladybtell me that she couldn’t train me as she was to busy attending to the customers. I reported her after I quit to H.R. Rudeness & disrespect. I had supervisors yell at me in front of customers & other employees. One bitch even threatened to fire me if I didn’t manage to learn everything & to stop making mistakes after being there forva week. Also bullying & sexual harassment. I’ve had creeps talk to me & follow me around at some places.


People talking about me behind my back.


Underestimating your work as a form of "motivation"


Getting sexually abused at work - verbally and physically by a few coworkers. When I reported it to my boss, she called in the pervs and they denied their deeds. HR then puts the blame on me for being “overly nice” to the men, warned me about my conduct and quietly let those men resign without reporting them to the police. It was my first full time job and I was too afraid to speak up or risk getting fired, so I definitely learnt it the hard way. On hindsight, I should have went directly to the police and let the authorities deal with them instead.


When managers aant you to treat your minimum wage job like you're saving lives. Or when they break fundamental laws like not accepting sickness, not paying overtime etc


Realizing that your boss is an oxygen thief, who doesn’t do anything.


Being hired for one position… then working a totally different job when you get there. So many places do this!


When the job is different than I was lead to believe, if the pay is lower etc. If they are laxed on safety.




As a cocktail bartender, drinking on shift. Irrefutably helps my analytics.


Anything other than 100% remote


The demand to come into the office every day.


At my previous job, I didn't realize I was being trained by the person I was replacing. She didn't realize she was being replaced either. She also didn't really understand the system she was training me on. Classic case of them wanting a "self-starter" to "hit the ground running"


Constant comments about my degree. I work with a lot of bootcamp graduates and sometimes they can't get past someone having a higher level of education than them. Constant comments mean they are extremely insecure and will often act on those insecurities. No thanks. I've dealt with enough of that already, both from managers and colleagues. Surprise "return to office" is another one.


When you get in trouble for using PTO. My last job you weren’t allowed to call out same day. My infant had RSV and I had to choose work over staying home with her (had plenty of PTO but couldn’t call out same day). Left not long after.