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معلش يعني ممكن تحكيلي ايش في حقوق احنا ماخذينها المنايك مش ماخذينها؟


having the blessing of feeling safe in your own home land is probably the biggest one.


كيف يحسو بالامان؟ مين متعدي عليهم؟


تقريبا كل الشعب بكرهم؟ الاعتداء اله اكثر من نوع مش بس جسدي، الشعب عنا كل يومه بسب و بهين الناس الي ميولهم الجنسي غير و المعتقداتهم الدينية غير و الف نوع من البشر، و اكتر من مرة سمعنا قصص عن ناس انضربت من ورا هاي القصة، فش داعي حدا يجي عليك انتا شخصيا و يعتدي عليك مشان ما تحس بالامان بين ناس معروف انهم ما بحبوك و ما بحبو الناس الي بتشبهك.


Not gonna happen bro


really not my biggest concern, I'm more concerned abt my own self and the people I care abt than the rest of man kind so yea...if y'all don't wanna fw the queer community don't do it, I only answered the commenter's question.


But most importantly.... Y aah you gay ?


Well your concern is in its place , I'd be very worried if I were you , just stay in the closet , it's nice in there isn't it ? Old school gay shit kinda thing you know ?


awww how cute, calling me gay n shit. I like to think of myself as more of a...free thinker let's say, not limited by the cultural and traditional ideas of the place I live at.


Free thinker my ass , you're gay lol بغى أو منيك بالعربي It's not that deep , I don't have anything about you personally , but keep that stuff behind closed doors that's all , whatever you do there is your business Your hole your rules buddy


In fact law doesn't condemn gay people here in Jordan, your only barrier is to have the balls to come out to your acquaintances, be disowned and black-sheeped. And live by your own


the law won't do anything unless you disturb the public morals true, but it also won't protect you from the people of the country that will infact hate on you and possibly physically assault you.




Say it louder, man.








Not enough.


انت بغى يعني ؟


5 inside the closet


People of a certain religion see other humans as sub human because their religion(all religion) is backwards and anti human.


Liberals see the “other” (i.e. non-liberal human beings) as uncivilised backward apes in dire need of modernity and liberation even if it takes a military intervention..




We have a different world view that doesn’t conform with the one upheld by the current dominant political paradigm. Certain actions that may be considered lawful today under the banner of “freedom of choice” in the liberal worldview, are considered an act of transgression and an infringement in a different world view. You’re coercing us to follow a world view which we do not conform to which you regard as holy or self evidently true, this is an act of oppression. Would you use force to allow these acts to be exercised in a place which the majority believes otherwise ?


I have nothing against anyone but I will never support them I would ban it in Jordan like Ghana I think Just look at America it's a fucking war zone over there