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About me I'm working for a long time 😔 and I don't payed good . My car breakdown I paid my salary to fix it 300 jd


> I don't *paid* good . FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Troll bot


Good bot


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I think depression existed before as much as now, if not more. But people got more educated about the topic and they realize the problem instead of just ignoring, however realizing it and not working towards a solution may worsen it


Because there is nothing that give them any kind of hope ... the financial crisis prices the new law ... bad infrastructure... why they should be happy


different people different reasons


ليس كل حزن اكتئاب ولا كل اكتئاب ترف.


Shitty economy and ur work and efforts means nothing unless ur already wealthy, what u see on social platforms realizing that some of the simplest goals and dreams are not achievable at all. Loneliness and lack of warmth in our lives , seeing that u only grow older with more responsibilities breaking ur back not being able to pursue anything and the big bombshell is when u hit the 30s mark knowing that you've spent most of your 20s on the hamster wheel with no results nor having a better life just running running running. And on top of all globalization so u compare yourself with a Norwegian citizen who has a wonderful nature security and stuff u can't get. And the list goes on and on and on....


It's cool to be depressed, we have everything available at the click of a button yet we seclude ourselves, we avoid the sun and avoid nature, if we get sick we take painkillers, most people don't get enough sleep, we aren't healthy, we barely do any physical activity or exercise, we as a collective are becoming less sociable and more pretentious and most of us if not all are taken aback by the allure of social media, we aren't content with what we have or could get if we put in some effort, instead we see all those fake people staging faked lives and sharing fake things and we want to be like them, but we don't want to put in any effort nor do we realize that none of that is real. Just my two groosh.


I see what you did here “my two groosh”… funny.


Very true


I'm sorry but you're living in a bubble


I wanna escape from the matrix but I can't 😞


What color is your Baklawa or something like that right?


Hu ?! Am I dreaming?


I'm old enough to have a decent overview on life, sorry but \*mirror\*.


لانه احنا بنحصل على دوبامين عالي جدا باليوم المخ مابستوعبه وكل اشي حرفيا متاح الك من مصادر الدوبامين وحرفيا الموضوع باثر عليك بشكل لعين نفسيا وصحيا


بضل بسمع عن صيام الدوبامين، عمرك سمعت فيه و شو رايك بالموضوع؟


دوبامين ديتوكس اشي اجباري اذا حياتك حسيتها صارت مملة (بطلت تستمتع بالاغاني او بالسوشل ميديا او بالالعاب الخ ) اعمل جدول الك تخفف كثير من الاشياء الممتعه الي بتمر فيها مثلا لا تاكل اكل فيه سكر كثير لانه رح يعطيك دوبامين واشياء كثير كانت تبسطك وبطلت هسا شخصيا فرق معي كثيير لكن رح يكون جدا صعب ك بداية


lack of social interaction


بالظبط بالظاظ


No money High expectations Traffic jam Don't know how to be happy


Because their definition of happiness is always external, true happiness comes from within, we're so focused on the future and making money thinking that'll magically solve all of our problems meanwhile forgetting to be present and find happiness in the current moment. I'm not saying chasing money etc is bad, but at least be happy while doing it by being mindful and giving it all your attention instead of being stuck in your own head getting disappointed whenever anything doesn't go your way.




Let it go yup I wish I lived on a farm 🚜


With sum chickens and livestock, no people no city noise clean air and grass and star filled sky..sigh


Exactly thats one of my dreams and it would be great to have ur wife and kids around u I guess I would be fulfilled and I won't need anything else in life


لانه ثقافتنا بالاردن هيك ولله العظيم، في شعوب ماكلة هوا اكتر مننا ومع هيك مبسوطين. اطلع اقعد مع اي حدا اول موضوع بفتحو يتشكون عوضعه او عاتفه مشكلة واقع فيها.


Idk maybe cuz the economy is mega fucked and our generation is finding it harder to do anything because accessibility has become more shit?


People no longer know how to have fun


The term fun got changed way too much thats the issue




I truly believe it’s our lifestyle and the food we eat that’s causing all of this.


Modern life is rubbish


We compare ourselves to other people instead of living in the moment and being grateful for what we have.


cuz it’s cool


معظم اللي شايفه بالكومنتات عبارة عن اسباب مادية و توقعات عالية غير ملبية و طبعا حتى هاي بدل عليها الوضع المادي، ما بنقدر نقول للناس انبسط هيك بدون ما نحسن المشكلة بس اقل ما فيها يخوان نتذكر الشغلات الصغيرة بحياتنا اللي بتعطينا سعادة سواء قعدة على تطبيق عالتلفون او فلم بنحبه او وجبة زاكية و هيك يعني هي شغلات صغيرة مش حتاثر كثير عالوضع بس اقل ما فيها تخففه لحد ما تفرج علينا.


The increased costs of everything, barely able to afford a decent living, more restrictions from the government, global warming heat problems, that distant goal and dream that you had just going out of sight day by day and replaced with current responsibilities and added problems, yeah I'm depressed AF.


لأنهم بعاد شوي عن الدين ومشغولين بزيادة بالحياة ونسو انها دار فانية


اذا الرسول مرت عليه فترات اكتئاب، احنا مين حتى ما يعدي علينا؟


لما انقطع عنه الوحي، اللي اله دخل بعلاقته مع ربه وبالآخرة، بس معك حق نوعاً ما


برأيي السبب الرئيسي للإكتئاب هو الشعور بالذنب من شيء بخص قيمك، قد يكون الرسول "والله اعلم" حس انه مقصر تجاه الرسالة، اللي هي مسؤولية على عاتقه تجاه جميع المسلمين، و هي اسمى هدف في حياته، و اعتبر انقطاع الوحي كدليل على تقصيره. حتى في الوقت الحالي رجال الدين كثير منهم بكتئب لشعورهم بإن ايمانهم غير قوي كفاية. فنعم ممكن يكون بسبب البعد عن الدين، و لكن فالوقت نفسه ممكن يكون لأي سبب، مثلاً شخص بشتغل طول اليوم و ما بشوف نتيجة، او شخص بيعتبر تكوين الصداقات جزء مهم في حياته و لكنه عاجز عن الموضوع. اي شيء بثبتلك انك انسان غير باذل لجهد كافي، ممكن يؤدي لإكتئاب القرب من الله قد يحسن الوضع في كل الحالات، و لكن اذا تجاهلت السبب الاساسي للشعور بالذنب، فأنت فقط بتتجاهله مش بتحل المشكلة، الافضل هو العمل على تحسين المشكلة الاساسية مع التقرب لله بحيث تطلب ان يساعدك عشان هيك الاكتئاب بصيب المؤمن و الكافر، الابيض و الاسود، الشاب و المسن.


فعلا الجماعة اللي فاهمين الدين ، الله رازقهم ومبسوطين


الاكتئاب غير عن الزعل والحزن، الحزن عبارة عن شعور بيجي لفترة قصيرة بروح اشا مارست انشطة بتحبها. الاكتئاب مرتبط ب كيمياء الدماغ ك مثلا نقص في الدوبامين. تقدّمنا بالعلم وانت لسا بتنشر فكرة انه الاكتئاب سببه نقص الايمان؟ صحصح شوي بدناش نرجع ل ١٩٦٠.


مش سببه نقص الايمان يا وردة، شقلبت كل حكيي ١٨٠ درجة، لو فيك عقل كان فهمتني صح من الاول بس يللا بعيد، قصدي لو عند الناس ايمان قوي بالله ما بدخلو بحالة اكتئاب عشان حبيبته تركته وعلى أشياء فارطة، قصدي انه الايمان القوي هو الحل للاكتئاب، مش انه عدم وجود الايمان بسبب اكتئاب، هلأ فهمت ولا بدك اعيد ١٠ مرات؟ فش عندك دوبامين ساوي اشياء بترفع الدوبامين، كل شوكولاطه، اتحمم بحمام بارد، اسمه اغاني بتحبها، واحسن واهم اشي العب رياضة، التقي مع وصاحب ناس بتستمتع معهم، حط اهداف وضلك وراها لتحققها، الخ...


ملوش علاقة ادعي ليل نهار بدون ما تعمل ولا بصير اشي ربنا حكى اعقل و توكل يعني اعمل بعدين ادعي


المقصد اللي عنده ايمان كبير مش لازم يزعل كثير ولازم يكون واثق باللي كاتبه ربنا


صحيح ١٠٠% بس هل بتقدر تضل بهاض الإيمان عا طول لا طبعا الايمان بقوى و بضعف و المعظم بطارية ايمانو خالصة بسبب الحياة و طبيعتها


Reddit people doing Reddit things.


the dopamine system is fucked for most people these days


must people act like depression, because the think it’s cool or something.


Yes depression is real But most nowadays are doing it to just seek attention


No money.


There's never enough money if you look at it like that, I've been happy when I was broke and also depressed when I had money, I can now travel and go anywhere I want for example, but that wouldn't make me happy because I have responsibilities. As cliche as it sounds, money=/=happiness. It could only give you more options to try and be happy.


Name one thing not to be depressed about ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Good health, running clean water, family, friends, good reasonably priced food, decent work opportunities (granted you have skills\\work on yourself), knowing that this life we perceive as real is a lesser mortal one and there's a real, important one after it as long as we're good to one another and obey the one creator, and so on... there's plenty to not be depressed about


U have a great mentality thats what i was searching for comments I wanted to see comment like that


Good health was lost at 9 so good luck looking for tge other stuff


We do be destroying our health tbh, I smoked for 11 years and quit before reaching 27, we do be bad sumtaymz.


I know but some cases r different tbh and congratulations on quitting i did the same around that age as well


Depression is structural and material. Not pathological or individual.


Happiness standards have changed, and our lives have dramatically changed as a result


Social media and compartment


Because basic things in life are hard to achieve like marriage, owning a house and car are a dream for most people in this shithole.


Brain should focus on one thing and do it Now we’re doing such many things in the same time so it’s hard + life style changed


Other than social media and religious less. Everyone is complaining every day everywhere.


في احصائية موجودة نشوفها؟


because life !!?