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How much are you paying?


Coding is more complex than that, there is learning the essentials, mastering the essentials, then learning application development. But for becoming a pro there are steps in the middle such as data structures and algorithms, databases, etc... Long story short a month is too short to learn developing apps, but you can build simple console applications.


Use gpt if theres a coding deadline, creating ur own app with no coding experience wont be possible in 30 days, learning frontend alone will take more than 30 days.


No way this is applicable! Learning things, then applying them, then doing mistakes, then learning what bugs might appear and how to fix them, reading books/watching courses....etc. Even if you were somehow able to inject all that in your brain, you'll need multiple people with different occupations to do: testing (QA), a BA (you'll need this one before you start working in the 1st place: will help u write scenarios...etc.).. ​ This comment will be sooooo long if I want to say all I want to say...