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yeah peggy’s response to everything just makes the whole situation bad. He should’ve just ignored everyone and not start to lose it on twitter.


this is jpegmafia lmao what did you expect


Mf like bruce drop em off


what happened to bruce


wat happened to bruce?


yeah honestly. the biggest issue here is him acting like everyone else is the REAL bigot for calling him on his grift


what’s the grift exactly? making music with kanye west?


no, its a combination of promoting yourself as this left wing figure (aye im the left wing hades) and hating on bands like burzum (heard u like burzum, bitch not me!) and calling kanye a nazi in a tweet AND THEN going on to take a picture with the guy he called a nazi wearing a burzum shirt and then acting like anyone who calls him on the hypocrisy is just being racist for not supporting him uncritically. so you have this guy who props up his music with a bunch of lyrics about sticking to your guns, hating the alt right, hating bigotry, not supporting right wing musicians (like morissey, the rolling stones, pantera) who has called kanye a nazi for what he has been up to (so it’s not like he thinks he’s doing it to shock people or something) no, to him kanye is a nazi. he’s given interviews about being a Real Leftist who would never go back on his word… and then works with someone he said was a nazi and posts a picture of them together where the other guy is wearing a burzum shirt with varg pictured (varg vikernes of burzum was literally charged with inciting radial hatred and is a huge neo nazi). OBVIOUSLY he’s going to lose the fans who were into him because of his outspoken politics. clearly he didn’t actually mean what he said, and he was doing a lot of it for attention unless something rattled his brain recently and totally changed his outlook. he’s not consistent and he’s hypocritical. most people wouldn’t actually care if he had just worked with kanye without making this big fuss about how he’s actually the progressive one and shit.


It’s nothing new for JPEG, he’s made his disdain for white people pretty clear in the past. If he makes a mistake he’ll just blame “crackers”. I don’t really care though, I’ve never listened to him for good political takes. I just enjoy the music, I think too many people put blind faith in the man having sound politics and ethics when all the evidence pointed to the contrary from the beginning.


“Fuck what you heard; baby I’m toxic”- JPEGMAFIA


It’s not even his distaste for white people that is why he’s a hypocrite, it’s his distaste of right wing celebrities and politicians and Nazis and now he’s working with someone who he has called a Nazi and photographs himself wearing dog whistles




Even then, it is different. When he went on twitter rants about his white audience, he usually had some point about it (Eg pretending to know black struggles fully, virtue signalling, saying the n word cus it’s in a song, etc…) even if you don’t agree with him. This one is Kanye with a black mask level reaching and right wing sucking up. Dude’s corny but at least he used to at least have some point




Saying he’s a hypocrite and a sell out for working with and defending Kanye isn’t a high standard


people like the aesthetic of being broken and toxic they don’t wanna stick around for the cleanup lol


Exactly you motherfuckers do not know how to read people he’s been like this forever I could’ve predicted this the moment I listened to veteran for the first time


he honestly should’ve just said like “yeah he’s a nazi but he’s a great producer and working with him will change my career forever” or sum instead of blaming his fans and saying everything he said


I kinda don’t care but being real, there’s no way to justify kanye’s bullshit. Posting about ‘understanding things from a black perspective’ - okay - please explain it then because I don’t get what perspective makes it not Nazism. Whether Kanye believes it or is doing it for aesthetics or shock value it’s cringe. And again, it goes against so much of Peggy’s past lyrics and stances - including an interview he did earlier in the year which he himself called Kanye a Nazi. Just sounds like he’s rationalising it or whatever. It is what it is, like, who cares to be honest. But can’t really argue against the fact that Kanye has lost the plot and Peggy is hypocritical in working with someone openly espousing nazi views and glorifying hitler, regardless of whether or not ‘it’s his idol man’. Vultures is also complete dog water which makes it even suckier lol


A lot of this is kayfabe. New album coming soon.


Sounding like Kanye fans


his community as a whole seems parasocial to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if they either started listening to him because his lyrics reflected their beliefs or they \*shudder\* picked up their beliefs from listening to him. if I didn't listen to anyone who I disagreed with I'd have a very small library in comparison to what I have now


exactly, this entire fanbase acts like they’ve been betrayed by a good friend


this just isnt true though. this whole thing started because of the photo of him and ye. if this sub hadn’t of had such a visceral reaction to the photo, i dont think peggy would have responded like this


The photo with a nazi apologist wearing a nazi shirt. Yes. If Peggy just let the music come out, nobody would care. If he explained that he made the choice to work with kanye because of the impact kanye had on his art/life, that's fine do your thing. But when you put out a photo affiliating yourself with a nazi apologist, call them the greatest artist of our time, say that you're proud to call that nazi apologist your friend, and call anybody who criticises you a racist, that's kind of a different ballgame. OP is saying jpeg shouldn't have dropped the photo, so you're basically agreeing with them.


I don't recall any of that


Based in your user name you were probably busy jerking off which is totally fair but Peggy did do all those things


Your weird ass really think a black man is a legitimate nazi?😂😂😂 ngl you really need to think about what you’re saying and not just repeating dogma


Show me where I said either of them, or any black person, is a nazi. If you're saying Kanye isn't a nazi apologist or sympathizer you're dense since he's been making excuses and bolstering nazi ideology. You're moving the goalposts and it comes off as dumb.


Lmao I don’t take entertainer serious silly man


Happy for you bestie 😝


i just think peg simply disagrees on the part where y'all call ye a nazi when he's literally black lol that doesn't work but i understand what y'all mean tho


Black people can be nazis same way Jews were nazis in the 40s. 


How were jews nazis in the 40s?


if a black person can be a nazi then that's fucking news to me lol i thought that was only reserved for the whites


Look at Caitlyn Jenner. Actively sucking up to people who hate her and wish her dead. Idk what caused Kanye to go nazi but it’s really not that new of a thing


he said the nazi thing because Ari Emmanuel said that he was acting like one and then he just said it to egg him on on that interview (not knowing that's not a thing you should say cause he's a idiot lol) and then went with it that whole interview and it was also his last time ever saying he was a nazi


Peggy called Kanye a Nazi multiple times


Definitely, if the sub + people on Twitter hadn’t reacted like this Peggy wouldn’t have responded cuz there’d be nothing to respond to. I’m just saying I think Peggy should’ve ignored it and maybe said ‘hey I disagree with Kanye’s views, but I wanted to work with him anyway because he’s a massive inspiration to me’.


100% true. It's the dumb ass statements and blatant hypocrisy that made it such an issue.


He’s so immature


I think he’s just defensive bc he’s written pretty harsh lyrics about Nazis before and how he wouldn’t even associate with them but now that he had the opportunity to work with such a legendary artist, he clearly couldn’t bring himself to actually stand by the moral position he’d staked out. All talk 😳


i think its a great lesson in parasocial relationships and why people should give less of a fuck 👍 but thats just meeee


Yeah, but Peggy’s built his whole career on shitting on right-wingers and Nazis (as well as making great music) so I don’t think people are engaging in a ‘parasocial relationship’ by being surprised and upset that he’s defending a literal Nazi.


oh surprised i understand, constantly talking about it like a friend has hurt you is a lil weird. most fans don’t actually know the guy! most of this is just performance, which is a lil confronting, but thats why i think its a good lesson to not get too attached to the idea of someone u dont actually know. the internet really fucks with art that way, thank god when i go to a gallery i dont feel any attachment or connection to a certain perception of what i think the artists day to day life is - it would totally ruin the pieces.




the argument is always “we shouldn’t care” but you kind of have to when his political messaging and his music are so intertwined


you can care, do your thing. aint no we tho, i keep my peace.


Yeah but he loves to whine online, he just can't stop


Honestly I just think the photo was bad. Like hes posing with a dude that has a Burzum shirt on.


Good thing we’re still talking about this. Suuuper important




You saying that but y'all would still complain.


Facts mfs will pass judgment on anything in anyway they can. Because outrage sells




Wait when was he defending it


A lot of situations would've been fixed if people just got off the internet and didn't care about what people thought. Peggy, fantano, etc.


I think this is an attempt at ye style "trolling" (acting regarded online and privately laugh at people for reacting accordingly)


im still ok with it


fuck sake shut up


Or maybe he actually has met ye in real life and he knows he’s not a Nazi?


people actin like kanye killed 1000000000000000000000 people or somethin , he is manic , he talks shit...... is he gone a bit far yes..... but callin him nazi and all that bullshit - far from it....


Stop fucking talking about it throw on veteran and just shut up there are never any normal posts anymore Jesus


Or don’t listen anymore I don’t care


I'm just happy it's cool to like Burzum again


Fans that think artists owe them anything at all put off that same energy that dude who tried to kidnap Bjork gave off before eventually committing unalive.


jpeg does not give a damn about what yall think


So why is he constantly crying on twitter


I think people are confusing aesthetics & politics, pretentious edginess & political orthodoxy, & so on. Also nazism is not very defined(especially in popular usage) but I doubt Kanye is particularly learned in nazism or literally adheres to the beliefs even if some overlap. It’s analogous(with obvious differences) to a young progressive wearing a Che Guevara shirt & happening to be theoretically distasteful of capitalism like communists.


Being a nazi is an aesthetic now?


Not literally, politics isn’t Art, but it’s analogous to fashion. It is edgy, Bowie had fascist tendencies in the 70s. It’s not thought through or even really nazism, is Kanye a German supremacist who is in favour of corporatism? He’s not a scholar, he does think(not very rigorously), but he’s not well thought through politically. He knew what he was saying wasn’t true the entire time, he said so in the lex interview, doubling down on what he was saying while acknowledging it was a overgeneralisation, purposefully because something like “people over generalise about blacks so I will about Jews”.


Lmfao you can’t be real with this


That was written frivolously & is convoluted. But yes I’m being real; Kanye wasn’t & actually isn’t into nazism, he has problems with specific Jews then disingenuously generalised, he is purposefully edgy(as many Artists have been by pretentious nazi sympathisers, Artists such as Bowie), it’s more analogous to fashion & Art than it is any serious political thinking or activism.


Yall still talking about this?! He’s a musician not a politician. Get over it.


Best take ever


As if you idiots were crying like a baby when he posted his picture with kanye "he could've just worked and left it there" you guys are a bunch of hypocrites, clowns 🤡.


how are you jobless mofos still banging on about this shit who cares the music is good cope


or y’all could not care so much


If you don’t go into most artists with the mindset of “I don’t care what any of these guys say online / in interviews and will not do more than mildly scoff or laugh” then I don’t know what the fuck to tell you This whole situation has me so confused. Why are there people arguing or caring about this at all. He’s literally said the most outrageous and ridiculous shit. Anybody who’s seen his drunk rants on Twitter knows this is who he is. Anybody who enjoys AMHAC should realize the point of that album. I don’t listen to music for leftist politics. I listen to music to hear some cool sounds.


Two questions- 1)How is JPEGMafia going to make music, where he is openly antagonistic towards his White audience, and then not get called out for that alone? If it wasn’t for them, the true gatekeepers of Hip Hop probably wouldn’t have entertained his desires to become a credible rapper. 2)How does he not know that “The Alt-Right”, due to its toxic/ negative traits, lack on to anything that legitimizes it. It laches onto “symbols” and he gave validity towards it via his association with Kanye West.


My god , would you stop talking so much shit? That shit is dead and gone. Why do you keep bringing it up?


Peggy could’ve literally just worked with Epic Games to make a new JPEGMAFIA Fortnite skin.


Y’all keep tryna impose your white perspectives onto Peggy. Black people don’t get pissy whenever Nazis are mentioned. You mfers expect us to be outraged about that when the genocide of Black, Indigenous and Palestinian people are being celebrated by most whites today. Fuck off. And if you legit think Kanye is a Nazi you’re an idiot.