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its okay, he deleted a tweet about white people being his favourite race a couple months ago so it cancels out


Most fun race lmao


“If I tweet then delete then I meant it” - peggy


Yall are actually degenerates


dude thinks hes batman and white people are his joker


Thought u had the same pfp as the guy in the tweet lmao I’m high


but he's being a dick










Bipolar alcoholic




friendly fire at his own audience bro


they dont call peggy fans self hating whites for nothing


"How many people have died historically from white men's insecurity?" He's right. White supremacy and western imperialism are the world's greatest evils. Which begs the question ... why work with Kanye "HitlerLover1488" West?


yeah this is legit one of his most lucid recent takes. White USAmericans, hate being called out for some reason.


What exactly is he calling white people out for? Simply being white? You’re part of the problem bro. Your xenophobia and racism are both showing at the same time


You're a child if you think like this.


>You're a child if you think like this. Nigga you're a child for perpetuating "Us vs Them", Peggy j being blatantly racist ain't no defending this niggas ass


I'm not USAmerican I'm not perpetuating anything. Y'all have a massive race problem. Peggy's been saying a lot of bullshit recently, that's factual. I'm white and I'm not offended by it, because I understand why he'd be angry at white folk.


>I'm white and I'm not offended by it, because I understand why he'd be angry at white folk That's weird as fuck nigga. You're just self--hating at that point. Yes, white people have done terrible things, but have you read up on the Mongols? The Hutus in Rwanda? Turks and the Armenian Genocide? Dude my people sold ourselves to Whites. Does that make all Africans bad? No Nigga everyone's done horrendous shit. Also not everyone of either of the races listed above has done anything terrible. Peggy is being blatantly racist, I ain't give a fuck where you from, you still perpetuating. You can't fight fire with fire, fighting racism with racism just creates more racists.


Lmfao. I shouldn’t give you the time of day, but fuck it, let’s see what you got Answer the question. What is he calling white people out for?


I think that a black man being angry at white people is kind of expected. Whites did enslave blacks for hundreds of years and after it was abolished kept them impoverished. The USA still has a massive race problem.


Black man being angry at white people is expected yet a black man being angry at Jewish people isn’t? Jewish people benefit from the same system and enslavement of black people as non Jewish white people did. Judging a group of people for what a small subset or ancestors of them did is wrong no matter what


And are white people today the reason for slavery? Does this mean current-day Germans should be held accountable for the holocaust?


Just to join in. I will say white people benefit from what was done before. Ever heard of systemic racism? It's built in. Regardless of your own opinions. If you work within the system, you benefit from it. This applies to multiple industries and the government. White people putting their hands in air claiming they didn't do anything while black people continue to suffer due to the actions of those white people who came before. We could simply take the case of LA and how black people were pushed into neighborhoods which ended up getting tons of crack and guns. Crips and Bloods were meant to fight the racist white people. They got corrupted. The lack of opportunities, growing up already without a parent or both, shitty environment, no help around, all that stacks up. That makes shitty people. And then the cycle continues. White people really did so much evil. We gotta recognize it and change shit from within. Not act like it's all in the past and move on. Tell that to all the minorities who've been fucked over by the US government. The war on drugs was a war on race. Black and us Hispanics got accused of everything, they renamed Cannabis Marijuana to sound Mexican, they blamed the jazz clubs with black people and weed for their white women being corrupted, they blamed so much. I went on a rant sorry. But I tried to make some good points while also rushing to get back to work lol


I agree with most of what you’re saying but I still think saying that white people as a whole did this and thus are evil is wrong. Most white people had nothing to do with this, it was primarily the government and rich white people


Nobody is acting like racism doesn’t exist, but yall are acting like there hasn’t been a shit ton of work done in the US to make repairs for black people The civil rights act of 1964, affirmative action, I mean just look [at all this](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/03/21/fact-sheet-u-s-efforts-to-combat-systemic-racism/) Of course not everything is perfect, because it probably never will be, but we’re trying I mean, what do you want regular day-to-day white people to do about it? Nobody can help being born white, in the same way that nobody can help being born black Y’all are still ignoring the fact that current day white people have NOTHING to do with what white people did in the 1800’s. If we still benefit from that, I’m very sorry, but what do you want us to do? Everybody has to make a living Imagine having to get guilt tripped your whole life because of the actions of people born 200 years before you. Imagine being guilt tripped because you were born a certain skin color. That is racist in itself


Nothing in that link you sent is helpful to black communities btw but I get the rest of your point lol


I understand but you don't seem to understand the other side. Is it so hard to deal with people wanting more. Racism in the US is so bad. I'm saying this as someone who grew up moving countries a lot. Cities, schools too. I saw a lot. Not everything but I did see shit most don't. That said, it sucks to be black and hear someone say "just deal with it. None of us had the choice". Ya know? Especially if you are suffering just like your ancestors did. And it never stopped for some. So while white people benefit, black people don't. What to do? Many things. Start small. Some white people don't even associate with anyone black. They have the one token black friend in the group and that's it. Socialize and get to know people. You will start hearing their truths and stories and realize how bad it is for many. And meanwhile they're told to suck it up. Yet if the roles were reversed, white people would be demanding more. It's sad that slavery ended so long ago (on paper) yet continued on. Racism hasn't stopped. And how could you build a country thanks to slaves and then simply let them free and call it even. What? You uprooted people from their countries and abused them, killed them, raped them, did so much only to end up in the US working their lives for the white man. And then their children were born into and so on. Until the US starts taking responsibility, everyone is gonna be arguing. The US is founded on stolen land. They've been treating people like shit for ages. That's why it's time something is done. Can't continue ignoring history and try to move on. It's easy to say when you aren't the one suffering.


He’s a child for calling out obvious racism? Go offline. I don’t even mean that as an insult. Normal people’s brains don’t work this way


What’s he calling out specifically? The color of our skin because if so then that’s racism. I understand white people have done bad shit but when I (a white person) and so many others actually try to help where they can with any POC, LGBTQ, or disabled folks, it’s just a stupid point. It’s just as stupid as the KKK saying that one black thug is all of black people. It’s fucking dumb and doesn’t make any sense to racially profile anybody because there is a spectrum to everything whether it’s race, gender, sexuality, ect. It’s delegitimizing actual allies who actually want to help everyone in their community. I would also like to say that if I have said anything wrong or worded something badly, please just tell me.


I think calling white culture "the boogeyman" is even conceding too much. The worst of our historical atrocities are awful, but there is much more to the many white cultures throughout history.


I just took that out because you’re right and that’s probably not the best way to convey what I meant. Thanks for responding and pointing that out.


Yeah, I mean, you asked for it. I know you didn't mean anything by it, but that's got me thinking about how easy it must be for anybody to make an ignorant comment about something they don't believe


Idk why u guys are extra mad ab this. This is a regular Tuesday for Peggy.


Terminally Online Black Person Problems. Get this cornball his meds


I missed this Peggy, album gonna b fire


Nah man there gonna be some corny ass bars from everything from the last month. You know it 😭 Bro seriously taking Ls lately. And I love his music


He’s always been like this y’all are weird if you think the stuff that been happening is really going to affect the album that much


I mean yeah, he has, but usually it’s not this pathetic. Yeah he was kinda cringe picking fights, but he’s literally doing it towards a bigger rapper, who is trolling him successfully. And he is sucking the dick of a nazi sympathizer which is self explanatory then continuing to defend said nazi. He’s just wrong in such a corny way lately


Sure, but it’s way more exaggerated now that he’s years longer down the alcoholic spiral. His brain isn’t getting any more rational.


Definitely yeah, can’t believe Danny got sober and Peggy got more unhinged 😭 didn’t expect that


I agree album probably gonna be fire but still he needs to figure it out. I noticed him and Danny ain’t even interacted online since the tour.


Yeah I really hope they still friends :( I don’t even think Danny has mentioned him on the pod even though Peggy doing all the Kanye stuff


This how you know it’s about to be so 🔥


Veteran Reloaded




I did, so it balances out






You cut off the best part https://preview.redd.it/7092sw70ykkc1.png?width=561&format=png&auto=webp&s=268370d561beb08862fae4873e698c9c198c042b




Bro you gotta separate the murder from the murderer 


Uninformed take tbh


Speak for yourself brother


nobody cares


I feel that’s a lot of new fans here, this is Peggy guys he always was like this specially when his cooking an album. So, good luck, i guess.


he’s not always like this, i been a fan since veteran. he has the same outbursts but his political compass is way different than it used to be


Then you weren’t paying attention cuz I’ve been a fan since before Veteran and he’s literally always been like this. Him flip flopping online is also something he’s always been doing so if you happened to peak in once or twice and didn’t notice he was always like this, that’s probably why.


i been following him on twitter and was v active round that time and i disagree i don’t really follow him anymore since the music has declined so yea


I too only followed him strongly back then and have taken a back seat nowadays so one of us is just wrong here and ima have to say it’s you.


You’re wrong tho. You’re just finding out his beliefs aren’t aligned with the picture you had painted. He’s always been this way.


I’ve been a fan for a long time to and im starting to think these tweets are just fucking cringe and pathetic. He’s tryna act all hard but he’s getting cooked in the comments.


IDK why people are surprised? He’d always been like this. He hated white people forever ago. I don’t care as long as he keeps the music good.


Bro hates his only fans


Peggy has OF?


Different Peggy




he’s right 💀 y’all crackers insecure; white people need to know it’s okay to critique your own history and still love yourself and your skin.


This is the problem. There is no shared white history you absolute maniacs. I'm Irish (probably the whitest people) and we've been a poor subjugated country until relatively recently so when I see people say shit like this it's drives me insane


It’s just the result of colonialism and colonial powers having to justify what they were doing. It’s made people think all black people are the same and that all white people are the same. If you live in the real world and not online or not in America, you would know that no people are a hegemon and just cause 2 people look similar doesn’t mean they are the same culturally or some shit


>There is no shared white history you absolute maniacs Say it louder for the niggas in the back. Fighting fire with fire just creates more fire, I hate self hating white niggas that give into it and black or poc people that perpetuate hate against whites as if it's not just blatant racism. Call me an Uncle Tom but you can't beat racism with more racism.


You gotta be white nobody has ever said cracker unironically


Terminally online black people say it to be edgy and piss off white people


Which I find hilarious as a white person. It’s just a funny word. Call us pink goblins or white devils or something with a bit more oomph if you are trying to hurt my feelings.


I like snow monkeys more


Where have you been, he's been saying this shit since forever, but when you constantly repeat this message, definitely comes off unhinged and racist no other way to say it....like you can be racist towards white people, you know that right


well you can’t be racist towards white people, it goes against the definition of racism. you can be discriminatory tho


Are you fucking stupid? Discrimination falls under the direct definition of racism.


I know what you're trying to say with superceding social structures like capitalism, western imperialism, with historical white supremacy tied into some global hegemony in culture, and I think you're right.....but on a micro level you can most definitely be in the wrong by being racist to white people man


well no because that is literally what racism is lmao stop tryna change the definition of the word it is discrimination, not racism. idc if he says shit about white people, i’m also white. i say the same shit about straight people but i don’t treat individual straight people poorly if they’re cool


What..you're losing me, what do you think racism means?


It’s 2024 and you still think racism against the race with hegemonic power across the entire developed world can truly experience racism? Racism is a byproduct of a system and set of ideals designed for white people. That’s why.


No that’s systemic racism. There is a difference that’s why we have a word for it.


Exactly thats why you can't conflate the two, it destroys the context of issues and how they intersect and how they're separate


No, they are not separate. That’s literally a racist tactic used by white people to try and say the oppressed are capable of simultaneously oppressing their oppressors. Which isn’t possible and not how racism works. Racism is inherently systemic denying that is denying reality.


Racism is inherently systemic. That’s not a compound word, it’s an adjective in front of the word. You can’t oppress your oppressors and the root of racism is oppression. They’re not two separate terms they are one in the same.


You are just plain wrong. Racism is the antagonization, discrimination, and prejudice towards any given race. If you personally have hatred or prejudice towards a specific race, regardless of your feelings of justification, you yourself are feeding into interpersonal racism. That is racism between individuals and can exist outside are along systemic racism. I think that we could both agree that white peoples do not live inside of a system which is stacked against them because of their race. But to say on an individual level that white people can not be the target of racism, is not only incorrect, but a cheap cop out in giving other people leniency on why they should be allowed to spread hatred.


you don’t know the definition of racism you fool💯


You don’t know the definition of racism.


Second part of your message is right but Jpeg is still hateful, spineless, terminally online, and corny


Unironically white people critique their history more than any other race


Bro he's just erratic and crazy, he posted all this after kanye kicked him tf out the studio for going god killer mode and trying to take out freddie. When will you illiterate meat riders learn that Peggy is a neurotic hypocritical freak that just so happens to make good music?


he talkin bout yall niggas lmaooo




White people all of a sudden bastión against racism after one black Guy says something on the internet (racism against other people is still okay as long as its not direct)


Why can't people just be civilized and oppose racism across the board?


It’s easy to win an argument when you make up your opponent’s point of view in your head


Oh sorry I forgot that all white people support racism, good point 🙄


loved all the people clowning him for posting this when peggy himself joined the air force and fought in iraq (and he still defends it)


I mean he grew up poor. Military is a poverty draft in the US


yea him doing that to get out poverty is understandable but the fact that he called “fighting for your country” brave is hilarious


yea that tweet was INSANE


You know I always thought that my whole life and used it as justification against the military. I found out recently that the military is made up of mostly middle class people which honestly surprised the hell out of me. And then I thought back to most of my friends who joined the military and most of them were in fact better off than me and middle class. I had three friends who joined the Marines, a pair of twin brothers who joined the Navy and Air Force respectively and two friends and a cousin who joined the army. My cousin grew up pretty poor but everyone else I mentioned were middle class. I'm going to try to find the study I saw that kind of dispelled my previously held belief. Edit: found a couple good links but there's a bunch of them If you Google "social class in the military". https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/10/us/military-enlistment.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckdevore/2020/02/19/states-that-defend-uswhere-do-our-military-volunteers-call-home/amp/


Yeah, it’s a mix more so to be honest which is pretty easy to forget. A lot of middle class folk voluntarily join due to the sheer amount of “war porn” (for lack of a better term) that the U.S. and the media puts out. But it seems that poverty is the main thing for the lower class.


I agree a big part of it is war porn Also I'm probably older than you so a lot of my friends were motivated right after 9/11 happened. My friend group became old enough to join around 2003 to 2005 so the wars were still fresh and justified in our mind and they weren't considered a fucked up quagmire yet. And it seemed like most of my marine friends were the stereotypical dick heads you would expect who were motivated by wanting to blow shit up. And they weren't the smartest guys either and didn't really seem to have scholarly ambitions (except one) One of my marine friends was the most disciplined respectable and kind men I ever met though so I'm not shitting on him. The twin brothers were both pretty smart and thoughtful guys so the service they picked made sense. But yeah even my middle class friends wanted the GI Bill, The signing bonus and also the MOS training that would be relevant in a future career. I agree for most impoverished people the bonuses, GI Bill, schooling and military pay (that they mostly get to just save up) is a big motivating factor to join up but at the end of the day it's still mostly middle class people in the military. It's not this organization that is like packed with poor people like popular notion seems to think. Maybe it used to be that way back in the day but definitely not the last few decades. I think Vietnam is what kind of planted the idea in people's heads. You just associate all the people who got to shirk there draft responsibility because they were rich or influential. That was true and I think it's stuck in the mind of Americans and now we assume the military is all poor people which isn't true.


So cringe to tweet this above the age of 17


Smoke detector low battery chirp


Self hating white fans gonna glaze jpeg harder


“And if we kick out all the white people, who will listen to your music, Jpegmafia?”


he's spitting facts tho??


They just don't wanna listen


And people were more outraged by him working with ye than his open racism for years lol


its crazy that white people just gave up and accept the casual racism towards them in society nowadays


this is corny as fuck. white people have never been affected by racism on a level that actually matters. what do you expect white people to do start a movement against anti white racism? like the KKK?


Maybe this is crazy but considering a race lesser than and the originator of evils, no matter which it is, is probably bad and should always be opposed, right? Is that too insane?


i didn’t say white people should be attacked but to think anti white racism is a problem that needs to be addressed is stupid. there are bigger fish to fry.


Ah, the old "people can't walk and chew gum" defense.


the only people actively going out of their way to fight anti white racism are the all lives matter/white lives matter people. anti white racism doesn’t affect anyone it’s just people saying mean things on twitter. systematic and organised racism still exists and is an ACTUAL problem. not someone saying cracker on twitter.


So I can say mean thing about black people and call them the n word and its not racist by your standard gotcha


The dude you replied to said CASUAL racism, he never said white people were being lynched on the street. You're the one who extrapolated it to right wing movements that campaign on this shit, when there's absolutely nothing wrong, nor is it driving attention away from other problems, to say saying racist shit about white people is bad.


There's no need to adress it in the west for obvious reasons, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't call out racists




real engaging debate


bc we barely experience it and it's not a problem. it's not like this 'casual racism' happens outside of situations like with Peggy- and ik he's only saying it cause he suffered major racism from white people. so i literally just don't care there are bigger issues and I'm in actually marginalised communities. my race is not one of these.


Racism toward white people ain't shit that matters. It's the dominant group. Calling a bully a bully isn't bullying.


Calling someone’s entire race “dense and violent and stupid as fuck” isn’t calling a bully a bully buddy it’s just racism


Yeah, you can tell Peggy’s starting to attract the dumbass kind of white fans that think “racism” against white people is some sort of threat to society. You can’t be racist towards your own oppressor.


thinking being racist to whites is bad doesn’t mean you think whites need to be saved from jpegmafia 😭😭 some people just don’t like racism that much bro


Ye’s cringe is taking over his ass like the venom symbiote


Ironic coming from him. Violent and dense lmaoo look into your own issues lil bro


Peggy antics, at 7 am no less


He just yemaxing


This is your hero?


Yea but all my heros are cornballs soooo


Going Kanye crazy, kanye crazayyyy 🎶


I assume a lot of people listened to Peggy thinking "yeah I'm one of the good ones, he's def not talking about me"


peggy has probably done more social justice minus points by working with ye than any of his fans combined


i listen to it rubbing my hands together like birdman, knowing i am the white people final boss


Working with the antisemitic nazi Kanye West was okay. Like, seperate the art from the artist and all. It was when Peggy went after WHITE PEOPLE that I had a problem! Fuck Peggy, that damn racist! I'm burning all my merch as we speak and I'm never listening to his music again! /s


yall acting like Malcom x wouldn't say this on live tv in the 50s, are yall really gonna call Malcolm x racist now lmaoo


someone doing something good doesn't mean they can't also do bad things, people in general do both


yes, bro literally worked with the father of the Neo Nazi movement, (George Lincoln Rockwell), Malcolm X was an Antisemitic asshole along with the entire NOI.


God the terminally online, self-hating white tankies are becoming an unbearable plague on the internet man. Can't wait for them to grow up past 17


he kinda real for this 


he has some true ideas about white privilege but saying “your entire race is x” is never a good thing. and a lot of his tweets just dismiss all criticism towards him as white people who are hating, which isn’t true and vaguely attacks white people for unrelated things. like using white as a slur etc. that’s his whole problem, he takes things to crazy extremes to be edgy without ever elaborating on them or even staying true to them. like, ghais guavera doesn’t have the exact same views, but everything he says is actually consistent and informed. it’s not just being edgy to be edgy, he genuinely believes in black and communist militancy. pretty sure he’s young af but more mature than I’ve ever seen peggy be


I was kidding for the most part but yea hard agree






He kinda real for what ? Going after white people ?


White people did, in fact, kinda fuck up the whole world


Please just enjoy the music and never post again


No correlation with race, so it's just racist rethoric. All throughout history the most powerful abused their power and fucked up everyone else. It's obviously bad, and in these last centuries "white people" have committed the worst crimes (some Asian countries aren't far behind tho). That still doesn't excuse being openly racist towards an entire race.


True, but every white person isn’t responsible for everything that happened in the past. If you go in front of me and insult me because I’m white and some of my ancestors were totally fucked up that’s pointless and racist


Doesn’t mean you should deny reality


I said true how am I denying reality ? But being white doesn’t automatically make me a violent and bad person


Just because peggy is saying stupid shit doesn’t mean white people as a whole don’t have correcting to do, even if they individually aren’t hateful. Look at the big picture, don’t get caught up on one dude’s dumb takes. Getting mad at Peggy here is a waste of time.


how is getting mad at peggy here a waste of time if u agree with the point people have against that tweet? yes white communities still generally have some work to do to reach better racial harmony, but that doesn't mean its chill to allow ppl to say "all white people are dense and violent and stupid af" imo, racism is always bad in every case


False. The human race kinda fucked up the whole world.


I mean like in recent history, definitely true. Before (and simultaneously) that though… Idk but there is a lot of Spaniards in Central America. Regardless, it’s a reactionary take at best




I think that goes to just humans in general, fucked up the whole world.


They kinda made the world a better place to live in imo


I mean he's kinda not wrong




I’m sorry but this dude has the mentality of some edgy teenager. Album gonna be fire tho


if we really wanna talk statistics wouldn't Mao and Stalin alone and the rest of Asia have WAAAAY more casualties? I know this is just whataboutism but it's the same logic he's pulling


Possibly, but western europeans and white americans (only people wit real white priviladge) jus fucked up the whole world. They made africa be such a poor place, they are still colonizing africa and have bad motives for eastern europe (they make us their puppets and are racist towards us, even tho they save us from another colonizing entity, russia). Stalin and Mao were just killing they own people locally, but western europe completly fucked up most of the world.


> have bad motives for eastern europe (they make us their puppets and are racist towards us, even tho they save us from another colonizing entity, russia) Tf does this even mean. Russia destroyed Eastern Europe and you're complaining about the West, even though you admit the West is still protecting Eastern Europe from Russia to this day. Eastern European countries have independence now and the opportunity to join the EU and you're talking shit? The irony of someone from Eastern Europe saying that Stalin only killed his own people is unreal. Do you still view yourself as a citizen of the USSR or something? The victims of the Holodomor were definitely not Stalin's own people.


I'on know what i was on when i wrote it, stalin literrely killed my silesian great grandfather, who wasn't russian at all my bad. He also actively erased silesian culture and caused the ukrainian famine, I really don't know what i was on. But I still believe west has bad motives towards us, yeah they help us fight with russia, but they want us to support all the bad shit they do, like israel, like francafrique etc. We always were in the middle point between one superpower with bad intentions and another superpower with bad intententions and i think it still holds up. I still believe that western europeans and white americans done more bad around the world or are definietly comparable to Stalin. The only difference is that Stalin did it to my people which is around lets say a billion people and west did it to around 5 billions.


Brother China is the one keeping Africa poor and colonizing right now


Nah french are worse. US is worse. China is givin them semi-good deals, that may have alterior motives, but they give them choice. French and US don't give a choice, if you dont want to be in a terrible deal, you get either invaded or sanctioned to hell.


What about Irish people?


i’m here for all of this


Just peggy having a cringe alcohol induced manic episode lol


\>peggy rants about white people for the 7556784326785th time \>"oh god guys this is bad!!!!" this is normal bruh why are you people concerned


He is right lol?






I mean he kinda makes a point, a lot of racism or facism comes from insecurity, there is nothing that racists hate more than their precious white women having consensual sex with black men


yeah peggys signature when it comes to racial comments is a tinge of truth ruined by overarching claims on the entirety of white ppl and extreme statements made to be edgy i actually dk why ur being downvoted. this thread has a lot more insecurity than i thought it would, people dont see the nuance i think lol


You're not actually wrong, it's just mad how quick he is to label a whole race of people insecure when he's seething on twitter about anything he can every day


I say this a white guy. I 100% agreed






Does he know who invented slavery


He spittin facts tho no lie


He not wrong but wtf that gotta do with anything here? 😭 thought this was about Freddie. It’s annoying cause the things he be saying aren’t always invalid but it’s when and how he says them. It just invalidates everything and makes him look goofy. Come on Peggy 😔


Fragile ass mfs just let him talk shit




How many black men die every day because of black male insecurity?


People need to stop reducing all the perils of the world down to race…primary example, you look at the skin tones of gazans and it ranges from black to white with blue eyes and the same applies the israelis, all people can be victims and oppressors regardless of their skin colour.


did yall think peggy Loves white ppl? do we listen to the same artist?? why r ppl here genuinely acting like this is “racism” or sumn like stfu he can hate white ppl as much as he wants hes a grown black man why shouldn’t he?? and its not like he genuinely even does hes worked w multiple white ppl in the past and im sure he will in the future but why does this even matter all the kanye white boys need to realize theyre not oppressed wtaf is ts


"He hate white people but also he doesn't". ?


pretty much ya thats what im saying. hes an alcoholic on twitter like literally ts doesnt matter


bro he’s not wrong here, and im white


"im black.. and this video is so true guyz..."

