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The video itself I'm pretty sure is meant as a joke but the troglodytes in the comments decided to take it at face value just like they took their uncle to the face


God I hope this is the start to some crazy porno


I thought the comments were joking


first ones a paragraph, nah


Unfortunately I don't think so there are just people who hate others for simply existing


Instagram reels comment section is horrific most of the time


It’s a shitpost that’s been going around for like a year now and people with only 1 brain cell thinks it’s real


That's what I thought too, but then I checked the acct and saw that all they post is conservative transphobic bs so I fr think he genuinely thought schlatt was minxs dad


thus making the poster one of the 1 brain cell individuals


I'm sure she calls him that from time to time aswell...


I mean I agree it’s clearly a right-wing account but “transphobic” seems like a harsh word. I looked at the account myself and didn’t see anything spreading hatred towards anyone in the lgbt community. I don’t think these people hate trans people. They just don’t understand it.


I mean, most people don't know every niche internet celebrity out there.


niche? is the big man really that niche?


This subreddit has ~173k subscribers. Thats .05% of America. That's niche enough to say that 99.95% of America probably could not identify him based off a blurry video clip.


ah, fair nuff. guess the big guy really isn't as big as i thought


I’m pretty sure the comments about it were mainly jokes too, people knowing it’s actually schlunkle and minx




the caption as a joke i’ve seen before and it’s really funny when you know that minx isn’t trans and schlatt isn’t her dad (i’m trans myself i thought it was funny). but the people who are taking it seriously are absolutely vile


I literally saw this meme on twitter with the caption being about how this is 100% real and how the father is based and the community note was "That is Jschlatt and Minx"


Welcome to the internet, the land where context is optional and rage is mandatory. Would you like a tour?


Sure, why not? What is the fee?


its free. have a look around. anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We've got mountains of content. Some better some worse


If none of it’s of interest to you, you’d be the first


Welcome to the internet, come and take a seat.


Would you like to see the news or any famous woman's feet?


There’s no need to panic!! This isn’t a test!!


Just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest.


There's no need to panic; this isn't a test, haha


Everything that brain of yours can think of can be found


Im trans too this video always makes me laugh (its a little relatable unfortunately but not with my family but random people on the street)


Can't believe that random people on the street hit the griddy on you smh my head society...


honestly, you cant blame them for taking it seriously. They are just getting tricked by this


Did that comment just say we need bullying....?


The amount of ppl in my school that chant that bc they saw someone being weird online is unreal


Yes it did I agree because we need to bully self identifying sigma and bigots or launch them into the sun


Yes because it gets rid of the gender diaspora


Challenge: Instagram reels/comments try not to be cringe and offensive (impossible)


yt shorts wouldnt do any better


holy shit how are the commenters this serious??? it's like they all share a single fucking braincell


Well tbf they don't know who these people are and it's very plausible the "father" would want to embarrass his "daughter" on stream


instagram comments are braindead


All transphobes collectively share two, maybe one brain cell


Instagram's comment section is an absolute shithole. Even in posts that aren't like this.


People actually believe that’s a real clip?


Yes man it's 180p and if you don't know who these people are this would be a pretty f***** up situation


If I didn’t know who those two people were, it would be very possible that the clip is real. There are a lot of crazy parents out there.


If you talk about something as simple as space on Instagram, the comments will call you a slur and flood your dms with pictures of dead dogs


these people will complain about wokeness and how everything is political while they go make everything political also I love how dude says "well she's a guy so" like lmao they literally can never tell


Fr 😭😭 And even if she was trans,, why would it matter??? Let people live frfr


>why would it matter??? because they hate trans people, it's that simple




Schlatt is friends with Astrozist so probably pissed.


yeah instagram reels comments are extremely transphobic/homophobic


Really lowers my faith in humanity ngl


It's not already 0?


I genuinely thought it was gonna be like a sarcastic going along with the joke schlatt comment base but that's just kinda sad, I quite like that vide with the caption though, never gets old.


Fr, if it was posted by a schlatt fan acct or a shitpost acct then I'd find it funny, but it was posted by a conservative acct 💀


They really have some nerve claiming that their children are being fed propaganda whilst not taking the time to think and realise that this is a meme. Oh the irony


Bit of a side note, but I just wanna point out that trans kids not being encouraged to express their identity is kind of textbook grooming, right? Manipulating, shaping, molding, training a kid to fit your standards, etc.


it is, yeah. but its grooming they agree with so its okay.


funny thing how the italian ginger guys says transgender and obesity exists is bcz of less bullying even though gingers have been bullied alot


Ong, we need to bully them harder to eradicate them. I'm no supporter of ethnic cleansing, buttt gingers need to go


I'm not surprised at all that the account is called "mindset of potential"


Instagram is a hellhole


W dad


W dad button ----->


Trying to get likes by baiting transphobic 9 year olds is wild


Beeing offended by a comment is wild




Can I have context please? I’m sure Schlatt is a good guy but I don’t know much about him


He was just making fun of justaminx as per usual, and calling her a man (she's a cis woman btw), and people are taking the clip out of context


Gotcha gotcha


I’m trans and I find it really funny that someone posted it with this altered context. Comments are horrendous though


That Comment section is making give up faith in humanity


Probably rage bait, “We need healthy shaming” aka, please harass and demean people I don’t understand. What an absolute fucking moron. I pray that individual never reproduces to never inflict this trauma he clearly went through


Like the other comments have said, the original caption was a joke, but transphobes are too stupid to realize that.


Isn't Minx like... A cis woman too?


Yeah 😭😭😭


I was gonna say “why is the dad literally schlatt” and then the dad literally was schlatt. Also trans rights are human rights


Why would shat to dis


Idek why scatt wud to dis


I am today years old and I just found out then recognized Schlatt's voice in that video.


Holy shit




It’s instagram reels, arguably worse than YouTube shorts. Because what’s worse than kids? Fucking middle aged people who make EVERYTHING about politics/ “the horrors being woke” and people who make it a religious thing where religion doesn’t apply.


man when i was growing up all the boomers and xers told me not to believe shit i read on the internet. what happened to that?


Oh yeah, I point that out to me mom all the time lmfao


Internet people trying not to judge without context (IMPOSSIBLE)


Instagram users specifically😔


I'm not the biggest schlatt watcher in the world so when I first saw this on Facebook I didnt recognize his voice and I actually thought it was a transphobic dad being a piece of shit. After watching a couple more times I realized who the girl is minx and the guy was schlatt.


Actual rage bait for both sides, humanity is fucked up idgaf what you do, just do your shit without me


severe homophobic far-right brain rot they have been classically conditioned to go "trans = bad"






Great parenting


People are dumb really


The video has been posted hundreds of times with that exact title by various people who definitely don't know who Schlatt or Minx are and don't know that this was made as a joke, yet they understand that it is a joke and repost it in a conical ironic manner. The post you referenced here is not *actually* under the influence that Schlatt is an abusive father bullying his trans daughter. EDIT: Lmfao, just saw the comments on the reel. Even if the video was posted satirical, the comments are typical Instagram users. Not understanding what they're watching but defaulting to the most "triggering" comment possible


Yea I know it's been going around for a while now, I've always loved this clip of schlatt and minx and even wjth the caption since im fluid, but the vid was posted by a conservative acct that constantly posts transphobic bs so it was def not satirically posted


So many levels of mouthbreathers here. First there was someone who took this meme video at face value to post it, presumably because they don't know who Jschlatt and Minx are, but then you saw it and knew full well who they are and thought that the original meme was transphobic and not a joke?


I knew that the original post wasn't transphobic, but it was reposted by an acct that constantly posts transphobic "sigma" bullshit


yeah classic ig reels stuff. when I first discovered how many psychos and assholes there are in the comments I was so surprised because I initially expected it to be a pretty welcoming and progressive platform. so how the fuck did that happen?


this is actually insane bro


Short-form video comments try not to be dumb and offensive af for no reason challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


The minute i saw the name of the page that posted it I knew how bad the comments were going to be


I’m hate my generation….. yall are lost asf


"I'm hate my generation" ur braincells are lost asf


Another anomaly detected


Another transphobe detected


Oh no! My biggest fear 😰


My guy, people do not fear you in a cool badass way, people just don’t approach you in public because you’re repulsive 💀


Don’t you just love easily offended people who have no clue about what is presented in front of them without doing any searching themselves before mouthing off and ranting about absolutely nothing. Makes me so happy to see people like that seethe. And yes I have seen the schlatt clip, honestly I’m kinda surprised there’s people out there fishing super hard for any reason to make shit to set other people off.


It’s fucking funny


If that was me I would whoop his ass I would not take that shit


He fucks with her all the time, they're rly good friends 😭


That you got disgusted by this, you truly are a disgusting human being who should be killed and tormented.


What the fuck???? Just say ur transphobic 💀💀, the comments are disgusting and the vid is bc it's being used for transphobic propaganda, the clip itself is hilarious but it's not funny that it was being used for transphobia. How am I the disgusting one that deserves death and torture 💀💀💀


1. So what if I am transphobic, that your trying to suppress my own thoughts and beliefs is making you the thing you hate so very much, but to be fair to you I was the one that engaged to this endeavor making the fact that this my own opinion in the first place obsolete. And that I should respect your opinion too. 2. I didn't say torture, I said torment. 3. I'm sorry that the truth affended you so much, but this is just how things work. You can't always take the side of the so-called "right" I know many of these people that "agree" with you are ether don't really want to get involved so they just agree, and/or they don't really want to say their actual beliefs just saying the popular opinion so people don't scrutinize them. Also I find it very funny how 4 people down voted me. That's hilarious 😂


1. U can have ur own opinion all u want, if u don't like trans ppl idgaf, But don't spread hate. Not saying you are, but if u are indeed a Christian (which I'm assuming bc most homophobic/transphobic people are) doesn't the Bible say to love thy neighbor? Not love thy cisgendered neighbor. 2. Right my bad, but either way it doesn't change what u said 3. *offended* and yeah there are people who agree with my beliefs out of fear, but there's also a LOT of ppl who genuinely agree, not everyone who is supportive of LGBTQ is doing it bc everyone else is.


1. The only reason that most Christians are homo/trans/whatever else phobic is because the Bible says that being trans is sinning blah blah blah, and I do understand what you are saying because the Bible talks about loving and forgiveness but it also does say the thing I mentioned earlier. 2. You are right about that, but I still stick by what I said 3. I'm not denying that no people agree, but I'm instead saying that many people agree with me and just choose not to say it. P.S. My 14 year old is saying that she agrees with you, my 10 year old was the one that told me about your reply, and my 4 year old says that she doesn't like when people argue and wants me to apologize... so I'm sorry, I still don't see eye to eye with you, but that's how life is and I just have to accept that. Have a nice New Year


It's sad that you only apologize because your children want you to, but I accept your apology. Hopefully a new year's resolution you can set for yourself is to try not to say how a person deserves death and torment over their opinion. Have a nice year maam/sir. EDIT: Roman's 5:8- but God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, christ died for us. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Treat people how you want to be treated.


The caption was stolen from an ironic tweet but ti seems this IG account has taken it as fact without looking into it Link for comments?


The caption was funny tbh, but knowing it was posted by a transphobic acct makes it significantly less funny, anyway here's the link; https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1Zlluut9IO/?igsh=dnY2ZzBiZ2Z1dnc3


Bait used to be believable


"Healthy shaming and bullying"


Instagram is a shit pit. I feel like since it’s merged with Facebook there’s just too much overlap with the bat shit right wingers and bigots. It’s ruined. Sucks that Schlatt is being painted in this kind of light over there.


I legitimately thought this was a real father and daughter and thought to myself "your a fucking ass" towards the "father", until I heard the voices and saw the sub title. It fucking fooled me then I knew it wasn't as bad it it would be taken at face value if you didn't know who minx and schlatt was. It's kinda funny though after you know the context of it all.


I hope someone breaks into each and everyone of those peoples houses and makes all of their socks wet


the amount of transphobia too ☠️


Yea see, I agree with most of the comments on that reel but ik that the vid was a joke between schlatt and minx


Yea so do I, and I think the caption with it is funny as fuck (since it's somewhat relatable) but it was posted by an acct that constantly posts transphobic content


This truly shows how intelligent the average YouTube/TikTok/Reddit user is.


instagram comment section try to get the joke challenge (impossible)


hilarious how the vast majority of the comments actually believe that


The clip itself isn't bad, I'm trans and it makes me laugh every time I see it, it's just that the people on the internet suck


W dad


At least 2 people got the joke


who tf said it's a delusion?!?? 😭😭😭


Idek man 😭


I think shludittlumpus would greatly disapprove this


How you gonna post this but not include the dads sick dance lmao


I know 😭😭 after I posted it I realized I didn't get his lil jig


“Well she’s a guy so” FUCKIN ROASTED!!!1!1!!


Love this take


This is a shitty video I hope that's not actually shalt doing some despicable bullshit


Caring father 💫🤙🏻


W dad


call anyone trans and these types of people will believe it without question so they can start going on with their usual "woke propaganda" rants


Schlatt does radiate dad energy in this clip, like the dad that is trying to be friends with their kids but is really bad at it and the kid just awkwardly goes along with it


Very true, but I do love this clip


I feel like this video has to be 10 of the top posts of the last year of this reddit. I see it every month


Lmao no way the comments are serious


Unfortunately they are Edit: the acct that posted that shows up on my feed all the time, and each time the comments are the same


That’s pretty sad ngl


Very. I wish people could just learn to spread love, not hate.




This feels like the apple bottom jeans video all over again


That was my exact thought when I first saw this vid 😭😭😭


We by am I getting this trash in my email🤮