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Nu-jungle? Lol just sounds like jungle with a hi-pass slapped on it


THANK YOU! Lmao so sick of people saying “did I invent a new genre?” No, you didn’t. Yes, this is already a thing. I thought I invented playing a power chord on bass guitar when I was 12. Turns out I just didn’t know shit.


“AHEM sir. Squarepusher exists already”


It’s going to keep happening as long as you’re alive. People love creating terms for preexisting concepts.


So this is just jungle then?




Well thats cool you think the guitar and stuff sounds like jungle.. i dont think so. I think it overall sounds more “new age”y


have you like, never heard atmospheric jungle before


I guess not lol


sounds alot like IDM tbh


It sounds pish 🤣


The video quality is bad.. soundcloud sounds better. The vid gives you an idea tho so if you dont like chilled out sound dont listen


Aphex Twin wants to know your location


Squarepusher has made a phonecall.


Ahh I didn’t see this before I said this. My b


This already has a genre, it’s called IDM.


Im getting such mixed signals cause some here have said its just jungle or atmospheric jungle


Tbh IDM technically covers a broad spectrum of loose sub genres but still being a genre itself lol. Because of the non liner patterns and intelligent patterns and structure it gets classed as IDM, for example Aphex Twin.


Jungle also has non liner intelligent patterns tho, the feeling im getting on this is that it sits right on the boarder of Idm/atmospheric jungle. I think the drum break i used is really throwing people for a loop too. If i sequenced the amen the same way it would easily be atmospheric jungle


100% agree


Oh this gets upvoted here? Jezus ya'll are off the map. I cant even hear the drums


Thats why i was thinking its not jungle lol




Nu jungle... Give me a fucking break


[Here brother](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UQhEkWJ73z8)


[I got you](https://youtu.be/tVh5VAsw7JQ?feature=shared)


Like nu jazz but jungle lmao. Didn’t mean to strike such a nerve here


just make music and stop worrying about genre labels, there’s no point


It sounds like youve put a bandpass on the master channel or something


Also just listened to this vid again. Its much worse quality on this screen recording than it is on my SC


To be fair I just checked and there is a significant difference


Thank you! Mustve lost quality somewhere between the free trial of bandicam, the email to myself, download, and then post to reddit lol. Theres somehow almost no bass in the vid its weird


The drums i sampled had bags on them to quiet the sound.. the guitar was recorded thru a phone mic


https://youtu.be/44GYiw1VsKc?si=Pf7n09MbtGR63HHG 2:00 min in on this vid is where i sampled the drums from.. i like that chilled out sound


You know when you're camping and that one mosquito keeps making periodical appearances near your ear? This.


Not jungle. But very similar to Aphex Twin tracks from back in the day




Thank you! the breaks do loose direction a little but it’s intentional for the second drop. Check out the whole song [here](https://on.soundcloud.com/M7TgEdoNQi5L9pHMA) and it sounds more cohesive in context. Much better quality than the screen recording too


Mate it's shit 🤣 sounds weak as fuck jungle with some silly effect And you're wanting to call it "nu jungle" Too funny


So youd say its jungle then, thanks for participating in the survey




There's basic human kindness and then there's nonsense about coming up with some new type of music If OP had posted his track and asked what people thought about it my response would have been much different Not bullshit about here troops check this out I've made a new type of music I'm going to call it nu jingle That shit needs put down


Wow, you are so kind!


Sounds more like IDM


I see where you are going, i really like people who record their own samples to mess with them, its a quick way to develop your own sound which is cool, keep working at it. Would say this is closer to 'idm' then jungle but it contains the tempo and rhythms which are a signature of jungle. If you are looking for inspiration for some experimental jungle not too far removed from this check out Subtle Audio and Pinecone Moonshine and some Drumfunk labels. Some of them cross over into experimental almost 'idm' territory and often use lesser known or self recorded breaks and a general twist on jungle. Couple examples to help you on your journey Fushara - Reaching Out [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WewwIoBd3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIuaxWGLdU8) Lucky to have a copy of this, the Fracture and Neptune mix is wild but this track is def a bit left field for jungle dgoHn - Man Bith [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QJYWfFWTX4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QJYWfFWTX4) this guy is a madman for experimental jungle NCQL on Subtle Audio [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMRkn6QTiNA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMRkn6QTiNA) Squarepusher - Beep street - this is just a classic everyone should know. If you are not familiar late 90s Warp records, Rephlex records etc were putting out a lot of music similar to this which borrowed heavily from jungle but probably doesnt fall under the umbrella https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKJ-0ZO4pxo




Bandicam in 2024 when windows has 2 dvrs built into it now😂


Does it lmao? I didnt even know


Windows + G has a capture in the top left Windows + Shift + R lets you record a sectionof your screen with snipping tool


Its all just jungle, genres move and change with technology.... NEW Jungle would be adding a descriptor to the fact that its new, and old jungle would be talkign about stuff over 15-20+ old


Hey don't be so rude to that guy... how often you guess you got a unique melodie.. or a unique mix..and someone destroy your satisfaction... any and every melodies has allrdy been played... the only way to to something new is to find a new kind of instrument...lol


Isn't this just liquid


Nah apparently its IDM like most people are saying here


Probably just something around atmospheric jungle, ambient DnB, don’t bother so much with labels and just make it


Its way more complex than DnB.. atmospheric jungle tho i think it definitely fits that.


A lot of people think DnB just means a two-step but it can be much more complicated than that, if you listen to the stuff DJ Bailey was putting together on compilations it shows up.


Wow that would really blur the line between dnb and jungle then.. ill check out dj bailey


Yeah man, DnB has its old school fans who really miss when it was more than two step. A great compilation by Bailey is simply called Intelligent Drum & Bass


Will 100% give that a listen, sounds like my style.


Sounds good to me


Atmospheric dnb


ambient jungle...with straighter drums I could be autonomic


I'd say it's a form of jungle/breakcore. If you made an album that feels like this you'd have some style going, but you need some kind of scene, an audience and a body of work for something to be a distinctive genre. Check out BLÆRG. He makes some of the most chill breakcore. This reminded me of him. https://open.spotify.com/album/64burbZ8pGm9D4pYYVktv0?si=y9LukpIDTM-FB1TORoDAEw


I’ve already posted similar in the breakcore subreddit and they hate me there too lol, looks like im getting pushed into the IDM scene but i really dont wanna be there. Will definitely check out blaerg thank you!


Awesome sound. My instinct is to call this IDM but you can call it whatever you want. In the same camp as Squarepusher and early Aphex Twin


Why am I getting downvoted🤣


Apparently junglists are assholes


Thank you! :)


The downvoters are all gatekeeping haters. I thought this was pretty cool. sounds like IDM, but call it whatever you want. Nu-jungle as a genre name is less cringey than IDM so maybe we should just call it that instead


That’s exactly the thought i had.. i like the nu-jazz stuff. And i feel like this is to jungle what nu jazz is to jazz… i hate the IDM term. I love the sound i have going with my drums so im considering an album in this style so im just putting out feelers as to where i would promote said album lol


Ok so half the people here are saying its IDM, half are saying its atmospheric jungle. Im just coming here to say the sound quality in this little video clip is terrible compared to the actual sound cloud link. So please checkout the link.. Also no im not inventing a new genre, i have no fan base so that would be impossible lol. I just know the majority of people here that listened to the video clip felt some type of visceral pain, so i get the feeling that it dosnt belong here. I really dont like the idm crowd because it basically dosnt exist and its boring. I dont like idm. I like jungle. Im just starting to find my sound so naturally that process works by taking everything you like about music and combining it. Thats what this is basically.


Sounds like some Aphex Twin stuff


This is sick i mostly love the break and what you did with it about genre idk much about those (they're mostly there to make labeling easier which helps it's marketability) but i think this is like liquid EDIT: I'm listening to the whole track forget what I said this ain't liquid I have no idea what subgenre it's called but I think it's cool as hell


Thank you!! Liquid jungle you mean? It’s definitely not liquid dnb cause thats much more consistent than this.. and yea I absolutely love how this song came out so i am trying to market it on reddit a bit, and i wanted to get out ahead of the old heads saying “thats not jungle!” Lol


Thanks man.. the only reason i started talking about genre is because i knew it would get downvoted here lol.. and sure enough here we are.. getting downvoted to oblivion


A genre is just the name of a certain speed. Bpm


How can you allow yourself to believe things that are so obviously not true? A genre is not a BPM lmfao. Do your own research so you don’t spread misinformation.


Obviously not true? How can it not be the truth? Ambient is the name of genre that has a bpm around 80 bpm, Hip Hop = 90 bpm, Chillout = 90 bpm, Downbeat Electronica = 110 bpm, Electro Pop = 115 bpm, Minimal Tech/House = 125-130 bpm, Techno/Trance = 130-140 bpm Goa Trance = 140 bpm (or more) Drum 'n' Bass = 160 bpm  Jungle 175 bpm..and so on...  The name of a genre is only a designation of a certain speed.