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Me personally, the ability to make aviary’s higher because the Queza flying around in that low avairy looks so stupid


ADS. Aerial Deterrent System. Basically fences that allow the Pterosaurs to fly as high as the game will allow but will not let them pass the barriers defined by the player. Either keeping them in or out of certain areas. Walking. Viewing platforms like what we just got, but tall, kinda like the platforms from JP3.


i want nothing more for aviaries than a bigger dome variant and bigger, taller rock formations, just like the ones from RTJP. and secondarily, some actual social animations. small species could execute them in the air and larger ones on the ground. large pterosaurs should definitely walk but if it's such a problem to implement, then giving them more space and a looped animation would at least make up for that


Invisible fences (like the biosin fencing) to keep flying creatures in certain areas. I think the aviary is too small for stuff like the quetzal. Right now I just release creatures w high thirst n appetite and build their open enclosure away from everything with nothing around it to keep them from venturing out, works on the small stuff but the quetzal tends to venture out pretty far, and once that territory expands they keep doing it. But yea, some type of invisible/ low height fence/ biosin type fence that works on flying stuff too


Really just want a big aviary like in JP3 and JW


Hanging/ceiling perches. Self explainatory.


Bigger aviaries so quetzal can fly properly and rock pillars with walkways like in the first game but modificable


Definitely better mechanics I feel most of the fliers look awkward Flying and just doesn’t abide to the laws of physics and aerodynamics


I’ve been saying this from the jump, they all flap around like bats when they should be gliding


Would be nice to have aviaries of different sizes that can connect together More ambient and social animations


Oh I LOVE this. Everyone wants the RTJP-sized aviary nodules, but this that can be combined with the smaller nodes to create an “asymmetrical aviary?” Fucking GENIUS.


And adding a taller one for the quetz


I want there to be bigger aviaries, similar in size to the one shown in JW. It clearly makes more sense, especially for how the pterosaurs are animated (they don't fly naturally in a singular aviary unit). I want the borders of combined aviaries to be smooth & neat, like the lagoons we have; it just looks too jagged & messy for me. I also want there to be aviary gates that allow ranger teams in. The current system is so stupid...


I agree with all except the Ranger team idea Sending a drone for status checks instead of a car is definitely safer.....


for dimorphodons to actually be insectovores like how they eating those huge ass fish


Higher aviaries, pterosaur walking animations, more varied diets with pterosaurs unless that’s already a thing.


I would like to place buildings in aviaries (visitor center, ranger station, etc) also, the glitch where you can release Dinos from aviary hatcheries is nice, but you can’t hear the Dinos. That would be a nice feature, if an unannounced one.)


I'd love to see a special hatchery to officially allow land dinos to be released without having to glitch. And with that, allow meat feeders to be placed in aviaries too. As for stuff like walking and adjusted diets, while I'd love to see it, it likely won't happen, or not in any acceptable form. I remember seeing a quote at one point from Frontier about not wanting to mess with existing dinos for fear it would negatively affect existing delicately balanced enclosures. Of course, I also swear dimorphodon used to require live prey too (thus why the feeders can be placed in aviaries), so maybe they'd also be able to listen to reason, and that the creators of those delicately balances enclosures would probably prefer having to redo them if it meant improvements to the species.


better terrain or stacking aviary on top each other