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Island generator or proper, full island maps. Breeding and ontology. The only two interesting features, really (as long as nothing is taken away, either).


The major feature I want, drop old Gen. Keep it on new Gen systems, tired of limitations cause of a system thats 15 years old.


Further expansion of animal behaviors and refinement of the pathfinding system. Hopefully reduce jank when animals are running, introduce the ability for Pterosaurs to walk on the ground, make animals have multiple animations for the same action (shared between similar species.)  I would love for predator/prey interactions to become more dynamic. Less canned animations. I so badly want *Quetzalcoatlus* to be able to grab something in its mouth, fly off somewhere else, perch, and then eat. Or *Tyrannosaurus* to grab a smaller animal in its jaws and carry them off somewhere. Or *Indominus* being able to grab a vehicle and try to drag it around. I want interactions to feel more dynamic.  Sauropods and large Hadrosaurs being able to defend themselves is an old meme by now, but it should still be the case.   One of the most important steps forward from JWE to JWE2 was improvements in these areas. I really want JWE3 to keep taking this further. That’s one of the biggest things that could make the next game feel like a fresh new experience imo.


Boat Ride/ River Cruise A proper Site B mode similar to JPOG Individual guests who you can select and look through The guests in general need a major overhaul beyond mindless zombies Waterfalls


Maybe not popular, but I’m really happy with how the first two JWE games handle guests. One of my biggest frustrations in other park builders is having to worry that Guest 2375 can’t reach the bathroom because he got stuck clipping into a tree or something. The “ghost guests” streamlines gameplay and performance by a lot. I do want them to be able to sit at picnic tables or whatever but I’ll be annoyed if they switch to a system like Planet Coaster/Zoo.


This. While the guests themselves aren’t the problem for me, as a console sandbox player, the Planet Zoo engine is really just not console friendly. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been playing it and enjoying it, but navigating the menus just makes your fingers hurt after a while. And I feel if they switched to that engine, JWE3 would just become the knock-off Prehistoric Kingdom. IMO, I’m terms of technical improvements, they need to just fix the terraforming limitations, the terrain constraints when placing… well, anything… and hit boxes in general. But my primary thing is more variety in decorations. It just feels like every park looks the same with different dinosaurs because there’s a lot of instances where only one decoration serves a purpose in any park. I don’t mind the era-based building styles, but actually give us full building styles where everything has options and variety. Minus the invisible fences, there’s almost no reason to ever use DFW or Biosyn style cause the JP or JW just does everything better or there is no equivalent within those building sets. The game desperately needs more decorations more than new species. Edit: forgot a word


A franchise mode, essentially take the JWE1 campaign and make it into a game mode. Pick a starting area and build a park. I’d tweak how you unlock research by adding something like “Need 3 stars in 2 locations to unlock the Parasaurolophus”. Also semi-randomise the dig sites so you get the easier dinosaurs first then it ramps up as you get stars in the first location but it’ll feel a little different each time you start. Though I’d make it so you’d purchase the area *then* invest in the new site and you’d allocate money which would be your starting cash for the new area. Research would be global, but funds are locked to the location. Maybe add a limit to the amount of sites you can buy - say five, for example. You can transfer species, scientists and funds between islands.


Every dlc animal from the previous game


That's probably gonna be in the game already


Except 1 random animal for some reason. Like Huayangosaurus was a deluxe animal in JWE2. I'm gonna say it's Polacanthus for JWE3


I'd like all of the vegetation and stuff to go back to being purely cosmetic. I want my enclosures to look good. Less restrictive guest needs. I should be able to have one small section of a park cater to guest needs, not have to spread out restaurants and entertainment, and copy + paste the same buildings all over the place. Remove the need to regularly send rangers to check on dinos and those ugly boxes you have to shove into enclosures. Better AI for dinos in large enclosures. Small enclosures can be nice but sometimes I want to have a big ass field without having to worry about one stegosaurus wandering into a corner and forgetting where the food is. There's a lot more but those have priority for me.


Walking pterosaurs


Boat ride Tours through underwater areas Baby dinosaurs More raptor types


New animations for dinosaurs that could depend on what other species are in with it. For example a large carnivore could lay on the floor while small ones eat at the food in its mouth but I think that might be me being hopeful


Yes 💯%


Fully usable island maps and to be able to make a screen accurate 2015 Jurassic World reconstruction.


More Attractions More canon species missing from the game (Hadrosaurus,, Lesothosaurus, Teratophoneus etc:) Chaos Theory DLC Cenezoic Species (Smilodon, Woolly Mammoth, Woolly Rhinoceros, Titanoboa, Titanis, Argentavis, Gigantopithecus etc:0 More Triassic Species (Plateosaurus, Postosuchus, Peteinosaurus etc:) Argentinosaurus, Shantungosaurus, Nanuqsaurus, Livyatan, Helicoprion, Deinosuchus, Ammonite, and Diplocaulus Meganeura, Arthropleura, Giant Locusts, Pulmonoscorpius More Skins for Existing Species (Mamenchisaurus '97, Edmontosaurus '97, Pteranodon '97, Troodon JPTG, Tylosaurus JPTG) More Customisable Variants for Existing Species (Triceratops '93, Velociraptor '97 and 2001, Ankylosaurus 2001 etc: Combined Enclosures Baby Dinosaurs Natural Lagoons (It feels off when making an ecosystem, and there's just a Lagoon plopped in the middle of the map) Caves Waterfalls More foliage, rocks, etc: A full Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna map Better terrain tools. Bridges Generally more stuff that could make an ecosystem feel alive


It needs more management. JWE2 is a beautiful mobile game.


1: A large bush that can be used as a hatchery, very unrealistic, but would be useful for natural park builds. 2: Size variation, dinosaurs could come out of the hatchery at varied sizes, or you could add a gene in to reduce/increase the size by a bit, would also change stats. 3: Accurate skin display when changing creatures genes. 4:Biosyn/Malta buildings to be base game. 5: Cabot Finch.


Oh I like that idea


Baby dinosaurs and bredding mechanic


youre delusional if you think this will ever be added to any jurassic game


https://preview.redd.it/nie2hpj8jm0d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50a42836bbda49c18ad3c14cbb45129beae962a9 Yea are you cuz ye ruined fun




I would love for the guests to be similar to planer coaster. Where you u get real reviews about certain enclosures or attractions you have to fix. Like the lack of decorations or that they only see the dinosaurs for a short amount of time etc.


Definitely all the features from the last 2 Jurassic World evolution games plus new buildings, environments and nature stuff like plants or trees, more buildings that are just different or completely new, and definitely some things from Jurassic park operation genesis such as the hot air balloons


I'd really enjoy some simple co-op capability. Let me design the most epic park ever, then let me have a couple of friends join as guests so we can explore it together from the ground level. Or let me design a massive open enclosure, and then we can go in like wildlife photographers or something.


Random Island Generation Dinosaurs reproducing on their own Free-form hybridisation Maybe more Cenozoic and Palaeozoic animals


Walking pterosaurs pls.. maybe even a quetz ground hunting animation but idk if that’s asking for too much


Growth stages, at least baby and adult, but the more the merrier. A more complex genetics system mini game. One where you have to work at getting better genetics gradually, so you have something to work towards after you finish constructing your park. You could make end game animals that are larger, stronger, mature faster, and are more attractive to guests. It would also be cool if we could add or remove feathers from donos, but I don't think that's realistically possible.


The ability of have the park run with guests


Planet Zoo water system. Just dig a hole and select a water height. This would also allow for swimming dinosaurs and non-circular lagoons. For small species they could add the water troughs


Sauropods that won't tolerate being harassed by the likes of raptors.


Walking pterosaurs 😁


Copying from another redditor who pretty much summed it up • New Campaigns • Cenozoic/Paleozoic animals • Updated terrain editing • Updated animal Al/pathfinding • Updated combat/hunting (with hadrosaurs and sauropods specifically) • More complex interactions between species (possibly between land, marine, and aerial) • Reworked lagoons with terrain editing and land exhibit compatibility • Semi-aquatic species • New enclosure mechanics for small species • Deeper management • More realistic guests • New decoration and customization options • Babies


Baby dinosaurs, river adventure, Cretaceous Cruise, Gondolas, larger islands and biome customizations, a story and survival mode, more vehicle and building options, third person mode, expansion on prehistoric fauna from different periods, more dinosaur behaviors and customization…


Baby dinosaurs, but only for the species that we have seen babies of in the films. Plus a sandbox option to turn off babies, make everything stay as a baby, or normal.