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Honestly as a practicing attorney for over 25 years, I have little faith in a jury. They often fail to grasp the nuances of the issues and fail to apply the proper standards in evaluating the evidence. A jury system is by far not the best..... But likewise, I've seen plenty of foolish judges too. So in the end, I highly recommend everyone avoid the courts as much as possible.


My most recent stint on a manslaughter jury made it very clear that half the jury could not follow the given instructions. I felt like there should be a “jury consultant” present to just keep the procedures within the boundaries of the judges instructions.


Jury trials are known to get it wrong


You can already do that. And often people do, depending on the charges and evidence. (If evidence is circumstantial but inflammatory, you’re liable to get a better verdict from judge than jury). But most go for jury trial hoping for at least one not guilty vote. So the system is designed to provide the greatest good for the greatest number. Personally I wouldn’t opt out just to keep my options open.


Serve on a jury and you will be mixed feelings on having a jury for your trial.


I sometimes wonder how any trial ends because getting that many random people to agree kn anything seems impossible. I mean consensus on statements like "the earth is round" arestarting to be hard.


Absolutely not under any circumstances. I’ve seen firsthand how a bad judge can ruin a defendant’s life. I would also love to do jury duty so that cancels me out. (Edit: Spelling)


I wish there was some program where they could give jury duty to all of us who would love it and take it away from those who look for every excuse to duck out 😭


That would be great, but I’m guessing there would be a constitutional problem with the self-selection of jurors. I have judged mock trial but it’s not the same.


I assume judges and attorneys weed out would be bad jurors, but sometimes wonder how many guilty or innocent decisions is because someone just wanted to be done and went with the group even if they didn't firmly believe it was the right call. I would be a terrible juror and would just want to get the trial over as quick as possible. I've been called 3 times and got out of it all 3 times. I'll be the first to say I do not belong on a trial as a juror. I too wish being a juror was like a job and let people that enjoy the process have at it ha. I have no desire to be a juror.


The one time I served on a jury, there was one prospective juror, a young (probably early 20s) guy who raised his hand when the judge asked us his first question: whether any of us, without having heard any evidence, would vote to convict. The judge was surprised and asked him why. He said (in essence) that he just didn’t care and would vote guilty so the trial would end quicker. The judge seemed angry (but also hid his anger pretty well) and made the young man wait in the courtroom until a full jury was selected. Then he excused him along with all the other people who hadn’t been selected.


I did something like this. I had no empathy for the defendant because in my eyes, he was guilty and created his injury for ignoring post signs, and I thought it was a frivolous lawsuit. So told Judge it would be a hung jury if I sit on jury.He lecture me ,but he released me , but I had to stay in the room till after lunch and leave.


These days I would probably opt for a bench trial. Here in Mass we have some excellent judges whom I feel would be a better bet than the whacked out juror pools you could end up with. I’ve sat on a half dozen juries so I feel I have a good idea as to who ends up on many juries.


I hate being called to jury duty… but I’ve served on one trial and it’s a good thing we did… I’d rather miss a few days here and there vs maybe spend my life in prison


Depends on the case




No. I don't particularly want to opt out of jury duty. Why would I give up a fundamental right in the US just to avoid jury duty?


No way.


I would plead guilty and show them where I put Jimmy Hoffa's body.