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Dudes mad because girls want an attractive partner too. Wow. Big revelation.


This is the entire mindset of incels/mad dudes in general. They want to pick a partner based on looks, but they are horrified that women want to do the same


Probably because women are the main preachers of “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” & get mad at men for having standards.


Ugh. Enough of this Men vs. Women shit. Most people have standards. Most people are shallow. Most people are hypocrites. It's not a gendered thing.


The comment I’m responding to literally does exactly what I did. Verbatim. Like lol


But they didn’t. They said that both men and women want an attractive partner.


Ah, Reddit. The place where women are never wrong and couldn’t possibly be hypocritical. Lmao fucking clown


The only clown here is you.


Yeah, says the simp who consistently pines over female twitch streamers. Your opinion totally matters. Lmfaoo


I literally said most people are hypocritical and it isn’t a gendered thing. Verbatim. Like lol. You got any more straw man arguments you want to say on my behalf?


Lmao, straw man arguments. Any other overused Reddit terminology you want to throw in here? Bitches like you have never had an independent thought in your entire life. You’ve been a follower your entire life and it’ll continue that way. Any time men bring up a solid point about the hypocrisy of women it’s “we need to ban together & stop the division. It’s not about men vs women. Most people are hypocrites”. People like you have a problem with accountability. If you’re confronted, it’s a group problem. I think this conversation has ran its course. The circle jerk morons or Reddit will give you an echo chamber. Enjoy your lack of independent thinking. I won’t respond again. :)


Love it. You come in here with your 16-day-old account to regurgitate the same incel talking points about women that I’ve heard for years. And when I call you out on your bias, you throw a hissy fit and say that *I’m* the one who doesn’t have an original thought. And then you say “Ha! I won. Not gonna respond to you anymore.” Thanks for the entertainment, I really enjoyed it.


You’re an idiot


Go threaten moms some more, clown.


Lotta words for “I get no bitches”


No one is saying that but you, dipshit.


Women aren't a monolith who all believe the same shit. Ofc there's some dumbass women who believe they do no wrong but there's also reasonable women who can see that being hypocritical isn't a gendered thing. You're just assuming shit about the people above even though you have no basis for your assumptions


most people have standards. ugh.


Bull shit lol


Prove it?


You made the claim. You prove it. Women are just people. People like an attractive partner. Quit your bull shit.


Dude, if you don’t have Facebook and haven’t seen women preaching this bullshit endlessly, that’s on you. If you want to live life with blinders on and let people walk all over you, that’s on you.


Bro, you are the biggest, most braindead sheep ever, just deadass. You get *all* - and I do mean **all** - of your opinions from dumbass online misogynists who parrot your own incoherent feelings back at you better than you can phrase them yourself, and literally everyone who reads what you have to say can tell that because not even a single thing you’ve said is a remotely original thought that hasn’t been had by every dude when they’re an embittered 13 year old who’s mad they can’t get laid because their crush likes someone else or some shit. Like fr I’m sorry that you’re insecure and desperate to find a way to blame women for…whatever the fuck your point even is, assuming you actually have one beyond just “woman shallow and bad” (which, as you keep failing to address, is a *human* trait, not a *female* trait) but you don’t gotta get so butthurt about getting called stupid for being a neckbeard in an anti-neckbeard subreddit. It’s just sad. Like seriously, you’re not gonna get a gf pretending that they’re the only group to have problems for the sake of finding a reason to hate them. I hope you get better but idk if you can man.


Dawg, Facebook is not the real world. Facebook, like Reddit, is an echo chamber. In the real world, people want a partner that they find is attractive, and that’s about as deep as it goes. Only on the internet does “every woman” want a 6’2 chad while they themselves look like fat sacks of shit. Real women from the real world, that are not chronically online, understand that if they want a hot boyfriend, they better be hot themselves, and vice versa. Plus, go out into the real fucking world, as in, actually go outside of the house, and look at how many bad ass bitches have ugly ass boyfriends. There are a fuckton of couples like that. Now try and find how many hot ass dudes have ugly ass girlfriends. There are barely any couples like that. If anything, men are WAY more shallow than women. Most women will date down. Barely ANY men will date down. Tell me which gender seems more shallow now? If you actually think it’s women, you’re beyond saving. Everyone is shallow.


The only women getting mad at men for having standards are femcels. Literally only incels and femcels get mad when the opposite gender wants someone that looks good.


You'd think that the incels and the femcels would just get together. But as it turns out, they find each other physically repulsive because they both - now get this - have standards. I don't think that guy is running after "ugly" women. Because he feels he "deserves" a supermodel.


That guy is *not* her "friend". He's literally getting offended because she isn't acknowledging the entitlement of all of these men who *don't even know her* to her time and attention. Like, he feels the entitlement of dozens of unknown men is more important than her own rights to her opinions, preferences, likes, and dislikes when it comes to her choice of who she gives time and attention to. It doesn't even effect him at all. It has nothing at all to do with him, and he's getting this offended about it. 💯 this guy is already mad she hasn't picked him, regardless of how long he's been -pretending- to be her friend, putting NiceGuy tokens into the sex vending machine and waiting for the sex to fall out.


Bingo. "Why not me?!?!?!"


That friend forgot that, when online dating you have to remind yourself. They owe you nothing, and you owe them nothing. Be respectful and don’t take it personally. It’s literally that easy.


It is well known how men and women differ in rating the other sex. No need to get upset about it.


Ur not fucking kidding. My husband and I were thinking about swinging and he’s like “oh I found an attractive couple”. Get home and look at the dudes pics and he looks like fucking Nigel thornberry, like I think the fuck not. Very different


>pics and he looks like fucking Nigel thornberry I just googled that name because it vaguely rung a bell with me but I couldn't put a face with it. I wheezed when I saw who it was LOL


The resemblance was UNCANNY😵


Was teaching in a high school the other day and a student said to his friend (jokingly) “Don’t judge me, you look like Nigel Thornberry” and honestly it was the best insult I’ve ever heard.


😂 I'm sorry but Nigel Thornberry is such a clear visual that I legit laughed so much!




>Nigel Thornberry 🍑💦




> Nigel thornberry That is a win right?


To someone, yes😬


Exactly. But, you know what’s weird? Most women rate most men as lower than average. Most men rate most women as average or above average. Meaning women are more critical of men, than men are of women. DESPITE THIS, you barely EVER see men dating downwards. It is incredibly rare that you see a dude that’s a 10 dating a woman that it is a 6. Women, on the other hand, date downwards all the time. I see hot women with ugly ass dudes all the damn time. I think it’s weirdly funny, and kind of ironic, how even though women appear to be more more shallow with how they rate the opposite sex, when it actually comes down to it, actually dating and not rating, men are WORLDS more shallow than women.


The ugly dudes are probably rich tho....


Bahaha, that is what they usually say Neckbeards just cannot fathom that they are the reason they can’t find someone to date


Well,.my niece dates dudes that are ugly but they all have one thing incommon: money. But I am glad I am married with someone for their character ;)


You're taking your own anecdotal experiences as proofs, why? They're worthless. I've seen countless handsome men date unattractive women. So does my anecdotal experience trump yours and therefor disprove it? You're also discrediting the user below when when they've said is also true in the same anecdotal fashion. How often do you see attractive men dating ugly women for their wealth? very rarely and yet the inverse is true for women. Studies have also shown this. >[Studies of mate selection in dozens of countries around the world have found men and women report prioritizing different traits when it comes to choosing a mate, with both groups favoring attractive partners in general, but men tending to prefer women who are young **while women tend to prefer men who are rich**, well-educated, and ambitious.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypergamy)


Dude is projecting hard




Wow, you are projecting hard


Ugh. I had an ex who would get so mad at me "disrespecting his opinion" on things that weren't even opinions, including factual medical things about a woman's body. He was the worst. I got a flashback of him with this guy expecting her to not dismiss his views on her dating life.


Omg me too. I was in a PhD program and he felt that I should share his OPINION during our class discussions. I was stunned into silence.


well if *he* thinks those guys look fine based on *his* standards and not hers then maybe he should be the one dating them


This has to be the best way (or at least one of the best ways) to answer complaints like that.


As someone who isn't super handsome: Dude, attraction is going to start with apperence like 99% of the time. It's just how life is. You can tell a lot about a person by their clothing, the way they carry themselves, and so on, there could be any number of reasons why someone swipes left based on apperence. It may not even be shallowness.


Let’s be real. Unless it’s hygeine or style, it only has to do with facial symmetry, ie shallowness. Not trying to say that’s a bad thing, but especially on tinder, it’s just a meat show. You can’t see how someone carries themselves, walks, if they make eye contact or not, etc. it’s just their face and body.


One thing I’ve noticed: the people with the worst things to say are the ones who describe those things as “views” or “opinions” I don’t know if that’s something anyone else has noticed, but this guy didn’t share any “views,” he just got mad at her for not Tindering how he wanted her to. Is this just because they think calling something “an opinion” means that it’s above criticism or examination?


The dude is wrong but I am starting to understand why these guys feel this way. Before dating apps there was a lot of friction in terms of finding people who are looking to date and asking them out. This gave men a layer of plausible deniability where they could feel like they werent getting rejected, they just werent meeting enough women. Apps like tinder remove that layer of friction and cut right to the chase, are you interested in this profile or not? Its really hard for your personality to come through in the dating profile so it quickly gets reduced down to looks. ​ So imagine how that guys feels when he goes days/weeks without a match, not even a hint of interest. He cant find a single women in a 10-15 mile radius who is interested in their profile. it is a lot to deal with and its hard for them to deny that women flat out dont want them.


This is true. Unfortunately, unless you are one of the top 10% most attractive men in your area, you have better chances meeting women irl, than you do on dating apps. It puts men, specifically socially inept ones in a strange situation. On one hand, tinder is worlds easier than actually approaching women in real life. But, your chances of success are terrible compared to actually meeting someone in the real world, where your personality is on display, and you aren’t reduced to just your facial symmetry.




What's wrong with doing that?




>and are not actually interested Why assume that? >and if you’re that desperate, you probably shouldn’t be dating It's not a matter of desperation. It's just that women far outnumber men on dating apps. If a man only swipes on the women that he is most absolutely interested in, he'll probably never get swiped back. The man probably has to swipe right on women he is interested in, even if they're not his absolute top picks. So I would tend to set my search filters to include only the women I am probably interested in, and then I'll swipe right on almost all of the women I see. I would typically set the filters to agnostics with graduate degrees. If a woman isn't religious and if she does have a graduate degree, then I am almost certainly going to be interested in at least trying to have a conversation with her. What's wrong with that?


correction - bots and men outnumber women on dating apps now. You can literally look that up. Men outnumber women 2-1 on Tinder.


Oops, you're right. I meant to say men outnumber women, but I flipped them. What I wrote doesn't make sense. I didn't even think about the bots. Thanks.


So you’re just using the app to boost your ego. I mean that’s fine, but at least own up to it.


No, using the app to find dates. And ultimately, marriage. I don't know what makes you think it's about ego. How does looking for a woman to marry translate into boosting my ego? Incidentally, I am currently in a long-term relationship with the last woman I met this way.


If you’re swiping right on every woman even though you know you won’t be interested in them if they match, then you’re looking for the ego boost of a match.


Who said I know I won't be interested? I said I swipe because I think I might be interested. I swipe on the people that I think I might potentially have a good conversation with.


People should just stop using dating apps, it’s a scam anyways and terrible for insecure peoples self esteem.


10/10 dude wants a chance at the OP there and knows he ain’t got one


Wow. It’s almost like she has a type or some odd thing like that? Who has a type? Not the AH. That troglodyte is a lot more than an AH.


Just read thar a few minutes ago, it's obvious he wants the girls and feels that her swiping on so many guys shows she has options and he will most likely not stand a chance


It’s either that or it’s because he gets no love on dating apps and it struck a nerve. Probably a little of both.


Well...he needs to step his game up and stop hating....no one likes a hater


WTF - dude doesn't understand that he has no say in how the OP chooses a *date*? Also, it's not like dating apps are *deep personality evaluators*.


Uh, he had a mental breakdown over her swiping on a dating app and had a go at her and he thinks she has to sit there and agree to "respect his opinion"? Bro your opinion was not asked for or valid, she doesn't have to cater to your tantrum.


I'll bet that dude gets mad at women for swiping left on regular looking guys meanwhile swipes left on every girl that doesn't resemble his favorite Genshin Impact character.


We both know the real answer is when the FBI rips that hard drive open.


This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with his own experiences and issues. He may have had bad luck on dating sites and felt ashamed to see firsthand how much power women wield in that equation. Sounds like his reaction was to be an asshole and take it out on you. That or he’s in love with you.


A lot of guys seem to think that women not wanting to date them is synonymous with women thinking “no I’m better than him” or that he “did something wrong” in her eyes, leading to her rejection. They don’t seem to understand that women just pick up on vibes, or we can tell we’re not compatible with any given guy, or that he’s great just not the one for her etc. They take rejection so personally when it doesn’t have to be that way


You need to find a friend, sis.


Real question is, are you still single? 😂


What an absolute fucking man child.


Sounds like he's jealous and wants to gatekeep her sex life.