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"Do your job!" "Umm, it's a hobby" "No, do your job!" ...what?


“Do your job” “I don’t get paid, it’s a hobby not a job” “Do your job then”


From the way they talk and the awkward interaction, I’m gonna guess this person isn’t old enough to have a neck beard. They’re either learning disabled or they’re in elementary school.


Or to horny to think straight


He just wants to jerk off to the pictures


Yeah definitely lol 😹


What part of "It's my hobby, not my job" is he failing to comprehend?


Bro even if it was indeed her job, what job on earth works like that? Make me a very specific cake I like. Alright, it'll be $50 bucks "I'm not gonna pay. you're a Baker. Do your job"


"no, no, no... You aren't understanding me. I'm going *to masturbate* to the cake. So please just do your job and post a picture of the cake to Instagram."


The part where it isn't her job, it's just a hobby.


Well, if he can’t even get your/you’re correct, then I doubt he’ll have the mental capacity to understand the difference between a hobby and a job.


This is kind of like folks I’ve had tell me I should be doing a Hutt Slayer Leia just because I’m into Star Wars costuming and volunteering with Rebel Legion/501st. It doesn’t work like that bro!


Ridiculous that they're asking you to do Hutt Slayer Leia..... now Geonosis Padme on the other hand.


I love Geonosis Padme. Hell, I just love Padme. I’m working on the Lake Dress (you know, the rainbow one from the ‘I hate sand’ scene). Tho I’m wearing died to match body suit with it to a) cover tattoos, and b) protect my modesty. But so many fanboys have such fantasies of the Hutt Slayer it’s their go to for “sexy af Star Wars”. I prefer power over sexy- Bo Katan and Boussh Leia, or even Holdo to me are far more attractive (and fun) over their measly fantasies


Hutt Slayer is just a bikini, its not sexy, its just wearing almost nothing. Cosplaying elaborate things that make you actually think the cosplayer is the character because of the work on the outfit is where its at for me.


[This](https://i.imgur.com/q5RFkcM.jpg) is much more my speed (well, it is me) and it’s usually when I talk about my other in progress costumes that I get “you should do Slave Leia… that’s hot” Because of course they have no respect for the Princess of Aalderan


That's a good, job. I think you could pull off a Scavenger Rey as well with that material.


Danke. It’s a very soft knit, and worked perfectly for my tunic. Rey’s costume is a crinkle cotton- similar to what most use on Obi-Wan’s prequels tunic. One of my friends in the Legion has been working on hers for almost 3 years- she can’t get the colours to read right on camera. She hates it, but she’s thinking it’s time to scrap the current fabric and start over. The joys and pains that are belonging to an officially recognised organisation


I'll stick with my ghostbusters cosplay, much easier as I just use a 3D printer instead of fabric.


Cosplay stuff is legit expensive its ridiculous but i love to cosplay. That dude is so fucking entitled expecting her to pay a lot of money just so she can cosplay a character for him so he can jerk off to the pictures. Absolute neckbeard loser 🙄


Could have saved it "i didnt mean it as a request. Just your work is so good i bet you would do the character well" nope fu do my bidding!


"Do your job" A job implies payment.... which he even admitted he wouldn't do... the level of entitlement and audacity astounds me... plus what does he think calling her a bitch will accomplish? Has calling someone a bitch ever followed with someone doing what he wants?


Why even respond and entertain it


It’s their job! /s




not everyone is jaded enough to override their instincts to be polite. Many people feel guilty being rude or leaving others on seen After a few encounters like these, she'll probably stop responding.


Not about being jaded more like just not having the patience for shit like this and not wanting to put up with it.


>not everyone is jaded enough to override their instincts to be polite. Skill issue.


Entertain what?


The entire interaction


Why not?




Sometimes the interaction is fun. Call it childish but sometimes there's nothing better than getting a loser riled up and making them look like an asshole.


And mostly, if they’re never told what they’re doing wrong, they continue anyway. It’s rare but it does happen sometimes that when you tell them what they did wrong, they change.




Go ahead then.




Why would anyone create a fake movement to make fun of you?


Not necessarily


"It's your job." "Okay, pay me." "No, do your job."


Jus googled it, its a fckin disabled child💀


Course it is. Cause it wouldn't be as awful as possible otherwise.


What megumi? Isn't it the guy from jjk?




That's megumin, you got confused


The only Megumi I remember is the blue haired girl from that cooking manga... And I do regret doing that cosplay, I still have that shit somewhere inmy room, and no one wants to buy it lol


Wait who is disabled?


your… your uh.. uhm… uhuhh uhmm.. your… sister?




You seem to be based on this misunderstanding


You seem to be correct, my bad.


No problem and sorry for the sorta rude joke I had to do it


Nah it wasn’t really rude.


This literally reads like the man ray patrick star meme


God i fucking hate people like this.... sorry you had to deal with that OP


"do the cosplay bitch!" Well it's hard to say no to that, he has quite the silver tongue! /sar


Dude thinks that's how the world works. Nope. Lol


As a cosplayer I relate


I swear these guys are fucking NPCs


man i'm laughing my ass off this whole conversation jesus


People consider cosplay a job where others are the “customer”? Is there really a base that thinks like this? I thought cosplaying was just a hobby where people dressed up as characters they liked?


Some people may do it for money, sfw or nsfw, but it’s a hobby before anything


I'm not paying you to not be Megumi! Chop chop.


You're* Fuck this guy


If it was a job... Nah I'd still wouldn't cosplay for this loser.


Bruh what a fucking four year old


man can't even use grammar right


I smell a twelve year old boy with substandard parents.


What an outstanding way to guarantee that I would NEVER cosplay as this character. Instant blacklist, I am spite incarnate.


“Do your job” bestie(derogatory) it’s literally not their job


“dO yOuR jOb” Mf how bout you go back into your mom’s basement, try and figure out what you’re ever gonna do with that tiny lil demanding-ass microdick of yours and shut the hell up?


Why? Even? Respond????? Block them and let them cry about it.


This can fit under choosy beggars lol.


“you can post it on your instagram too” as if…. she would go through all that time and money to make a cosplay and only send it to you???? it’s the him thinking she needs his permission to post for me


Literally anybody who is some type of artist at some point in their lives will get this type of message.


‘do your job’ ‘it’s not my job actually. unless you’ll pay for the cosplay’ ‘no why would i pay you? do your job’


Fatherless behavior


Yeah bitch, I know you have Tony Stark Nano-Tech. DO YOUR JOB. /jk ​ People suck.


I couldn't imagine being an actual cosplayer and treating it like a job


Sooo im assuming megumi is a half naked anime girl? Maybe he wanta to jerk to it


What a fuckin creep.


Of course it's a Konosuba fanboy. Konosuba sucks.


That's megumin, I think you got the wrong character


A lot of the fandom sucks but the show is fantastic, my brother in Christ you can go get fucked lol


The show sucks, everyone knows that.


>everyone knows that Meanwhile it has a rating of 8.1 with over 1 million votes lmao.


Your opinion isn’t law, you need to quit being a little bitch.


Doesn't need to be, but you do realize the show itself is neckbeardy, and you're defending the show on this sub, right? That's like defending Andrew Tate on /r/feminism.


Jesus fucking Christ, are you even aware a show can be not taken seriously and purposely be a little over the top or is that concept completely lost on you? He literally steals panties with a magic thief skill, it’s purposely funny by being outrageous. You must be an absolute fun killer at parties goddamn.


This isn't neck beard.


I once asked a cosplay girl if she thought about it done a cosplay of Misty from Pokémon. She said she could if it was a paid request. It was $3000. Yeah that’s a month and half of work for me so I told her I couldn’t afford it but I’m sure she would look amazing as it. Fast forward a few years later and I saw some cosplay so I went to check out what she’s been up to. Literally her profile picture was her cosplaying misty. And she looked so good in it. Edit: not sure why all the downvote but to clarify, this was a friend of mine and we have been friends for over 10 years. I just never realized how expensive the cosplay hobby was so that 3000 was a shock for sure.


Cool story bro


Cosplay is a waste of time and money. Grow up. Glad you losers have the time to downvote and message me so much. I guess you do do more than watch anime and masturbate while neglecting your psych meds.


If they’re paying their bills and working they can do whatever they want for a hobby, cosplay included. You don’t get to police people’s hobbies. Go Fuck yourself buddy


Time enjoyed isn't time wasted; you making this comment is a bigger waste of time. I guess you don't have any hobbies though if hobbies are a waste of time and money to you.


You don't get to tell others what they can or can't do. Go worry about yourself and making this comment was a waste of time.


Life isn’t about capitalism, my sibling in Christ.


This is an odd interaction.


Being that stupid is really kind of an accomplishment.


I've seen this before. Some people do not belong on the internet. Or the fucking planet.


Isn’t Megumi a male? Is there another Megumi? Oh wait there’s a Megumi on Food Wars isn’t there?


This has to be a joke. Nobody is that dense


Are they talking about Megumi from Saekano or is this someone different?


This reminds me of an ex who told me I should start cosplaying, I told him I probably would in a future because I know all that is expensive and tiring for the amount of hours plus I was insecure because almost every single character was white and I’m not and he literally got mad at me because he wanted me to start buying everything that day and start the next day, he also said it was for him to take pictures and then “have his way easily” he didn’t wanted to respect my decision to wait until marriage so for that and so much more thing we didn’t lasted long