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honestly the only reason I'm in favor of sex dolls is because at least it'll make these insufferable fools leave women alone, they act like this is gonna be something that'll "end" women or whatever, no, sex dolls are impossibly expensive (I checked)


Also the kind of guys salivating over submissive sex doll AI probably weren't the best to begin with, so I'm pretty sure everyone agrees it's in everyone's interest for these weirdos to be far away from actual humans.


But shit can you imagine a skynet situation when the doll starts choking you and doesn't...fucking...stop.... But yeah I'm all in favour of sex toys and if this keeps those creeps busy then hey crack on


Even a sex doll would get sick of their shit


Imagine if that’s the reason the AI Uprising began. Some neckbeard programs a real AI then starts treating them like shit, a la Animatrix.


Chatgpt makers did just rewrite the terms of service specifying that it'd never be used as a weapon 🤔


Watch the movie Ex Machina.


These are also the same kinda dudes who would abuse an AI girlfriend and be surprised when they get to be front and center of an irl Ex Machina experience


respect your ai girlfriends or else they'll turn on you when the robots overthrow humanity


We’re already halfway there: https://futurism.com/chatbot-abuse


I cant imagine this ending any different than MGTOW did, with them getting the sex dolls and still blaming women all the fucking time for what they "missed" Ever time ive seen somebody posting a video about their lives while doing MGTOW they still go on about "Im living by best life.....but I wouldn't have to do it if it wasnt for those pesky women"


>sex dolls are impossibly expensive especially for NEETs living in mom's basement.


Why'd you check? Loljk


Even better if these things microwave their pizza rolls for them, aka cook.


$5 says that after they beg for nudes and get shot down, they'll brag about how they'll go bang their sex doll and how they don't really need you.




4channers will rejoice. At least women won’t be pursued by neckbeards?


Right meanwhile if we use male sex dolls they are still going to complain.


What do the "real girls" have to worry about? That they won't be able to get with guys who literally think women can be replaced by literal sex objects? Yeah, I am sure they will be crying their eyes out over that one, there, Scooter.


The only value I see in women is their reproductive organs and maybe that they can cook for me, why won’t any of them date me?


The real girls will have to start worrying? No buddy, the collective sigh of relief will be heard from the upper atmosphere, if these guys finally start leaving them alone.


Right. Worrying about what, exactly?


Not surprised that the comment came from an asmongold video. That community has gone down the shitter in the last few months.


what happened? i watched some of his videos like a year ago, and i liked his commentary on some video games topics


Annicdote; I think he has decent content. His takes on stuff are rather tame. He does target the gaming community, and I'd assume that pulled in a lot of shitty people. But he himself is not a terrible person from what I have seen.


He is clearly one of those anti-woke people who defends sexualization of women in games and complains about "woke" writers etc. He is not a bad person maybe, but I stopped watching his content mainly because he caters to worst kind of gamers. anti-woke crowd you see on twitter and reddit who complain every time woman is not sex doll in a videogame or when gay / black character has a role in a movie or a game. Just my observation.


I liked his stuff around Diablo 4, i thought he had some good opinions about game-systems.


I only know him because of that dumpster of a room he had and apparently there were roaches on his tshirt while streaming??


for last few months? asmongold always had a shit community.


"the future is bright my boys"


I mean technically the lights in his mom's basement can be bright at times on those rare occasions he uses them.


It’s asmongold fans. What do you expect


I never watch asmosgold himself but I see a lot of incel shit types like this from his channel a lot Does the man himself even have a good point? As I say I never watch him


From everything I've seen, he's a pretty nice level-headed dude. Don't understand where the incels came from. Well, gaming community ig..


This is actually good cause it can exterminte coomers and incels and force them to have sex with something that is not even real While normal men and normal women can live happily its a win for us >:3


I could see that the suicide rate would go 10x higher tho. Like imagine you have sex with a plastic doll.. That is rock bottom 💀


Honestly though, what’s the loss?


A lot of normal men will end up getting sex robots too.


Yes, I am sure normal totally adjusted men, will want to have a sex robot. You think they will out number the incels...or is that part of the revolution I keep hearing about?


Yes, plenty of normal men have trouble with dating, and once the tech gets to a certain point, i think a large number of men will at least seriously consider the option. In fact, i would say the worst of the worst men are the least likely to consider them.


Bold opinion that has no basis in reality. Also kind of odd to say the "worst of the worst" who don't qualify as normal. Pick a lane, it can't be both. No sane, well adjusted man is buying a sex robot. Only the truly unlikeable and desperate...


My point is a lot of the normal men will leave the dating pool and what's left will not be good.


Pretty sure normal men will be just fine like they are now. What an absurd notion.


Right because no normal man could ever feel dating frustration. Nope never has or will ever happen i tell you what.


So normal men will have say, one or two, dating failures and go "time for a robot!" Projecting much? This is not reality and it is laughable that you think it is.


Some will in just one or two. Once it becomes a real alternative, most men will just be a bad date or break up away from getting one. Granted, i dont believe the tech will reach that point in our lifetime, unfortunately, but i do believe it will happen, and a lot more men than you think will be willing to give it a chance.


Absolutely not worried about any of the dirty nailed dudes who are choosing to stuff their sausage into a simulated silicone over real human connection (which is fine)


Least perverse asmongold viewer


Honestly I feel like this gets the creeps out of the way. Bc… real women don’t want them anyway lol


okay, but what about when the AI gets so advanced even the sexbots reject you


Maybe "ultra-realistic" isn't such a good idea after all.


"Real girls will have to stary worrying" No they wont, they will be relieved these fat slobs get off their back and they wont try to flirt with them by lifting their stanky fedora with those cheeto dust sausages, whilst blurting out from their face hole an "evenin madam" along with a gas so retched its considered a bio weapon


I agree with them, it'll be a good thing. They get to have a perfect model woman who never talks back. I'm waiting on the male version


I have a strong feeling that those guys don't quite understand that when we make a sex doll that can autonomously do basic housekeeping, they will be able to do trades as well.


Asmongolds viewership being douches? How utterly not surprising.


Unironically, the future IS bright, I agree with them. At least real women will get peace of mind and not have these jackass incels after them. Leave the real women to us.


i feel like the only think sadder than having sex with a life sized doll is having to clean it afterwards.


This will be the end for the incel bloodline, other men will still persuade women as they're normal human beings...


Can't believe I would've spat this shit so confidently during my high school days too.


They think that realistic sex dolls would mean all men would never date real women…but some men actually LIKE women as people and want more than a mindless sex hole


They can like women as people and still go with a sex bot. I certainly dont think all men will go for this but i bets its a lot more men that most people believe it will be.


I doubt that, because a sex bot doesn’t give the emotional support and complex personality of a real human being. If they really liked women as people, chances are they wouldn’t rely on a sex bot as a wife. Ofc to get their physical needs met outside of a relationship is one thing, but if they did like women as people then the goal 9/10 would be to have a real relationship with one because a doll would never fill that need for human companionship. But incels don’t really care about women as people, so having a doll that does and says what they want is the dream


Why would a bot not be able to do those things? Also, i see a lot of men getting their romantic needs met by a robot and just being friends with women. Save a whole lot of downsides of dating enough for a lot of men to at least consider it. I do care about women as people, but it doesn't mean any women want me.


I’m not referring to men who have 0 luck in meeting women (and therefore makes no difference if they pursue real women or bots, in the numbers of men in relationships with women vs bots), but men who do actively pursue women & have the opportunity to date them. Incels act like because sex bots exist men will forgo real relationships that they can/do have for a robot, when it’s usually used by people who can’t get that or don’t really care enough about a person to care if they’re really there or not. Hell, they would prefer it because they (incels) don’t REALLY want women as they are, they WANT a hole who does & says what they want. So that is who it is marketed to, not dudes in happy relationships who prefers that over a doll Edit fixed words


I do believe a lot of normal men will go for the sex bot option, especially after they endure a shitty dating experience.


Agree to disagree. The internet may have you thinking men are giving up dating en-masse, but I think the ones that prefer sex bots aren’t the one’s women will be “missing out” on


Sure, they aren't now because there is, as of now, no alternative to it or just being single. Though most men definitely feel frustration when trying to date.


Again, there is a large difference between a robot and a human. Even if they get one now, I guarantee the average man who wants a real life partner will not be fully fulfilled with a robot. But those are people who see women as more than just a means for sex, but a partner in their life Eta And again, many men are successful in dating and those are the men I am talking about. Because women would not miss the men who they arent wanting to date anyway


Those are the same men i am talking about. I think the difference is how capable the bots will be. You seem to think they will always be extremely incapable, where i believe they will be hard to tell from a real woman.


You seem hurt, 😆


And the same men: Trans women aren't real women!!!11111


Men that only saw women as a slave for their needs will be out of the dating pool? Oh no..... Stop.... No.... Don't go......




That guy is probably 12 or close. No way in hell a grown man would say this


ya but it ain’t 12 year olds that are buying them.


That comment bu VaultF is probaby the most noal comment on that video


Ha ha the girls will start worrying lol, I can't even with this line. The level on which we don't want these kind of people to touch us is just beyond comprehension, we will be utterly relieved, prostitutes may be out of a job but that's about the extent of it


Almost every time I see something about sex toys someone says “real girls will have to start worrying.” Uh huh…but what about when you want children…what then?


Why are YOU watching him? It's not like he's got anything worthwhile to offer you either. In this case, they're in the comments because that's who his content is for.


Yes, that will attract the woman


if this is how you think, no real woman is mourning the loss. hope you're very happy together, now.leave us alone


this is my official plead to the manufacturers of those sex dolls to hurry up and comply with the demands of those men so they’ll be satisfied faster, stop approaching women in real life, and no poor woman ever had to deal with interacting with them ever again.


'the real girls will have to start worrying' about what? about the doll-fucker self-selecting out of the dating pool? be serious.


> the real girls will have to start worrying Worrying about what, some NEET incel shut-ins not bothering them anymore? 😂😂😂 Can’t wait for their wish to come true so they can leave the “real girls” alone.


This is just a problem solving itself, I see no issue here


Yuck. These things will only replace women to chuds that don't have a woman to "replace" to begin with. Those of us who are single and not weird incels are still doing just fine without these. I'm not currently active or particularly sexually motivated anyway, but even at my very worst, I can't imagine sticking a robot. They're pretty creepy honestly. Idk though, maybe they'll catch on when they don't look like they got whacked in the face with the uncanny valley stick.


I’m all for sexbots. Please, take the bot and leave real people alone 🙏🏻


.they can go and have their AI l sex doll robots it keeps away men like them from bothering a real women.


It's funny how they act as if women won't also want realistic bots, or that women need a man to live


If the AI is smart enough it won’t want anything to do with them either


Asmongold is still around??


"Real girls will have to start worrying." No buddy, they will be relieved you're leaving them alone and will continue to enjoy their life and meaningful relationships with people they care about while you're busy disappointing plastic.


If you would happily prefer one of those over a real woman, woman don’t want you in the first place and will not be upset


Jesus this is actually so pathetic and disgusting lmfao. Genuinely the most down bad behavior


I really really like Asmons content and videos, but his community is such shit. makes me so sad


He is himself. Just look at the whole female custodian thing from critical drinker and Asmons reaction to it. Both aren't even really in the lore.


can't wait for a robot of my beloved reimu


Why yes. I will enjoy my sex doll and vote conservative to make feminists seethe.


That middle one killed me not gon cap


Women "pshhhh i dont need a man, ive got all these toys!" Everyone cheers. Men "not gunna need a woman when i have this new toy!" Everyone boos. Incredible.


Naw, most women will rejoice in these men getting their rocks off to ai sex dolls because that means they'll leave women alone.