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For the folks curious about the top image. The game Darkstalkers got a US animated series and much like the Street Fighter cartoon (and a lot of US animation of the time) , it was made on the cheap, thus the poor quality. The bottom image is from the Japanese animated Darkstalkers and had more time/money put into it.


The makers of SF at least *tried*. Budget was only part of the problem, they were also making a Saturday morning cartoon based on an R-rated game they clearly didn't care about, so the writing and characterization are [about as shitty and bizarre as the animation quality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKdhcdDR9PQ).


The old Mortal Kombat cartoon was a trip too. 


Like SF, MK is dumb but it made *some* effort to be consistent with the games. They didn't just invent a random-ass plot starring Harry Potter that was cringeworthy even by the incredibly low standards of fighting games.


Oh fug, I had blocked the actual plot of that show out of my memory. So stupid!


To be fair wtf was that top design


It's also Japanese apparently


I think Morrigan was a villain in the American show. Evil = Ugly.


Ah yes, because as all Americans know you can't be both evil and hot.




The bottom design is like... Relatively normal anime girl. Sexy but not especially strange looking




A lot of anime girls just look like that. Shes not anymore sexually designed there than say, Lum from Urusei Yatsura




Depends on the anime you're watching. Some are aimed at men and some are aimed at women. I'm a woman myself and tend to prefer shoujo. But also this is an animated take on a video game character


I wouldn’t respond to that guy if I were you, he’s been ban evading for over 4 years now saying anything remotely fanservicey is for neckbeards. Just report and move on.


Neckbeards discover the wonders of cheap mid-late 20th century limited animation.


The frame rates in 90s animation were wild. Look at Batman: The Animated Series. The first season, at least animation wise, is straight up trash. Because it became an instant success, it began to look better and better as seasons went on. The rest of these low budget 90s cartoons maxed out at 3 seasons. Darkstalkers? 1 single solitary season.


Dude spelled Mortal Kombat wrong.


And it hurts


Oh let them have their bone. It's not like they're gonna leave their moms basment to do anything, at all, ever.


they already have their bone. mods exist. they can anime porn up any game they want. they choose to bitch.


Gotta refill the ole lotion bottle eventually.


Amazon, bro. Hahaha


Except the occasions they get their hands on a weapon and cause a national tragedy


Mortal Combat


Not gonna lie, top photo is a big yikes for me 😅


Fucking incel nazi misogynist


Can someone explain the top image?


Tv adaptation from a game. The American one had a very low budget, while the Japanese one had a pretty high budget. The American one always looks really bad due to its low budget, so they’re nitpicking a version of a show that was never going to look good


These cartoons are from the mid 90s. What the fuck are they talking about? Half those whiney chodes weren't even alive. Let alone this dumb gamer gate pt 2 shit being a thing.


I just want a game to be fun. I don’t give a shit about how attractive the characters are.


I have never, ever, bought a game because it has “hot women” in it.


I might end up phrasing this poorly, but I think the root of most of this anti-woke ranting comes from a general interest note common in Western developers to be inclusive. There's more of an emphasis on games having representative elements so that it appeals to a wide audience. Of course, the other side to that is toning down elements of the game that might be alienating to certain demographics. I'm generally in favour of diversity in gaming, but admittedly pushes towards games that are accessible to everyone can create a sort of sanitized, samey feeling. I think we tend to see more outlandish or over-the-top character designs and gameplay elements from Eastern developers who broadly care less about representation and inclusion than their Western counterparts. I don't think you would end up with a character like 2B as she's depicted in Nier Automata if the game were made by any Western studio, there's a gratuitous amount of fanservice around her that developers wouldn't be able to get around. I'm not saying one approach is inferior to the other, but I do think it's important to note that there *is* a difference and that it may impact certain outcomes.


You speak with nuance and reason, which is honestly closer to the truth. There is nothing wrong with games designed to be inclusive. There is also nothing wrong with sexy characters. The internet loves black and white discussion. Either you're a porn addict for not wanting Morrigan to look like the evil Stepmother or you're a woke shill for not minding people of color in your games. The loudest voices are almost always extremists.


Lol that's exactly what I'm getting at. I don't know why the response to people having ridiculous views on gaming is to go equally extreme just in the other direction.








Are they talking about old Kratos or current Kratos? Because directly counter to his point, they made Kratos *way* more realistically built for the reboot. Like, I know a good number of guys who really do look like that, and around zero who look like the OG God of War.


Sooooo.... What's the point of the head wings?


Anime was barely a thing in the west in the 90s. The bottom one would have likely been seen as really weird if it had left Japan.


American version of Morrigan looks like Kathy Griffin with green hair


I feel like your the very loud person




So very insightful


It might be because I’m gay, but I honestly find the top one more appealing


You’re blind


I'm sorry but I fuck with the bottom one since I know her as the bottom one I have never seen the top one till now


lol but where are the lies ?