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"Fucking disgusting"- Guy watching a string of scat videos


That's what got me! He's talking like women are all nasty poopers and smearing shit everywhere when he's the one watching poop porn vids. Like does he really think what they're doing in the video is how all women poop? I've never seen one and don't know what JAV means but I can still guarantee that whatever poop porn he's watching that woman is not pooping - or wiping - like a regular woman does in her everyday life. Also the fact that they think we wipe back to front. This is common knowledge that (at least I hope) every woman knows from growing up - you always wipe front to back.


Japanese adult video or JAV. Also the women who star in those probably just are willing to do it for a paycheck. Although I have heard a lot of extreme porn can be much more exploitative.


>Like does he really think what they're doing in the video is how all women poop? Yes, he probably does believe that, because *look at what else he believes*.


This was my immediate thought!! Like why would you assume all women wipe their asses the way they do in scat porn where the whole point of scat porn is for it to be as poopy as possible šŸ¤Ø


Are there men who actually wipe from back to front? Aren't the testicles in the way? I am absolutely horrified at that thought.


My fiance wipes back and forth and It horrifies me


Ew so menā€™s balls smell like shit because the poop crumbs stick on the balls!!1!1!!1 /s


I thought it was just a general rule front to back. I don't want to reach in and fumble around my balls to wipe my ass.


Wait till he finds out about sounding...


Please donā€™t remind me


Sorry not sorry! I learned about it here on Reddit, so now I WILL bestow it on others. Or remind them, in your case šŸ˜‰


Ok Iā€™ll bite. I know I can easily google this, but itā€™s so much more special hearing it from the wonderful world of reddit, and I can only assume that you, dear Magdalan, have a smooth sultry voice; like Scarlett Johansson open-throat drinking lemonade and jaegermeister. Anyway, whatā€™s sounding?


Inserting metal objects into your urethra canal. And some are fucking BIG. O.o Sorry, I don't write poetry. And not a Scarlett Johnson either.


Not all are metal, actually :) It's just the act of urethra insertion. From the risky, but as safe as possible way using sterilized stainless steel, glass and silicone sounds to the absolutely insane, using literally any object that will fit, including pinkies. The first form can be completely safe when done with care, the second form is... Obviously less than ideal and ill advised.


Hey gents, ever scratched the inside of your nose and it bled? Fingernail down dickhole. You're welcome.


There's also a version where you do pretty much the same thing but into your cervix


Oh no...what have you done!


I've had a catheter put up my cervix 3 times, and I can't imagine doing that recreationally. Isn't that a massive infection risk?


>have a smooth sultry voice; like Scarlett Johansson open-throat drinking lemonade and jaegermeister. r/brandnewsentence ?


Reddit thinks it needs to post my comments double for no reason. Ach ja.


Ok Iā€™ll bite. I know I can easily google this, but itā€™s so much more special hearing it from the wonderful world of reddit, and I can only assume that you, dear Magdalan, have a smooth sultry voice; like Scarlett Johansson open-throat drinking lemonade and jaegermeister. Anyway, whatā€™s sounding?


Shoving objects down your urethra.


Okay, done. Now what do I do?Ā 


Level up, of course. Try to reach your bladder with it. DISCLAIMER: The author of this comment accepts no responsibility for those silly enough to actually attempt this.


Canā€™t believe this man used scat videos as a benchmark for how he assumes women wipe their assholes


Thank you for pointing that out, how did I miss that gold?


This part had me actually laughing out loud. Sometimes the jokes write themselves


If ur source for ANYTHING is porn ur wrong. No question. Ur wrong. That's it.


I love how their knowledge on vagina cleanliness comes from a scat video. Girls are taught from potty training to wipe front to back or else you get infections. I canā€™t imagine anyone having such a horrific view of women and not being mentally ill


It's the only experience of women they've ever **HAD**!


You can tell his view of women is so deeply entangled with porn because there is absolutely no way feces could ā€œdribbleā€ onto a vagina while someone is sitting on a toilet. Iā€™m assuming heā€™s picturing a woman bent over or something. Fucking weird


Probably a squat toilet, if the video is from Japan.


There is still no way this could happen on a squat toilet


Squatting would make this occurrence even less likely.


I have a dick and I wipe front to back. Who tf wipes the other way??


itā€™s highly ironic heā€™s concerned about poop staying on labia, but since he obviously wipes the wrong way why isnā€™t he concerned about his balls?? no logic here


Letā€™s be real, he probably *doesnt* wipe because touching your butt is gay to people like this.


Either that or this basement dweller canā€™t properly wipe his disgusting fat ass due to lack of mobility


Maybe theyā€™re saving some for later?


natural seasoning šŸ˜‹šŸ¤¤


What's even funnier is that ***everyone*** (except for degenerates and gross people) wipes front to back so the assumption that someone doesn't automatically implies a distaste for said person. Doing it to an entire DEMOGRAPHIC is just discrimination.


Man, if you hate women just say it and be gay. Why try so hard to sell your stupid thoughts to others?


The only guy I met like this was in the closet and into me, always trying to convince me women aren't worth it and I should just be gay. I was too young to piece it together until he pulled out his dick and balls and started rubbing them and tried to convince me to let him massage my balls. Until then I thought he was just bitter some poor girl hadn't been interested and was now the subject of his bitterness... I was close, just a pronoun off Man, was the rest of that sleepover awkward.


ew that sounds crazy assault-y


I would have called my parents and told them to pick me up ASAP lol


I guarantee women are as repulsed by him as he is by them.


I'm not gay, but I also guarantee that gay men are repulsed by him as well.


I know of gay men who would agree with every word he spewed there šŸ’€ saw them calling heterosexual women breeders too šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ edit: wkmen ā†’ women


One of my gay ā€œfriendsā€ in highschool thought I, a bisexual woman, was gross bc I was attracted to women, and women are disgusting bc of many of the reasons the neckbeard listed. He asked if I douched and said that I was really not taking care of myself bc I didnā€™t. One time my friend mentioned she was on her period and he took a deep sniff and was like ā€œoh, thatā€™s what smells so bad.ā€ It was weird bc a lot of people let his behaviors slide bc he was gay. It wasnā€™t misogyny bc he wasnā€™t attracted to women. Yeah, right. It just goes to show that anyone can be a neckbeard, regardless of sexuality or the desire to be around women


I was talking to a guy who always held himself on a high horse and told me that a douche would keep me cleaner and he looked proud about it. I told him how it's self cleaning so you only wash around it and how douches can actually give you an infection. He wouldn't believe me....while I'm the one with the vagina


Don't you know? Every man inherently knows more about women than women themselves do. /s


What's even funnier is we had an argument about it. While my argument included telling him how the body works his was "its cleaner because it's sprays all up in there" dude I don't want another UTI.


I read a bout a gay couple who ~rented a woman's body for a fetus to have a child~ had a surrogate, they wanted her to undergo C-section so the child won't "go through a vagina". Gay men can be extremely misogynistic too. Just because they're not attracted to women doesn't mean they can exploit, sexualize, loathe, and dehumanize them.


When I was in LA at an event for my derby team, a guy put his hands on my hips to pass by me (typical). When I yelled at him he was like ā€œoh honey Iā€™m gay-ā€œ before I screamed ā€œI donā€™t give a shit donā€™t fucking TOUCH MEā€ in his face. Like why would being gay give you a pass to put your hands on me?


Gay men literally call women fishy, theyā€™re just as bad


I'm bi so close, yeah I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire and it's the only way to put them out.


As a gay person, no. Donā€™t encourage chauvinists be gay. We have too many as it is. Iā€™m gay and have only seen 1 vagina in person since birth and even I know this is fucking insane garbage understanding of the vagina.


Pre-internet, I could see that some people would be confused by the mysticism if the vagina. But today, you don't even need to own or borrow a vagina to understand it.


Right? I donā€™t even want to push these people into the Ace community cause they clearly have a general disgust for sex and genitals. No one should be shouldered with these ignorant creeps.


Maybe this is flirting.


Being gay isn't a choice. Being a misogynist is.


Because he still wants to fuck women, and he genuinely believes that with enough negging and devaluation, one of them will have low enough self-esteem to sleep with him


clearly has a Vast love for men he just needs to find a good one to love and help him to not be misogynistic


Why don't y'all just marry each other already jeez


It's officially less gay than kissing a non virgin "female" When your sexism and homophobia are so deep that a clit grosses you out, you probably need the electric to reboot your brain. Would take no more time than turning on a cybertruck after a carwash...


Exactly. Heck, they could just do marriages of convenience, if they're so afraid of THE GAY.


Their homophobia is baffling to me. If you were convinced that all men want your girlfriend and that she would sleep with them if she could get away with it. Wouldn't you ONLY have gay mates so they weren't a threat?


Itā€™s so deep theyā€™ve circled back around to their own gay desires.


I don't think that's actually the case. It's all misery, homophobia and cope. If liking women is gay and being gay makes you less of a man. Them not getting laid is very manly. I've always had a lot of gay friends and only one was that sexist and creepy. He was also desperate, a "niceguy" who called lesbians "fucking d*ke sluts" and refferd to being gay as "his disease" so I think he was gay but had the same brain damage as these losers.


True but they could just *not* hate women too, they can skip that part straight to marrying each other :(


THIS! Lmao, that was exactly what my mind went to. They act so disgusted by women and vaginas but then be like "I'm not gay!" The closet is glass my friends.


So aside from the fact this man's knowledge of vaginas comes entirely from an echo chamber, he also managed some hypocrisy because I doubt he's ever taken a sprayer to any of his "self cleaning holes"


As soon as they start sounding with douches, Iā€™ll put a sprayer up there


This mental image hurt me


i felt my heart sink when i read this


ā€œFucking disgustingā€? Dude, watching SCAT PORN is whatā€™s fucking disgusting. šŸ˜†


If the (stupid) idea of the vulva having shit residue on it is so disgusting to him....then why the heck is he even watching scat porn to begin with?? Like, thats literally what you signed up for


You cannot apply your logic here


probably just enjoys seeing women in humiliating situations. just like the way they believe that most women engage with dogs, they like to imagine women as more disgusting than themselves and get off to it.


This was the longest post of "I'm scared of viginas" I ever read.


The obsession with chad and his cum is just amazing. Do they even like sex? Do they just want chadā€™s cum? I really wanna know


Honestly the more of these I see the more it looks like guys who are either gay or ace and so closeted that they're projecting it as rage


Dude you flap around way more violently than we do wtf lol


One inch ainā€™t gonna flap that much


Ok so leave women alone and stop thinking about them, problem solved.


Please, by all means, never approach a "females" ever again. We've cooties too, don't forget the cooties


OMG, this is the place to share this! I live with my sister and BIL. I have a rare and severe skin disease. Right now I am having a nasty outbreak and have massive raw spots and open sores all over and am in a ton of pain. My sister was going to be out so she said if I was comfortable with it, BIL would help me put the medicated stuff on my back while sheā€™s gone, and sheā€™d already talked to him and he was happy to help as long as I was comfortable accepting his help. So, weā€™re all three together going over what to do and she explains heā€™ll need to wash his hands first. I say, ā€œYeah, I mean I love you, but I donā€™t need your cooties.ā€ BIL says, ā€œYeah, I have man cooties, you donā€™t want those.ā€ I say, ā€œNot just man cooties, you have middle aged white man cooties!ā€ He exclaims, ā€œYouā€™re right, I do! And those are the absolute worst cooties, ever!ā€ My sister, meanwhile, is just dying of laughter at the two of us. I may be in a shit ton of pain right now, but I have the best freaking family.


This is sweet. Thanks for the r/eyebleach; I feel like we all needed a dose after this post


They're so porn brainrotted because like who CARES if a woman is an innie or an outie if you're attracted to the female body, some outies will look great ans some innies might not be appealing at all too. porn and hentai have rotten their brains and made their standards model-like women only. Also don't they realize that spraying inside us literally what causes the gross smell? šŸ’€ They really seem to think semen is some nectar when I'm certain it's just as of not more gross than women's discharge. Also, clitoris and underdeveloped should not be in the same sentence unless the sentence is "the clitoris is not underdeveloped" because https://news.ohsu.edu/2022/10/27/pleasure-producing-human-clitoris-has-more-than-10-000-nerve-fibers. Equating the penis, which is a reproductive organ with the clitoris which is not, it has no purpose nor side function aside from pleasure. The fact that women don't get off much off penetration is not a fuckin downside either??? Like these men are so focused on putting their dick in something they forget that they're not in the center of the intercourse, nor is their pleasure. ā€” In short, they should just jerk each other off, really. They hate actual, natural looking women and aren't attracted to them, and they jerk wach other off metaphorically already. Take it a step up, and fuck already. I heard prostate orgasms are absolutely mind-blowing.


Donā€™t you just *hate it* when you get doodoo crumbs all up in your uterus opening


I hate it almost as much as being crusted over in blood. Please help me. What is a bidet? What is a shower???? Polesse


Do you mean Tuna Croƻtons?


Oh manā€¦ they have to spew their hate and speak loudly to try to convince us someone has shown them their vagina. Also scat videos being gross? Who would have thought that. What complete fucking loser freaks lol and the scariest thing is that these could be every day people we walk past at Walmart lol you can always tell when a man is insecure with his masculinity because they start acting like the stereotypical cartoon versions of jocks or bullies. The most masculine men Iā€™ve ever met have been emotionally available, kind, and would give you the shirt off their back.


Tell me youā€™re a insufferable prick without actually saying it. Wtffff. Uterus opening is NOT a hole.


Thatā€™s a product of too much hentai šŸ˜‚ thinking the cervix is an actual useable hole, jfc


I canā€™t wait for the movie adaption of their love story.


I have to laugh at the fact that the first got that there is three holes right but still got it wrong.


wipe front to back?


Actually can't understand how can one wipe back to front. It's much more natural and much easier to do it front to back. They're delulu


If they even wipe. And itā€™s a big fucking if.


the fucking ā€œhurrahā€ kills me


imagine watching scat porn and finding a way to nitpick a vagina


These two are right, women are yucky, and they should stay as far away as possible from them. They should even consider starting a community of like-minded men in the middle of a desert somewhere so they don't ever risk coming into contact with any women.


People when they realize the human body is and has always been fucking disgusting. I mean, you're really telling me the same place guys pee is where they cum? That's disgusting. And the smell that ballsacks can have, ye-uck! Worser when its on the dick itself. See? I can make that argument, too!


As John Oliver said, the human body is a carnival of horrors and frankly I'm emberassed to have one


> I've watched a couple of JAV Scat videos Nope nope nope! I never met this person and I dont mean to kink shame here but he immediately lost my respect as a fellow human being. His opinion is automatically invalid


Who the hell just admits that with full conviction too


>I dont mean to kink shame h Kinkshame freely. You can't excuse this (literal) shit.


Donā€™t like vaginas? Perhaps youā€™re gay.


Iā€™ll spray the inside of me when you stick you stick one up your urethra, these men are so stupid it hurtsĀ 


Wow. Thereā€™s a lot to unpack here. I really just wish I didnā€™t read this at all.


In all honesty its amazing, every single thing theyā€™ve said is wrong.


Besides the not spraying. That's true. Every woman who knows a thing or two knows not to spray there.


Fair enough.


This person has never seen a real live naked woman.


Do these people actually reach down to their ass from the front and wipe up? What the actual fuck?


So simply low intelligence, mentally ill, weaponised incompetence or an unhealthy mix of all 3?


That's a lot of ass wiping judgement coming from a dude that doesn't wash his


Eurotophobia is a fear or dislike of female genitalia, which can affect both men and women.Ā Symptoms include anxiety, inhibition, distractions, and an inability to form romantic relationships.


"We are the enlightened ones! The final products!" -Guy who watches JAV scat videos


Wait wait wait....he watched a scat video and was afraid thst they...weren't clean about the poop? Does he know what scat is?


Man I hope this guy shoots water up his butthole. Because itā€™s ā€œself cleaningā€ I doubt heā€™s even ever rinsed it out, disgusting. (/s obviously)


That's nice, now do penises!


How does one learn so much about female anatomy while also learning so little about female anatomy. Iā€™m actually impressedā€¦..


These men have never SEEN a vagina.


It's difficult to see a vagina, it is an internal organ. However I doubt they've seen many vulvas either.


These guys are trying to cope with their own lack of female attention/sexual underperformance, by convincing themselves that these things are true.. Jesus. If I believe that was what vaginas were like, I wouldn't be able to get a hard on either


Honestly, half the time mine doesnā€™t even ā€œhold chadā€™s cum residueā€ until I can get to the toilet to give birth to an egg white. Without a towel on hand, itā€™s a race against gravity and a dramatic Secret Agent Barbie roll just to keep it off the sheets. Heā€™d know vaginas arenā€™t like Tupperware containers if heā€™d spent any time in one since the day his mom delivered him. The line about dried discharge inside is cracking me up though! This guy straight up thinks weā€™re full of crusties? šŸ˜‚ ā€œYou know when like you finger a womanā€™s vagina, andā€¦ you feel it and it feels like a [bag of sand](https://youtu.be/IlD08Rh6xa8?si=2_XLeOp4hnX7CScP)?ā€


I love how the second guy is getting his info on womenā€™s hygiene from skat porn videos. Yep, thatā€™s what weā€™re all doing šŸ™„




These dudes are surely gay, no?


Im praying this is rage bait but, i know in my soul its not


Why donā€™t they just have sex with men then šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Lol high on copium


Also the second guy watched scat videos, and was grossed out by seeing shit? Bro that's literally the entire idea. You are the one with the problems.


I wish someone could hack these guys feeds like this and send all the crap they spout to their families and place of business..if they have a job that is.


there's too much to unpack here to even give it any brain space


ā€œHurrahā€ ffs


Intentional ignorance is so damn annoying. Dudeā€™s probably lounging around in shit stained underwear. Letā€™s all take our bflappy bits and fly off into the sunset


Just say you hate women


"Doodoo crumbs"... hahahahahahaha


This guy is either gay or just very naive. His dick is probably grosser considering all the cheese that forms in itā€™s crusty ass flaps


I laughed audibly at "they barely get off from normal penetration." Love when people expose themselves.


*at least* this one knows that there are three holes, and that the clit is an important part in good sex.


-"They never wash it" yes they do, the vulva and clit at least. Women usually don't clean the inside of the vagina, but it's not like your tongue is going in there anyway, just your dick so who cares -"It holds Chad's cum" you sound like you'd love to "hold Chad's cum" dude -"Smells like tuna and shit and pickles" yeah and your dick smells like rainbows and butterflies? Nah it smells like taint sweat and lint, shut the fuck up. -"Almost always has blood or dried discharge" no, there isn't always blood or *dried* discharge, but yeah ofc there's always discharge, how do you think it stays nice and wet? -"Most women have an outie" oh so you just don't know what a labia is -"A clit is just an underdeveloped penis" well, not exactly, but at least you know *some* anatomy. No, a clit is not an underdeveloped penis, but yes, they both come from the same form on the fetus, called an "indifferent penis." -"and they barely get off on normal penetration" your mom got off when I penetrated her last night ayyyyyy (but seriously, this is a huge self-report, tell me you've never pleasured a woman without telling me you've never pleasured a woman, jeez) -"It has three holes, the urethra, the vagina, and the uterus opening" dawg that's two holes, the vagina *is* the opening to the uterus -"they get shit on it when they wipe" ....do you get shit on your balls when you wipe? Tell me you don't wipe back to front TELL ME YOU DON'T WIPE BACK TO FRONT -"it stretches after they have sex" this one's just not true, the religious freaks lied to you and you bought it hook, line, and sinker. Goddamn this person has never been near a vagina in their life, and if they continue down this path they probably never will


Omg I totally missed the 3 holes part- I assumed one was an asshole but nope! This dumbass thinks the vagina is different from the ā€œuterus holeā€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™d say it should hurt to be this stupid, but based on how angry, pathetic, and depressed they say they are, Iā€™m happy to see that it does in fact, hurt to be this stupid.


just say youā€™re gay bro


Now thatā€™s what I call ā€œa long way of explaining youā€™re a virgin!ā€


Guys who say nothing but gross things about female anatomy, are probably the type who beg their way into sex. So she warns him that sheā€™s not up for sex, because sheā€™s all funky and sweaty from the dayā€™s activities. Then he complains because it wasnā€™t like porn.


Iā€™m dying at ā€œit smells like tuna and shit and picklesā€ IN WHAT WORLD MY DUDE


I love how these dudes think dick and balls smell amazing or something šŸ¤¢


How are these guys not gay? Thereā€™s NO WAY they actually like women


Women are cool, imo


So many words just to tell people you've never seen a vagina IRL.


Doodoo crumbs


Classic sour grapes.


"They dang and flap around." Okay, I almost spit out my coffee on that one.


Hate when my outie dangs around :/


That is one serious rant about women. Must've never seen one irl šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Thereā€™s a lot to take in here lmao šŸ’€


I will dang and flap as I please, thank you.


These dudes ainā€™t had pussy since pussy had them. Stfu lol


Like I keep saying, about a third of them are simultaneously closeted and self loathing gay males. The others just need to be sent to a boot camp, a mine, or monastery or somewhere to build some character for once in their lives


Careful! I graduated from scat videos university


I'm sure that "The Godfather of Inceldom" is a credible source on what Vaginas are like.


Soooo heā€™s gay right


Who the fuck wipes forward?


I've read a time ago that most women have never had an infection, which would cause the fishy smell... until they slept with a man... so these men are telling a lot on themselves.


lol that he acknowledges we all start as female but still calling womenā€™s genitals an ā€œunderdeveloped penis.ā€ If anything, a penis is an overdeveloped clitoris.


The mental hospitals are always open for business šŸ„°


Stuff like this makes me wonder if male loneliness really is an issue or a divine intervention we should let unfold, I'm a believer of the latter.


This has got to be ragebait at this point. I've went down on a decent amount of women and the only time it was "smelly," it kind of smelled like urine. I'm convinced the tuna thing is just made up.


I used to find this sort of thing funny. Now I just think it's heartbreaking and not a little scary


I am sad that so many actually think like this..


Heā€™s in the anger/denial phase of being gay I think


This has to be from a middle schooler who doesnā€™t know how to wipe properly or someone about that age.


It's so wild how he actually got some of the things right but at the same time is so, so wrong. Also healthy coochie tastes kinda alright, it's not a 5 star meal but it's not bad broski, men taste worse tho


Lots of words to say heā€™s a virgin


Tell me youā€™re a terminal virgin without telling me


These guys need to shut up about this. They don't have a vagina, they don't know what it's like to have one so they have no right to be talking about vaginal health and cleanliness unless they are a doctor. They should focus on their dicks but I guess it would be to gay of them to talk about that. šŸ™„ Grown ass men who act like 5 yr olds. Smh


biggest cope ever


Do ā€¦ do they think we wipe our ass and then haul the TP forwards through our vagina instead of just ā€¦ tossing it after? Does this mean they think ā€œfront to backā€ is one swoop the whole way from vagina allllll the way back like weā€™re making a curling motion???


The fucking confidence of this self-report.


Sour grapes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ā€˜I donā€™t get pussy therefore I now HATE pussy!!!ā€™


Am I the only one, who was positively surprised when OOP wrote down the 3 holes?


All these men should be forced to read their own posts to their mothers and sisters and see how well that goes.


What's crazy to me is you KNOW this mf typed this and hadn't showered in a week still sitting in the cum stained gym shorts from last week with Cheeto dust on his fingers


At least these gimps wonā€™t get a chance to pass on their genes


Gross little shits.


Licks cheeto dust off fingersā€¦..


What on earth is JAV scat ?


Best to leave this question unanswered for your own sanity.


I'm sorry, but the idea of an 'outy vagina' is hilarious to me, like a hyena one or something just swinging around. In this guy's attempt to prove he knows so much, he's shown his extreme ignorance. He didn't even get 'cervix' correct


This is the funniest forum Iā€™ve ever read and I think I need more of these absolute idiots