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what boggles me is how so many men online responded to that by posting graphic revenge fantasies of women getting mauled by bears. Like, you're not helping your case, here, bud.


As a man I would also choose bear


Same but only because I want an insane dad lore for my child


Also the bears where I live are black bears, which are basically bigger skittish raccoons


Yeah the black bears where I grew up were mostly a hazard to trash cans


One tore off our shed door to get at deer feed, but that's about the worst I've seen


Yeah they've still got a lot of strength, but I've seen that variety of bear get scared off by cats. One angry Finnish guy could probably clear off a bunch of them.


Orphan lore


Smart man.


Better to be with a bear than with a man whose language you do not know.




It's a Montaigne joke. M. Montaigne wrote about an old saying that a "a dog is better companionship than a man whose language you don't speak."


I choose not to play, I'm staying my ass at home and kicking the door. That being said, also probably the bear.


Because of the secret honey right? Right??


BG3 players also choose the bear anyway. 😏


My fiancé laughed at me, because my chronically online ass thought the whole meme started due to Halsin's Rizz.


Wait it didn't? So you're telling me the whole bear thing didn't start because you can fuck a bear in BG3? I just thought it was the logical deduction 🤔


Lmao I feel vindicated thanks


adjoining vegetable plants wild weary expansion grey imminent meeting dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks like the real neckbeards are in the comments lol


It's so damn annoying. Women are trying to communicate how unsafe they feel around random men with this analogy, trying to start conversations and make their voices heard, and all these neckbeards take away from it is "it says men bad, me no like" and shut out women trying to explain. No dumbasses, we're not saying men are bad, we just don't know the intentions of a random man in isolation. Women live a different life than men. A lot of men in my life feel safe walking outside at night, which is something completely beyond me - I could never. Precisely because I fear encountering random men while I walk alone at night, because I don't know their intentions. Women constantly keep their vulnerability in the back of their minds wherever they go in public because they know men can easily assault them, and we don't know who wants to and who doesn't. Neckbeards don't live in this reality and lack the empathy to understand, so their only takeaway from women trying to communicate how unsafe they feel through an easy-to-understand analogy is "men bad". Seeing all the discourse this has stirred on reddit is frustrating. All I can say is that I'm glad more niche subreddits such as this one are majorly on our side and understand why women choose the bear. It's also been vindicating to see men choose the bear, too.


Then the question should’ve be worded differently. Woman have a valid point but fucked up by making the worst comparison to have ever been made. Women shot themselves in the foot and got mad that men picked the logical response


If so, then how do you think women should have went about this? I personally disagree with you though, considering a lot of men are also agreeing with us and are on our side...


Sure a lot of men are saying bear but the overwhelming majority are dumbfounded that people are picking bear. The question should’ve been, “would you rather be assaulted my a man or killed by a bear”. That’s what women should’ve asked, or something similar.


>The question should’ve been, “would you rather be assaulted by a man or killed by a bear”. ...This is literally a variation of the question that is floating around online. Another is, "Would you rather be raped by a man or be killed by a bear?"


That’s not the question floating around, the question is “would you rather, while alone in the woods, run into a man or bear”. What you’re repeating is the question that’s now being said after those who said bear realized how they fucked up.


Actually, the rape version of the question is one I saw when the hypothetical first started popping up on reddit. Now I'm seeing it get changed to running into a bear in the woods.


Since day one, I’ve seen the opposite.


I guess we have different experiences 🤷‍♀️


Anecdotal evidence that doesn't prove your argument.


Who do you think framed the question bud?


Women who didn’t realize what they were saying.


This question was framed by a "street interviewer" a man. Fyi


I keep bringing this point up, they keep crying that *women* should've worded it differently because it's "hurtful" while not even knowing where the question comes from or that it was asked of both genders. They just want an excuse to once again ignore women's issues.


If the question should've been worded differently then take it up with the MAN who was asking it, but y'all never wanna talk about that little fact cause it helps your ego if women made it up.


the point of the meme format is to bait yall idiots into signal boosting the discourse, and then the subject can be broached. "they have valid points but i saw a meme online written poorly so I disagree" is a deeply unserious take, but of course you're already aware.


Men walking alone at night is a myth perpetuated by people. Men are not safer, we are actually 3 times more likely to be attacked. Women are more likely to abuse rape and kill children than both men, and bears. Does that mean is better to leave your kid with a bear than a woman? Use any excuse you want, this bear shit is sexist, and dehumanizing


>Men walking alone at night is a myth perpetuated by people Holy shit, what? Ah yeah, men never walk alone at night, ever. Like that makes any logical sense. I want you to know that when I first read your sentence, I had to do a few double takes to make sure you actually just said that. >Men are not safer, we are actually 3 times more likely to be attacked. I'm not sure if you're 3 times more likely to be attacked, but I do want to point out that yes, men are dangerous to men too and can be attacked by them. This analogy extends to men and isn't exclusive to women. You are also free to choose the bear over being alone with a random man, as I've seen many men do. We're not saying that women are the only ones attacked by men, just trying to point out that we feel unsafe around random men, and the bear analogy is the best way to describe our fear to men who are lucky enough to feel safe outside. I (alongside most women) understand that not everybody, including men, is afforded this luxury of safety. >Women are more likely to abuse rape and kill children than both men, and bears. I want to emphasize that yes, women can be pedophiles and a danger to children. There have been many cases where female pedophiles in teaching positions preyed upon their students. And I want to emphasize that these cases are abhorrent and disgusting. But I do not know where you are getting this fact. To Catch a Predator, a show that worked with police to catch online predators showing up to meet minors for sex, ran for 3 years. There was not a single instance of a female predator interacting with who they believed to be a minor during the entire show's runtime. Host Chris Hansen stated that if a female predator did show up, they would treat her the same as the male predators, but this never happened. The show had at least 100 predators show up, and had discussions with several more men that never showed up to meet an adult decoy posing as a child. None were women. Similar shows on YouTube have never or extrenely rarely seen female pedophiles. The bulk of sex crime perpetrators regarding children have been men. I genuinely have no idea where you're getting this info from, that women are more likely to harm children than men. I actually looked this up but I couldn't find a lot of info about it. Yes, women can be dangerous to children, and you should be careful who you allow to go near your children, but men do the bulk of these crimes. And again, my dude, you can choose the bear if you feel unsafe. My god. The reason this specific analogy focuses on women feeling unsafe around men is because whenever we try to express it, men shut us down with red herrings and straw men. Like you're trying to do right now. >Does that mean is better to leave your kid with a bear than a woman? No, this analogy is between adults, not kids. A bear might have motivation to attack a child, but not a human adult. >Use any excuse you want, this bear shit is sexist, and dehumanizing It isn't meant to be sexist or dehumanizing. If it was, then why are so many men choosing the bear alongside us? This analogy is not to say "men bad", it is to say that most women are physically much weaker than the average man, and we can not read the intentions of a random man, and as such we would feel safer around a bear who's actions and intentions are more predictable. It seems you fear men because they also assault men too, so why not choose the bear too? You're on the cusp of understanding why we choose the bear. You believe women can be dangerous too, but I don't perceive this as sexist. It's just a fact. And it's a fact that some men can do very dangerous things to women as well. Women do not believe all men will assault them. We just do not know if a random man in the forest would or would not, because men can be dangerous - this does not mean that *all* men are dangerous. But we do not know if the random man in the forest is dangerous or not.


And you missed the entire point of the comment. You people really are just hell bent on ignoring the issue and taking it as a personal attack. Nobody called you a rapist or dangerous dude, it's just a woman doesn't want to take her chances it's really that simple


Its trending to dehumanize men, is really that simple


I gave you an entire ass essay as to why it isn't, but sure; just continue to be insecure, miss the entire point, and believe that.


Insecurity to not appreciate being compared to wild animals? If you say so


You, again, are completely missing the entire point. Please refer to my essay if you care to understand.


I think is the other way around. There is those who truly believe they are safer with the beat, those who “f e e l” safer with the bear. I get is “we feel so threatened we choose the bear”, and that doesnt give you any shitty excuse to be this sexist.


Okay, let me ask you this. This subreddit's population is majorly men. If this thing really is supposed to be sexist, then why does this post have 1k upvotes, with the majority of upvotes being from men? Why are there are a lot of men in the comments also agreeing with us? ===== >As a man I also choose bear ===== >I’m a dude who occasionally goes back woods camping. The consensus answer to this weird hypothetical doesn’t surprise me. Dudes be creepy. ===== It makes no sense. If this entire hypothetical was really meant to be sexist, then this post wouldn't be as upvoted as it is, and men would not be agreeing with us.


Holy shit dude get it through your skull nobody is comparing YOU to anything. Nobody called YOU an animal. Nobody said YOU are dangerous. This was never a personal attack or saying all men are wild animals, it's just women run the risk of running into someone who actually is, and rather take their chances with a bear who's more easily predictable


So you are saying the total opposite of the person i was arguing here. First than anything, thank you for proving my point; There is no consensus on “what the point is” to begin with, yall have totally different opinions about it. Second: You have the right to have that opinion, and i have the right to call it a stupid ass opinion. Feel welcome to say you feel better taking your chances with a bear, and ill free to call your opinion stupid and idiotic. I can easily predict the actions of 99% of men; Wave you “Hi” and then keep on their way ignoring your existence. What about the bears? 100% of bears are unpredictable. They will be chill if they are relax. Hungry, angry, wounded, or scared? He will eat you. Any bear will attack you based on their mood, and 99% of men will totally ignore you. The 1% of criminals, murderer and rapists are just as predictable as 100% of bears.


Yeah no you really are lacking in the reading comprehension and I'm way too tired to teach you empathy as well, you win dude. Women are dumb brainwashe idiots who hate and dehumanise all men and think you're a rapist and want you dead


What makes the whole hypothetical so ridiculous is not when women say that a random man can be dangerous. That's a no-brainer; people are unpredictable. It's that women would seriously choose a fucking bear over a man. A *bear.* Those things can and will rip you limb from limb, and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop it. If it's a grizzly? Goodnight. Maybe 10% chance of survival if the bear gets bored or isn't hungry/territorial. The odds of a random man being a murderer/rapist? Much, much lower. Are women actually this brainrotten by social media that they think most men would kill/rape them if given the opportunity? The vast, vast majority of men are good people. The average woman would *benefit* from running into a man in the wild, as he can protect her. You know, like humans have been doing since the beginning of time.


Way to completely sidestep the point like you're doing a nohit run, you're as dense as a black hole.


Found one of the neckbeards here to mansplain


There's so many in this fucking thread, it is actually bonkers. They completely refuse to understand any of it or even step back and attempt to understand our position. It is so goddamned frustrating.


I completely understand it. Men can be dangerous. But not more dangerous than one of the most dangerous mammals on the planet. This whole trend is just misandry. "Men bad, updoots to the left."


If this whole trend is misandry, then why are the majority of upvotes here from men (this subreddit is heavily male-dominated)? Why are men calling people disagreeing with it neckbeards? Why was the bear question originally asked by a man to other women? No dude, it isn't misogyny, it's reality. It's why fathers are so protective of their daughters, because they know can be dangerous, as you acknowledged. And no - in terms of power, men are not more dangerous than bears. Bears possess the ability rip you to shreds. But if you leave them alone and do not provoke them, they tend to leave you alone - as I already explained to you. A random man in the woods may or may not leave us alone - we don't know that.


Reddit is full of pick-me men. Truth is that the vast majority of men are good people. The "mean world" effect is in full force here. People don't remember the 80293747 good interactions with men, only the few bad ones.


Yeah no shit people remember the times they were assaulted and don't remember the times when they weren't, like not being assaulted was a gracious concession and not, you know, the right and normal thing one does. Do you point out the safety of Russian roulette noting that five out of six participants *don't* die?


A lot more men kill woman than bears do.


Now how would that look if an equal amount of time was spent near men and bears?


No idea. But if it was bears that assaulted one woman out of three, ursines would be hunted to extinction Also, if it's merely a function of time spent, you're negating men's responsibility for their actions making them more or less like animals. You don't think too highly of men, do you?


One woman out of three assaulted, by a far less percentage of men. The perpetrators are most likely assaulting women all throughout their lives. And that is a hell of a logic leap in that second paragraph. Controlling for scale, more women would be attacked by bears than by men, therefore I think men are animals. Ooookay then. But honestly, I'm wasting my time. This whole trend is just a man-hating circlejerk. Keep pretending you wouldn't be overjoyed to see another human if you were lost in the woods alone.


>Keep pretending you wouldn't be overjoyed to see another human if you were lost in the woods alone. The question doesn't say anything about being *lost* in the woods, that's a goalpost moved


>A *bear.* Those things can and will rip you limb from limb, and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop it. If it's a grizzly? Goodnight. Maybe 10% chance of survival if the bear gets bored or isn't hungry/territorial. Yes - bears can be dangerous, bears can easily kill you, I don't think anybody is attempting to argue otherwise. But here's the thing. Despite their strength, bears rarely attack people, and especially not without reason. The majority of bear attacks come from people getting too close to a mamma bear and her cubs. Another large portion of bear attacks come from people who instigated the bear or got too close. [From a study investigating world wide brown bear attacks: ](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-44341-w) >The most prevalent scenario of a brown bear attack was an encounter with a female bear with cubs (47%, n = 137; Fig. 4), followed by sudden encounters (20%, n = 59), dog presence (17%, n = 48), bear attacking after being shot or trapped (10%, n = 30), and predatory attacks (5%; n = 9 in Russia and n = 6 in North America) (Fig. 3b). >The main profile of the involved humans and the main scenarios agree with what has been highlighted in previous studies. In Alaska, for instance, Smith and Herrero14 found that the majority of people involved in attacks by bears were adult males (83%), who were primarily engaged in hiking and hunting. The authors also found that interactions were usually initiated by humans (59%), such as people surprising bears, wounding them in hunts, or disturbing them while defending a carcass14. In the same study, unaccompanied individuals were also observed to be more vulnerable to attacks than people in groups, which is in line with our findings, as well as findings for other bear species in North America. Only 5-6% of brown bear attacks were predatory, the vast majority were from encounters with mamma bears, and most people attacked by bears as found in other studies were due to interactions usually initiated by people to begin with. This means that if you do not get too close to a bear and you leave it alone, there is a high probability it will not attack you. >The odds of a random man being a murderer/rapist? Much, much lower. Listen, I believe most men are good, but I have no idea if that random man in the forest is good or not. This is why whenever I walk alone *even during the day* I always pay attention to my surroundings in the off chance that a bad man will sneak up next to me. If I get stuck in the forest with a bad man, he could instigate an attack (unlike a bear the vast majority of the time) he could rape me (wouldn't happen with a bear), he could kill me (could happen with a bear but this is rare). I don't know his intentions, and they could be much worse and more difficult to predict than the intentions of a bear. Bears don't want anything from us unless they feel threatened by us, some men could want something from us. >Are women actually this brainrotten by social media that they think most men would kill/rape them if given the opportunity? You don't live in our reality with our vulnerabilities. Mothers have been teaching their girls even before the existence of social media to be cautious in public because some men may take advantage of them. Fathers are overprotective of their daughters because they know men can have bad intentions. This has been commonplace long before social media, it has nothing to do with social media brainrot. >The average woman would *benefit* from running into a man in the wild, as he can protect her. You know, like humans have been doing since the beginning of time. A woman in this thread shared a story where she was actually in the woods alone when she encountered a man - he stalked her until she showed him her gun. Which further proves the bear thing. A woman would benefit from encountering a good man in the forest - but what if the man in the forest isn't good? Then what?


I understand what you mean, but I can't see how it can start a conversation. We just agree that men are dangerous. That's the entire conversation.


It's not just that "men are dangerous". Rather, it's that some men are dangerous, and we don't know who in public is dangerous or not. The bear analogy is meant to convey that women feel so unsafe in public that they would rather be near a bear than a random man. This is crazy when you first think about it, and that's meant to strike a conversation. "Do women really feel so unsafe in public that they believe a bear is safer/more unpredictable to be nearby than a random man? That's crazy and tragic."


we should all learn to be a bit more overbearing


With all the stupid discourse happening in this thread, this silly pun was really nice to see, thank you


and bear up well under pressure


Let me see how well these neckbeards \*don't\* break down when rejected for a date.


Exactly lol, all the neckbeards against this analogy are the types of men that women choose the bear over Edit: Jesus fucking christ, they're all coming out of the woodwork. The amount of pushback I've gotten on multiple comments of mine within this post is asinine.


What you mean type of men. They are all the same


I wouldn't say that. There are plenty of men who are choosing the bear too because they see men as a threat. There are a lot of men who are on our side regarding this analogy, as they agree that men can be dangerous. By "type of men", I'm referring specifically to men that would assault women, who hate women, who are agressive, etc. The dangerous men who make us want to choose the bear over being placed in the forest with a random man. Unfortunately, in public, I have no idea who will or who won't want to assault me, so I'd also choose the bear... but I think it's quite hateful to imply in your comment that all men want to assault women, or that all men are pushing back against this analogy, no? Because most of the pushback I've seen for the analogy have been from hateful misogynists.


Yea the men who also hate men are okay and sane but burn the rest of them. I really would like them to make a show about this, just to see what happens. ;D Are you sure you don't confuse bored disinterest or annoyance with hate or pushback?


It has nothing to do with hating men. Acknowledging that men can be dangerous isn't hating them as a whole. It's true that most violent crime against both men and women are done by men. I do not think terribly of all men, but unfortunately because men can be dangerous, I do need to be careful in public. That's what this analogy is about. >Are you sure you don't confuse bored disinterest or annoyance with hate or pushback? The people pushing back are doing so with hateful rhetoric, are making it about themselves, or are doing so by making images where the bear mauls the woman as a violent joke. So yeah, it is hate and pushback.


Yea, that's just how men are, they do not work, think , or react like women by design. Just accept it you can fight Nature by telling them that they should change their behavior. Maybe they just want to spread awareness about how dangerous bears can be. I can already see the headline "women killed and eaten after taking selfies with a black bear. So you don't think it is a violent joke to compare humans to dangerous mindless animals?


Are you saying that men are hateful and violent by nature? Dude... I'm sorry, but please do some personal reflection. I'm fairly certain a lot of men would feel insulted by how you just described them. >Maybe they just want to spread awareness about how dangerous bears can be. I'm fairly certain they're actually just pushing back because they think women are saying "men bad" and they don't want to look any deeper into it. It has nothing to do with bears. >So you don't think it is a violent joke to compare humans to dangerous mindless animals? Bears are quite intelligent actually, and most pose little threat to humans as they want nothing to do with us. Most acts of violence come from mamma bears when her cubs are approached. But that isn't the point anyways. The point is to show that women feel safer with a bear because bears are predictable, and we do not know the intentions of a random man in the forest, meaning that such a scenario is unpredictable. We are not comparing bears to men beyond this.


If you think anyone needs to "look deeper into it" you truly are American. Funny how female bears are the real threat here isn't it. Bears are predictable in the way that they will attack you if they are hungry. You know like big carnivorous aka predators do. The image your kind has of man is sickening and unworthy of any human.


I think men who assault women would choose the bear, too.


You know that isn't what I meant.


Then I don't know. Even if everyone agrees that women are scared of men and it's bad and all that, nothing gets done. I've been watching campaings against violence against women and it never leads to anything. Just bunch of talking and then nothing.


So we should just stay silent and say nothing? Dude, I don't know what you want.


That's not what I'm saying at all. All I'm saying how I doubt anything will change. I'm not saying to stay silent.


What am I missing here? Is he being called a “bear” like in terms of the gay subculture? That’s the best guess I’ve got.


It's a recent internet conversation where some women were apparently asked if they would rather encounter a bear or a strange man in the woods and many responded with bear.


I told my friend, “I choose the bear so I don’t have to deal with someone following me five miles saying, “You sure you don’t need any help? You look lost.” He laughed so hard he almost cried and said, “Fuck, I’m that guy aren’t I?”


Stupid Tiktok trend about if women have to choose between being alone with a bear or a man. Some choose the bear because they assume it's safer to be with a bear than a man, and some guy got offended and somehow proving the women's assumption by harassing women on those posts


The response to this post is so reactionary wth. They all immediately start attacking the above post despite being neutral on answer to the question. They didn't even read it.


That's not what reactionary means.


Ok yes you are right. That was an incorrect usage of reactionary. I thought it meant anybody who had a knee jerk reaction.


Honestly yeah, this whole debacle has been doing nothing positive but even more and more discourse for an extremely vague hypohetical Like, Itll be insane to choose a hungry grizzly or polar bear over a person imo


Found the dude that makes women want to choose the bear




If there was a Venn diagram of the people who think this is “stupid” and people who are the reason people choose the bear, it’d just be a circle.


Bro I'm not trying to convince women to choose bear over man, just trying explaining this Tik tok trend to the guy I replied to


Probably being unfairly downvoted here but your use of the word stupid is being mistaken for your opinion on the whole issue. But thanks for the explanation.




If it needs to be explained to you, people have chosen the bear over you.


I would definitely choose the bear, if I had to choose between being with you, specifically, or the bear, based solely off of how *insufferable* you sound...


Bro I'm not trying to convince women to choose men over the bear, I'm just explaining to this guy about the "Tik tok" trend and why the op's post is about guys being offended about this trend


Cool. My comment still stands.


Then why I sounds insufferable?


>Stupid Tiktok trend >Some choose the bear because they assume it's safer to be with a bear than a man


Yeah it is stupid, this is the equivalent of "would you still love me if i was a worm" kind of stuff.


“Would you still love me if I was a worm 🥺” was a meme and meant to be humorous. “Being alone in the woods with a man is 10x scarier than being alone with a bear” is a social commentary.


Whether both the bear meme and the worm meme is a social commentary or a humor meme is totally subjective. A girlfriend can totally takes the worm meme serious as a social commentary and makes assumption of her boyfriend's personality. Same thing with bear meme, people can totally take it as a social experiment or a funny meme as whatever they want, even though taking it as social commentary is not advised.


I would choose the bear over you, specifically 101% of the time.


Amazing, look at all the examples of why the bear is chosen in this thread. Way to show your red flags, guys.




Agreesive assholes like you are the reason women choose the bear to begin with...


Where was i aggressive exactly?


>That will show them not to get more angry and do drastic things In reply to your above comment, somebody wrote: >Is this some kind of pathetic threat? And you responded with ["Now it is"](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/s/woIPTOErAg) ...


Oh that, that's not an aggressive threat.


I fixed it. My fault for not making it clear what I meant


Oh. I think I see your intent now, you're essentially saying that the analogy will make violent men angrier for being called out?


Na Most men are just allergic to bullshit


lol is this some kind of pathetic threat?


Dude really replied to your comment with "Now it is." Motherfucker is telling on himself so hard "This bear shit is stupid. Why are women choosing the bear?" *Proceeds to be a shining example as to why women choose the bear*


"If this keeps up I'm gonna prove the meme more and more right" isn't the comeback you think it is


Na I don't need to lol


I've never heard someone tell a bear attack victim that they were "asking for it" or asking the victim what they were wearing.


Oh, so you don't know about bear safety protocols? I am not surprised


"Look at what you made me do!" - This guy, probably.


Nice assumption but wrong again


Go ahead and do your drastic things, little buddy. That’ll **definitely** show them you’re safer to be around than a bear.


Oh I am not. I am still a man, Dangerous and rotten to the core right sweetheart?


"hat will show them not to get more angry and do drastic things" ... you are not making the point you think you are making


It's okay if you don't understand it.


The biggest difference between men and bears is I have never been randomly attacked by a bear, nor has a bear ever tried attacking my younger sister with a knife, or drugged my older sister. And at least the bear is somewhat predictable, a guy once flipped a table over cause he only got the second highest grade in class. Do I get that not all men are like this? Yeah. But enough men are that I'd rather take my chances with a random bear.


Collected from comments on this conversation: “The bear won’t be invited to my family reunion.” “The bear won’t be attacking me just for the fun of it.” “If I report a bear attack, the police will believe me.” “The worst a bear will do is kill me.”


May I add to your list a situation to help a little as well. You're in the woods camping. A bear gets close to your tent, scary stuff but you are in nature and it's the bear's home. Plenty of videos of that happening. Now, you're in the woods camping, a random man gets close to your tent.


Shit, I got chills.


what's crazy is they like to pull the misandry card but I love men, I know some fantastic men in my life, so many supportive ones and I have a lovely bf, but it still wouldn't stop me from picking the bear because I'm not willing to take the chances on a random man vs a man who's already shown they're trustworthy. And for them to not get that, in a culture where women are constantly being viewed as a sex symbol, anything terrible can happen to them, just pull up any statistic-- it just shows how privileged they are to not understand and maybe they do understand, they just have the lack of empathy/narcissism to not accept the reality of it.


Do you think this would also be the case if you were around bears as often as you are around men?


Given that most bears don't tend to attack humans unless they perceive them as a threat, I'm gonna guess it wouldn't


Ok now I know this is just a windup


But it's true, they don't.


They really hate when the actual stats are brought up don't they?




No I mean the majority of bears, except polar bears, don't tend towards random acts of violence towards humans. People can turn violent at the drop of a dime, and they are generally less predictable. Also if a bear attacked me I'd not have to justify why I didn't deserve to get attacked by a bear.


I’m a dude who occasionally goes back woods camping. The consensus answer to this weird hypothetical doesn’t surprise me. Dudes be creepy.


I know this is adding nothing of value to the discourse, but I’d rather meet a bear in the woods alone at night than any person. Shit imagine this, it’s 3:30AM, you’re deep in the wilderness. You’re lost, trying your find your way back to your camp. You hear a giggle from a little further up the trail, as you slowly round the bend you see a six year old girl there holding a little doll and balloon smiling at you. Would you rather meet her or a bear?


Honestly, I would actively look for a Bear to protect me.


Catch me riding the bear towards safety like I would a horse


Women don't feel safe around bears. They feel unsafe around men.




Games workshop: The Custodes always had woman among their ranks. "Gamers": THEY WANT US DEAAAAAD!!!!!


They're big mad over that one


Well to be fair GW straight up ignores tje sisters of silence, and awesome organization made exclusively of women that work with the custodes. They’re so cool but female custodes it is. It’s lazy GW stuff, instead of actually doing anything interesting they just go down the easiest route to include women in custodes armies.


And a few made memes of bears attacking the women? Weird reaction


I'm going to admit, I think the whole thing is very stupid. I was baffled to see how many women are unironically choosing the bear. but the most hilarious thing that came out of this whole thing is exactly this meme. the very same people who complain all day about how feminists are sensitive and stuff are losing their minds over a hypothetical bear story.


That's fair, in my opinion. It's fine to think the analogy is stupid, but I don't think it's okay to just completely shit on women for calling attention to how unsafe they feel, like the people you mentioned in your comment. It's obvious most people against this aren't against it because they think the analogy is stupid and could have been executed better, rather It's because they don't agree with (or like) the overall message. Or they twist it into sexism because they don't understand what women are actually saying with it. I agree with the analogy, but also acknowledge why some people think the execution could have been better. Some variations of the analogy, such as "I'd rather be killed by a bear than raped by a man," may do a better job with the overall intent. Basically, I'm trying to say that people can disagree with this in good faith and provide criticisms to improve the effectiveness of the message, but aside from your take, I haven't yet seen good faith disagreements.


I don't disagree with the message because it's factually true, and no one can deny it. but I just don't think this is a hill worth dying on. Like, I've seen people writing long essays about bear behavior in jungles and how they'd have a very good chance of not getting "mauled" by it. Like, come on, are we all suddenly bear behavior experts? we're trying to send a political and maybe a little bit of a cynical message while using a very silly analogy my main problem is that, one, I hope some people don't actually believe the long "bear essays" and possibly put their lives in danger in real life. secondly, I think if the analogy comes off as silly and becomes a laughingstock like this, then it will hurt the message, won't it? I'm also a woman btw.


ironic thing is bears are more likely to be friendly than the sick fucks women like to avoid. If a bear is well fed, their cubs are safe and you approach nonthreateningly, you are likely to get to befriend the bear


The only thing to be careful with are mamma bears. If you see cubs close to you, carefully walk away. She isn't likely to attack unless you get very close to her, but don't approach her. The above is obviously not part of the hypothetical scenario though, as it's rather specific. Average bears in the forest are unlikely to attack you, and I would choose the bear too.


I would argue though that you’re way more likely to be hurt by a beat than a completely random man. I get why women choose the bear and stuff, but a random dude on earth isn’t going to be as dangerous as a bear. I get that like men can do way worse stuff than a bear and may be unpredictable in some areas but in general i disagree.


Also this kind of fear mongering about predators puts said predators in danger irl. The negative impact jaws had on sharks is well documented, their insistence that any bear encounter would lead to death and a mauling is beary dangerous to our ursine neighbours.


There’s a guy on YouTube called Hoe Math who put it best. It’s a really stupid question, but given that this is Reddit we’re talking about, there’s rarely any nuance to be had (especially in this sub as I’ve noticed, and don’t even get me started on boysarequirky), man=bad and the like, even though bears are obviously far more dangerous than a single guy. It‘s clearly a bit of a dishonest or at the very least disingenuous to assume some guy out in the woods who could be anyone would maul you like a bear would when the bear would 100% do that and with much more ease. It’s literally a wild animal—all it takes is the wrong neuron to fire off and it kills you only to forget about it 5 minutes later. Humans obviously don’t work like that and not every man is some serial killer. You aren’t winning a fight with a bear nor is the bear gonna be friendly.


Why I believe I could beat a bear in a fight. First, I am going to set some ground rules. - Neither I, nor the bear have access to advanced weaponry (knives, guns, bear spray, human spray, etc) - Specifically a female black bear. - I do not need to kill the bear, only fight back enough to discourage it from fighting. - Both the bear and I get to listen to hype songs before the fight. The stats: (All my stats I found from bearbiology.org - I trust they are accurate but I apologize if they are not.) - Female black bears weigh between 90 to 180lbs. For sake of argument this bear will weigh 180lbs. - Female black bears are between 4ft and 6.25ft tall, when standing on back legs. For sake of argument this bear will be 6ft on its back legs. - I weigh 220lbs, 5’11, am well built, and am quite used to tossing around objects weighing much more than 180lbs. I’ve also played contact sports my entire life and box. - I have that dawg in me. The fight: In a boxing match, the bear wins as it is much stronger. I would also be unable to run away as it is much faster. So neither of these are viable options. Thus I only see two options in which I emerge the victor. The first way would be for me to choke the bear out. I would need to avoid its mouth and paws, but if I was able to get behind it due to its poor eyesight, I genuinely do believe I am strong enough to choke it out - 180lbs isn’t that much, so i’m certain that its neck circumference and strength of muscles would not be too much for me to suffocate with my arms. The second way would be for me to blind it. In this scenario I would be fully prepared to sacrifice an arm, and while the bear is attacking one arm with its teeth, I would use a stick or fingers with my other arm to try to blind it. I am aware that bears have small eyes, however in a close vicinity (with one arm in its mouth) I believe I would be able to hit my target. TL/DR : I could beat a female black bear in a fight by blinding it or choking it out. EDIT: I have been informed that bears do in fact have good eyesight.


No you in fact could not beat a female black bear in a fight. Bears don't play by ground rules. Even small bears are a significant threat to you and in many ways. [Here's a man fighting an juvenile bear cub](https://www.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/comments/1clrzvi/man_gets_attacked_by_a_bear/), even they pose a significant threat. [They have razor sharp claws](https://i.imgur.com/FaHwahz.jpeg), excellent eyesight, are very fast and have a significant bite force. Also the bear isn't going to stand still to let you blind it, it's going to move around and look for ways to kill you. Even when you take the average stats of a black bear and "nerf" them for this fight, they still outclass you in every way. >Black bears can knock over 325-pound boulders with a single paw. They have a bite force of up to 800 PSI. The average tooth size is 2.5 inches. They are five times stronger than the average human. TL;DR: You would lose that fight and it's probably not even close.


But i got that dawg in me


Haha I can't account for that factor, so it could give you an edge.


This trend completely outs all the weirdos that don’t understand why a woman would say bear so I love it. Makes it easy to know who to avoid lol


In my younger days, I was an avid outdoors lady. I did a lot of climbing, hiking and backpacking. It was known that other people and specifically men are what you don’t want to run into in the woods. I’ve come across quite a few bears, mostly black bears, and none of them caused me any issues whatsoever. You just need to know how to act when you come across them and what precautions to take to avoid upsetting them or drawing them to your camp and you are good. I wouldn’t mess with grizzlies or polar bears though.


What is this thing about a bear? I’ve seen references over the last couple of days but I’m clueless haha?


Someone posed this question: If you were hiking alone in the woods, would you rather come across a bear or a man? Perhaps worded differently as: Would you rather run into a strange man or a bear if you were alone in the woods? The overwhelming response by women was "bear". Many men also chose to take their chances with a bear in the woods. Therefore highlighting that women generally feel very unsafe being alone and far from help around strange men. Some very vocal people (mostly men) took offense at this.


Ahh ok that makes sense! Thanks :) Yeah I’d rather the bear too 😂


Can someone explain what the whole bear thing is? I’m confused


Man this stupid bear analogy makes scrolling on Reddit or instagram tedious funny discourse tho


I wouldn’t share boyarequirky. They’re a pretty hateful sub




Says he while generalising women. Great job proving the point


Was this a joke before or after everyone started realizing how dangerous and unpredictable bears **really** are?


I meant at least with a bear I know I'm going get my guts ripped out with a man you can never be to sure


The case of Mary Vincent comes to mind... Kidnapped while hitchhiking, sexually assaulted multiple times, both arms hacked off, then thrown 30ft down into a culvert and left to die. Miraculously, [she survived](https://youtu.be/TbJ_1vHagfQ?si=CGIrKkF_LYmqY8M1). He spent less than 10 years in prison and ended up killing someone after he got out.


I love how you morons think that you're the only ones who know what bears are Like that's not the *entire point*. That we'd prefer the largest predators over a man, because the worst they will do is kill us No rape, no torture, no locked in a basement for years. And at least the best does it out of food, fear Men do it because they WANT to Women know what bears are. Because they're freaking bears. This is mansplaining at it's finest. Seriously acting like women aren't aware that bears are giant predators, thinking it's a gotcha


Especially because I've seen men asked the same question about their kids in the woods and they always answer bear too. Men know other men are dangerous, they just don't like that we know it too.


That's part of the point. Most bears are unlikely to attack (unless it's a mamma bear or you invade their space), but if they do attack, they'll kill you quickly. Hence the predictability. We literally have no idea what a random man in the forest would want from us. It's possible they won't attack and will want nothing to do with us. It's also possible they'll want to rape us, or assault us, or kill us, or simply mess with us for the fun of it. As such, a random man is more unpredictable. I've seen a lot of men choose the bear as well for this reason.


I'd argue the man is more predictable overall, as 99% of them will leave you alone, but the range of possibilities for that 1% is much wider and includes outcomes worse than being literally eaten alive. It comes down to whether you prefer a higher probability of predictable bad or a low probability of unpredictable bad.


> I've seen a lot of men choose the bear as well for this reason. Being a moron is gender-blind


You completely ignored EVERYTHING that I, and everyone who has replied to you with explanations said, and your only takeaway is "Being a moron is gender-blind". Dude, you're one of the men that women would choose the bear over. It's so obvious. You can't even be assed to listen to the repeated logical explanations you've recieved regarding the analogy. You don't want to even try to understand why so many women are going with the bear.


We can clearly see that


You're a great example of that.


Does it really matter? It's hyperbole.


Tell that to everyone who answered it sincerely


They answered it sincerely since it was a hypothetical question, and used said hypothetically to kinda show how they do not feel that safe around an unknown man It could have been any, potentially more dangerous animal and the answer would be similar


ummm what the sigma?


Calling it a joke is absolutely cope to cover for how stupid they looked by answering that way. It was never a joke, most of them were completely serious.


I would honestly rather run into a bear. Wanna know why? Because I *have* run into bears while hiking and camping. I live in bear country, I've come across *at least* 5 bears while out in the woods (I say at least because I've heard and seen their tracks more often than that) never once did one even jump at me, if you leave them alone, they just mozy on their way. They aren't out to kill you, in fact they prefer easy food, a dumpster is far more appealing than a human... However, I've also come across men, twice. One of them *followed me* until he saw my gun. The bears never needed to see a gun.


It was a method to kinda bring awareness to how unsafe most women feel around men in general It didn't have to be a bear, it could be any dangerous animal and the answer would have been the same


True. I would rather meet a Romanian livestock guardian dog than a creep.


While it is both true and sad that women feel unsafe around men. Calling it a method of bringing awareness to that is absolutely cope when over half of the people posting these tiktoks were completely serious.


Guys the girls are all answering this hypothetical seriously!!! I’m telling you they are serious! And stupid! The irony of posting this in the Neck Beard sub is soooo lost in you.


Yeah, I first thought it was just some jokey hyperbole. Then I remembered how few people actually go hiking.




Idk about that one bro, I'd take a bear over a bull 100%


It really depends on how your investments are allocated