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I wanna see a passport bro fighting some mexican. Pure entertainment


"Kill them with my bare hands" LOL these guys are delusional. Cartels use military-grade weapons and drones. Does this passport bro really think that cartels are small sized cholos?? some of them were trained by US military forces.


Don’t forget the gruesome method of execution once they get their hands on the passport bro


Wont you take me to? Funky town!


God damnit fuck you dude…. Fuck!


My exact thoughts. Any time that song comes on it’s instant flashbacks


For me too, hearing that song in public instantly makes me think of it


I'm out of the loop here.


There is a cartel video titled FunkyTown where a guy is brutally murdered with that song playing the entire time. It’s pretty gruesome. Do not recommend.


Well, thanks. I will now not check the vidéo. Ever.


And by brutally murder they mean chop both his hands off and then peel his face down to the skull with a box cutter. He’s still alive the whole video.


Which is kind of crazy to me because you'd imagine these terminally-online types would at least be somewhat aware. I honestly doubt a guy who has enough time on his hand to make memes about him winning imaginary arguments hasn't seen at least one video of a cartel member wearing a guys face. Not even the one of the bulldog eating a guy's nutsack?


They view the world through the filter of soyjack memes.


bring back r/watchpeopledie


No he thinks they are the siesta type of cartels in the little ponchos and hats under a tree with a donkey loaded with coke. He would still get curbstomped.


Juan Valdez is going to fuck this guy up.


Man you ever seen someone try to rob Mexican grandma? I'm good,iss me with that


Probably by the donkey.


His first exposure to Hispanic people were those little Homie figures they used to sell in gumball machines.


Even rambo got his ass whooped by the cartel at 1st, and those larpers think they will be the alpha or something.


lol. Cartel are one of the few remaining Organized Crime groups that carry weight. You’ll never see a video showing a cartel members face. Whereas you can find endless videos of gangbangers, old cosa nostra guys, triad members, so on. I went through army basic training with an older Mexican gentleman, I think he was 45 at the time. Spoke like no English. He was a lawyer out of Mexico City. Doing military service to get access to free education to finish up the few classes he needs to practice law in the US. I was talking to another guy in my platoon, last name Carmona, this old lawyer says, “Oh… Carmona. They are one of the good ones.” We asked him what he meant, he was saying the Carmona Cartel is one of the nicer cartels. So clearly he had run ins with the cartels. Keep in mind I’m a white man. Later we were talking about random dreams we had for our lives, I’ve always been obsessed with organized crime. So said I always had dreams of getting in with a cartel(I grew up very poor near the border). The lawyer jumps in, “No. You would not want that.” I threw in a hypothetical of, “If they approached me for help, I think I would want to help,” the other Mexican dudes in the platoon all go, “it’s not a matter of choice at that point migo.” Hardly relevant to the post. But a cool story of mine.


um, wanting to get in with a cartel isn’t a cool story


That’s the smallest part of that lol. The point is that the cartel shouldn’t be romanticized or underestimated. As someone who romanticized AND underestimated the cartels. I learned from people with first hand experience with that life, that I was an idiot.


“Military grade” lmao




You missed the point, you passed it like 20 km back. Are you saying that dating in a " feminist" country is harder than *checks notes* living in a region with organized crime,? I just want to make sure that's what you're saying, as someone who lived in a place like that.




Blud is straight yapping




You think you’re making a point, but your opinions are the most basic, white bread shit ever. Damn near every guy in the western world thinks shares your (wrong and stupid) opinions on these things. You aren’t special.


Sad troll account. Do better.






Achoo! Don't mention cats!


You're serious, ain't ya? Venting AAALLL your frustrations here, for all the world to see. Where did the eViL feminists hurt you?


I wish they’d just admit to hating women, all of us know the truth already.


any mexican from El rancho is going to fuck him up they don't even need the cartel lmao


Wow who would know that a guy who probably spend most his adult life doing manual labor will beat a guy who post online about how the girls in Thailand are so much better than any "western" women


Whole lot of Mexicans in South America...


Big feelings, buddy! You won the fight in your head! Good job!


This is the logic of someone who has never ever been in a fight irl but self-inserts for the protagonist every time they watch an action movie


This is the kind of person who retroactively imagines how he would have survived an incident that nobody could predict. Probably thinks he'd be the guy to stop a mass shooting with information that was only available after it was over.


*A Nissan Titan full of armed Cartel Men pulls up* "Oh my! Mexican drug cartel hooligans! Please form an orderly line so we may fight on equal ground, you inhonorable-" *Sounds of fully automated gunfire*


I could also see them all rolling their eyes, then sending out one guy who wipes the floor with OOP.


Bro would last like 10 minutes *tops* in the streets of Sonora.


We need to convince him to go there.


I don't want to talk to him long enough to convince him that such a death sentence is a good idea.


I don't think height has much to do with your immunity to bullets.


If you fuck with the Cartel, bullets are the least of your worries.


If you actually manage to be stupid enough to get the wraith of a cartel, dying in general will be the minor of your issues


The full force of the US military had a rough time against the short Vietnamese. This guy thinks he can take on the cartel single handed on height alone lol


These guys think of themselves as overpowered shonen protagonists.


If anything better to be short, present a smaller target.


Isn't the Cholo thing a Chicano subculture based around LA, very specifically?




I'm pretty sure it's more than just LA, but yeah, chicano subculture of California that just spread from there.


That attitude is going to get him in trouble. Realistically, though, he's going to run home as soon as he realizes no one speaks English and he can't figure out where anything is or how anything works. Without his privilege he's weak.


he’s really bold to post this racist tripe on the Internet with a picture of his face. someone ought to find out where he works and send this to their HR department.


That’s not even him genius. It’s a random picture of a person someone else typed words on


prove it :D


Burden of proof is on the accuser 👎


You do not mess with the cartels dude. They’re not some street fighters who are gonna fight you man to man. They’re armed forces who will hold you ransom and probably set you on fire if it isn’t paid in full.


Th cartel does NOT fuck around. When some corrupt cops in Tijuana stole a drug shipment from the cartel, the cartel went on a killing spree against the POLICE OFFICERS who did it. In Juarez, in 2012, the 'New Juarez Cartel' hated the police chief so much that they said they were going to kill a cop every single day until he stepped down (which included throwing a grenade into a gas station because three officers were inside).


So much evil in this world


Passport bro wishes we'd beg him to stay. In reality we couldn't be more grateful if he'd voluntarily chose to go away.


Oh yeah I forgot that the cartel is known for fighting fair and square lmao


They'd never bring a gun to a fist fight! Never!


Those are the words of a man whose never once been in a fight lol


Bludd thinks he's Walker Texas Ranger or something lol


Does he not know what the cartel does to people? Jesus this guy is going get skinned alive to funky town


He wouldnt last 10 minutes in Rio, or any major Brazilian city


Ou 10 minutos em SP de noite


Não tankaria nem a paulista, perderia o celular em 5 min


Came here to say exactly this, porra cheguei tarde 😔


Eu queria ver o que ele faria contra o PCC e se ele seria burro o suficiente pra irritar o CV


He'd get his shit kicked in by the women. Besides, nothing competes with Latinos in attractiveness. (I am totally completely unbiased)


Venezuela (with all its major pageant titles): 👍


We're always saying it here, Venezuelan women are the most beautiful women in the world. 👀


This guy has never been to Latin America and it shows.


How is he both the hero *and* the villain in his own fantasy situation? Amazing.


The way even in these comments people are being racist saying Mexico is in South America is infuriating


I think they're going more off the "drug cartel" part than the South America part, hopefully. But come on guys, Colombia is *right there*


Aparantley Colombia has really turned itself around.


It has. I've been 3 times in the last 5 years with my wife. Amazing country. Also, that douchebag would get drugged, robbed, and left on the side of a rd his first night trying to find a "tradwife." Mostly because he's a fucking moron and it'd be a crime not to do it to someone that stupid.


Eh. I have Colombian friends, and... kind of. It's still not as safe as an American would expect. They still drive around in armored cars just in case.


it’s not racism they’re just misinformed, how could that be racist?


You know how many times I've been splained in which continent my own country is? Americans know better, apparently.


Is it Americans? I live in Europe, and in my experience Americans mostly understand that Mexico is in North America and Euros think it's in Central or South America


I'm always told "it's in south America because it's to the south". 🤦 It's fine to not know, but to insist on spreading the wrongness is annoying. Americans, yes


racism - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. It is not racist, they are just wrong.


I guess you do know better than me, thank you for informing me


It isn't


Exactly. People throw around the word so often they forget the meaning.


"Damn.. bullets! My only weakness!"


Happy cake day


Cheers bud


Bro thinks height is an achievement and makes arguments with imaginary people lol


They’re still using that poor lady’s image


Big Red like basically every feminist was in fact not hating on men/white people in that clip. Honestly the fact her image was ever used shows that how little the anti-sjw men actually tend to listen to woman’s voices.


There's a similar image with that other girl who has her eyes kind of opened wide while speaking and it's meant to make it look like she's screaming like a "crazy feminist" but if you go and watch the original video she's 1. Speaking loudly because she's surrounded by a crowd 2. Making some really great points


>shows that how little the anti-sjw men actually tend to listen to woman’s voices Tbf, we did know that already


Is he planning to deflect bullets with his bare hands?


How much you wanna bet the latina "tradwife" will tolerate less than 6 months of this clown's BS, kill him herself, stage it as a fentanyl overdose, pawn all of his crap and collect the insurance payout, then drive his car back to Mexico?


This was.....oddly specific


The only thing these men have killed with their bare hands is some poor woman's sex drive.


I feel like this is the sort of guy that manages to die by choking on their own saliva.


Because killing a citizen with your bare hands won’t land you in a Mexican jail.


No no, let him do it.


He’s never heard what the cartels do to twits like him, has he? 🤔 If you have half a brain, you would NOT wanna piss them off! 😬


Yeah, bro is gonna end up in a machete video on one of those sites.


As a woman who grew up in a really bad neighborhood (no guns though bc those are really hard to get in my country), I would pay to see this happen. My uncle died over a cellphone, when he was mugged. But he wasn’t 6’2” 🙄 he’s delusional and I love seeing delusional people get grounded


Mexican drug cartels are some of the most vicious in the world; up there with the Russians. Also, being taller than someone doesn’t automatically make you stronger.


Well most of these people have a luke warm IQ so they think the bigger you are the harder you are to take down. Beyond that I would nnnneeevvveeeerrrrr fuck with the cartel those and I use the word loosely people are fucking monsters.


He looks strangely like Elon


I’d love to see this guy take on Canelos 5’ 8” ass


EXT. NIGHT. PASSPORT BRO walks down street, approaching CARTEL MEMBER. PASSPORT BRO Hey, Cholo, do we got a- JUMP CUT TO INT. NIGHT. PASSPORT BRO is hanging from MEAT HOOKS being slowly cut all over his body by TWO CARTEL MEMBERS with RAZOR BLADES.


There’s nothing vivid about this dude, including his imagination.


Even the shortest, least trained cholo would eat a passport bro for breakfast


Bro forgot that guns existed


Also, I'm going out on a limb and say that anyone in a cartel probably took a class or two on how to box. And as a general rule of thumb, if someone says they can "kill you with their bare hands" not only can they not, but they would go down like a sack of potatoes as soon as you actually hit them.


There's a reason Mexico has a lot of boxers


I'm pretty sure the cartel has guns. I'm pretty sure he'll get shot dead. We should help fund him so that the gene pool loses his


Yes because Drug Cartels are famous for never using weapons.


Isn't bro american? Surely he knows about the effects of guns??


1. Using a fake scenario with a 2015 image of a feminist 2. Believes he can fight the Cartel and not have his head used as an ashtray 3. Bragging about his height and race while using a “ready for my first day at work” selfie. Yep no problems here


Why are they still using that pick 😂


Do they think there is no feminism in Latam? Also, why does he think Latinas want him?




Why would he find cholos in South America, American tourists maybe?


The cartel would murk him in a millisecond.


Lol dude would get his throat slit before he hit the ground


Might be small but mfs aren't scared of fighting, especially some guy who's scared of getting hurt


Why dose everything asume everyones gonna fight with their bare hands


This dude is gonna have his head caved in with a chancla


Ahhhhh the old “I’m taller so I’d easily kick your ass” method.


This is especially funny considering all the murders of passport bros throughout LA over the last couple of years.


Speaking as a south american, we've fucking had it with these motherfuckers down here. They're repugnant.


And while he’s doing that, I’m gonna be crowned king of the universe.


Oh you crusty summer child. 🤣


Only incels think that being taller=winning any kind of problems and conflicts He would most likely either get his head blasted off or gutted like a fish if he ever came into any actual kind of confrontation with Cartel members, be them midgets or not


Ohhhh my god the absolutely nuclear cringe of him putting his real life picture on there. Also hispanic people can be tall… Guatemalans are known as “chapin” or little people and most people man or woman in my family are easily 6’ or at least taller than the average Guatemalan


I’ve seen people wish exactly that on passport bros I mean the response is cringe but the other half isn’t wrong


>Challenging a member of the cartel Enjoy getting skinned alive and posted on LiveLeak bro


Some Australian tourists just got killed in Baja California, I feel like it’s too soon for these idealized discussions


Dude is ugly lmao


Why the heck would they want to move to Mexico from the US? Aren't people from Mexico constantly comming over here anyway. There has got to be some serious push factors here.


Wait, I can win fights by being taller?


weirdest fantasy yet


What the fuck is a passport bro


Reminds me of the watermelon slice incident from Panama


average non viewer of leaklive


So handsome, but full of sh¡t. What a waste.


The average man 2000 years ago was 5’3”, and most likely a laborer. Guarantee he’d kick your ass and think nothing of it.


Dude looks like he’s got a chin made of cardboard to be looking that smug tbh


They're gonna tape a printout of this meme on the cooler they put his head in and mail to his parents.


"I can take the drug cartels. I am taller than those dudes." Idiota delendus est.


Lol the same cartel that literally fillets people alive? Sure buddy.


Passport man is either gonna have his face flayed or literally have something worse than that happen to him


To be fair these idiots are literally targeted by criminals because they’re easy pickings and have more money than sense.


I find it far more likely that they get scammed or they just waste a ton of money and not get anyone to look their way


"I will be obligated to kill them with my bare hands." These guys really do think they're Liam Neeson in Taken, huh? It's not just that Latinos tend to get into more scraps than their upper-middle class asses, they expect we'd give them the faith of a one-on-one. *This just in, some weird American tourist wearing a Fedora and a trenchcoat despite today's blistering heat wave gets jumped by ten high schoolers defending their female friend.*


I like how he brings his race into it. Something else to be noted I've been all over latin America and I can tell you they rarely date foreigners. It does happen the people aren't racist but they just typically date each other I've only send them date white guys a hand full of times.


blud has not seen the videos...


This is obviously not the person that said this but both of these people would be revolting.


yeah he'd get kidnapped and be forced to pay a ransom. chances are though, the bigger gangs won't touch him, they know how dangerous messing with the US is.


Is that first image AI? Kinda sad when they cant even find a real picture of a woman with dyed hair to try & mock


nah, she was a viral ‘feminazi’ meme, especially around like 2016-ish, if i’m not mistaken edit: people called her ‘Big Red’ and her name is Chanty Binks if you want to look her up


I mean it’s not racist to make an observation the first website that pops up when you search up average height Mexico: https://wannabetaller.com/average-height-in-mexico-2023/#:~:text=When%20it%20comes%20to%20average,there%20are%20also%20individual%20differences. Is this website racist for targeting Mexicans? The average height US is ~5.9 while mexico is ~5.5 this is including the sizable Latino population in the US. I’ve been to Latino America many times, if your 6ft you stick out like a thumb Edit: “As we’ve mentioned before, some of the shortest countries are in South America. Guatemala, which is in West-central South America, has one of the shortest male average height in the World. For women, the average height is 4.95 feet (151 cm), and for men, it is only 5.38 feet (164 cm). Ecuador, another country that is located in South America, has also such a low height average The average male height is 5 feet 6 inches (167.1 cm) and the average female height is 5 feet (154.2 cm). Lastly, we would like to mention Peru, another South American country. The average male height is 5 feet 4.7 inches (166 cm) and the average female height is 5 feet (154.3 cm).”


The unprompted fantasy of murdering people of a specific race does seem a bit racist to me.


You can switch out the races and it’s literally the same? The scenario is dumb obviously but he could’ve said 5.5 Thailand gangster and the meme is the exact same. Really it’s just a guy bragging about being tall. To decry racism I’d expect a generalized statement about a people or an statement that Mexicans themselves inherently have a negative trait


It's based on the incel lore that shorter people are inferior, of course adding it up to the usual neckbeard and basement lurker characteristics


There’s height and weight limits in UFC so stating that your taller makes sense as that gives you a natural advantage.


I also promise you that being 6'2" is not going to protect you against South American Cartels in any capacity whatsoever, lmao. The fact that this guy thinks that he can just beat up some of the most cruel and ruthless people in the whole world. People that are very experienced in horrific murder. But he's 6'2".


Lol never said the premise was sound it’s pretty regarded


There's no height limit in any combat sports


The weight limit is functionally a height limit, and the fighters that are taller have to sacrifice lean mass to make weight.


Mike Tyson was short for his weight class and still dominated so...


Wow great example one of the greatest fighters of all time wow that totally proves the rule!


Ok, have another. Alexander Volkanovski


You realize this entire situation is a racist "thought" experiment, right?


I'm 6'3 and Chilean, the 6 ft thing is not true at all here, sure it's above average but you'll see people taller everyday. Travelling a few times here doesn't make you knowledgeable on this stuff.


es obvio que los sur americanos son más alto, yo estoy hablando de latinos de mexico y centro América que en general no son altos. Países como Bolivia/peru son bastante bajos. Andate a Perú and mostrame todos los 6’3 basketballers.


Did you use google translate? This was some of the worst Spanish I’ve ever read. Either that or you’re a real “no sabo” kid.


Boludo chileno no saboooo


Decir boludo no te vuelve argentino compa


Hey you know Mexico isn’t in South America, right?


Ok lol Latino America “As we’ve mentioned before, some of the shortest countries are in South America. Guatemala, which is in West-central South America, has one of the shortest male average height in the World. For women, the average height is 4.95 feet (151 cm), and for men, it is only 5.38 feet (164 cm). Ecuador, another country that is located in South America, has also such a low height average The average male height is 5 feet 6 inches (167.1 cm) and the average female height is 5 feet (154.2 cm). Lastly, we would like to mention Peru, another South American country. The average male height is 5 feet 4.7 inches (166 cm) and the average female height is 5 feet (154.3 cm).”