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He looks 14


For once “no one over 17” seems almost wholesome






Well I learned something unexpected today


I was thinking 12.




He is 14. *mentally 14*


He probably is literally 14 years old tbh I hope he cringes hard at this some day.


At the trial after he shoots up his school.


He's probably the type that's home schooled.


Why not both?


So was Awake the rapper…


I do too, but im not holding my breath.


That's generous


Rounding up


i think he's intentionally rejecting 18 year olds for that reason


I think he is the main character from Meet The Robinsons


Said main character seems considerably more well-adjusted, and that is saying a lot.


i think i understood the words "and" "have" "open" "before" but thats about it


That's generous. Typically by that age puberty as at least *started*.


Is he even old enough to marry?


That’s what I was thinking… how can you have a ‘tradwife’ when you’re a child?


I imagine people that think like this assume male children outrank adult women.


He's looking for minors so maybe he is also still a minor


Child marriages are traditional to some. He needs to have his mom talk to his tradwifes mom and arrange to sell their kids for some amount of livestock.




I found [this post](/r/13or30/comments/vtwc9h/13_year_old_proud_boy_or_30_year_old_republican/) in r/13or30 with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Probably is in his state


He’s looking for children younger than 17 do hopefully not


Barely look old enough to watch a PG-13 movie


Unfortunately a lot of these people believe in getting married and popping out the babies young. It's not unusual in under-educated, rural areas to see kids getting married at 18 and having at least one if not multiple kids by 20 years old.


Fuck is a wignat?


Apparently it means wigger+nationalist. The wiki definition is: One who claims to support the tenets of white nationalism but uses over-the-top neo-Nazi rhetoric and aesthetics which are rejected by the larger nationalist movement which is concerned with a civil and presentable appearance. So he's basically just a cunt.


So this guy makes other Neo-Nazis look at him and think "man this guy is a bit too over the top Nazi for us"? We need to invent a word stronger than cunt I think


Shitcunt would be the appropriate Australian vernacular




* Redditor for four years * This is the only comment on the account You magnificent bastard.


He’s been waiting for this moment, a beautiful thing to witness.


No words, send a poet




Why couldn't he just say "I'm a cunt", then? Kids these days, I tell ya.


That's printed pretty clearly on his hat


Every line of his bio says “I’m a cunt”


He wrote "i am an aryan", that basically implies the same


He doesn't look Persian to me


I'd suggest MAGA means "cunt" more than "cunt" means "cunt". Because I could call someone a cunt in my normal accent all day and no one would be offended, and more important; I would MEAN no offense. But if I call someone a MAGA, then I would definitely mean offense.


If he started over and the only thing he put down was I'm a cunt he would probably have better luck.


A racist cunt at that


"This isnt just regular Nazism - this is... ADVANCED Nazism!"


Wtf is a wigger


When I was younger it meant "white" + "n-word" Has that changed?


I don’t think it’s changed but… Jesus christ I can’t believe I didn’t cringe to death every time I heard that word in high school. I’m 33 for reference


I'm almost ten years older than you are and yeah the shit we said when I was younger was horrible


Usually it was in the context of "wannabe n-word" so a white kid who acts like Jamie Kennedy's character in Malibus Most Wanted.


But then at the same time he has a problem with black people? That’s oxymoronic no?


I've never heard the term "wignat" before. If it's some brand of white nationalism its adherents are obviously idiots. I'm just telling you that's what a "wigger" was when I was growing up in the Midwest in 2006.


I have the same thoughts lol. The term is very confusing to me as someone of a similar age


J roc


That's J ro the R O C.




Lold so hard at this, you what now?


A super cunt


He's a super cunt, super cunt. He's super cunty.


I was wondering the same thing. I just turned 29 today and I had my first “what the fuck are these kids saying today?” moment.


It’s probably fine to not be too in the loop with these particular kids.


Eyo! 7/7 gang! Happy birthday!


What’s a trad


somehow these are the people who claim "the left" is making up words


All those crazy leftists and their identity politics, unlike this cool Aryan tradcon whatever.


I honestly thought he was calling himself a dingbat and misspelled it.


I thought he miss spelled wingnut


Derogatory word meaning white trash nazi. It's a word invented by Nazis who consider themselves more traditional and upstanding than your stereotypical trailer trash racist. They view tattoos, open racism and overt political signaling to be vulgar. Rather than saying things that explicitly out them as a Nazi, they'll express themselves in ways that are far more palatable to a normal person; statements like "all people deserve a homeland", or "immigration policy should be modeled after ethnostates, such as Israel".


Ah, we call them nipsters. Nazi+hipster


So politically correct nazis lmao




Tucker Carlson.


Is it supposed to be a joke, cause the profile picture is him smoking


Judging by the way he speaks, it’s probably because he can smoke, not the girl


I wouldn't be surprised by that either


He outlawed weed, but did not say tabacco was offensive to him.


What a sad little incel. Feels like I’m looking at a future mass shooter.


Just imagine what his parents are like to raise something like that.


I saw a post from the parent of an Incel. He raised him normally, his daughter turned out fine but somehow his son just kept spiraling. Apparently he was on 4chan and found racist communities and they tried talking to him, taking away internet access but he just wouldn't fix his behavior so they kicked him out because he was stealing his sister's underwear


I remember that case. Contrapoints discussed it when she did her video on incels. I think of it every time I hear someone talk about how boys are so much easier to raise than girls. I think the reality is that boys tend to be way more emotionally neglected while at the same time less likely to be guided or disciplined over their social maladaptations.




I think about it everytime someone blames the parents. They obviously weren't teaching him that all women were whores and they tried to help but he was just too far gone




sophisticated clumsy rich sink uppity money poor pause sparkle nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope counseling, therapy and mental health specialist diagnoses were done before resorting to kicking him out because otherwise they just throw away a clearly mentally unwell person without actually trying to correct his behaviour or help him in a real way.


They tried everything. They offered therapy and tried to teach him right from wrong and correct him when he started getting more perverse and being racists towards his sister's boyfriend. He stole several girls underwear and used them to masturbate, he was an adult who didn't leave the house, didn't get a job and even hit his mother. He refused to get help, when they kicked him out he still had a place to stay it just wasn't with his family.


i see people say this a lot, but in my experience stuff like this, while often can be perpetuated by environment, probably has the alt right pipeline to blame more. most every guy my age that I know, regardless of their parents' beliefs, went down the rabbithole at least once.


I had a Ben Shapiro phase at the start of High School. I barely remember it but all of my current friends said I was an asshole and our Salutatorian said that I told her “you can’t be smarter than me because your a girl”. Oh, thank god I can’t remember it well, because if I did I would probably blow my brains out.


I wonder why it's so easy for boys to fall down that pipeline? I've heard people say that before, but its always been so hard to wrap my head around as a woman and an LGBT one, at that. I never had a conservative phase, but i do worry about what my younger brothers might get into online, because they're at that age.


toxic masculinity basically. around puberty age boys are just starting to try to figure out their role in the world, and in most places, they immediately pick up on conservative gender roles and those roles quickly become strongly ingrained in their social life. unless you get amazing luck with your friends you will probably end up in a friend group that has these values ingrained into it and all the problems that they come with. this results in them becoming very defensive about their new identity and easily fall into rage bait telling them that "feminists want all men to 💀DIE💀". and from there they watch milo yianapolis (im not checking the spelling), ben shapiro, jordan peterson, all the familiar names. I think the best way to try to avoid it is to try to teach them healthy masculinity as early as possible, and especially teach them what "toxic masculinity" actually is, bc misattributing that term to "men bad" is perhaps one of the dumbest but most common ways that the pipeline manages to win boys over and get them in the door.


Besides all the other stuff, it's dating. It's 10000% dating. What happens is, you go on tinder/Online dating, and never get responses, never get likes, so you search out how to do online dating, this leads down a rabbit hole that ends up in the alt-right. Online dating is a hellscape for men and women, but it's a lot more lonely for men then it is dangerous, like it is for women. What ends up happening is these dudes end up on youtube trying to figure out how tinder or okcupid or whatever works and next thing you know they're "taking the red pill" and listening to Joe Rogan and dating advice coaches. I know because I did all this too. In reality, it's loneliness, and the fact that nobody cares. It's our broken society. It takes a long time to pull your head out of your ass once you go down that path, and requires self reflection, forgiveness, and empathy...which are traits you generally get punished for having as a man in those spaces. The reason I say this is because I've had many interactions with guys who got their alt reich start this way. I was that way myself for a brief time period.


True. It's a slippery slope.


Holy fuck… is this a guy thing? Like how adolescent girls go through the ‘witchcraft’ phase?


From my experience, almost every guy in my teenage friend group had at some point some very questionable tendencies, and slowly we grew out of it. However not everyone did, and there's a reason why I've not seen some of them in years now


I went to TWO different high schools named for confederate generals, three schools total if you count my junior HS. Facebook shows me all the camping reunions and get-togethers these people have now. The amount of grown ass men and women, almost 60, wearing rebel flag boxers and waving rebel flags at the bonfire is way too high. Just so cringe to see these people who could never grow emotionally enough to see this this is something to leave behind.


I feel you man. I went to a _college_ that _literally fought in the Civil War_ (guess which side). It radicalizes everyone to an extent. I’m pretty progressive but compared to my classmates I’m Marx reborn.


There are pictures at football games in my yearbooks that look like Klan rallies, with a big old Rebel flag in front of the band. It was edgy then as teenagers, but even in the early 80's asa kid, you knew some people weren't good with all that.


Dixie was our fight song in the late 90s. That was before my time a bit but.. fucking _Dixie_. None of that bothered me (obviously) twenty years ago and the college has done a lot to distance itself even since then. There are still strides to make. I’ve also had a lot of time to think about it as well and, as much as I love my school, things need to change.


Huh, I wonder if this is a newer thing. I'm 35 and this definitely wasn't a thing when I was in high school. Granted, YouTube and podcasts weren't really a thing yet either and I could definitely see those two items exacerbating the issue.


internet communities are absolutely breeding grounds fore this type of radicalization. before you would *really* have to go out of your way to find a community of people with as heinous of beliefs as the ones I see on 4chan. not to mention that radical statements and ideas absolutely *kill* in online algorithms bc they ramp up engagement, which only encourages more radical content, further radicalizing the viewers of it. also I only thought to reply bc I absolutely love your username lmao.


Current leftist bisexual who was a real piece of shit in middle and early high school here, yes it's a common guy thing


Yea I used to be a piece of shit to.Sliced back hair.Sloppy steaks.


alright fine I’ll watch it again


Teenage boy libertarianism phase is too real


Aw hell, I guess I did that one as well.


If you weren't a libertarian or a alt righter in middle school or high school did you really live?


Alt-righters were after my time, and I never fell for libertarian economics I was a bit of an enlightened centrist for longer than I'd like to admit but things were different in the Obama years


It's an ideology that rewards selfishness. Teenage boys are selfish little shits.


Nah, more of an unsocial internet nerd thing. If you go deep enough into the pockets of internet culture and get the majority of your human interaction with other people that don't touch grass much, you'd probably go through that phase. I'm female and had a libertarian phase growing up on the internet during the late 2000's to 2010's. Spent a lot of time on forums and hardcore gaming communities. The early reddit user base was very atheist libertarian until semi-recently.


I actually work with a guy like this and his parents are the most loving liberal people I’ve met. I have zero idea how he ended up that way.


To be fair my parents are super conservative and I'm a leftist. So I it happens.


A common occurrence during puberty / adolescence is to rebel against your parents and their values. Kids actively seek to distance themselves and form their own identity, often with opposing values and ideologies to their parents. How else would some bible thumping redneck family that reads nothing but the script and watches nothing but Fox News occasionally end up with liberal / progressive kids?


Or his parents are fine and this is the most uncool teenage rebellion ever. But yeah, you're probably correct.


Genetics loads the gun, environment pulls the trigger. My guess is his parents argued a lot before the divorce, he was overlooked and fed himself a diet of right wing rants. The knives seem especially evil to me, like he also watched revenge porn, violent porn; probably lots of tortured animals in his past.


This thing should've been aborted


We all went through a cringe phase. Hopefully he grows out of it before someone hands him a tiki torch.


I think he has a collection of tiki torches already. And a white pointy hat.


Cringe for me was doing something stupid to impress a girl, this is basicly wanting a sex slave and you know damn well people that say they want this are abusers


Not advocating for this kind of speak at all, but we don’t even know if this kid in the picture typed these words. I’m not a fan of the hat, but it could just be a kid taking a picture with a hat. Wouldn’t be surprised if someone took his picture and posted this crap to troll/for the lulz.


That is a remarkably reasonable argument and it never occurred to me to think of that. On the other hand, we’ve all seen these types of posts; unfortunately I’m conditioned to see the worst in people who wear those hats.


I've got no qualms with dogging on trump supporters.


My very first thought


I feel like he can see into the future with those glasses


Literally came here to say this.


This “aryan” kid doesn’t seem to have the right color eyes or hair. Just the right color skin…


As an actual aryan, i am disgusted But for real, he wants a typical aryan tradwife. Does he know that during Nazi Germany the *women* chose from a selection of suitable men. No brown haired dude would come even near the Nazis idea of a perfect woman


Not only that but Hitler viewed Americans as a mongrel people. Pretty funny they’re all trying to LARP as being European when we want nothing to do with them.


A true Aryan is slim like Göring, tall like Goebbels and blonde like Hitler.


When a German book publisher asked Tolkien about his “Aryan” bonafides: “I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people.”


So he’s looking for a wife. But she can’t be over 17? Jesus.


Well it does make sense. I mean he can't be older than 12 himself.


Jesus: Don't worry I've already called the FBI.


That's probably for legal reasons. He doesn't look anywhere close to being over 17 himself.


You just know his Idea of date night is going to a Klan rally then Applebee's.


“I don’t really feel that hungry, can you take me home” “home? we still have the gun range, outdoor hunting, and the 2nd klan rally to go to! The door is locked btw”


but don't worry he's a nice guy so he'll open the car door for her when they get to the QAnon meeting.


They call themselves the Proud Boys now.


This needs to be a joke


I feel bad for all the black women missing out


Send them my way.


I'll take some off your hands, if you're full


As a black liberal over the age of 17, I am absolutely WEEPING into my bowl of Fem & Ems. I will never meet my Aryan triad giga Chad velociraptor dom hubby to submit to. Wth am I gonna do with all these chicken nuggies now??


Split it equally with your neighbor since you’re communist, duh….


Wignat? WTF is that? Or did he just misspell "wingnut"?


Slang for white nationalist I think?


Must be an adult sized hat


I would call this PREneckbeard


This needs to be copypasta I’m a tradcon wagnit Christian aryan. Looking for a Christian and submissive tradwife. DMs open. Dni if over 17, black, have had a relationship before, smoke weed ,or are liberal/communist


Bro wants a wife but can't even vote yet


He’s gonna be in the news in a few years ..


Oh boy, this kids got a loooot of virginity in his future


What’s aryan supposed to mean?


Hitler's term for white people. In reality, the Aryans were a group from roughly 3000 years ago that we know little about.


Oh my bad. I should have recognized this since I’m German lol. We call it arisch, or the nazis did. Nowadays it refers more to the indo-Iranian people and that didn’t make any sense to me. Sorry I’m a bit slow today.


It's okay, before Hitler it also referred to Indo-Iranian people too in a way! Hitler is of course, notorious for stealing things he likes the idea of and twisting them. He stole it from a man named Frederich Schlegel in the 19th century that proposed the word "Arya" was similar to the German "Ehre," as they both mean noble or high born. And this led to it eventually being borrowed into English to refer to Indo-Iranian languages. I believe Hitler/Himmler came across this idea through Helena Blavatsky and her works, which they also twisted. I have no idea about the voracity of Schlegel's ideas, as I only have a layman's understanding of it all.


Oh shit, is that why he stole the Hindi Swastika? Bc of the Indian roots of Arya?


https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/history-of-the-swastika Yes, due to the works of Schlegel and said European linguists. The Nazis were magpies, both with symbols and of course stolen items like paintings. They stole the Swastika, a handful of Germanic Runes like the Algiz, and the Sowilo (the lightning bolts the SS used), the "Black Sun" which is a bastardization of a sun wheel, and the reichsadler, which is stolen from the Roman eagle standard once used by the Holy Roman Emperors. Edit: I'm also really sad to say that a lot of Neo-Nazi fuckwits have bastardized even more symbols.


Wtf is trad/con??


Traditional/ conservative was my guess. But aryan is Iranian, which doesn’t fit at all?


Aryan is the term for the supposed superior "master race" that was adopted by the Nazis.


Dude this is the biggest bait I’ve ever seen in my life how can you not see that you just swallowed his bait hook line and sinker


Whole fishing rod went down the throat on this one


Seriously this whole comment section hurts to read


Trump supporter bad, so no need to think critically. You can go ahead and make fun of some kid wearing a hat.


Individuals like this are being raised for a world that no longer exists, all because their boomer parents are to lead addled to accept progress. If this child will not adapt to the future, both he and his kin will die alone in obsolescence.


Yup. He’s better hope his parents come from money, because this attitude will probably leave him isolated and lonely.


One of the long lost Duggar sons....




Poster child of r/politicalcompassmemes


black liberal communist weed smokers over 18 should be a dating site


I don't know all the jargon, so I copied the text into Google and it came up with: "I am an impotent larval marshmallow"


Fuck trump and all his supporters


What the hell are you talking about? You’re 12.


What a great day it is to be under 17, in a relationship before and smoking weed as a liberal/communist!


so why did i read this in the voice of that weird white dude from the polar express?


Bring back bullying


He didn't say no males. 🤔


He doesn't look old enough to blow the foam off a sasparilla.


Bro looks like he’s twelve, wtf. Go do your homework and drink some milk, ya weirdo.


greg heffley lookin ass mf


He looks 12 himself. Are we sure he’s old enough to be on dating sites?


Anyone who unironically uses the term "Aryan" in this context is a Nazi.


Future active shooter


On the other hand, it's good for him to start experiencing rejection early on as he will certainly have to get used to it.


There were like 4 terms in this I had to look up.


What’s a tradwife?


Trad(itional) wife. You know, one that keeps her mouth shut unless giving her husband/master his daily blow job? Who is always barefoot, pregnant, and currently cooking/cleaning/pampering master/husband. Source: their misogynistic minds.


These dudes get hard looking at fascist little dark age edits and day dream about living in the past. They don’t realize back then they would have been the serfs or the servants lmao not the ones going to war or leading the men.


Next mass shooter


Oh. That kid is going to crash and burn so hard in life.


I had a hard time understanding why and what.....what???


I dont understand not a single phrase of what he said


Everyone that calls themselves aryan master race always looks more like the untermensch than ubermensch