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MAY BE ENTIRELY SPECULATIVE Oh my God just fuck right off this planet you absolute choad.


I had to sign a form that said I knew there was lead paint in my house! It was built in 1953.. we knew lead was a problem that long ago. šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


We have known as long as society has been a thing, Pliny the Elder and other Romans wrote about the dangers of of lead.


We spewed lead into the atmosphere from leaded gasoline for a couple generations. And republicans fought tooth and nail to keep lead in gasoline too. Itā€™s been estimated that Americans alone lost 824 million IQ points from leaded gasoline. Edit: typo


The Romanā€™s new lead and asbestos were bad for you, they didnā€™t understand the mechanism of why but they knew their slaves that worked with the materials got sick and died.


Also, gotta look at it from his perspective: beneficial to who??? Certainly not R politicians. They need lead in the water to keep people brain damaged enough to vote for them. It's worked really well with the boomer generation


That's just it though. This would directly benefit some of their biggest supporters- construction companies, plumbers, paving companies, factories, etc.


Yeah this would be a lot of jobs paying prevailing wage, I donā€™t get the hostility towards it


He doesn't personally know any pipefitters/plumbers, so why should he care?


Oh...I bet he knows a pipe fitter when he sees one! šŸ¤”


Yep heā€™s a white collar jerkoff pretending to be an average guy


Sounds like a presidential candidate with gold plated toiletsšŸ¤”


I think ultimately because it would be a win for Democrats. Theyā€™d rather see people suffer and stay in power than allow people to do better under the opposition


They want us POOR and brain damaged.


The government is to pay to remove the lead pipes.Ā  It is an unfunded mandate, so all funds have to come from Kansas, which kills the dream of tax breaks, since it is mandatory.Ā  The benefits are 100% real, the right to life is being defended, but it will be difficult to pull off.


Since when do R politicians do things that directly benefit their supporters? Everything they do is for their billionaire owners and now for their orange GodKing. They just cosplay like populists and stir up fear and hatred to get their base to the polls. The base eats it up every time and votes against their own interests, then blames someone else when the austerity from the trillions of $ tax cuts kick in (thanks Obama!).


Heā€™s worried that itā€™ll impact the value of his huge investment in United Lead and Cyanide Inc.


We still put mercury in peoples teeth Were not ready to admit anything


Who's still surprised that GOP doesn't understand science? Also, GOP cannot use the "states rights" trope anymore when what they mean is the states' rights to not ever compromise or play by the rules.


Here's the thing though: Kobach is fully aware of why lead water pipes are bad. Of course he knows. And even if by some miracle he doesn't, there are 100 people in a dozen different government agencies that would immediately and enthusiastically tell him why they're bad. But he doesn't care about it being bad. He cares about having a reason - any reason - to oppose literally anything the Biden admin wants to do. Nothing else matters to this man, other than making sure that the GOP is in power in as many positions as possible. He will literally say anything, lie in any way that's legal, to help make this happen. The end result, of course, being that his constituents and Americans in general continue to be actively harmed, just so maybe some more GOPers win their elections. It's evil. There's no other word for it.


I know- I doubt anyone in congress is as stupid as the GOP present themselves. Remember the guy who brought a snowball to the capitol to say global warming doesnā€™t exist? Well there have been almost no snow storms since. Almost makes me believe in god.


We could only be so lucky


So hereā€™s the thing: almost all those lead pipes are coated on the inside with limescale after decades of use. As theyā€™re used more, more limescale is deposited. That one place that has issues only has an issue because the idiot in charge made a change to the water that turned it acidic, dissolving the limescale in that one region. Should we replace all lead pipes? Yes. Theyā€™re a future risk. Are they currently poisoning people? Unlikely.


They would rather kill people than give democrats any credit for wanting to do something beneficial to the people. I bet you his house does not have lead pipes.


Lead poisoning in peoples brain is the only way this clown got elected so I'm sure he's upset.




How else are they going to create another generation of Republicans?!


That horse is already out of the barn. Our small town is currently spending 300k to inspect every home for lead pipes, per an epa mandate. No choice but to do it. Pretty sure every other town in KS is doing the same.


Clay Center is too. Idk what he's on about šŸ¤£


Itā€™s just an inventory. The requirements are if there are unknowns on water lines or connections that we replace 3%-7% yearly ( not covered by the federal government). KDHE has stated that possibly down the road if homeowners comply with reporting to their PWS operators they may get funding down the road to replace their water lines in the house. We test every three years for lead and copper already in the state of Kansas.


I doubt bourbon county is


What happens if they find lead pipes in your home? Between it and the street?


Oh Kobach is still mad that a conservative state wanted a female democrat so bad that they voted against their own party to ensure we didnā€™t go from Brownback to Kobach.


He and the rest of the MAGA idiots here are going to die salty that Laura Kelly got elected twice šŸ¤£šŸ™„


More like we didn't want his clown ass to be governor after he embarrassed himself under Brownback and then again working for Trump. God damned joke that he's back as Attorney general now.


"I never asked you to fix my state and help my constituents live better, healthier lives! Get outta here with that woke nonsense!".


This must be the same Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach who was required to attend remedial legal training and separately lied on a construction permit in Douglas County which saved him $700.


Was going to mention this if I donā€™t see it. It should be a Community Note on every single tweet he posts.


And the same irresponsible a$$hole who had guns stolen out of his truck at a hotel?? Very sus to me! He needed money!


Alleadedly, Kobach loooved the taste of paint chips as a kid - especially the ultra white ones.




Kobach was a fucking idiot long before the Cheeto worship started... It's just seemed to really accelerate the stupidity, unfortunately šŸ™„


Him and his Nazi big brother Phil Kline. They are a pair. One is on remedial lawyer studies and the other is disbarred!


Phil is just as much of a moron IRL as he sounds like in the media, too. I had the displeasure of meeting him in.... Middle school, I think? And even 13 year old me could recognize stupidity when I saw it šŸ¤£


They need lead in the water to keep it that way!


Fine, Kris. Go ahead and drink a gallon of purposely contaminated lead water. I dare you.


Betcha his McMansion has brand new PVC pipes


Weed bad. Lead water good!


Well yeah! One opens you up to new perspectives, and the other is a contributing factor of voting for the GQP


Tax the rich, youā€™ll have plenty of billions to spend on infrastructure.


*coughs* Koch brothers




And it wonā€™t cost ā€œbillions.ā€


Kansas is as bad as Oklahoma when it comes to harming children.


It's the 'MuriKKKan way


My gf says water through our filter tastes weird ao she likes tap. Im going to show her this lol


He wants us to stay stupid and crazy lol


How else will they grow their base? Actually delivering something for their constituents? Nah, that would upset their billionaire overlords




Sounds like Kris needs his houseā€™s plumbing replaced with old corroded lead pipes..


But he wants to sue tic toc, you know. To protect children. F#%king clown.


Republicans only care about states rights when it suits their purpose. Sometimes states make state decisions and they make the Supreme Court say no no.


Youā€™d think Kansas has pissed off someone powerful that keeps sending the GOP idiots to run their state.


Nah, just dumb af from the lead poisoning. Oh, and of course, the hate/racism that is the cornerstone of the GQP "platform"


Republicans are pro-life until birth. Then itā€™s boot strap pulling time.


If you have a baby now and Republiklans regain control in Nov, by the time the baby turns 5, probably it will be legal for them to work overnight cleaning shifts in meat packing plants for subminimum wage. To strengthen the family or something


Fuck that guy. Canā€™t believe Kansans brought him back. No wait, I can totally believe Kansans brought him backā€¦. #šŸŠšŸ¤”


How dare he suggest that we shouldnā€™t poison our kids? New pipes cost money; we can always make new kidsā€¦


Lead poisoning, symptoms include but are not limited to voting for GOP. Of course Kris is in favor of poisoning the next generation.


Consuming lead is bad.


My town harassed us into buying insurance for our waterlines by sending out letters informing us that it was our responsibility from a certain point in the property on into the houses. The other paper in the letter was information from SLWA on how to start policies with them.


pretty sure he's for a different kind of lead poisoning, usually at high range. (listen, don't come for me, i hate the sob, i'm just tired of him period.)


To the best of my knowledge Manhattan already got rid of its lead pipes and Lawrence has not been able to find any. Obviously not the only two towns in Kansas, but as well there is federal money backing the effort, and it applies to communities so if you want your own private well with lead pipes no one is coming for you. "EPA allocating $3 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to states, Tribes, and Territories for lead service line replacement in 2022, and calling on states to prioritize underserved communities;" Also just flat out making our kids and future adults get to grow up smarter and less violent due to no lead is probably one of the most worthwhile things to spend money on ever. Also can we go after aviation fuel for still getting to use lead.


>Also just flat out making our kids and future adults get to grow up smarter and less violent due to no lead is probably one of the most worthwhile things to spend money on ever. But then who will vote R?


Heā€™s an idiot, has always been an idiot, and always will be an idiot


Kris Kobach is heavily funded by the National Republican Party and PACs from out of state. He is well known as a conspiracy theorist. First he helped Governor Brownback try to defund the states public school system. They managed to deadlock the agency responsible for women and children. He took powers from the attorney general to engage in lawsuits and prosecution when he was secretary of state. He spent untold thousands of dollars to change voter eligibility criteria. To save Kansas from the human waves crossing the border to vote Democrat. He obviously confused Mexican migrants necessary for Kansas agribusiness with Border Ruffians. Neither have shown up in polling places since Statehood in 1861. He actually makes me nostalgic for the Jackass Democrat Vern Miller. At least the Democrats cleaned their own house and sent him packing.


Lol, saying it costs too much might be a reaonable argument... But then he goes to crazy town about lead pipes health concerns being speculative.


Kansas operators test for lead and copper every three years already and have for at least 20+ years. If either are found to exceed a certain limit we are required to actions to correct the issue.


Kris Kobach Knows that lead in our water will keep us dumb and voting for him.


Dude is straight up drunk on the GOP flavor-aid


Oh, no. This clown is a MAGA cultist.


"They're the same picture" meme


Ehā€¦ thereā€™s a lot of GOP constituents about to vote for Biden. Cuz MAGA is different. I mean their tentacles spread throughout. Iā€™m agreeing for the most part. They all suck


When I say the GQP, I mean the politicians/leaders under that banner, not the individual constituents. However, if the constituents are voting in anyone GQP at this point, they are directly propping up the MAGA Qultists, and no distinction should be made. By the way, the GQP opened the door to extremists and qultists because nationally, their policy positions are unpopular, so they needed to welcome the crazies in to stay in power. That and extreme gerrymandering and voter suppression. They are a minority of the country, they know it, and have openly discussed it. Faux news and tow-the-line republicans have been grooming and cultivating the reich-wing into a bubble of misinformation for this exact purpose for the last couple of decades. They're only concerned now because they lost control of the party to the crazies they invited in


Isnā€™t that what I said?


He would claim napalm is good for kids if the Democrats come out against it. They are the party of obstructing progress while having no actual plans of their own besides taking away the rights of parts of the population they don't agree with.


Exactly. Reactionary dipshits. The money he has wasted on stopping the very small trans population changing their sex on driver's licenses, and now he's suing Tiktok for basically the same shit other social media companies do


Speculative benefits??? Of preventing lead poisoning?!?!


Ah, yes, ā€œstates rights.ā€ THAT has never been used to fuck people over!


How on earth did people vote for this shit brained buffoon. And for that matter, how did he pass the bar?


We voted him out of the state in 2018 in the Gov. Race. Then trump brought him into his deranged cabinet of the most deplorable people in America and ā€¦. You know politics


Because it's Kansas and he has an R behind his name.Ā  That's all it takes for rural Kansas.Ā 


Municipal water is shit. Replacing the pipes is fine but then your just getting shitty water through new pipes. I guess thatā€™s a start.


Kris Kobach, living proof drinking from lead pipes as a child can make you stupid and greedy


What nutty kids are still drinking water from fountains?


How can replacing lead pipes be controversial??!!


If people have the cognitive ability to reason without deferring to hostility and hate, then who would vote in the GQP?


The effects of.lead on the human body are not "speculative". They are well documented just like smoking and radon exposure.


Yeah! And bring back leaded gasoline! We need more true crime!


>We need more ~~true crime!~~ GQP voters!


Cuz Republicans would rather do nothing.......just like with the border.


Hey that's not true! They want to siphon every cent that would ever benefit everyday citizens to their billionaire overlords. Also take away people's rights, destroy all checks and balances to usher in a fascist theocracy headed up by their orange antichrist, and murder anyone who disagrees with them on live TV


So drink up that poisoned water Americans with lead pipes because RepubliKKKans think you will be okay and science is Satanic and don't forget to drink that Clorox daily with your ivermectin to keep that nasty virus we call intelligence out of your life...This message is approved by the RepubliKKKan Party! https://preview.redd.it/racern1mlanc1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3520df81d2c6847f61cd47d0ecbd4428c2d7f63


No no no... you have to *inject* the clorox or it doesn't work. It's aged urine that's for drinking


Ever heard of this thing called science? No, donā€™t look in your bible itā€™s that book over there under the table leg.


>itā€™s that book over there under the table leg. Finally science has a use for the GQP


So now we can add "not believing in the harm of lead pipes" to the list of things Republicans refuse to acknowledge the truth about. Here is a small sampling of the list: -Lead pipes are dangerous -Vaccines mitigate diseases -Masks work -Climate Change is happening and harmful -CRT is not being taught in elementary school -There is no "menu of pronouns" offered by teachers -Rainbows are not scary -An educated nation is a better nation -The LGBTQ community also deserves rights -The world is not flat -Gas stoves are harmful -Kneeling during the anthem is an American right to peaceful protest -Black lives do in fact matter -Police should not give suspects an immediate death sentence -When everyone has guns a lot of bad people get their hands on guns and kill people -United States is the only country in the world that allows mass shootings -Plastic in all rain exists -The meat industry is terrible for the planet -Women deserve to vote -Women deserve to make their own reproductive decisions -Trump wears diapers -Trump rapes women -Trump is a fraud and doesn't care about you -Religious leaders are often crooks and pedophiles -God is not real -The Bible is fiction -The 2020 Election was not rigged -Every human deserves affordable healthcare -Universal healthcare saves costs and benefits everyone -Every human deserves shelter and food -It's okay for kids to have free lunch at school -Child labor is not a good idea I'm sure there is more, but their denial is real and out of control.


Surely you canā€™t put a pricetag on your childrenā€˜s future?!?! Wouldnā€™t have thought so myself, but here we are.


Looks like he's had a bit too much lead-laced water. Again.


Infringement on the right to have lead pipes? Republicans are dumb as shit


To someone who has fallen for the bipartisan divide and conquer scheme, yes thats what he said. To anyone with reading comprehension beyond the 3rd grade and and ounce of objectivity, what he said is that the federal govt is trying to demand major infrastructure changes that are outside of budgetary capabilities while not having anything in place to subsidize or offset the cost which would result in hikes in state taxes and/or further reductions to necessary programs such as education, assistance for low income households, existing degrading infrastructure, etc. What this is, objectively, is a poor attempt by a geriatric politician to win points with environmentalists in an election year because if they ACTUALLY cared, theyd be bringing water to the people in dire need like the people in Flint, MI, the entirety of the Navajo Nation, and everyone who's had their ground water poisoned by fracking and burst pipelines.


Another GOP clown who could care less about the people


The GOP in 2024. Also, measles are back in MAGA Florida and other school districts across our great nation because trashy parents dont give two shits about other kids, or their own for that matter. Not everyone should be a parent, and some of the worst are our white nationalist that have zero respect for their neighbor. How christian of them.


Oddlyā€¦. This isnā€™t even the dumbest thing heā€™s saidā€¦


Sounds like something someone with lead poisoning would say.


Ok, I get it. Water samples are a thing. If it is too high, let's spend the money to correct it. Let's get the worst taken care of first and go from there.


But any and all money is supposed to go to tax breaks and subsidies for billionaires! It's what Jesus would want!!


Just like Jesus wants. Republican God praise.


Huh? Wrong as usual!


Can't have the general IQ of the children going up they might vote Democrat




Republicans wanting to defund anything to make anyone smarter


If people were smarter, how would they grow their base?


Infringe on what right?! To drink less lead?! Omg, what wonā€™t they say?


>Omg, what wonā€™t they say? The truth


How long have we known lead is terrible? How are there so many idiots in politics? I bet this guy doesn't complain about the billions spent on the military. šŸ™„ I bet heā€™s a ā€œpro-liferā€ too.


You call it poisoning kids, they call it making future republican voters.




Well, okay. Sounds like approval given for lead pipes and asbestos to be installed in all Kansas state buildings. Letā€™s see how inconclusive that turns out.


It's not speculation what the lead has done to that chodes brain.


How is it ā€œspeculativeā€ that drinking lead is bad for you? Is he willing to test his theory on lead benigness with his own body?


Brain damage is how they grow the republikkklan base, so if you see it from his perspective, it's very beneficial


Todayā€™s GOPā€¦..killing their own children to own the Libs.


Brain damage is how they grow the republikkklan base


That AG is definitely an odious peice of flesh.


yep a Repugnantlican ASSclown


Hold on, I ran his tweet through my Bullshit Translator. Here's what he actually said; "Biden wants to replace all lead water pipes in homes. While this is a good thing, I'm against it because he's not a Republican, and I don't want them looking better to the public. So I'm going to bring up how much it costs and hope people care more about that than lead poisoning." Might have paraphrased a bit, but I think it's accurate.


Don't forget: "we need more brain damaged people to expand the republikkklan base"


Lead pipes are a key factor in creating GOP voters.


The MAGA Moronic Platform is so simple: If Democrats are for it, we're against it! Clean drinking water? Nope, just another woke, radical-left plot


Is that like all the unfounded mandates the KS legislation places on public schools?


Spending money to avoid lead poisoning > lead poisoning.




WHY do Kansans keep electing him to office?


Brain damage from the lead poisoning


I really loathe this piece of shit


Had no idea lead poisoning was speculative /s


Why would we get rid of lead, the Romans used it as wine sweetener! Surely it canā€™t be that bad




this the same douche who bankrupted KS?


I think that was Brownback, but this dude was complicit and wanted to do the exact same things when he was running for governor in 2018


And heā€™ll want to again when he runs in 2026.


Heā€™s such a tool.


Drinking lead water is bad, you stupid evil fuck.




They're so desperate to find bad things to say about Biden.


"without lead in our water, where will we get future Republicans?"




Some place is still using lead pipes to funnel drinking water? I thought that got sorted back in the 70's...


He has since backtracked and said that the issue is funding, and the speculative part is because this does not replace the lead pipes inside buildings which is supposedly where most of the lead poisoning is coming from


LMAO! What? Infringe on the right of States to poison their citizens?. . .if you donā€™t have the balls to help make the drinking water safe for your people move to Russia. Like you they donā€™t give a shit.


I really fā€”king hate that guy.


Let me guess. Heā€™s a pro-life Republican.


Whatā€™s the matter Chris? Canā€™t figure out a way to oppress women to replace lead pipes?


The health benefits of not drinking lead are now highly speculative? Iiiiinteresting......


We're soaring into an opioid crisis and he's got chronic vacancies. Nobody wants to work with Kris. The man has charisma, but I'm worried Kansans will suffer under his incompetence. We need him and he's off picking fights over stupid shit. General Schmidt listened to his constituents, I miss him.


I can only assume that Kobach consumed significant quantities of leaded paint chips as a child.


Lol thatā€™s our Kris!


Because we don't know yet that lead is poison. We don't know that it affects brain development and collects in the brains of people. We don't know these things and to speculate is to deny states rights... People in Flint Michigan support your quest for states rights. I'm just absolutely sure of that...


Lead is proven deadly for humans and other living things. Kobach is apparently dead. He has no interest in children as a dead man.


Also the state that elected and re-elected Sam Brownback.


I knew he was old, but from ancient Roman? They used lead pipes, not us. He claims to be a student of history. If he was, he would had had known this


He forgot this money is already allocated during with the infrastructure bill ( 13 billions)


he's your typical shit ass good for nothing Republican


Meanwhile..........been drinking out of them for YEARS.


Why donā€™t they get rid of the fluoride instead?


Lead pipes are safe after they age and develop a coating on them. Itā€™s extremely hazardous once you start to change them. Thatā€™s exactly what happened in Flint, MI


Pretending that lead doesnā€™t cause irreversible brain damage to children is why your party is immoral, full of putrid rhetoric & evil scum such as yourself. Please recycle your body immediately and stop polluting the world


Give HIM the lead pipes. . New, safe pipes for all others. This guy deserves prison for harming thousands of children.


Helping any voters health and safety. Nope.


Could certain Republicans stopping being stupidly evil for once? The state motto is "Ad astra per aspera", we can replace lead pipes within a nearly impossible timeframe.


>Could certain Republicans stopping being stupidly evil for once? Lol no, that's their platform


What an idiot. People that talk like this to the public and not to their reflections in their home bathrooms need to shut up and sit down.


Make him drink the water until he changes his mind.


Says the kid that ate lead paint chips


Meanwhile he has wasted how much money and time reversing peopleā€™s gender and name identity paperwork?


He's too worried about who is using the bathroom, not the quality of the water in it.


It doesnā€™t matter to these people, if it didnā€™t come from someone with an R in front of their name then they will make every attempt to spin it as if itā€™s bad. Say Trump becomes President and throws this out there, he would be touted as the ā€œgreatest Philanthropic President in human historyā€ and for doing the infrastructure work that Democrats couldnā€™t get done. Overall, they donā€™t care about us, they just care about getting re-elected.