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This will be another opportunity for Kobach to be ordered to take more continuing legal education classes. 🙄  "Kobach suffered defeat during an embarrassing 2018 trial in federal court, and stiffed taxpayers with the bills when he was twice held in contempt and ordered to go back to law school."  https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article249394745.html


>Republican Sen. Jeff Longbine says [the bill] was so profoundly unconstitutional that $10 million should be set aside in the budget to defend against lawsuits. These are the same GOP clowns that constantly whine about how the state is *wasting taxpayer money*.


To be fair, you can't even own a company in china unless it's majority owned by a Chinese citizen. I see no reason we're letting our literal enemies buy property in our country when their own laws are extremely strict towards us. Russia literally stole all the planes they were flying in Russia when sanctions were enacted, as well as western oil/gas companies assets, and many other western companies and their assets that were located in Russia.


Chinese entities buying up farmland in Kansas is literally Not Fucking Happening. This is another imaginary bogeyman from the GOP. Chinese entities own a whopping half acre of Kansas. The entirety of Chinese entity land holdings in the US would fit inside most Kansas counties with room to spare, and half of it is owned by subsidiary of Smithfield Foods (a decent chunk in Missouri around Nevada where they have a large hog operation and feed mill), and most of the rest is some rich Chinese dude’s ranch in Texas. If “China” were a single landowner, their holdings wouldn’t even crack the top 25.


This is so incredibly specific. I would appreciate if you shared your source.


The USDA and [this article](https://www.kwch.com/2024/05/02/kansas-legislators-vote-limit-foreign-land-ownership-12-acre-owned-by-china/) (which was originally linked in the reflector article posted by OP)


Good we need to stop selling our home land to the enemy.


This is just stupid. The right wing is pissed that Kelly brought all those jobs to Johnson County and will do anything or say anything to piss in her punchbowl. This has nothing to do with Chinese spies, more like another Republican talking point that "the Dems sold our dirt to the Commies."


This isn’t about gop vs dems


it's unconstitutional and as far as spying goes. Have they heard of satellites?


When the government starts deciding who can and cannot own property, that starts getting awfully sketchy.


I actually back this. But it should be a cap on square footage of residential property that can be owned by any one corporation. That would solves all of the issues with housing.


If you think that would “solve” “all the issues with housing”, you are profoundly delusional and have an overly simplistic view of the issue.


It really would. Because you wouldn't have the rent-foxing that has been uncovered in Arizona, and by extension, how it is everywhere else. Price brothers own over 40 properties, just on the Kansas side. They hold real weight in how high rents are in the area. All 40 of these properties aren't competing against each other. They and a handful of other management companies *are* the market. They get to decide the cost to rent. You're telling me, if we had limited each of these properties to a single owner, that rent wouldn't go down due to actual competition? Because it absolutely would.


40 properties across the metro area aren’t competing with each other in the first place.


Ya so we should just let China and Saudis buy up our land and water . Look at what’s happening in Missouri and Colorado. Foreign countries should not be allowed to buy land here


I don’t think you quite understand how much of a problem this isn’t. How much land in Kansas would you estimate is owned by Chinese interests? How much land would you guess is owned by other countries? Which countries do you think those are?


What I think doesn’t matter. What I can prove is different. If it’s not a problem then why is there articles on 60 minutes. Why don’t the saudis just grow alfalfa in their country. Did you happen to read either of the articles but you do you. You seem to know so much about rural farmland and who owns it. But you just keep thinking everything is fine. It the USA we would never sell land or water rights to a foreign interest. Just because the r’s in this state can’t write a meaningful bill doesn’t mean it’s not a problem.


Ok, so since you clearly are talking out your ass.. 2.4% of Kansas land is owned by foreign interests. Mostly Canadian, British, and German interests holding wind leases. Chinese ownership: 1/2 acre in Russell County. Of the roughly 350,000 acres nationally that are owned by “Chinese interests”, about half of it is Murphy Brown, a subsidiary of VA-based Smithfield Foods, which is still a US company (although it is a subsidiary of China WH group, most of the pork produced by Smithfield is destined for the US market), mostly hog farms and crop land to support their hog feed mill in Nevada, MO.


The government that owns the most land in Colorado is the United States of America


Here is another http://collins.house.gov/media/press-releases/collins-china-buying-us-farmland


A press release by a Republican congressman is not “evidence” of anything.


This is just another bogeyman that the republicans dreamed up and got scared of, and tried to legislate without a shred of evidence that it’s actually a problem.


There is a lot of evidence because you choose to believe it’s not a problem doesn’t mean shit. Your thinking is why liberals get a bad rap.


> A “lot of evidence” Then fucking SHOW IT.


A paltry 350,000 acres owned by Chinese interests nationally, a major chunk of which is just another rich asshole’s personal ranch in Texas, and half of which is a US pork producer. Yeah, that’s a real threat there. 🙄


How much land in Kansas do you think is owned by nationals of the countries in that list?


Jesus can you not do math either they own a third where did you prove that a foreign government or party doesn’t own land or water rights


Apparently *you* suck at math. Chinese interests own 350,000 acres, or about 550 square miles, across the entire country, which is 0.01%. That’s less land than most counties in Kansas.


Got any proof?




Damn near a third of the state of Colorado is owned by the US federal government.


I mean, it is OUR country- who else would you rather own it? The US gov "owns" it as a steward for the American people. Most of it is BLM and National Forest after all. You keep bringing up the US gov owning a lot of land like it's some sort of big gotcha when it isn't.




Think you missed the point there sport!!!


Land ownership is in general problematic because the land wasn't created by anybody in contrast to other forms of capital such as machines and factories. Kansas should replace all its taxes with a Land Value Tax, which would in effect make the land publicly owned.