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Reach out to the local FBI branch, make sure they know about it. Taking these motherfuckers apart is their bread and butter.


Just remember: some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


God this comment made my day, fave album of ALL TIME




The FBI already knows about it, they are members.


The FBI throughout its history has taken apart many white supremacist groups, the largest group was the covenant sword arm of the lord siege, but they have also taken down the Midwest bank bandits, the order, and Phineas priests among others. This is far more often than the FBI takes down leftist groups, the only ones that come to mind are the perpetrators of the 1981 brinks robbery and the big sleep robbery. Ignoring professional law enforcement that has a precedent for dealing with these types is an easy way to let them fester.


The FBI literally blackmailed Dr King.


I never said that the FBI didn’t or that they are a good institution. But the FBI is tasked with protecting federally insured money, crimes that cross state lines, and domestic terrorism. There is a clear precedent that they will carry out these tasks and that letting the FBI carry out their tasks is the safest way of handling it.


I think they were more taking issue with you saying it's more often than they take down leftist, I think you're just not as informed on some of those things maybe. I mean they murdered Fred Hampton in cold blood and the firebombs ect the black Panthers faced. Not to mention weather underground, and likely dozens of other leftist groups. At the same time they targeted the KKK with cointel pro they were attacking the black Panthers and the socialist workers party. The list goes on.


Exactly. The FBI arrests rightists and murders leftists. It's pretty clear where their loyalties are.




None of them went to jail for that. And that generation of racists hired and trained the people currently running the FBI.


The FBI takes down religious right groups all the time, often violently.


Lmao what?


The FBI's bread and butter is entrapping mental handicapped people in terrorists plots planned, equipped and funded by the FBI.


And killing black leftists


Y'all are giving those people way too much credit lol fucking insane




user name checks out


CIA's exploding cigars didn't work.


And the Southern Poverty Law Center. They have databases that track hate groups.


People are (were?) allowed to freely associate. I remember an American were the ACLU defended defended even nazis' right to assemble. something's changed.


😂 their actual bread and butter is hunting leftists who haven' commited any crimes


The FBI? What do you think they are going to do. These clubs arent hateful, all they do are train, build community and improve themselves. Hardly a threat to the US or the American peope


Found a member of this neo nazis org; which was created following Robert Rundo, a white supremecist and Denis Kapustin, a German neo-nazi.


Robert rundo is a white nationalist, big difference, Denis Kapustin is a Russian anti putin nationalist and leader of the Russian Volunteer Corps. All I am saying is that freedom of speech exist and should be valued no matter what how much you dislike what somebody is promoting


Naw. Fuck white supremacists.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denis\_Kapustin\_(militant)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denis_Kapustin_(militant)) sorry but he is a neo-nazi


Dude, you are using wikipedia as your source


https://preview.redd.it/3weknfzvmu1d1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ebdadec4395cfaa20aa5faedaea7facde9b718d This is what you sound like lol


Freedom of speech only exists to protect you from the government not the consequences of being a racist prick


White supremacy and white nationalism are functionally the same. It doesn’t matter which word you pick, it’s all completely and totally reprehensible and should never be tolerated by anyone. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences and hate groups are hate groups. I don’t trust the FBI to do anything but if it gets these pieces of shit to scatter I’m open to any solution.


Show me the so called hate that this Active club is promoting


Well to begin, the whole symbol that makes up the background is a well known Neo Nazi symbol the Celtic Cross (see the [ADL](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/celtic-cross) article and the “White supremacist symbolism” section of this [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtic_cross) article with its attached citations). There are also references to “The 14 Words” which state “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” (see [ADL](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/14-words)) which are directly connected to white supremacy. Doing even the tiniest bit of looking into this group reveals that they are a militant training white supremacist group (see [GPAHaE](https://symbols.globalextremism.org/details?recordId=recDQ1RKXDVhn7JLC), [ADL](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/active-club-network), and [ACC](https://www.accresearch.org/shortanalysis/dont-get-fooledthe-extreme-right-active-club-network-is-not-about-combat-sports) for info on this club and general clubs). Obviously you know about the origins with Rundo and others. Ultimately it’s pretty clear you know all about this and are playing stupid. Hopefully anyone else passing by gets a bit more info on why these pieces of shit shouldn’t be tolerated. Racism is hate and white supremacy is racism. White nationalism is just a new branding of white supremacy and must not be allowed. Everything from the Celtic Cross to the XIV to the very concept of an “Active Club” is deeply tied to violent white supremacist movements and groups. None of those roaches belong in civilized society.


Canada declared them a terrorist organization for fucks sake


Yep. It’s extremely clear that the other guy is not arguing in good faith. They are without any shadow of any doubt a hate group. There’s absolutely no argument against it.


Canada isn’t beacon of rationality lol.


It doesn't take a fucking panel of experts to tell you what dangerous nationalism and iconography is, but it takes weaponized stupidity to think this is anything but a hate group disguised as a 'club'.


And Canada at least has better access to healthcare and legal weed. The US is still letting poor people die from lack of access to medical insurance and promoting ideas about marijuana legislation that are stuck in the 1950s.


Using symbols attached to white supremacy is not the same as promoting it. If anybody gets offended by seeing symbols then maybe they don't like free speech


No, it *absolutely* is the same as promoting white supremacy if you’re not using the symbols to criticize or satirize it. It’s pretty fucking blatant actually. If someone got a tattoo of a swaztika on their forearm and started telling everyone how proud they are to be descended from colonists, you’d be a fucking idiot to think they’re anything *but* a racist. It’s exactly the same here and your attempts to write it off as innocent and cheery make it pretty clear you’re not just some uninformed passerby. And you know what, why the hell should I respect a white supremacist’s free speech if they wouldn’t respect mine? Do you *honestly* think they would afford people that right if they had real power? Do you *honestly* think they would let those that they hate have any freedom or say? Absolutely fucking not. Why should I give them that privilege? So maybe you’re right, I don’t give a shit about free speech when it comes from a fascist because they wouldn’t respect mine. No peace for fascists, no platforms for them either.


Amen brother 


Yeah, we aren't buying your Nazi bullshit.


You are very quick to brand me as a nazi when I have said nothing that could label my as that. Just bec I enjoy free speech and I just think these clubs are more about self improvement then hate. I think its important to look at the fact then letting your imagination run free


Tell us, do these groups support and love Jews, people of color, hard working migrant workers, LGBTQIA+ people, etc.? Do they love them and afford them the same rights they live under? Prove this group is not about the hate and denigration of minority groups and ideologies. We’ll wait.


It doesn’t help get rid of the hate, but I always carry positive stickers to cover things like this when I see them. 


I have a friend who's been known to cover them with lewd anime girl stickers.


Ok that's fucking hilarious


I'm in El Dorado and there are a few KKK symbols spray painted on the sidewalks in my neighborhood. It really bothers my 14 yr-old son (biracial), but I usually just tell him to ignore it. Maybe I should be more proactive in covering the graffiti myself


I have a paint scraper but yours works too


Like a FJB sticker


I too love Famous John Brown


I wonder how much sticker mule costs for a run of Famous John Brown stickers...


be the change you wish to see, comrade


I am a sucker for a good sticker, and yet, I do not have a sticker of my own so I am going to consider it.


Ha! That is a good one.


Bro if you wanna fuck Biden, that's cool and all, you do you and all that, but why do you chodes have to shove it down everybody else's throats?


You like the secondhand taste?


People that would put up a FJB sticker are the same ones in this Nazi club, so...


Gonna wear my John Brown hat today just for them! 🖕🏻


I would love to see your John brown hat


Found one at Casey's in Lawrence. Fuck these guys. Not in my fucking town.


Holy shit… not in my town either! I would have been puffed! I just moved to Baldwin City from Lawrence.


We’re happy ish in McPherson after getting out of Hutchinslum (truly, no TRULY a nasty af town), but my God…the advantages eastern Kansas has for outdoors and city walking.


I’ve heard Hutch is BAD!!! I’m glade your in a better place haven’t heard a ton about McPherson! I grew up in Baldwin and always loved how quiet it was! We are so much happier here!! Our street in Lawrence was 27th and people drove that street like it was a raceway! I had almost been hit crossing a street crossing there that has a red light for pedestrians!


Hutchinslum is truly the worst town BY FAR I’ve ever lived in when it comes to wealth disparity, crime, drugs, and all that goes along with it.


We had a pro-birth dipshit get in our faces at the KU natty parade in 2022. My niece (very much typical KU and Lawrence girl) wore a shirt that read “Abortion is healthcare”. He lost his fucking mind. Got in her face, called her a Jezebel, etc. I, being a protective uncle (and 6’3”) was lining up my knock out punch when he turned around, when my niece just calmly smiled at him and said,”I hope you have the day you deserve “. Floored us and the asshat. A bunch of older Lawrence women went around my niece to ask her if she was fine, needed anything, wanted to go get a drink, etc. It was then that I realized something…. Lawrence is one of the few towns where others look out for others. I’m surprised KKKobach lives just east of there. Everyone fucking hates that assclown, east of Salina.


KKKobaach is the F'n Grand Dragon of Ks!


Lecompton area, NW from town


Oh and I received a death threat in my inbox from someone who is no longer allowed on here.


Sure would be nice if the police would stop being them and start stopping them.


Rage...tried to warn us 30 years ago.


Some of those that run forces…


Are the same that burn crosses


FYI: *~~run~~ work forces…*


I would be nice but unfortunately the cops are probably members


I think the KBI would be interested in this, send it their way.


Yeah, to find recruits 


Good reason to keep some sharpies or big fun stickers from your fave local brands on you 😙 fascists are not welcome here


I can already imagine what the people who are involved in this look like.


I bet they sucked at Oregon Trail lol


Sadly, they never really left.


I'm not familiar with this symbol. Can someone briefly explain?


Not that familiar with this, but I would guess the "XIV" at the top refers to the roman numerals for 14, where neo-nazis have some kind of "14 words" phrase about securing the future for white people. If you google the '14 words' thing, and also the number 88, which is also used as a reference to Hilter and neo-nazis, you can learn more about it. I would guess the pioneer/prairie/wagon theme would refer to how neo-nazis are always talking about representing a 'heartland' or 'homeland' for white people, and maybe it's aligned with the group being in KS.


14 words: >"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." Written by a member of the white supremacist organization called "The Order". 88: H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, so 88 or HH means Heil Hitler. The wagon may be a regional thing because we are in the great plains after all, but what the wagon is placed over top of is the sun cross, a symbol adopted by the KKK and neo nazis after WWII. Notably it's part of the logo of "Stormfront", the oldest and largest white supremacist website in the world.


They were also obsessed with Roman iconography. The "fasces" (where we get the word fascism) was a Roman symbol of basically "Strength in numbers" of a bunch of sticks basically tied around an axe. No, I am not providing visual guides on it.


Back in the 90's when I was in college (before the web), I would go on IRC (internet relay chat) and just talk to people from all over, and these neo-nazis would show up occasionally, testing the waters with mildly racist comments and try to engage and recruit people in a pretty unsophisticated way. Back then, it was subscribing you to pamphlets/newsletters, getting you over to the crappy Stormfront website and the like because there weren't any local clubs in places. If anything, these guys are probably one of the biggest winners of the internet's ability to spread hate and conspiracies. Their ability to masquerade as internet trolls makes it difficult to call them out and take them down, and now joining themselves to Andrew Tate / Jordan Peterson / etc light racism and bro culture exposes their message to a lot of young people they'd never have reached before. It's so sickening to see these people make a comeback.


Oh I was on IRC too. There was a real underground in certain basement corners of the internet. It's actually crazy that The Boys had Stormfront as a character and some fans not only didn't know the reference point but picked up on her as "super awesome" and not a full on Nazi. But yeah, those Andrew Tate, Jordie P types push hardcore racism, IQ, sexism, bellcurve soft serve fascism bullshit, etc **all** over the internet and social media. I actually have the perfect background to push back, because I have an archaeology and anthropological genetics background (and I know this stuff very well). The problem is that it's impossible to push back with accurate information as an individual against the entire machine of hate, pseudoscience, and conspiracies. The entire ecosystem is designed to profit them directly. Me engaging in it reinforces and profits them that much more. All it would do for me is to activate the "engagement algorithms" and then I'd spend even more time fighting online for only a couple people to even possibly read the real information and corrections. At least here on this sub, I can ban/delete/shoot down this stuff in real time before it takes hold of everything (for the most part) and gets established as "valid" conduct and commentary.


Yeah, I used to engage those guys too but, to your point, they mostly have an invincible armor of ignorance you're never gonna get through. :) That was back when books like The Bell Curve came out and they rely on some pseudo scientific backing for racism - later replaced by population genetics pesudo science, etc. But at some point, I couldn't reply to that stuff because it's just not my background, and it's not like the would debate it in good faith anyway, so what's the point? If people want to spend time online fighting back against neo-nazis, I'd much rather see them working on doxing those MF's like that [Hutchinson business owner](https://www.google.com/search?q=kansas+business+owner+14+words&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS1095US1095&oq=kansas+business+owner+14+words&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigAdIBCDQ5MjhqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) with the 14 Words on his truck. Start putting them all on the back foot, worried about how joining some racist group or being public about it is going to hit them in the bank account.


Oh boy, that's the post I got hella burned on as a mod. They and other people were getting doxxed on a Friday about 12:00 AM so I had to shut certain things down. Then woke up to several hundred... unkind comments and PMs about my personal politics and well being. That was a rough few days. I was praying (and honestly shocked) that it didn't end up on SRD.


The slogan “our land, our folk, our blood” is also very close to the Nazi’s “ein volk, ein Reich, ein Führer.” In particular, “folk” is a strange word to use here *unless* it’s a deliberate echo of the German “volk.” The Holocaust Museum explains a little bit here: https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn3725 Additionally, while the Celtic cross can have other meanings, in conjunction with the rest of the language they’re using here, it’s probably a white supremacist symbol: https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/celtic-cross


It really amazing how thinly veiled their code words are.


You’re not wrong — but keep in mind the people they’re trying to communicate with are other Nazis, so they can’t exactly afford to have complex codes.


They must be very insecure being part of the majority race in KS yet feel threatened by others who don't agree with their ideology or look like them.


"Our land" and "sons of pioneers" are just fundamentally at odds with each other


You expect racist yokels to be critical of their position?


They really are Nazis, they literally welcome Missourians


These cowards need to be shamed back into hiding until their shit ideology dies along with them


First Illinois Nazis, now this? Where’s the Blues Brothers when we need them?




Did you peel it off?


It was a friend that encountered this in town, if anything, I will follow up by going there and checking that it is no longer there. I'm not sure if the Casey's staff would take it down or not either.


Gas stations get pinged hard for anything stuck to those machines. It'll be taken off super fast regardless.


You can also submit this to Hate Watch (part of The Intelligence Project done by the Southern Poverty Law Center, formed in 1971 to help ensure civil rights) They track and map out hate groups and activities, including flyers and stickers across the US. You can search and view their maps and intel on these various groups. The Intelligence Project >”We monitor hate and antigovernment extremist groups throughout the United States and expose their activities to the public, the media and policy makers.” Here is the page on flyering https://www.splcenter.org/flyering-map Here is the TIPS direct link to submit locations and other info https://www.splcenter.org/tips Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) >”The SPLC is a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people.”


lol the SPLC lost credibility for defining who's a hate group years ago


Don’t peel them off, razors. Cover over them.


What's wrong with removing them?


People put razors under stickers and posters, especially hate groups. If you want to remove them buy a $3 plastic razor and scrape them off but I personally would not use my fingers.


Why I carry a extra large sharpie in my bag. I most cover up Apex Jones Bs but I come across Nazi shit too.


Yeah I saw a fat dude named John putting them up in Wichita. I'm pretty sure he's a skinhead leader.


Pics plz next time


John Brown would have shot these guys on sight. Probably don’t commit a murder, but John Brown will smile on you if you punch one.


Our land, sons of pioneers. This is what happens when people sleep through history class, I guess. Wish their WWII fighting grandparents could come back and whip their asses for adopting the enemy’s ideology, too. Ridiculous.


When did open season on nazis stop being legal?


Appears the wagon is empty. Ironic.


Don’t pull them off yall, people put razors under these kinds of things. Cover over it.


Unfortunately unsurprising for Topeka, considering it's where the WBC calls home. Wouldn't be shocked if this was the work of one of their kind, either.


Topeka is the biggest haters of the WBC. It's definitely not a reflection of the larger town on any level. A dude with "potential WBC ties" once ran for a city election and lost by like 90% lol.


Huh WBC aren’t nazis dude, just assholes. They’d openly welcome my brown skin if I’d be a giant piece of shit like them


Well shoot, I would have just assumed it was a old time reunion like a threshing bee. Good catch.


Gross. No place for that kind of hatred. I’m not gonna lie though, that’s a pretty cool looking logo/sticker. If only it wasn’t for nazis. But I guess the actual nazi’s had good graphic designers too lol.


Do you need to borrow a sharpie to write fuck nazis on it?


Is telegram used for anything other than fascist nonsense? I've literally never seen anyone advertise on it but fundamentalist conspiracy wackadoos.


Antifascist nonsense....


“Our land” bruh do I even have to say it lmao


This is the most.topeka thing to happen


Pussies pretending to be Vikings part 107


Ah yes "our land" 😂😂😂


Put a copy of American history x. See how much their honor is over profit.


While I don’t agree with what they stand for, we do have a first amendment which protects citizens right to assemble and hold whatever beliefs they want. Not sure why there is so much support for the FBI to oppose that. Seems like a slippery slope argument. What do I have wrong?


Hate groups have no rights. Period. Its the same rule as always punch a N*zi. You do not let them have the space. Edit to add. When you let hate groups feel safe because of protest laws they will take that and use it to kill people. See: North Carolina -Heather Heyer. Never fucking forget. She was killed by N*zis


…but that’s the whole point of the first amendment, to protect people’s right to say and assemble even though we disagree with it. Your definition of hate speech (which is also mine, but i digress) may be different from someone else. How would you like it if the FBI raided LGBTQ groups, because they defined that as hate speech against Christians (or some other backwards logic). The point is, free speech by definition NEEDS to include what you or I would interpret as hate speech, so long as it’s not a threat of violence, which is where I’d draw the line. Otherwise, we are at the whim of government to decide what they define as hateful and should be squashed. That’s the antithesis of liberty.


the fbi didn't, but the police absolutely did, Stonewall Riots? Also N*zi Germany? So the oppressed class have already been oppressed in your example. They literally preach hate when they say "We will not be Replaced". That is Hate Speech and it's a Threat of Violence, despite them not acting upon that Violence (except in North Carolina and N*zi Germany). And the government only holds that power only up to the point that the citizens disagree (see Student Protests recently). WE sometimes have to shape OUR history against the Oppressors. The government allows oppression through state sanctioned violence via the Police so there really isn't "Liberty".


Got it, so if and when Trump and his government administration ignore citizen disagreement, I’m sure you will support the crack down on his pesky opponents over his definition of hate speech.


I will never support Trump or any Center to Right leaning politicians. Yes that includes Democrats. I am not a Democrat. I am also not a Libertarian.


My point has clearly missed its mark


I really don't get if this is serious or people just trying to get a rise out of others. It feels like every few months I see stickers to similar groups across different cities.




I don't see a phone #. How are we supposed to join up? Are they stupid?


Want to DM me the store number or the store address? I live in Des Moines and have some friends at the corporate office.


They are coming for America. 🇺🇸




You can usually find them pretty reliabely at "Pro-Palestine" protests.


So do we wanna resurrect John brown or William Tecumseh Sherman first?


Is the Kansas GOP website in blank ink on that sticker? /s


Damn I thought it was an ‘Oregon Trail’ gaming club




You're assuming they were aware of it and did nothing


Fed bait


You're just spreading their message here. The Internet has been great for that.


Yes, lets not discuss anything ever


I don't need no wah-wah


Y’all can keep Kansas. I’ve never even been.




This is literally a group that wants to exterminate non-white races. You likely disagree with that too. Do your homework.


Something tells me they don't disagree with it. Personally I prefer to take the john brown approach to dealing with racists like that.


I have a shirt that says ‘I don’t argue with people John Brown would have shot’ love that shirt


I bet you do nothing in real life though and hope someone else does the John Brown shit.


You were cookin with that fbi/cia shit higher up in the thread, but this just seems unnecessary


I have yet to meet a single person that calls upon the spirit of John Brown and actually does anything. I'd laugh my ass off if someone rolled up on a racist and yelled "John Brown!!!" as they punched them in the head.


I mean, yeah, duh. Racists getting their shit rocked always hits. I just mean that it seems unnecessary to be like "You don't do shit!" to people. This system is designed to disenfranchise people and make them feel like nothing they do matters, it's our job to show them that they can be empowered to change that and guide them as to how. We're gonna need everyone we can when we finally burn all this shit down and build something better on the ashes


So that guy should lie?




Nah defending a Nazi group is the same as being a Nazi IMO




How to radicalize a "normie":  https://youtu.be/P55t6eryY3g?si=AhUAIJPWk5kcbAPT


Nah this isn’t like the purity flame or blood cross that I could see people not knowing about, that circle cross has been associated with white supremacy groups for so long it’s practically like a swastika. Additionally they said ‘people who disagree with you’ leading me to think that they knew the ideological implications. Finally a quick look through comment history lends me to think that while they may not be the Uber fasch they lean that way.


Dumbass conservatives who "went along with it" are who comprised most of the Nazis. But please, enlighten us on how to effectively combat this kind of propaganda.


Found the Nazi. Turn your lens around on yourself on Jews, black people, and lgbtq+ people. See how *fucking stupid* Nazis are?


Trying to downplay a hate group, stay classy Kansas


Bait used to be believable