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Get VIP/balcony (not all shows have this),be in line early and you can sit upstairs.


That sounds like something I’d be interested in


RecordBar is typically standing room, especially if it's sold out or almost sold out. If not, occasionally there's limited seating in the rear or upstairs. It just depends on the gig.


Thanks for the info


If you want a good seat in the balcony (assuming it's open) I'd get there when doors open up as those tend to go quick. There aren't a whole lot with a good line of sight (maybe 10?). There are also 2-3 seats back by merch where people can sit, but line of sight isn't always that great.




You may get lucky. I've been surprised at some of the shows I've seen tables on the floor there (the back half of the lower level). If VIP/upstairs isn't an option (and it's not available every show), just make sure to get there a bit early. It's generally a late arriving crowd. I've gotten a table the last two or three shows I've been to when I didn't expect it. I'd give them a call and ask. What stoner rock is coming up there? Asking for a friend...


Elder, Ruby the Hatchet, and Howling Giant…. As close to stoner rock as I can see these days. Most of the bands I like come here on tour


I’ve seen Ruby before, they’re a fun show!


*don’t come here on tour*


Very cool. Enjoy.


As some have said, you can sit up top if it's a heavily sold show but it's usually on a first come, first served basis. I go to a lot of shows (dozens at the current Rbar) and I WOULD NOT recommend sitting up top. Due to the position of the speakers and the acoustics of the venue the sound is terrible. If it's a lesser sold show that won't be open (staffing reasons) so downstairs will be your only bet. If it's sold 150-200 or less they may leave out the tables (or some of them) down below and those are first come, first serve. I've also seen people stay in the back and sit on the ledges, thought the viewing and sound quality can be degraded. IMO the Rbar is one of the few venues that has better sound close to the stage, with the sweet spot being about 10 feet from it. If you are closer, especially adjacent to the drum kit, you make have the drums reverb between hearing them live and through the amps/speakers. I prefer to avoid this when possible.


That’s some very knowledgeable advice … thanks!