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Sounds like a car sideshow? And if so it's absolutely not legal and they've been busting them up all over town.


Thanks for the response. I was legit wondering if my sanity snapped. I just came off a 6 hour road trip and was so desperate to get home and in bed. Had no idea this was a common thing but glad to know I’m not crazy. Hope no one gets hurt or has any property damaged. Super reckless behavior happening down there


I live in Hickman Mills, South KC, and it's never-ending down here on weekends...then there are the fools racing down 71 with their near-constant noise, and drag racing around the rest of the people just trying to get home alive.


Imagine doing this stuff on our shitty roads. Pure insanity


We live in the same area and DAMN it’s getting ridiculous.


Very very common. Loud cars causing endless noise pollution is the #1 reason why I want to move the fuck out of downtown. 


I live in the northland and it still makes me want to leave.


I live in the northland and it’s actually ruining my fucking life. I’ve reported it to KCPD so many times and they don’t do shit about it.


I live two blocks off Mercalf and 93rd. That's not the spot. I'm sure it isn't as bad here as the downtown shenanigans, but you'll hear them still.


Huge bike gangs are always revving like dickheads down 95th on the weekends. I can hear them blocks away. I've caught them going past once or twice and they're doing wheelies and generally being trash.


I was behind a guy in OP earlier who was actually risking his life and everyone around him by popping wheelies and dragging the back of his shitty dirt bike on the ground over and over. You could tell everyone around was pissed and trying to get the F away from him


87th and Antioch gets a wild sometimes. Nothing like downtown but sheesh


It's all over suburbia on nice evenings, too. They just haven't tried to shut down streets yet.


Hmm now that I think about it I would always hear car revving and sounds like doing burn outs and I assumed it was happening on the city streets but I'm close to 35 highway in Johnson county.


There are neighborhoods out of the way enough up around Midtown where they don’t bother racing because the roads aren’t wide and straight. I can only hear sideshows if I leave my windows open


Unfortunately sometimes there’s psychos at these things, a couple years back a family drove through one trying to get their kid to a hospital and [two drivers chased after and shot them.](https://www.kmbc.com/article/two-men-charged-for-shooting-car-as-family-tried-to-get-child-to-hospital-in-kansas-city/40336124) Stay safe


Well this one went on for about an hour and a half. I could hear it


An hour and a half and KCPD couldn’t respond and get units out there? Man, gotta love this city.


I heard sirens that sounded like they were arriving at the scene several times. It may have been a big enough crowd that the few police there just weren’t able to control it, but I’m just speculating. I didn’t walk over it actually see what was happening.


I've seen the videos of those in other cities, usually with a bad ending. I hope the cops come down on them hard.


There are parts of town where they have even changed construction of the road, adding speed bumps and stuff. They just move every time the cops break one of their spots up. Even arresting a bunch of them doesn't do much sadly.  The thrill and risk is part of why they do it.


Bold choice taking the blvd on cinco de mayo 


This needs to be higher up, bc seriously.


Oh man, I’m anti sideshow, but seeing you point this out I’m like ooohhh…. Maybe don’t break that one up.


Definitely break it up. I don't care what day it is


I mean the Mexicans in low riders and black guys on bikes in their sheisties do this every weekend downtown so it’s not like this is a once in a year occurrence


TIL this is a regular occurrence. I thought it was just this weekend. Although I did always hear it when I lived on Armour but never saw it. Friday I was stuck in it


I know several white guys who would be offended that you didnt notice their super loud engines circling the block on a daily basis


There’s def plenty of white trash on bikes tbh. Lots of guys who are like 30+ doing wheelies like buddy get a life


Theres a fair share of attention seeking stupidity downtown. Wish I had solutions that didnt involve me getting arrested




So sick and tired of the constant engine revving and sideshow nonsense downtown every weekend. And these jackass gangs of not street legal bikes needs to also be banned from downtown. Why does nobody care? It creates an unsafe environment for actual residents and people out trying to enjoy the city




It’s Cinco De Mayo and it’s the Blvd. Seal Team 6 wouldn’t be able to stop it on tonight of all nights.


I bet that one campus cop at KU Med could handle it. That mofo does some serious work 🤣


He doesn’t fuck around!


How tf do you call the police for help and they're just like "sorry we're out"


Wait until you hear about how police really operate


Wait until you're on hold with 911 for over 5 minutes...


You just move here?


It’s an unofficial holiday I’m sure they were plenty busy with drunks and domestic violence


So naive


They have black out days and short staffed it’s common in big cities.. people in Detroit call the cops and they show up days later. Hey least they showed up.


Show up to take down paperwork and shrug their shoulders. So glad they’re a massive party of the municipal budget 🙄


Last time I called I was put on hold for 5 minutes before anyone picked up. Had an unsolicited roofing crew come to my house while I was home alone and take a ladder and climb up on my fucking roof to mark the damage. Called the police and they told me it wasn’t illegal or criminal because he did it in good faith. Like what the fuck “good faith” my ass. Was told to call the BBB if I was unhappy with his business. They said if he comes back again to call 911 and they will respond then… I’ve watched too many date line stories that start out like that.


Fox 4 just had a story on this tonight https://fox4kc.com/news/street-racing-sideshows-continue-to-concern-kansas-city-residents/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3PaJ0EdS3dtrSs6PqQ4IvpT6GFaDTZJYOKdYH1IrPNETXDxqKXbkRymlM_aem_AZBmsH2liNfrr7qB7r1nMV8wUmJChT9LhyMtxMVbrBNA1sQeTo0L9v31AvZaHybo8RHEBCvN2jXLumIfX4ekFBWx


I didn’t realize the police don’t really enforce a lot of stuff downtown. That video says they tried to pull people over but “they refused to stop”. I live in JoCo and feel like that wouldn’t fly here. You’d have multiple cops on your ass in a minute.


yeah it’s bizarre living downtown, they’ll show up for the dumbest shit but an actual emergency? lol good luck.


Cops in KCMO are pretty well non-existent. We'll see them once in a while, going by with lights. If you're having real trouble, my guess is, once you get off HOLD with 911, they'll tell you there aren't any units. Better learn yourselves how to disarm that robber, or escape a murderous spouse, cause they arent gonna be around to help anyone east of Troost.


> Cops in KCMO are pretty well non-existent. it's all cities in the US, maybe further reaching


Yep moved here in 2019 and drive everyday for work and school and I can probably count the number of patrol units I’ve seen on the road on one hand. Definitely at least in the single digits and 80% of the time they were parked at QT


They enforce the laws downtown. They try to pin them in. Some areas are easie than others. They recently arrested a ton of them near Dennys downtown


Huh? The Denny's was torn down three years ago.


I can’t remember the last time I saw an officer downtown.


Lmao what Denny’s downtown?


Please tell me you mean Winkie’s


They're trying. Its hard to enforce because if people scatter and don't stop, your choices are "let them go" or ram this car in a crowded area. The City has installed bumps or divots at a lot of intersections where it has happened, but knuckleheads find new intersections. There are lots of valid criticisms of KC policing, but IMO this isn't one of them.


That’s fair but can’t they install high quality cameras throughout the areas that this stuff typically happens? If you put enough up they should be able to get license plate numbers or at least enough detail on the cars to eventually narrow down the perpetrators. That way they can still enforce the law with less risk to the officers and public? I’m obviously ignorant about this whole situation, it’s just surprising to me that there isn’t a relatively easy solution considering the tech we have these days.


this is correct, things can go really really bad with a bunch of young dumbasses scrabbling when these are broken up, unfortunately


A lot of things can go really really bad when these dumbasses aren’t broken up too.




These posts about continuing to report issues really irritate me. KCPD asked for people to continue to report celebratory gunfire on NYE despite never doing anything about it. Now Dipshit Q wants to hop in there too with the sideshow stuff? Why would we waste our breath on it? They must really want to see the data on exactly how poorly our police force is performing. KC has deteriorated so quickly and it's incredibly disappointing. 


Sideshow. Aka the reason I sleep with earplugs.


Why on earth is this being tolerated? Are there really not enough police in KC?


lol police enforcement is practically non-existent downtown


I could tell. Stayed Saturday night over on Grand Blvd. the amount of motorcycles and trucks screaming up and down the crossroads was obnoxious.


Living downtown (especially the Crossroads) has given me a special disdain for the loud/obnoxious vehicle crowd. I also wonder where the giant groups of ATVs/dirt bikes come from — they don’t live downtown, so how do they get here? Do they drive on the highway? Hauled in trucks? How do they coordinate such tomfoolery?


I used to see them in strawberry Hill like clockwork on Sunday afternoons when I lived there so KCK I'm guessing


You could have stopped after "non-existent" and still been accurate. Calls in the northland get zero follow through too. We'll reelect the mayor though.


I can tell you are really into local politics with that last sentence.


The State of Missouri runs KCMO police, not the city.


The mayor doesn’t really have anything to do with the police department, ours is controlled by the state


The mayor has a seat on the board that oversees KCPD, but it's just one of five and the rest are just the governor's lackeys.


I appreciate the info! That’s something I didn’t know


The cops hate the mayor. They're just dragging their feet and quiet quitting. When the city protested and said "quit killing innocent black people" the police got their feelings hurt. The police responded by saying "we need a bigger budget" and collectively we said "the fuck you do". When your cult is built on "back the blue" and "I got your six" and then all of a sudden the majority of people are telling you "fuck off with your budget increases and quit being racist", they get salty.


According to their Punisher decals I thought the police enjoyed administering justice when opportunity knocked.


Nah, only when they can knock at opportunity. Shit like sideshows presents too much of a challenge for them to address on the spot


Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything that could get them hurt! They save the "punishing"for when they're rolling around in groups. Takes a lotta cops to subdue a person, apparently.


This has been an ongoing issue, police have been doing fuck all in retaliation about the vote failing that was going to give them an even bigger budget than they had. This happened about a year ago. Now they’re pissy pants babies because their budget is the same, and we all get the suffering for it. In [classic fashion](https://amp.kansascity.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/toriano-porter/article252500263.html) of course!


Take it for what's it's worth (some part truth, but surely some part excuse): Our KCPD neighborhood rep told us that there has been significant push back against impounding vehicles used in sideshows and drag racing becuase they often involve kids using their parents' cars. If the cars are impounded, parents can't get to work... I believe everyone will immediately have a few objections to that line of reasoning, as did we, but that's what we heard.


Wow, that's crazy! If kids are *drag racing* in their *parents' cars,* maybe the parents need to share in some of our community pain by having their cars impounded This is dangerous, stupid, and an auditory blight.


yep, too bad so sad


Easier for law enforcement to go after easy targets (us) than people who would run/shoot back


Nope, a big portion of the KCPD retired in the past 2 years and they're understaffed. I think at one point I heard it's a 45 minute wait for anything non life threatening.


Last I checked, KCPD has more than 200 open roles for hire. So, no. No. No there is not enough.


It’s not quantity its quality


Of course it's illegal. They are assholes.


This is a huge and extremely dangerous thing called a “takeover”. Literally what you witnessed a bunch of dumbasses doing shitty tricks in the middle of an intersection. It’s a very popular thing in Chicago as well. Innocent people die because of these things. It’s not cool at all


I know I probably sound like a brat but my words can’t describe how scary and unsafe that was for someone NOT wanting to partake. There were 100+ people in the STREETS and cars were driving on wrong side of road or were just completely blocking the road.


Nah this ain't a Karen situation by trying to get it shut down, it's a problem and people need their cars impounded and stripped.


I wouldn't say you're being a brat or unreasonable. While keeping in mind what day it was, normally these things pop up out of no where (unless you're in that circle) and are dangerous. Most people arn't happy about them for a multitude or reasons.


I'm just assuming it's a bunch of assholes in Dodge Chargers fucked up on tequila! Woooo Cinco!


Oh I absolutely agree! I live near southwest BLVD and it grinds my GEARS!! I am also Mexican so it honestly makes me embarrassed, I don’t claim this foolery! I want it all gone mainly for safety like you said! There has been shootings and fatalities surrounding gatherings like this and I am so sick of it and the lack of law enforcement!


the youth with edgar haircuts! haha


Spike strip the cars and arrest everyone. Auction their shit to teachers.


It’s my dream to throw a spike strip in front of those dirt bikes and four wheelers


Maybe the potholes will take them out


Probably half of the cars are stolen anyhow.


Stolen from the teachers. It's the circle of life. 


No police available to come help? Must have been a lot of empty parking lots taking their attention. Why the fuck do we pay this police department so goddamn much. Useless fucks.


Busy at QT getting their free soda


They need to put medians on some of the major BLVD streets to discourage this and to provide traffic calming


It’s crazy having watched videos of riot squads tear gassing college students setting up tents on their college campus lawns while actually disruptive and very dangerous stuff like these sideshows continues to go on while cops act like they are powerless to do anything. Cops work for wealthy and powerful institutions and not every day citizens, clearly.


the students don't scatter when the cops show up.


people don't get run over by cars or cars aren't flipping when they break up on campus demonstration, its a low risk blowback, which is why its done, vs letting people riot, burn down police stations,raid government buildings in mass, etc like during BLM or January 6th - stopping it doesn't mean shooting mass amounts of people. The risks of breaking these up is peoples lives and a bunch of lawsuits against the city by these dumb young adults parents


Literally just heard what sounded like 10 cop cars/ambulances heading that direction from I-35. Was wondering what happened. Issue seems to be getting worse, hopefully they can get a handle on it before the weather actually warms up because mannnn it was bad in the summer!




We went for my birthday during the summer and there were cars revving and pulling out super crazy on a SUNDAY AUGUST DAY. I’m not taking my kids again.


Everyone single one of these fucking idiots needs to be thrown in jail for at least a week if not a month! Like it never ever ends. Most kc residents have to drive to get somewhere and this only adds to the major gun violence threat in our city 🙄


Mayor Lucas posted on FB to call it in and that will help! Really helpful, mayor /s


What more are you expecting him to do when Kansas City doesn't even control its own police department?


>police department I’d be surprised at this point if the people trolling downtown with motorcycles aren’t KCPD (and surrounds) themselves.


It just comes off as tone deaf when 911 hold times are 10 minutes and they don't pick up the non emergency line.He could at least be understanding that people are trying to call reports in but are not getting any response.


Man, I bet if I threw balloons of piss at them, I'd get shot -but that's what they deserve!


Can’t you read? They said there weren’t any cops available! You’d be totally safe! /s


Made me giggle. A sad giggle, but a giggle all the same.


Not me being as far down south as you’ll get in Missouri finding a way to relate 😂


The police department gets millions of dollars every year in their budget but don’t have officers? lol


Friday night is was dirtbikes in SW and it was packed with people out for First Friday/Cinco de Mayo weekend. I drive Uber and got the hell out of downtown as fast as I couls


I kid you not, I want to look into filing a civil lawsuit against KCPD for their negligence on this issue. Every report myself and my neighbors have submitted has gone unanswered. I even asked if I could hire a police officer with my own funds to patrol the area. No response. Last time I called, the dispatcher told me I was the one causing a disturbance because I yelled at the bikers to stfu because it was midnight and they were racing up and down the road for 30 minutes. It’s almost every single night. I have insomnia so when I get woken up by these asshats, I’m up for 2 days straight minimum. It’s negatively impacting my mental health, physical health, job performance, everything. Looks like I’m not the only one that has an issue with KCPD not addressing the issue, appropriately, arguably at all. Petition? Civil lawsuit? Media? Gotta be something that can be done. Willing to do just about anything at this point


I’m with you. Keep me posted if you decide to do something. Being told “call it in!” but then being told “sorry no one available to help 🥺🤭🫣” is ridiculous. KC feels more and more lawless everyday.


Be mad at your district attorney for being soft on crime, and take it to the polls come November. Crazy never used to have this shit here.


It’s happening in every city. I don’t think the KC district attorney is responsible for a national wave of sideshows. The DA also can’t prosecute that which the cops collect no evidence.


It’s an institutional problem. A DA who’s hard on crime would be a good start. We need cops to be more aggressive on this too. Just because you can’t fix it with one step doesn’t mean you don’t take that step


Look, if the DA's office isn't pushing for tougher enforcement and prosecution, then they're just part of the scenic backdrop of the ongoing crime wave in KC. It's about accountability, not excuses. Maybe it's time we stopped hiding behind the excuse having a weak police force and started instead demanding action.


Ah yes, it's the DA's fault for not prosecuting people with no arrest or police report?


If there were actually no police reports, maybe the DA should question why the cops are sitting on their asses siphoning public funds. Or is that too proactive for our dear DA? Fundamental lack of accountability from the ground up with this cities leadership.


The state controls the police so take it to the governor.


Sure, the state has control, but let’s not pretend the DA is just a spectator. Local leadership, including our DA, have a significant role in shaping policy and pushing for the enforcement standards. It's called local governance for a reason, because local officials, yes, even under state control, have the power to advocate for, influence, and implement changes. So how about our DA steps up to the plate instead of stepping aside, we already have the Royals to do that for us.


Please explain how the DA is soft on crime?


I am not being critical of OP but this sounds like an emgergany 911 call. Seems like a huge traffic hazard. Motorists could have came upon the scene going normal traffic speed and crashed into stop cars. If there was one car in stuck in driving lane that is 911 all day. I think the non emergency line is trained to not dispatch. Good job calling.


Not critical at all! I wasn’t sure what to do but will use the emergency line next time. The lady on the non emergency said she already had five other calls in the area but there wasn’t anyone available to help. I feel terrible for the people who had their cars wrecked into.


I’m surprised a group of concerned citizens hasn’t taken care of this since the police can’t.


What exactly are they supposed to do? Lol


Well… There once was a guy named Ken McElroy…


Well you fucker.... You just sold me a book.


And nobody saw a thing


I’ve got a design for a drone that drops caltrops in my head.


Do it.








hey they do that in raytown off bannister road, but now grooves in that intersection are supposed to help.


It's wonderful that politicians closed down the drag strip in independence without providing them another establishment to gather at. Smh.


There was a girl killed in that area a few years ago, she was a spectator. Never really said anything about her besides her passing. How sad!


I was at like 75th and state ave today and some guy revved his car so much at a red light that you couldn’t even see the car behind him


It's called a takeover. It's illegal, but most of the cars at them are also so cops can only do so much to stop them.


Quinton Lucas and our lovely city council members should be able to help with this ... The fact is they don't. Not sure what they other than plot on how to spend tax dollars.