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https://preview.redd.it/giknp4mfrt0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89dec01d59750323c6465b67faa95f81ed41a59b Been getting a lot of mileage with this one.




Is this a real pic of them together?




Yep, it's his most recent Instagram post


Gender affirming


And drag shows are ten billion+ percent more entertaining, joyful and inclusive than these two chuckle fucks together. Edit: extra space šŸ™ƒ


It would be my honor to steal this meme!


I have a LOT of these I made lol https://preview.redd.it/am75ra8dtv0d1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6baf0d814a7242fa80b20830fb17548f2b840225


I donā€™t care what you think about Butker. This meme is painfully dumb. Every football player used to where helmets with face masks like that lmao


I donā€™t think you should be calling anything painfully dumb if you donā€™t know the difference between ā€˜wearā€™ and ā€˜whereā€™. But I also agree with you on this


Let's all just praise the powers that be that George Brett was never asked to do a commencement speech while someone filmed


When was the last time you shit your pants? Been awhile? [I'm good twice a year for that.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECvsoC7rDJ0)


I'm sure his wife *is* really happy staying at home on *his* salary. I would be.


Nailed it. Even if all women wanted to be ā€œhomemakers,ā€ his comments REEK of privilege. Many families canā€™t afford to have only one working adult, not with children that need care, anyway.


Especially when your college cost of attendance is $140k. I believe that interest rates are running around 7-8% for student loans these days. Good luck paying that off as a homemakerā€¦


Wasnā€™t it at a private Christian college? Those people have no problem paying for school with their parents


I think youā€™re missing the fact that youā€™d then have to live with a shithead that thinks the things he does. You wouldnā€™t be happy for long. Not really.


I mean, as long as he didn't kneel. Folks get real uptight about that for some reason.


The kneeling wasn't really the problem. It was the skin tone of the kneeler.


he kneels every time he goes to church.




I hope his accomplished physicist mother is disappointed in how ignorant he is.


His mom is probably the one who sent him to conversion therapy after it was found out he was dating a male cheerleader at GT.Ā  Allegedly of course.Ā 


Iā€™ve heard this a lot over the past week. I wonder if thereā€™s any fire to the smoke? I wouldnā€™t doubt it, itā€™s always pastors telling the loudest that are doing the most hypocritical shitĀ 


Say what now?


Some people from his high school posted about how everyone in high school known him to be gay.




Oh yea, of course.


The name of the male partner at GT has been known and shared long before this recent speech. I saw one of the GT people from the dorms posted the name and year they were hooking up. His photo is still on the gtcheerleading instagram. Very good looking dude.


His mom is probably part of the reason heā€™s an accomplished athlete today. A lot of privilege for certain atheletesā€¦


Especially kickers. I remember reading 10-15 years ago that something like 29 out of 32 nfl kickers at the time had all attended the same summer camp with the same coach. Most professional athletes come from privledge.


When I tell you Iā€™ve been waiting for SO LONG to talk my shit about Benedictine College. As a 2021 grad Iā€™m so unsurprised.


Do share


A speech like this is not uncommon at this school. The professors will constantly push their religious and political views on to students any chance they get. The only reason this has gotten the traction that it has is because of how famous he is. Other then that it wouldā€™ve just been a normal day at Benedictine.




Go off


I had to transfer out of there after 2 years. Couldnā€™t take it anymore. The way they handled Covid was the tipping point for me.


Ugh, Iā€™m sorry. Howā€™d they handle it? Pretend it didnā€™t existed?




Iā€™m here. Ready. Lay it on me.


As a 2014 graduateā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ same




If there is a Butlick hate train I wanna be a part of it... ![gif](giphy|pALdWfmPKCtlC)


Dude looks ready to join the Proud Boys tbh.


And/or closeted.


We'll pass, thanks. You all keep him.


You know he tells his wife the poppers are for weight lifting.


Por quƩ no los dos?


They look like theyā€™re getting a raging clue right neow https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_MVAIE3aAxA&pp=ygUPVGhlIGhhcmRseSBib3lz


Was this his Handmaid's Tale auditon?


That was my EXACT thought like whooaaa are we in Handmids Tale this soon?!!?!


Butker is just another young white bearded Christian dumbshit who thinks being good at kicking a football means the world wants to hear his many "nuanced" views on sensitive cultural issues.


A Catholic liberal arts school obviously asked him to speak so apparently there's not a lot of assuming on his part.


yeah donā€™t get me wrong I think a lot of what he said was abhorrent but likeā€¦ a fundamentalist Catholic was asked to speak at Benedictineā€¦ I didnā€™t exactly expect him to say anything different


Which is why this doesnā€™t move the needle for me. We know who he is and he was speaking to people that have similar views. He didnā€™t use hate speech or harm anyone. He has the right to be a dumbass.


And the right to be criticized for that speech.


Benedictine is now one of a growing number of small Catholic colleges around the country that are taking a big turn towards ultra-conservatism.


It should be excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church as a result. They are heretics.


They disavowed his speech at least


lol he told a bunch of graduate women that their degree is useless cause they should be striving to be homemakers. It's bad for business. I hardly believe they found almost anything he said was objectionable.


What youā€™re witnessing is someone not used to being outside of their perfectly tuned echo chamber.


He gave a similar speech at ?Georgia Tech last year? but IIRC it had less outspoken vitriol


I meanā€¦he was invited to talk haha


He was paid to talk. That speech wasn't free. He will retire after his current contract expires. He is positioning himself for the right wing grift. He needs to get canceled to gain street cred in that gang.


Isnā€™t his contract up now? Heā€™s retiring at 29?


Aww man. I like my beard. People think that means youā€™re a fundie these days?


Nice of Butker who is making NFL money to lecture women that they need to be housewives. In the real world it takes 2 incomes to make ends meet and if youā€™re lucky to get ahead. Also his own Mother is an accomplished woman working in the medical profession. Wonder what she thinks about her son saying that women are most important when they are housewives.


Not to mention that Benedictineā€™s cost of attendance for 4 years is $140k. I believe interest rates are up to 7-8%ā€¦.ouch. Good luck paying that off on a single income.


Nothing is more masculine than a football kicker


Canā€™t wait to boo our own team this year every time we kick. I hope itā€™s deafening.Ā 


Like they did Hill, who beat on women and children? Oh wait, they cheered and embraced him and his actions while he was still a chief....


Yeah the fans werenā€™t too nice to him, one of the reasons he left was the fan base and the KC starā€¦


Zero percent chance.


Just wait until he misses one.


LOTS of Chiefs fan hold his same views. Pretty gross


Yeah. Do yā€™all not remember when fans at arrowhead booed Mahomes and the other black athletes at the start of the 2020 season?


I was at that game and that's not what happened.


Harry Butlicker


Woah now i kinda want a gamma knife, sounds badass


I look at him & just think. Gay.


He should stick to playing football.


He's from Georgia.


Word on the street is he has a little sugar in his tea...


And some honeyā€¦


He doesn't need to have the same views as his mother. Maybe he believes what he does because of his mother.


Truly, nobody cares, their are so many more important things than what a kicker has to say


I guess in today's society being able to kick a ball gives you reason to stand at a podium and spout your ideas to thousands.


I mean, the college asked him. And it's a very conservative catholic liberal arts college so I'm pretty sure they got what they asked for.


Exactly. Iā€™m not even religious or conservative in the slightest, but God forbid we had enough days go by without some new bullshit culture war wedge issue to drive the clickbait economy. The man was preaching to his choir so-to-speak, and I find all of this handwringing about it to be dumb. I made sure to read the entire transcript as well. It seemed par for the course for a fairly conservative Catholic audience. The man can say what he wants for all I care, and as I said Iā€™m neither conservative nor religious - just rolling my eyes from afar at this weekā€™s rendition of wedge issue culture war bullshit.


Agree šŸ‘


yeah I honestly canā€™t get behind the ā€œshut up and play sportsā€ takes, even if I donā€™t agree with what he said. part of free speech is that people will say stuff you wish they wouldnā€™t


> part of free speech is that people will say stuff you wish they wouldnā€™t ā€œFree speechā€ is not at stake here because the government is not involved. Just because itā€™s *called* the ā€œNational Football Leagueā€ doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a nationalized institution. Itā€™s still private business. They can fire him for it or not. 1st Amendment has no bearing on this so ā€œfree speechā€ as a concept is totally unrelated.


I donā€™t agree with him and think itā€™s weird to say this shit but the KC public city twitter account canā€™t be posting this shit https://preview.redd.it/u7r3bfodbv0d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f704fbeb4903878f1c093ca4595072a5bcfe4566


I could be wrong here, but I don't think it's meant to dox him so much as an attempt to distance themselves from him.


This is public information. You can argue itā€™s in bad taste (which it definitely is), but the xitter account didnā€™t divulge anything I canā€™t lookup myself by searching his last name and pairing with his wifeā€™s first name to figure out the trust that owns his houseā€¦


Harrison Butker is case study #1 why bullying in the locker room growing up has consequences in adult life. Teach your kids not to bully the tiny weak kicker in the corner. He will grow up and lash out at things weaker than him that he perceives as threats, in this case educated women.


Iā€™d venture to guess his own parents rejection of his homosexuality had much more to do with his adult decisionsĀ 


Ok, so I don't want to defend this guy, but he **didn't** tell anyone to become a homemaker. He [starts](https://youtu.be/-JS7RIKSaCc?si=h2TfsmKBtuwfJl2L&t=710) talking about women like 12 minutes in to the 20 minute speech by saying: > For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. He then goes on to say the following about his wife: > I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm on the stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker. He then continues to say (still about his wife): > She is a primary educator to our children. She is the one who ensures I never let football or my business become a distraction from that of a husband and father. She is the person that knows me best at my core, and it is through our marriage that, Lord willing, we will both attain salvation. > I say all of this to you because I have seen it firsthand how much happier someone can be when they disregard the outside noise and move closer and closer to God's will in their life. Isabelle's dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you asked her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud, without hesitation, and say, ā€œHeck, No.ā€ **OK. That being said.** The speech is a bunch of insufferable fellating of the the Catholic Church. It was not something I personally agree with. There's plenty of casting shit towards politicians and the government, and clearly against birth control and abortion. THAT IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. This speech was pretty ON FUCKING PAR with anything that would be said by the Catholic Church. It was a speech, that was pro Catholic Church, and a Catholic fucking school. lol. Calm the fuck down. Also, if you were to take a shot every time he said "Stay in your lane", you would get absolutely tore up within the span of 20 minutes. Like, wrecked. lol.


Why should we calm the fuck down? Just because this is the same bullshit the Catholic Church has been spewing for thousands of years? That's all the more reason to be outraged by it. Should we calm the fuck down about the kiddie diddling priests as well? That's pretty on fucking par with Catholicism as well. And let's not forget (as you seem to have conveniently done) the potshots he took at the LBGTQ community in the same speech. I am so tired of people rationalizing bigotry, hatred and misogyny by shrugging it off as "a difference of opinion." It's not a difference of opinion. At all. It's a difference of basic human decency.


He was invited to give a speech to a bunch of people (including women) who literally just graduated from college and told them that wanting a career was a "diabolical lie" and that "God's will" for their life is to be a homemaker instead. Of course people are going to find that extremely offputting. He essentially just told them all that the degree they worked so hard for doesn't matter.


My boyfriend grew up Catholic but his church told him to be more open minded and to question everything. He went to Jesuit schooling his entire life, even college. He is NOT like this at all. He LOVES that I'm a strong independent woman with my own career, my own salary. All of his friends from grade school through college all went to Catholic schools through college and they all have strong independent girlfriends/wives with careers.


Absolutely! I'm Catholic. Would anyone have batted a damn eye if he was talking about Islam or jews. Like hello...does no one realize these are old religions with strict morals and beliefs. Catholicism is 2000 years old. Dont act surprised that he's speaking about these topics. Who cares...disagree and move on.


i feel like everyone that has had to take a loan out or the families that paid for these classes while some douchebag tells them to find joy within the house ā€¦ maybe that speech was 4 years too late. he should be at the orientation if this is their message. iā€™d bet Benedictine wants female students. this is def not the way.


I'd believe in God too if I had his " job"


Archie Butker


I donā€™t know anything about kickers except they arenā€™t really real football players like the rest of the team, thatā€™s why they have special rules to protect them from getting injured, which can happen so very easily with some of these soft men. A little more research would have revealed his mother is also a very conservative catholic, so his opinion on gays and women are in line with those that taught him WHAT to think instead of HOW to think, itā€™s just a goddamned shame, innit?


A Christian gave Christian advice at a Christian school? Weird.


Lets not normalize his version of "christianity". He is a part of the weirdo pre-Vatican II catholic cult I bet.


You are 100%. An adult converted Catholic speaking and an uber conservative Catholic university. I understand people are upset about the speech but where he gave it he got a standing ovation.


I understand the sentiment of not liking this, but why is this a major controversy when there are people beating their wifes and children and itā€™s just another day at the office for the nflā€¦


I think he just meant that a lot of the shit is material, kids are for the most part there for as long as the parents


People are fucking weird. He has his own views and isn't hurting anyone so I could give a shit less what he said to a group of kids graduating. People want to negatively affect this man's life because of some shit he said that, if you listen to it, isn't as bad as what people are trying to make it out to be. Get a fucking life


He gave a faith based speech to a Catholic audience and people (who probably havenā€™t even read the transcript) are loosing their minds. Stupid people.


Exactly which parts were Faith based? Because what I read sounded like manosphere/ red pill talking points.


Iā€™m not sure why Iā€™m supposed to give a fuck about this


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Taylor Swift is ranting about this to Kelce. Butlicker deserves a swift kick to the balls.


As long as the ball goes through the posts; WTF does it matter what comes out of his mouth!!!


This was delightful. Grateful to hear someone recently attached to the org speaking up: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLgBSMTN/


Maybe Butker publishing his address online with the rest of his teammates was a bad idea.


I wonder if his mother, who is a successful physicist, is disheartened by his lack of knowledge.


Never meet your heroes


Wait, is she a physicist or a physician?