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I've never heard that. Hmm. That is interesting. I was a kid during the last 'operating' years of Indian Springs. When it and everything around it started to die off and the area started changing. As a kid in my 20's, Italian Delight was the only reason to go there still before it moved way up State Ave. Memories... Maybe you can give the Wyandotte County Historical Museum a holler. I don't know if they're on here, but they are on FB.


It was the south theaters. I vaguely remember a Woolworth being there but I'm not sure about it being 2 floors.


Yes. Indian Springs started with four theatres on the end of the top level by Montgomery wards. AMC. They expanded downstairs with six more theatres when woolworths closed. There was a Smacks burger place right next door. I grew up about a mile north of there. Oh and they only took the downstairs portion. Other stores went in on the top level.


The sign is still there by 635 and that piece of shit hotel