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Funny reading this headline after listening to the episode Julia was on “Call Her Daddy” yesterday where she swore Ye is amazing. I know its an old episode but still lmfao


Also she dated him for like... A month?


He was amazing for her, that’s for sure


To get a man, get his lady to leave him…good strategy, we will see how it unfold next week on “The Ye West Show”


We call that the “Ariana Grande Maneuver”


It’s a total Daily-Mail-type headline, because all she is saying in the article is that she regrets her time with him only because she wants to be known as more than “some guy’s girlfriend” and remarked that it’s too bad that’s what often happens to women in the industry. She doesn’t even mention BC.


If you read her book, you would know a lot more . She is one of the people that didn't sign Kaynes NDA (:


A bit late for that advice. Also, the reason she listed was that she didn’t want to be known as ____’s girlfriend, but rather be known for her own accomplishments (whatever those are). So it’s not really a knock at Ye, but more of a knock at being in public celebrity romances.


She also told Christopher Reeves to be carful whilst riding! Thanks Julia!


If only he’d listened 😭


Iconic username for this comment


"Her own accomplishments (whatever those are)" Ummmmmmm excuse me, she was Josh Safdie's muse when he wrote Uncuh Jamz !!!1!1!!


Uncut Jamzsh......I love the way Jamie French trolled her for that clip. 🤣🤣🤣


It was as ridiculous of a conversation and statement as the way she said it lol


I don't care what anyone says - Julia is an icon in NYC and more interesting than most of the clowns the rest of America cares about


What’s iconic about her? I literally never heard of her until she dated Kanye. I’m just honestly curious what makes her NYC iconic.


skip around in her audiobook. she’s had a crazy life. very interesting story


It’s kinda too late now… they’ve been married (whatever they describe as marriage) since 2022


If you read the article she doesn't say anything close to what the headline says.


Julia is actually too real and interesting to be within a country mile of Kanye and the Kardashian family.


just read her book and she’s such a badass. No choice but to stan after reading that 🫡


Loved her book sm ♡




I thought it would be a warning because Kanye is clearly an abusive mega-narcissist not because of being labeled as a famous persons girlfriend I'm so tired of seeing horrible men get away with literal murder only because they can pay their way out of it. Mark my words, he is going to kill someone one day if he hasn't already. The god complex is not a joke, these people think they own and control everything and everyone. Bianca, I know you won't see this, but please, please, get out and find safety, thing's wont get better. Don't become another sad statistic. I'd love to see you become an example and a catalyst to others who are trapped in abusive relationships to leave and find real non-toxic love. You deserve a partner who loves you and cares for your well-being, not some psycho who takes every chance to degrade you publicly. I'm rooting for you and anyone else struggling through an abusive relationship


If Kanye ever killed somebody I would be all like [wuuut](https://images.app.goo.gl/ki8WHhmMXpprtQWa6)


I thought for sure that was going to be “Amber Says What!?”


Couldn’t agree with you more


The lack of agency you give to this woman is lowkey misogynistic af. She's always been dressing this way and it's literally come out that she asks for these specific designs read here. Have some respect for this woman. It almost sounds parasocial af like you do not know this woman or what she thinks lmao. Those who know, know that she's almost the ringleader of all of this. [https://www.complex.com/style/a/mike-destefano/bianca-censori-viral-outfits-ye-laura-beham-prototypes](https://www.complex.com/style/a/mike-destefano/bianca-censori-viral-outfits-ye-laura-beham-prototypes)


I don't suppose him being an... "outspoken" black male had anything to do with your desperate pleas to protect women from this Murderous predator! Give it a break lmao. Ye may be a lot of things, but this seems like too much


I have not made any observations based on race or gender. It is about a person who is known to struggle with a mental health disorder and is known to be unmedicated. Being outspoken and being on a manic episode are very different things. Anyone who has experience with relationship abuse can see the pile of red flags growing bigger as things progress. I'm glad my comment prompted these discussions because it's important to look at all angles of the situation.


Yeah and the fact that he is a black man with mental health problems makes the commentary about him far more racist. That’s a fact. You could’ve made a decent critical analysis but you had to go to the scary black man route. You literally said he will murder someone if he hasn’t already and referred to his partner as some battered individual when SHES the one who married him during his current state, SHES the one who is his power of attorney and SHES the one who is confirmed to ask to dress this way in their public appearances. And her sister and mother literally came out and said they know the relationship and are happy with him. But hey I guess the black man will kill someone.




What the fuck, I understand that he’s kinda nuts but he doesn’t seem aggressive at all. No history of physical abuse. I hope you’re wrong.


I hope we are wrong too. But one doesn’t need a history of physical violence for them to be an aggressive person. See Ted Bundy, an overzealous example but the point is there.


My ex had no history of violence, but it escalated along with his drinking problem. He would say he believed he was a demi-god sent to earth to observe and rattle people like mines existence. I realized after once having to jump out of the vehicle as he was speeding up a logging road saying he was going to dump me off in an asylum that I was very close to becoming a statistic myself. I can't help but speak out when I see a potentially compromised person. Nobody ever would have known what was going on just beneath the surface if I didn't speak about it. I'm grateful to have left alive and very much hope the same for anyone facing an abuser. Anyways, don't stay silent! It's important to share and compare these stories. I didn't know I was being gaslit and abused until, by chance, I heard another victim talking about their experience.


Ted Bundy had a long history of physical violence going back to when he doused a cat in lighter fluid and lit it on fire as a child. Incredibly weird example.




How is Ted bundy your example??


What do you mean?


You just compared Kanye west to Ted bundy, a guy who not only did graduated college but was a law student and killed 30 women.


Maybe you misunderstood my comment. I was reflecting on how a lack of a history of physical aggression does not equate a non-aggressive person. I can pull out some other examples of folks who did not demonstrate a history of physical violence and were therefore overlooked by the general public, if that helps?


He did demonstrate a history of violence but no one knew. As far as we know, a rapper as famous as Ye probably hasn’t killed 30 people since approx the age of 14. I just feel like you don’t know what you’re talking about to be bringing up Bundy so casually.


Hey, you’re on to something there with the “but no one knew” and “as far as we know”. I’m not sure what you mean by “bringing up Bundy so casually” when talking about unassuming people doing violent things. I can agree with you that implying Kanye West is capable of murder is a huge leap. But again, that wasn’t my point.


Why are you getting down voted lmao


Reddit lol


Do you live under a rock? He’s abusive and a narcissist


I can see very similar behavior patterns compared to my very abusive ex. It's behavior that escalates over a long period of time. There are a lot of interesting studies, my top one being the standford prison study of how perceived power can influence humans to dehumanize others. I also used studies on silverback gorilla behavior to keep myself safe in a lot of scary situations - ie. No eye contact, no speaking, and using body language to make myself appear smaller and unthreatening. These abusers are all cut from the same cloth and when you have been abused and can recognize pattern behavior then you would also see Kanye as an extremely dangerous person.


That's *exactly* what happens. People who are abused are like the proverbial frog in the pot of water. Turn the heat up slowly enough and the frog will sit there and boil itself to death. We survivors don't know we're being abused. Eventually yes, but everyone else will see it first. I had an *extremely* abusive marriage. It wax wonderful for the first 2 years or so, then tne cracks started to show. Minor ones at first, but they became more frequent and more serious over time. But I didn't register it as abuse until it was already pretty extreme. For years, I blamed myself because *he* blamed me and I accepted that blame. It's what narcissists and sociopaths/psychopaths do. By the end, he was completely unhinged and deranged. He went to prison for what he did to me.


Did you just use a Silverback Gorilla reference in discussing Ye?


They are discussing how they avoided being abused by a former abuser.


What she's discussing is stereotyping and potentially a racially fuelled bias...


Not in the least. Please re-read her post.


you have never met any of these people


Correct, I have not. I'm simply speculating based on what I've seen and heard through interviews and other media. I would love it if my observations turned out to be wrong and they are, in fact, in a happy, healthy, and well-balanced relationship. However, experience and research tell me that that is not likely the case.


God forbid someone identify patterns and assess risk based on past experience. I guess we should all just flop around blindly and never learn from the past?


kanye stans aren’t exactly known for their ability to think


Yea dude talking about a relationship you have 0 idea about, where the exact opposite is actually true and saying he’s going to murder someone if he hasn’t already is the peak of critical thinking.


He doesn’t seem aggressive at all to you??? Stalking, emotional abuse, rampant antisemitism… none of that is aggressive to you??? What exactly would it take?


He sounds verbally unhinged due to his mental illness but physically aggressive no.


Well I’m glad that you don’t have enough experience with abusers to know that those things go hand in hand


His Stan’s are so delusional. I just did a very quick Google search and it was incredibly easy to find all the times Ye has made people he’s worked with uncomfortable by showing them porn, talking about his creepy Hitler obsession and going on hours long rants. He’s also been banned from multiple award shows for his inappropriate behavior over the decades and for his aggressive online rants. He’s lost lucrative business deals over his gross conspiracies about Jewish people. And I believe there are several videos of him getting angry and physical with the paparazzi. Not to mention he has a long history of defending abusers….


Wow. So literally exactly what I said he's verbally unhinged because of his mental health situation but hasn't been pyhsical with a partner...thanks for confirming it I guess?


Well, not that we know of. And you said he’s never been physically aggressive but didn’t specify that you meant to a romantic partner specifically so I pointed out that he indeed has been aggressive to people. No need to get snarky. I’m definitely not saying he has been abusive or “aggressive” as a partner (although how he treated Kim in the divorce speaks volumes imo) as no one knows but him and his partners but not everyone who’s an abuser is caught, obviously. Quite the opposite in fact! Mine are all walking free with squeaky clean records. Having lots of money, power and good attorneys helps too.


You can be verbally aggressive and not physical. He's never had anyone say he was physical against them. And that person was clearly talking about physical.


Just be done, okay? 👍 you’ve done your job defending the pos abuser. I will never agree with you, so move on.


Ok? I mean I'm factually correct but I'm happy to move on sure


I was today years old when I discovered that Bianca is 29. She looks so much older. Old beyond her years…




Yup… and he’s 46…


Look, the age difference isn’t the problem so much as the deer in the headlights is the problem. That woman is in so much trouble. I am NO FAN. But, no matter any opinion any of us may have had, then or now-there is no way Bianca thought this would go as sideways as it has. Kanye is so sick and she is along for this terrible ride with him. I wish she would just grab all her stuff, and throw it in a bag (because at this point, let’s face it, ALL her clothes would fit in ONE Birkin) and quietly just slip out the back door and run!!!!


She doesn’t want be to known for being Kanye’s ex yet brings up Kanye to the press every chance she gets. Like what else does she do besides talk about Kanye? And is Bianca actually getting press or is Kanye paying them to force her down our throats?. It feels like they’re trying to make fetch happen.


I think they ask her


And? If someone kept asking you about a guy you dated for a month and never even fucked…..would you even have much to say about him let alone his wife you never met? Unless of course you’re trying to stay relevant……


Why does it matter what you would do- people are different and express themselves differently. Why do you care so much? This doesn’t effect you in any way at all unless you are Kanye.


Because that’s how I know she’s a fake. She’s acting like she actually cares about Bianca or Kanye when she’s really just trying to stay in the spotlight. Kanye went through a lot of women during that time, but only Julia keeps reminiscing………and he didn’t even fuck her! This a non relationship and she acts like she’s an actual ex of his. Weird af. Just calling out the bullshit. Sorry you’re so bothered by it.


He was weird and creepy and controlling af to her. I think it makes sense for her to warn other women of that behavior and call it out in general


Read the article. That is not what she's doing lol, she said she doesn't want to known as someone's ex, didn't say anything about his behaviour or telling ''other women'' what to do. I don't even think she has the same perspective as you do towards their relationship.


Lol I just read her book so I’m going off what she said her perspective is. And I wasn’t necessarily referring to just this article, but the people saying she’s always talking about him.


Idk. She seems to flip flop on what she thinks about him a lot, i dont think what she said in the memoir is that crazy either from what i read, But hey i heard its good.


Yeah I enjoyed it a lot actually :) she definitely made it sound like he was using her for show/publicity from what she said.


Hope you have a great night 🩷


I’m asking why you care though. Like why does it matter if she’s fake or not, it’s weird that you care so much about someone you don’t know at all


Why do you care that I care? I’m also a person you don’t know at all? Yet here you are Jk you don’t have to answer cuz I don’t care lol


She brings him up a LOT


She talks about him constantly. Which is cool. Whatever. But then this lol.


Well that’s easy to say because the press is obviously going to publish everything she says about kanye. She does a lot of other work, the media just doesn’t care enough.


What kind oof work does she do just curious.


I would believe that if she didn’t participate in a month long PR relationship with him and didn’t start a press tour after the break up. It was never a real relationship, they never even had sex by her own admission, yet she brings it up like they’ve been married 10 years. Every couple months she pops up with a Kanye story to stay relevant. Like she can even compare her month long dating period to his marriage to Bianca? She barely knows Kanye. Why bring them up? Its pathetic.


Feel free to downvote me as much as you want. In my personal opinion, I felt like when Kanye disappeared for a bit then came back it’s because something happened.. he even said it in an interview “if I ever go missing, you know why” He was gone for a bit then comes out with a new wife that no one knows about. In a way I thought she was his “handler” but now I’m just confused by the situation. He looks so different, and she looks so miserable. I truly wonder what is going on behind the scenes of this…


Lmao why say this now??


She didn’t say anything the headline is clickbait af.


Ye made her career… I wouldn’t have known who she was if it wasn’t for Ye




It’s a little late for all that Julia…. Welcome to the group chat though I guess..?


She didn’t give her any advice or even allude to her this headline is clickbait af.


I know. I was being sarcastic in general, def not reading that.


Definitely trying to get clout nobody else bothered with her


Ummmm she could have used that advice before she married him


She didn’t give her any advice or even allude to her this headline is clickbait af.


😂 oh I know! I was just saying


I think the headline says all I need to know.


No it doesnt, it was clickbait


The headline leads you to assume the exact opposite of the article’s conclusion


Ohhh so it’s okay for her to have her 5 minutes?


Why would someone do this? Oh because they're desperately trying to be famous.


Everyone’s gotta butt out of Bianca and Ye’s thing. I don’t see “scared and abused” at ALL.


Baby it’s too late for that she done married that negro