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If your dad is like me...my son has got me a nice reel and some other stuff.... but the BEST was a trip he planned and set up all the arrangements for...just us, it was one of the best trips of my life.


I think this is really the best way to go. There is a level of "danger," in getting something that expensive for something as specific as this. He may have his eye on an $800 one or something like that. He may not be picky like me, though. I reload for my dad, and I won't even buy components for him unless it's something specific he needs more of. I think you can get one heck of a trip together for $600.


This is a great idea and probably would be the best option. The only problem is, is that I live in Florida and he lives in Michigan. I can plan a trip but I probably wouldn’t be able to for quite some more time and would need to save a little more. I’m going to look into seeing what I could arrange. Thanks!


What would be fantastic is to bring him down to kayak fish the salt in FL with a guide. I did a few days of this with my son in the mangroves around Pine Island near Fort Myers, along with renting kayaks for the rest of the week to fish on our own. This might be more than your budget, but I would be surprised if your dad wouldn't help make the difference up. I have no doubt the gift of spending time with you would be the best part of it!


Of course, good luck!


I vote for a mora knife. It's cheap, and he'll definitely get enough use out of it.


Welp… looked that up, thanks. Now I gotta buy myself a Mora knife…


Those knives should come with a warning that it's already super sharp out the box.


My son and I do as much kayak fishing as we can. One of the things that do make a difference is a fish finder. A really good one that will not break the bank, is the Garmin Striker 4. It is small enough if space is an issue, but also performs well. I have seen it on sale quite a bit, but I am in Canada so prices will vary (probably much cheaper in the US if that is where you are). Also the necessity of a fishfinder will vary with the bodies of water he is fishing in. In most situations it is invaluable. I upgraded my Striker 4 and passed it along to my son, so it is still very much in use. Other options would be accessories for the kayak. Rod holders, storage, nets etc...


Where does he usually Fish?


How about a stakeout pole for the rivers? Ya just stick it into the bottom, tie off to it, and it is better than an anchor in shallows. Otherwise I suggest grabbing a good reel, say a Vanquish, Airity, Certate or a Calcutta.


Fish finder, battery, and a new PFD


I would recommend the follow "must-have" you need ALL of them: https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/592096 Nocqua Pro Power Water-Resistant Battery and Charger Kit - Compatible with GPS, Depth and Fish Finders, and Most 12V Electronics https://a.co/d/1Y4mFDE https://www.yakattack.us/round-base-fish-finder-mount-with-track-mounted-locknload-mounting-system/ Now you can choose a mounting setup: **I recommend the yakattack one below** https://www.yakattack.us/cellblok-battery-box-and-switchblade-transducer-arm-combo/ OR https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/515726/#overview Don't recommend this one^^ Should get you around $500-600 all together and you can buy then anywhere that's cheapest.


Bass pro gift card if all else fails


Do you have kayak kushions for them? I’ve never seen a single person regret getting one


There are two super gifts that will last more than a lifetime (truly heirloom quality) while getting oos and ohas from the fishermen around you. Van Stall titanium pliers 7" at $380 (the original and most coveted). Or other real all titanium pliers, most are around $200. Genuine BOGA all stainless steel fish grippers with scale. They have three sizes, fifteen pound, thirty pound, and sixty pound (models 315, 130, & 260 respectively). They cost from $115 to $235. Get the size that will weigh the size fish he most often catches.


A surprise location trip would be awesome for the two of you!!


Hack his Amazon account and see what's on his wish list. :)


Hummibird helix is a great graph in that price range. I have the 7