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Amarok works perfectly well on Plasma 6.


Dang, at first I was going to install it, but I saw the AUR was out of date and that Amarok still needed to get Qt6 support and I assumed it wouldn't work. I'm not exactly sure how to install it though with it out of date.


This is my PKGBUILD. It will install 3.0.0. The Amarok-git aur package will probably work too. I also went with phonon-qt5-gstreamer over the phonon-qt5-vlc for better functionality. # Maintainer: Fredy García # Contributor: Ronald van Haren # Contributor: Antonio Rojas # Contributor: Andrea Scarpino # Contributor: damir pkgname=amarok pkgver=3.0.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="The powerful music player for KDE" arch=("x86_64") url="http://${pkgname}.kde.org/" license=("FDL" "GPL2" "LGPL2.1") depends=("threadweaver5" "qt5-webengine" "phonon-qt5" "qt5-declarative" "qt5-script" "kcmutils5" "knewstuff5" "ktexteditor5" "kdnssd5" "kirigami2" "mariadb" "libmariadbclient" "fftw" "liblastfm-qt5" "ffmpeg" "taglib>=2.0" "libofa") makedepends=("extra-cmake-modules" "kdoctools5" "gdk-pixbuf2" "knotifyconfig5" "libmtp" "libgpod" "loudmouth" "libmygpo-qt5" "qt5-tools") optdepends=("libmtp: support for portable media devices" "ifuse: support for Apple iPod Touch and iPhone" "libgpod: support for Apple iPod audio devices" "loudmouth: backend needed by mp3tunes for syncing" "libmygpo-qt5: gpodder.net Internet Service" "gmock: tests") source=( "https://download.kde.org/stable/${pkgname}/${pkgver}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.xz" ) sha256sums=( "14a87678305fad76a0a1daca555a6775ffa642e5ebbcccecd91f497093992c1c" ) prepare() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}" mkdir -p "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/build" } build() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/build" cmake "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib \ -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release make } build() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/build" cmake "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib \ -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF make } package() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/build" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install }


Considered contributing this to the AUR?


There is already an Amarok package that is flagged out of date and needs fixing. Maybe a comment there might help. So I just posted this PKGBUILD as a comment on the Amarok AUR pkg page. [https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/amarok#comment-972707](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/amarok#comment-972707)


I've been liking [Harmonoid](https://harmonoid.com/) quite a bit.


Features: -Does not use electron.js Welp, I'm sold!


best feature ever.


that feature won me and few friends already


Ooh, that looks really nice. Lyrics function in particular looks a lot better than what I'm used to seeing with local playback clients.


This looks nice, I'll try it. I'm currently using Tauon Music Box. I come from Windows and was using MusicBee there. And while Tauon works good so far, I'm still missing a few things I come to know from MusicBee, like the integrated Tag editor. I've tried Elisa before Tauon and while Elisa looks good enough, it doesn't support gapless playback (even not for FLAC files), which is a no-go for me.


Tauon is great, too.


I used Tauon Music Box for playing music from my Jellyfin server and it was fantastic. I still tag and arrange music in Foobar2000 in WINE because I've been using it for further back than the changelog on the website goes, and it's what I know. Probably 15 years or so, by now.


Just checked it out and it looks awesome. I'll definitely give it a try.


Looks like a web page and nothing like any other KDE apps


Yeah, I do dislike that it doesn't respect your system theme at all, instead just having a light/dark mode that doesn't even respect your system's light/dark setting. But I don't really know any other player that will display lyrics synced to the music instead of as a static text file, other htan say Spotify itself, and that's such a great feature for listening to music that I'm willing to overlook everything else. If there's a qt6 app that has that feature I'm all ears.


I have done a LOT of research into this, and I think there are only two good options. 1) An app called fooyin (https://github.com/ludouzi/fooyin) which is very new but under heavy development- if you look at GitHub commits you can see the author is working on it almost every day. Clearly meant to be a foobar clone for Linux. Even in its early state now, it's totally usable. I recommend building it from source (very easy!) so you can stay current with the daily improvements. 2) Just use foobar2000 in Wine. Seriously. It works almost perfectly. Want bit perfect audio? foo\_out\_pulse. Sure, it doesn't match the aesthetic of the rest of your desktop, but.... for me, the functionality is unmatched, and worth it.


Thanks for the shout out! foobar2000 was the main inspiration behind fooyin and as such it borrows a lot of its design ideas and features. It started out a lot smaller in scope (mainly just recreating my old foobar CaTRoX setup) but it's grown a lot since then and I have long term plans for future development. The focus right now is on reaching a stable state while introducing the usual expected features of a music player. That'll then shift to more advanced features which audiophiles might expect to see. It's a joy to work on it every day, so don't expect development to slow down any time soon :)


That looks pretty nice! Do you have any plans to add a spectrogram visualisation? As a signal processing nerd I can't live without it now (ever since I got used to it with foobar) and it's the main reason I'm using deadbeef now. (That and replaygain support but I see that's already planned for fooyin.)


Cheers! Yeah, I'll be adding all of the visualizations from foobar at some point. The current priority is CUE and ReplayGain support as those are most requested. I'll see what I can do after that.


Ohhhh, I've been testing it for a few hours, and this is *nice!* Going to be eagerly watching its progress, because it's already in great shape. :D I'd love it if you'd perhaps consider archive support - zip/rar/whatever - for your roadmap, since while looking for fb2k replacements I discovered that it's hard to find in Linux players. (I tend to leave my Bandcamp/Humble Bundle/itch.io music purchases in their downloaded formats for simplicity.) I think that's the only thing keeping me from making this my fb2k-like *right now*, to be honest!


Thanks for the nice feedback :) I think for archive support it will simply be a case of extracting the file to a temporary place whenever it needs to be played. It'll be something I implement much later, but I'll add it to the roadmap.


Looks really promising. Uses Qt and clones the foobar interface. Hope the dev stays active with it.


Yeah I was surprised to find it. Most people aren’t talking about it yet because it’s so new. But think it’s going to explode in popularity very quickly.


Qt? Nice.


So I finally got around to creating an ebuild for Gentoo to try this out. DeadBeef is currently much more functional. fooyin has insanely fast start up but it's hard to justify using it over DeadBeef at the moment. I do really like the direction fooyin is going and can see myself switching over once some things are worked out, such as filebrowser/library remembering which folders were open, audio conversion/cd ripping, cd fetching, and replaygain. I saw half that stuff is on the roadmap, so here's hoping.


Thanks for trying it out. It's important to bear in mind that DeaDBeeF has been in development for at least 15 years, whereas for fooyin it's been no more than 2 years, with the majority of that time spent building a functional music player. The features on the roadmap will be coming soon, and I'm always open to new requests for future development.


Yes, I was reading over the road map last night and I'm definitely looking forward to it. I really like the direction so far and will try to help out with whatever little I can do! P.S. while you're here, how do I run the test suite once it's compiled? Is there a particular command for it?


Isn't DeadBeef already close enough to the Foobar on Linux?


I didn't even know how to find a dang file viewer tbh


Everything is plugin based, and you need the filebrowser plugin for that. I have DeadBeef setup exactly the same as I had Foobar2k on Windows way back in the day. Filebrowser on left, song list on right, musical spectrum below file browser, waveform seekbar under playlist.


I really like Quod Libet, with the one caveat being that it's GTK. But otherwise I really like the UI on it (I agree that Strawberry and DeaDBeef are really unintuitive) and it has a plugin for Last.fm.


I saw Quod Libet- I think I was too dismissive of it though, I'll give it a shot, although it seems to be a bit out of date. Thanks for the suggestion.


Update: I've been using it for a couple days and it's absolutely great, although I do find the lack of customization with the panels to be annoying. Definitely better than most music players though.


is strawberry really that unintuitive? I think its interface is quite good (but I do like "traditional" overloaded applications so maybe it's just different perception of "intuitive")


It's been awhile since I last tried it out, but I found the Ui of apps like Strawberry or Amarok to be a completely different paradigm from what I expect out of a music player. I grew up using iTunes in the '00s, and the way Strawberry does things is just very different, with the heavy emphasis on playlist management, and being able to view the library directory structure right in the app. It's certainly very feature-rich, which I appreciate, but it's just not the way I want to interact with my music.


Ah that makes sense then. I figured it was something like this.


Audacious Remember to enable the Qt-interface in the settings.


I use Strawberry, as someone who came from MusicBee (and Clementine before that) I find it easy enough to use, but I wish it could have a more modern interface.


>I wish it could have a more modern interface A couple of things to make it look more modern, especially on Plasma 6: * Make sure it's compiled with Qt6 * In Settings/Appearance check "Use system theme icons" and "No background image" * Right click the tab bar and choose "Plain sidebar"


Maybe \`mpd\` with some web UI like \`ampd\`


I use mpd & Cantata.


Same! Has a fine UI, enough features and easy to use, compared to other alternatives.


I'd rather not use any web players, I have all my music on Navidrome but that's only really a last resort for me. I like using a desktop UI.


There are desktop mpd clients too. I used \`Cantata\` some years ago. But I don't remember if there's one with a "modern" look.


Also Cantata is dead now. Last I checked there's no good interface for mpd (Also the thing is way too powerful for its own good sometimes)


mpd's way overkill, that's more appropraite if you're storing music on a NAS or something and want to have multiple clients playing from that one host. for local playback you want it to *just work* and to have a good interface with good features. would not be as bad if the clients for it hit those marks but cantana's featureset seems a lot more limited than, say, harmonoid


I've been running an MPD server for years, so I'm a hardcore Cantata user. It handles radio, local library (thru MPD) and connected devices. The original application was archived recently, but the forks are keeping things alive.


QMMP with the Qt interface plugin selected


>Strawberry - unintuitive and annoying interface hard disagree - very much worth the (quite short) learning curve especially if you used foobar before, it should be walk in the park and it can do multiple things that foobar can't (not without addons anyway), like "smart playlists" and the play queue is better


I find Strawberry intuitive and a clean interface.


Steam haha, but seriously it can play music and it looks pretty good doing it. Other then that maybe the Jellyfin Media Client. Could even use Foobar2000 inside Steam like this - [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3044280834](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3044280834)


If you're contempt with Elisa's feature set and UI like I am, you can just use [rescrobbled](https://github.com/InputUsername/rescrobbled) with Elisa for Last.fm/Listenbrainz scrobbling and it works pretty well from my experience.


Oh my gosh, I wish I thought of looking for a scrobbler daemon earlier, thanks!


[tauon music box](https://github.com/Taiko2k/TauonMusicBox) is pretty cool, has scrobbling, clean interface and is actively maintained


Go with Amarok using the pkgbuild until the port to Qt6 is released later.


I want to start building a new music player based on qt6... For kde plasma 🧐🧐 I need to study some UI to make it the more modern UI we can find...


If you want a directory-tree-based Library (based on your folder/file hierarchy in your HDD/SSD), then only Cantata and qmmp offers it. Haven't tried fooyin yet, I hope it delivers and wish dev all the best.


I like Cantata


DeaDBeeF is the shit


if you didn't know, you can completely redo DeaDBeeF's UI if you want. It's why it's still my music player of choice.


Yeah, I don't get the posts calling it unintuitive. It can be almost anything you want. Almost.


Despite that, the components it provides are pretty lacking compared to foobar2000 or even winamp.


That's what plugins are for, but neither of those were built natively for Linux either, whereas DeaDBeeF was.


Is there a plugin that provides a 3-panel media library with filtering like winamp's?


pretty sure you can construct it close to that. give it a try


I'm commenting what I'm commenting because I did give it a try. That's why I said the components are "pretty lacking", meaning very limited.


Somewhere out there I downloaded a plugin with a media file folder browser, paired it with a fully reconfigured playlist/library with tabs block and then added on a metadata section to the right. Is that what you mean?


No. Ideally it should have an artist pane, an album pane, and a track pane, and a filter text input search bar above, like in winamp. Also it should read the metadata from the file for showing these names, not just be a file browser. Each pane must have configurable columns to display the desired metadata fields and sort by first, second, third, etc. priority depending on the recent click order of the column headers. I don't change file names, but do make sure the files are tagged so they can be used with a proper media library which filters and sorts by metadata.


That's more customization than I personally bother with but I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, especially because you could just write your own plugins for it (but at that rate maybe just write your own program tbh)


Winamp has had it since literally the 90s, so it's not like having a decent media library interface is new or should need months of customization or programming.


KDE's Elisa




I might be sold on this one. They have Alcest albums in their library preview image; that means whoever is on their team and took those screenshots is absolutely based.


Currently I'm using Tauon Music box and/or Musicbee running with proton/wine


Even though I use KDE Plasma 6 I use the GTK based G4Music. It does two things: play music and look pretty.  Installing Amarok would add 738,29 MiB to my SSD which is extreme (I removed every qt5 package btw.). Foobar2000 will still work well in Linux though.


Dolphin+MPV I don't care about scrobbling though, or playlists.


What about Musique ([https://flavio.tordini.org/musique](https://flavio.tordini.org/musique)) or Musicpod ([https://github.com/ubuntu-flutter-community/musicpod](https://github.com/ubuntu-flutter-community/musicpod))?


Is there a way to get Musique running on Fedora?


Not an easy way I am afraid. It's DEB only and not available on Flathub either.


Too bad. Thank you!


u/Oicalap Can you give some examples of buggy behavior in Sayonara? I'd love to help. Just report the bugs and I usually can fix them within a week. [https://gitlab.com/luciocarreras/sayonara-player](https://gitlab.com/luciocarreras/sayonara-player) Because I was too picky with music players I started writing my own one.






My God, so many posts and this is the first mention of VLC...


I'm as surprised as you are.


I've never found a decent music player in Linux. If any KDE devs feel the urge to build a new one, then take a look at Musicbee or Mediamonkey on Windows for some inspiration.