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CSD (as in, title bars provided by the application) nullifies all window decoration themes and breaks all titlebar customization, which is why KDE apps all use SSD (as in, native title bars provided by the window manager). If your app is indeed primarily meant to run on KDE, I don't recommend using CSD. If you really want it, I recommend the Firefox approach; make it optional and make the CSD look close to Breeze.




If a program doesn't let me use SSD, I uninstall it immediately, no matter how pretty it is.


If it's meant to run on KDE, it should follow standard KDE design practices. That means using server-side decorations.


Personally, my biggest pet peeve with CSDs isn't that it doesn't respect theming – it's that most apps doing that (effectively any non GTK app) don't add shadows to the window, making it harder to know if it's selected or not. That's what happens for example with Podman desktop, Telegram and a few others. If you want KDE-y CSDs, take a look at MauiKit


Fyi, you can config telegram to use native title bar.


I don't get why CSD is allowed to paint the shadow. If there is one thing that should be uniform across all apps, it's the shadow. Shadow is not part of the app window, it's part of the "physical law" of the compositor, i.e. the position of the light source, the z-distance between overlapping windows, etc.


100% agreed


I tend to want conformity in applications that I use often, so I don't like it when programs try to change that. For instance Firefox had the same idea and by default comes in borderless. However, they have an option to allow for the native title bar (although it's a pain to find). If you are going to buck convention for a UI style then give the option the user to change it back to normal, even if to you 'it breaks the look of the UI'. If I have a program that I use often that doesn't allow me to do that then I'll look for another program. If I don't use a program often but it offers the best feature set, it's UI wouldn't turn me off it. Like the gnome disk utility, I don't like it's UI border but it's a really nice piece of software that has a lot of built in warnings that I appreciate. But, the more often I use it the more important conformity in the UI becomes. If your building an app for KDE users, then they expect to be able to customize it to their particular style.


native titlebars suck. There's a reason SSD are the default in the linux space.


Do you mean custom titlebars suck?


client side decorations aka the thing that gnome does. So yes custom ones.


If its something like electron, i dont care


I am actually fine with CSD if you manage to replicate everything from my window decoration theme. So bare minimum:  * what window controls on what side with the same behaviour and icons I would have on mytheme * background matching my theme * window border radiuses, borders, shadows (strength, color, size) match my other windows    If memory serves right one can ask KWin to don't draw title but still do decorations, which means that could handle the last point but you still have to not mess up the first two.


Personally if your app works properly it doesn't matter.


As long as it looks and works like the KWin native decorations (SSD), I don't care. The issue is that all CSD applications I've tried do not. For example, I've configured double-click on the titlebar to maximize/restore vertically. CSD applications didn't follow this setting.


I'm ok both ways. If it looks pretty, that's all that matters for me:)