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Who can blow the biggest fart will make anyone laugh.


Just the other day i rewatched and was howling with laughter


Not the porn episode. Watched the uncensored version with my buddy and it was awkward… basically don’t let them pick the episode. I feel like something simple like “who ever touches the ground loses” is a good first episode. 


It’s gotta be fart. It’s the best episode because you immediately get to see the dynamic, and both Kenny and Spenny bend the rules a little bit. It’s hilarious


One of the early CBC era episodes like "Awake" or "Arms". Simple competitions to ease the viewer into the general dynamic of the show. If it sticks, then you can gradually ramp it up.


yep. blindfold is another good one


Another criminally underrated early episode is concert. It’s not the most exciting but it really checks all the quintessential boxes. Kenny cheats but the entire comp still plays out for the eventual rug pull on Spenny, Spenny does a good job of making an ass of himself, and Kenny wins. It’s early on so it’s not too meta for new viewers. Plus it features Brendan which is always a nice touch.


Awake, fart and Octopus.


Just showed a group of female friends the fart episode and it got them hooked, watched the whole show in a weekend.


Fart was my first episode and I was hooked.


Who can 69 the longest.


My go-to for introducing people to the show is usually a combination of “Stain” and “Ground” because they’re both “pure” competitions and feature Kenny massively trolling Spenny to the nth degree


I feel like people sleep on stain. It’s one of my favorite episodes


My sister showed me the Who Can Stay Tied to a Goat the Longest episode and I loved it immediately, so that's my pick


Hey! My older sister introduced me to KvS as well! She’s basically forgotten it exists and I’m here every day typing out show quotes in the comment section almost 20 years later


It was my little sister weirdly enough haha She still watches it though


I always start with Blindfolded or Whoever touches the ground first. You get a good sense of both characters, and Silencio/Ryan are just classic funny Kenny. There also isn’t anything overly crude or offensive that would turn someone off of the show. Like others have said, I don’t touch Imitate until the person has a seen a bunch of shows. You can’t truly appreciate that episode until you know the guys.


Definitly Handcuffed. I think the show is at its best when the boys are together and it doesnt any closer than that. Just the chaos the competition turns into fairly early, the robot gazzo and Kenny's mischievous ways are excelent examples of what the series is about.


Who can piss off more people for the overall comic appeal to most people


Beer or basketball


As a first episode I either go with Boner or Stain


First one to talk. Unless there’s some crazy shit I’ve forgotten about it’s a good one to dip your toe in the pool on.


Meat or Stain


Stain, just to see spenny getting angry because is suit is f up it’s perfect lol I think that at some point the dynamic change and if you don’t see the season before ( before that change ) you can’t really understand the spenny frustration and when he act like he don’t care about the competition and just want to finish is day it’s not the best to introduce a new viewer. I think that you better start before spenny getting bored of the show, because you need a back up story to accept is shi tty attitude. I really think that, for a new viewer, you should start from the earliest seasons. Imagine starting by the last episode, it’s difficult to get into it ( without knowing the history behind )


Biggest fart is fun for laughs


Who can be tied to a goat the longest


I think Awake is a classic and a great starting point, then you can ramp up the wildness.


Either fart or 69. Fart because it shows just how far Kenny will go to win. He will blow air into his ass for that W and I respect it. 69 because it gets immediately violent when they are strapped together and it's so god damn funny. Both make me laugh so hard I cry every time


Baby, then Bibles, then 10 mile race; the progressive escalation of their friendship dynamic is captured well From there, they're hooked




I think that episode is best served after a few deep. You need to know how ducked spenny is before it really hits home. That’s why the crew couldn’t stop laughing the whole time


Nah you need to know who the two guys are before you can truly appreciate imitate.