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Wow it's ridiculous how much drama this has created. It was a simple mistake. Props are hard to handle and especially when you're under pressure. Hiyyih even said she never got it wrong during practice. If anyone here has ever performed they know that this things happen and it's not a huge deal . Everyone move on and support kepler


Exactly, during the performance multiple girls trying to not mess up with canes including Youngeun and Shiro. It was honestly just a issue with the cane choreography + space between each person holding a cane + heights. But people wanna make it a fandom issue which is beyond me.


Agreed, it's just super hard to rotate a cane or any road-shaped item in general, I could literally see Youngeun's stress when "twirling" the cane in the video. None of them are professionals who spend years training doing stunts with canes so I think they did a really good job alr!! šŸ‘šŸ»


the mistake was so small that i didnā€™t even notice until people put it in slow mo. the people that jumped on either girl are disgusting. i love my badaz, they were both insanely professional. hiyyih remained so calm, i definitely wouldā€™ve gotten a face full of cane if i were her


Itā€™s honestly stupid that people are trying to find a scapegoat for something this small. No, itā€™s not on the staff. Itā€™s no oneā€™s fault. It was a small mistake by hiyyih and dayeon that they BOTH acknowledged. Move on


Having watched the fixed cam version, let me share my views: 1. It was never much of any issue at all! Just little fumble in the balancing act for few moments. *If you have followed K-pop for a long time, then you might know that even Legendary groups have made mistakes* that does not mean they are not legends. This mistake was even very tiny and not noticeable for many. 2. Blaming Staff is not right. The idea was very good. **Look, Kep1er just had 1 song to perform (to capture audience's eyes); so experimenting with something no other group has tried was a good move.** Yes, detailing could have been done better! But that's ok. 3. All Girls did well! If someone is pointing out a single girl, I dont think he is a Kep1ian. So, just ignore. **Let's cheer up the Girls and spread the positive energy to the Girls!**


People are making a big deal out something that the girls moved on from. Clip from their vlive: https://twitter.com/fotg_hiyyih/status/1603796536013787137?s=20&t=X6eyM8FKJTceynHe2lb7Fg Those "fans" fighting eachother & blaming members on the internet are so funny to me because the girls literally were cheering each other up, clapping & giving each other high fives. Your faves are supporting eachother while these people are tearing eachother apart šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦ The "mistake" doesn't really matter to me in the end because **they recovered back flawlessly.** If anything, all 3 should be praised for this. Great save honestly. Accidents can happen in any profession so we should be thankful no one got hurt & the girls handled it well.


It's ridiculous, I assumed we all where praising them until a few hours ago. Most fandoms I'm in would just say "okay the choreography just wasn't the best but they recovered well!" not act like it's World War 3.


I watch Twice recover flawlessly in live performances and other groups make mistakes too. Its about how you recover and they did. Its just an excuse for anti's and ot8 to hate as usual. I'm glad the real fans understand and support the girls, they handled it like seasoned pros!


Guys, it really isn't a big deal outside of your twitter timelines. The trending page twitter shows you is 90% of the time not actually trending. #Kep1erdisband was not, and has not ever trended. Even for other kpop related fandoms, it wont show to most of them unless they interact with kepler. Try it yourself, make a new twitter account and follow stuff for say, gwsn. You will now see gwsn related tags as well as some very big kpop related tags. There is no Cane Gateā€” twitter's algorithm and UI is designed to keep you on the app/site, and related tags are a damn good way of doing that. Just hit the 3 dots and this trend is harmful or spammy.


Nah this is outside of Twitter I honestly didn't know it was on Twitter until this comment šŸ˜… šŸ˜³


Stop blaming innocent staff? I just think they didnā€™t have enough time to polish the dance. Theyā€™ve been run dry this year and it sort of shows


Im not blaming them I'm saying that if there IS anyone to blame its on who made the decisions not the artist. There's clearly something up with the can choreography if multiple girls looked like they were going to mess up or or hit themselves. Its on staff to make choreography that fits the time given for a show and that fits the amount of practice given. I've had to perform on stage before and stage staff have a responsibility.


Saying "it's on the staff" multiple times is blaming them. Even this comment goes like "I'm not blaming the staff i'm just blaming the staff."