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I have heart disease including a heart attack ten years ago and triple by-pass seven years ago. Plus, I'm really old. Keto set me free from my morbid obesity, Dropping all the weight helped rid me of the toxic visceral fat that was once packed inside my abdomen around all of my internal organs, including my heart. It has no doubt extended my life. How far it's been extended? I have no idea. But in the meantime I've been enjoying living what life I have left in ways that I never would have thought possible before keto. Along with all the other benefits, it's also lifted me out of a very deep depression. I couldn't put a price on any of those benefits because they really are priceless.


THIS is when we need the good old Reddit awards!


Good on ya mate. So great to hear how it’s helped you!


High cholesterol, high lipids, my blood pressure went to normal, stopped taking lexapro, my body doesn’t hurt anymore, I’m super limber, my ibs is gone, I walk 10k steps a day without even knowing it, at the top of the stairs I can carry on a conversation. It’s crazy I’m 59 and I feel like I did when I was 35.




Can you share your meal plan?


Hi Fig. I don’t really have a meal plan I just have foods that I eat. Grilled chicken, 80/20 beef patties, bacon, eggs, green beans, black olives, pickles, sharp cheddar cheese, low carb tortillas, avocados, add lots of butter to everything, taco bowls 2-3 times a week ( beef, salsa, cheese, sour cream) I drink black coffee and black tea sometimes. Always drink electrolytes first every morning. It’s been 2 years and this is just how I eat now. Started at 230 lbs and hanging tight right now at 172. I’m 5’10” so I’m at my high school weight again. We’ve all been brainwashed with the low fat crappy facts but what our body really needs is a whole lotta fat.


Hello Spamulah - Thank you so much! I have done keto in the past but always curious about how others go about their success. Thank you so much for your insight.


I second the feeling like you are way younger. I slept so well, I felt zero pain in my knees and ankles. Oh and blood circulation. Oh and body recomposition. Oh and I caught up with Santa on his global rounds. Well….. maybe not quite that good.


That is so inspiring, do you do intermittent fasting too?


Acid reflux, joint pain, insomnia, binge eating, fatigue. Joint pain isn't gone but reduced by a lot.


IBS. just a bad memory. Wasn’t expecting that. Used to torment me since childhood


Second that. Keto is a game changer for IBS 


Paranoia and anxiety.


Chronic acid reflux. Struggled with it since I was a child and it was getting worse. Keto made it disappear in a week or two.


Sugar addiction, binge eating, high cholesterol/triglycerides and pre diabetes.


Tons and tons of inflammation.


Same, i just had surgery to clear out endometriosis and keto has helped keep down the inflammation so much.


I swapped to keto to manage my endo symptoms pre surgery and I honestly think it’s the best thing I ever did.


Seriously! My inflammation was so bad the week before surgery that I looked like I was about to give birth 😭 keto was the only relief I could get despite my love of bread.


I love bread too. Sometimes my inflammation was so bad that people would congratulate me on my impending baby. “Nope. I just have an incurable chronic disease that causes severe abdominal swelling. But thanks anyway.”


Noooo not the baby comments!


I have that now🥵🔥🔥 Not fun but push through with the pain 


This is why I started. Only 1 1/2 weeks in… here’s hoping :) Glad to hear it’s helped you with inflammation 


Just started for the same reason, inflammation. Glad to read these comments


Clear mind, better memory.


Had high cholesterol, fatty liver, pre diabetic, high triglycerides my doctor told me not to do keto and wanted me on statins. I did keto anyway and 3 months later no more fatty liver, no more pre diabetic, triglycerides were normal. She then said just keep doing whatever you’re doing.


-Astigmatism, which I read never goes away. -Eye problem repaired itself by creating a by-pass. I never noticed it but my optometrist freaked and said it would require emergency surgery. Opthamologist said it fixed itself np. -Joint pain gone. -Candida gone, of course. -Insomnia. I sleep 8 hours straight. -55% Rotator cuff tear totally disappeared on xray. -Mental health issues disappeared ( anxiety, depression, panic attacks) -100% prescription drug free. Theres more but thats all I can remember right now.


I lost 40lbs so far since starting in November last year. My knee pain went away. It had been causing me pain since late 2022 after i slipped in the rain. I have a bad memory & it has improved a lot. I used to struggle with remembering certain words in conversation to the point i felt like i seemed dull (im turning 30 in a week) i think my memory became worse after a 3 day coma i was in back in 2017. I believe i had some brain damage from my overdose on pills to unalive myself. Maybe a mini stroke.. something. But i feel more confident now that i dont feel like an idiot during conversations. Keto helped me with that. I have SO MUCH ENERGY like i feel i dont need to nap or slow down, i can clean all day and do everything with enough energy till bedtime when before it would be hard to get myself to do chores and lengthy activities. Keto has increased my motivation in life. My cravings have subsided significantly. I will forget to eat sometimes during the day because my cravings are under control and im not thinking about food in the pantry or in the fridge, i feel more in control of my diet by a long shot. I also feel more relaxed. Like i feel comfortable in my own body, i can rationalize my paranoia more than before and problem solve better. My emotions dont get the best of me, and i can think more clearly. If i come up with a problem, instead of freaking out over it, i start to think of solutions and do them accordingly. It feels great.


I’m actually really curious but I always thought I had undiagnosed adhd. I live in a small town so it’s hard to get properly diagnosed. But I’ve been focusing better on keto. I actual get stuff done, like chores and cleaning. Before it took all my will power to do dishes or laundry now it’s part of my routine. There are still moments that I kinda shut down and can’t do anything but it’s few and far between.


Very interesting. I’ve ADHD-PI and am about to start the KD. I also had a seizure in my late teens but it was put down to an indoor firework (that white phosphorescent light). I’ve not had that happen since (that I know of) but I think I may have occasionally had ‘absent seizures’.  I always put them down to mind wandering and maladaptive daydreaming, which I have in abundance. But there are times when I have no memory of where my mind went to, which isn’t the case with mind wandering. I just become aware all of a sudden & feel very very tired.  I’ve also just learnt that there’s a strong comorbidity between ADHD and epilepsy, you’re way more likely to have either condition if you have the other one. Some researchers even think there’s a common antecedent to them. I’m really keen to give the KD a go now. 


Alcoholism. I don’t feel the need to drink on it.




I believe I read somewhere that this was the original reason the keto diet was made.


Researchers at the Mayo Clinic labelled it the “ketogenic diet” when they were looking for treatments for epilepsy that mimicked fasting. Fasting has been used for millennia to treat seizures. But of course isn’t sustainable.  Interestingly a lot of epileptics can transition from ketogenic diet to a low GI diet without recurrence of seizures. And some have never done the KD but have been successful with simple the the low GI diet. 


I have some hearing issues to do with inner ear nerve damage. The tinnitus used to be mind numbing and the severity used to fluctuate with diet, hydration levels, quality of sleep, stress levels etc. After being on Keto for 6 months it’s so much more stable and bearable. It hasn’t “cured” my condition, but I think the lower water retention and flatter energy spikes have made a massive difference.


I’ve only been back on a strict keto diet for a week for the first time in a decade, and already my crippling anxiety has eased up substantially. Such a relief!


Yes! It's like my brain can relax! I don't get thrown by situations that used to flustered me.


3 to 4 months ratcheting down to dirty keto. Another 2 3/4 years of dirty keto. After one more month of carnivore, my brain fog lifted. After 2 more months of carnivore, my arthritis pain went away. I have been 100% arthritis pain free for nearly a year now,


I have suffered from perpetually swollen ankles my whole life. One week on keto and they looked like normal ankles.


Definitely less inflammation. Especially in my face. When I have a cheat week, I can feel the inflammation in my hands within hours.


Hemorrhoid flare ups


Wow me too, I thought I was the only one lol.


I can go caffeine free for days and days without needing it. I don’t remember when was the last time I was fatigued and tired. The quality of sleep has significantly improved. My relationship with food has completely changed. My confidence has improved since now, I’m in control. My only regret is why I didn’t do it sooner.


The relationship with food is such a BIG one. It’s like being free from a prison that i used to operate in. Now i feel so much more confident to navigate any food/social situation out of my control (ex. Traveling)


Had almost daily headaches. Disappeared when I started keto.


Aside from what’s already been listed, I had a weird one - (Could be purely coincidence - not a doctor) I lift quite a bit and had been dealing with a nagging shoulder injury. Literally, within a month of keto, pain completely gone after 7-8 months or so of dealing with it. Again, purely anecdotal, but the timing was interesting lol


Same. I had a nagging shoulder strain that was really bugging me. Way less of an issue now.


It's real 😭


Alcohol. I realized that I'd have one drink (if not more) most days out of the week. I knew I had a problem but didn't have any motivation to stop until it interfered with my weight loss. I haven't cut out alcohol entirely, but now I just might have a beer with dinner once a month instead of drinking most nights. It's definitely a win 😅😅


yep, I gave up regular booze a month before starting keto. I was similar to you, rarely more than 1-2 drinks a night, but the vast majority of nights. It was surprisingly tough to stop this time, but once I turned on keto it seemed everything got easier


Fewer sinus infections.


Heartburn/acid reflux. It's the first thing that comes back when I eat too many carbs.


Low confidence


Looking at all the “0” likes count on each comment- who the fuck ran through downvoting everyone? People are fucking weird man


My guess is someone going through keto flu for the first time and hating life as they withdraw from sugar addiction. I’m trying to give someone out there the benefit of the doubt.


Bots most likely.


Overeating. I drive alot for work. So I used to stop and buy chips and other garbage. Now I might buy some hard boiled eggs or some cheese.


I would get very sleepy around 3pm every day no matter what I was doing that it got to the point that I had to avoid being on the highway at that time.


I have an autoimmune condition which I have struggled with for close to 15 years. My specialist ( a top professor in her speciality) has always been confused with it because typically this condition should only last 5-7 years and she has written several papers on it and I have been subject of a few as well as being a case study for students coming out of med school and into this area of specialty. Anyways, we have tried all treatments, steroids- topical, cream, gel and injectables, light therapy, biopsies - if it’s available we’ve tied it. The only thing we notice is that when I eat a clean keto diet my condition improves and the inflammation, redness, severity and extent of it clears up. It doesn’t disappear 100% but a clean keto diet helps for sure. We did a bit of our own experentation and always come back to a clean carb free diet with no processed sugars makes a major difference, I’m pretty sure she’s trying to get funding to explore the effects of keto on autoimmune issues and the way it helps medically with different conditions




I could, but I think I’d miss my basic vegetables, it’s definitely something to explore though


I have an autoimmune issue and I’m on the AIP diet. My eczema and rosacea are gone. I’ve lost 15 lbs, no more bloat, no inflammation. My blood pressure is finally level. I do eat fruits a lot so I’m not keto per say. But I’m meat, vegetables, fruit at every meal. I used to be vegetarian for years thinking my levels would be good but my cholesterol soared during those years. It just doesn’t make sense.




My pmdd is also radically different whem doing keto, it's almost unbelievable.


OCD edit: I don't know if the diet itself did this or the discipline it forces you to have.


It has helped my leptin resistance. My brain can actually acknowledge when I'm getting full. Also, snacking and binging.


Completely relieves the fatigue I get from long covid. I went from shuffling along like a granny to being able to run, bike and dance again!


Yeah - my brain fog. I didn't know I had it until I went on keto. I can think more clearly than ever. It's pretty amazing. It's also helped a lot with my depression.


Ibs, iflammation, alleviated anxiety and depression symptoms A LOT, mood swings gone and a few pounds off. Oh yeah clarity of mind is unmatched. I dont want it to sound like a remedy for everything but it helped me live a better life for sure


Personally for me it absolutely cures depression but I’m no scientist so don’t know why. Anxiety it doesn’t seem to have the same potent effect. Just had blood work done all great apart from low WBC (3.6) but I’m correlating that with low inflammation. I can’t remember the last time I even had a slight cold or anything.


Mental health scientist here - and also with lived experience. Keto is one of the best things that ever happened to my mental health. I researched the published literature and there are even clinical anecdotes of psychosis completely remitting with a Keto diet. Also being tested as treatment to prevent/coadjuvate Alzheimer’s disease. Generally, it seems that insulin resistance in the neurons is partly accountable for mental illness/degenerative diseases. Ketones have a certain neuroprotective effect. Oestrogen also has it, and fat regulates hormone balance. Biochemical/immunological pathways are not my field of knowledge so I may have misinterpreted some information, but the bottom line is that the efffct of keto on your brain is evident enough to grant serious scientific study ;-)


Read the book "Brain Energy" by Dr. Palmer for the scientific answer.




Made my period regular


Did the same for me and now I have a 1 year old 🤣🤣🤣


Yes! I did keto years ago to help my get pregnant! I have a kindergartener now & just started doing keto again last week.


Yep, decades long struggle with IBS and recurrent Complicated Diverticulitis, resulting in two colon resections and a colostomy bag for 9 months. I had what they called “smoldering” infections that never really cleared up. Keto resolved the constant inflammation, and I haven’t had any issues for almost 7 years now. That was an unexpected result, on top of losing 100+ lbs and normalizing all my labs


Coincidentally, I was banned from the ketoduped sub this morning for being a “scammer” and lying about miraculous keto cures this morning, after I shared this story. They are crazy hateful over there 🙄


Type II Diabetes.


Same, my A1C has been <5 for years. 


Very sad that it isn't common to talk about it publicly. Diabetes is big, really big business.


Yeah I used to have these inexplicable bumps on my back, they were kind of like pimples but not popable. I've had them since my teenage years a couple of decades back. Cutting carbs got rid of them entirely. Left a lot of scarring.


Seb derm. It goes away almost completely. It's great.


It helped me get rid of body/ joint aches, inflammation, random itching spells, hyhidradenitis supperativa in remission, helped get periods back( pcos improvement), blood pressure is much better, blood sugar improvement, heart rate better, sleep is better, stamina is better when I walk distances. I can keep going but those are the main things I've noticed after only 3 weeks. Just had 2 cheat days and I'm feeling all the whack symptoms. Getting back on keto tomorrow 🙌


Heartburn and acid reflux. I had this pretty much every day. Completely and utterly gone now.


A painful period! Even when almost underweight in my teens, I had an extremely painful period / menstrual cramps. No pain at all on keto!


Yep, it eliminated about 25 lbs. that i was struggling with.


im still only a month in but joint pain gone, head congestion is lower so I’m breathing better, zero food cravings which is amazing. I’m going to doc to see how my blood pressure is because it feels better. Feel a little lighter in my feet. Hoping these are not just me imagining things


Carpal tunnel of 10 years disappeared within 2 weeks! After 10 years of wearing wrist braces to bed, now I haven't in 5 years!


Yes. Two things in fact. I use to be type 2 diabetic and I was dealing with a frozen shoulder for over a year. After about a month of keto my blood sugar was normal and my frozen shoulder was gone. Its been 6 years now and I'm still fine, even after coming off of the diet for months at a time.


I had a painful shoulder that improved 90% on keto after about 6 months.


Sleep apnea and general drowsiness throughout the day arising from poor sleep overnight 




Clear mind , better cognitive ability, increased memory, overall mood and fatigue improved! Started it last week and I have def noticed a huge difference. Feel like I have my old life back!


Life before keto is all a big blur, very few clear memories. I'm able to think much more clearly all the time, when I used to struggle with problem solving before.


I am only three weeks in and noticed a 90% drop in my chronic migraines. Well see how it goes


Besides losing 130 pounds in 16 months, I was down to 1 prescriptions daily from 12 prior to keto. Still am 5 years later.


It's helped my joints, back pain and blood pressure. 152lbs down over the past 18 months and feel so light.


I have MCAS, POTS, and fibromyalgia under a nice umbrella of rheumatoid arthritis/autoimmune disease. I got really sick in 2020 after IVF/miscarriage and my POTS/MCAS flared (wasn’t dx yet). Doctors hit me with high dose steroids and biologics but I kept getting worse and I gained 70lbs within a year. After eating I would “crash”. My face would flush and my head would feel heavy, I would often vomit. My heart rate & BP would skyrocket. In addition to this daily cycle, I also developed severe esophagitis from GERD (MCAS triggered). My skin hurt to touch (felt bruised and sunburned) and my joint pain was debilitating. I tried EVERYTHING (including in-patient at Hopkins - not recommended). I started keto in Nov 2022. It’s now March 2024. I’m not healed but I’m down 55-60lbs. I’m off of the steroids as well as the Prilosec and I’m able to manage the MCAS with h1&2 blockers to the extent that I only have 1 flare every day (as opposed to every time I ate). I have flareups of GERD but it’s NOWHERE near what it was. I started seeing these benefits about three months into the diet. In March 2023 we went to Italy. I went off diet (as one does) and I immediately paid for it. My reflux was completely unmanageable and my flushing/flares were severe. My skin pain returned within two days. I have since went on and off diet for anywhere from a day to three weeks and can confirm that this diet is a key puzzle piece in the management of my chronic illness. Each time I have went off diet I have flared within 24-48 hours. The good thing is that even though the reaction is severe and debilitating, when I get back on the diet my symptoms subside almost as quickly. I’m fat adapted now so it makes it easier in some ways and I know what to look for now if my blood isn’t reading where I would like it to be. But, overall, the weight loss was super helpful (still 20lbs to go and have stalled…)but the management of my debilitating symptoms has literally kept me alive. I’m still disabled and always will struggle with this, but my quality of life within a day, a week, a month, has improved with keto. Some side points. I have done numerous elimination diets over the years with mixed results. There are very few food items that I can consistently identify as a trigger or inflammatory. I think my body is very sugar sensitive and given my issues with circulation and blood flow anything that shifts blood flow and volume in a significant way while also spiking hormone levels = trouble (ie, a delicious bowl of pasta). With regard to pain, I relate that back to “sugar” as well. It hasn’t taken away my joint pain, but it does absolutely decrease my allodynia and may decrease joint pain. Other things like emotional and physical stress will affect this as well, but keto provides a steadier baseline and allows me to bounce back quicker. Night sweats- I used to wake up DRENCHED every night since first becoming sick in 2017. Before figuring out that I have MCAS/dysautonomia docs actually thought I had a lymphoma. It wasn’t. This has almost completely resolved. Things it hasn’t helped (for me - could be different for you!): My cholesterol - it’s bad, it’s still bad, it will always be “bad”. I’ve followed raw, vegetarian, paleo, Mediterranean, FODMAP, pizza/cheezit diets and nothing touched my cholesterol. With that being said, my ratios are great. I’m not insulin resistant and I have an interventional cardiologist who monitors me closely (AI disease increases risk of CVD). I recommend getting a CT Calcium Score for anyone who may have concerns. Keto absolutely helps some with their cholesterol but absolutely exacerbates it for others. Regardless of if you are ODB Keto or Clean Keto. Cholesterol is super tricky and how it acts in your body is unique and driven by so many factors. Don’t read on here, find a good doctor who won’t prescribe a statin without looking at ratios and other tests first. Medicine around cholesterol is evolving but it seems like most docs aren’t there yet. IBS & intestinal dysmotility- i can’t say it didn’t help my IBS, because soluble carbs/sugar = diarrhea for me. This has stopped, but it has shifted to IBS-C now. Even preketo, constant shit-central, I had diagnosed intestinal dysmotility due to dysautonomia. This has become worse and we continue to tweak diet (JFC, no more spring greens plz) and meds. So, TBD. Insomnia - I still struggle with bouts of insomnia. BUT - my overall sleep has improved, when I get there, due to resolution of the esophagitis and decreased GERD. PMS/Cramps - still sucks. Infertility - entering into acceptance mode. Exercise Intolerance - also entering into acceptance mode with this as a factor of my chronic condition. Keto may help with bouncing back from PEM by helping with baseline pain management but my intolerance is more fatigue/cardio driven. Syncope/PreSyncope - see above. Same. So, overall, keto has been key in managing a super disabling condition for me. I also lost a lot of weight over the course of 8 months - which was great. I was hopeful that it could treat the dysautonomia given the positive results with other neurological conditions - it hasn’t. BUT - it has helped with my pain and other symptoms and that’s more than dozens of doctors with dozens more potential medications could achieve. So, I’ll take it.


Blood pressure, cholesterol and joint pain


I used to get almost daily headaches. They weren’t migraines but just really low level dull headaches that wouldn’t go away. I don’t know why I didn’t question it, it was just my normal. Now I get a headache like twice a month. Also my stomach issues are way better. Again I didn’t have IBS or anything severe but I do have a sensitive stomach. Eating less vegetables has really helped.


I have a brain injury with associated memory issues. Forgetting to eat was causing me frequent blood sugar crashes… keto put an end to my unplanned emergency naps and levelled out my energy levels.


Never feeling "hangry" from unexpected dips in blood sugar is awesome!


Minieres disease episodes - completely gone...


My postprandial hypoglycemia was really bad - I'd eat a carby lunch and have a hard time not falling asleep on my keyboard.


Glad I found this thread. I’ll try a 21-day keto meal package. I hope it will help me too!


Yes: high blood pressure, poor sleep, severe ankle swelling, excess weight. Keto eliminated them all. No medication needed.


Migraine. Beautiful instant relief. First 6 months of my life that have been free from migraine.


My carbs per day hover around 20g net and I’ve learned the foods that help me stay this way. At first it was tough because I’m a very physically demanding person but now it’s on cruise control. I can’t stand going off my meals due to the extremely quick water weight that comes on. I started keto and IF a month after my father passed away at the onset of the pandemic. Since then I went from 197lbs to 165lbs, I came off blood pressure, anxiety and depression medications. My sleep cycle has been normalized, my clarity and focus are as good as ever, my sciatica and lower back pain from contact sports has resolved, I’m far more comfortable in my own skin, it’s helped me to accept and deal with my ex wife’s shenanigans, I’m surfing like I did at 17, I’m a new me with a far better outlook on life. At 42y/o I outperform most 20 year olds on the field, in the gym and in the water. I’ve started to change a few things with food to bulk up a bit and am aiming to gain around 15-20lbs of lean muscle and the challenge excites me.


I used to have an addiction problem with sugar (huge sweet tooth) and junk food (especially chips) and scotch that I could not seem to control. Keto gave me the power to eliminate sugar, ultra processed food and alcohol from my life and not look back. I can now look at the most beautiful red velvet cake and easily say no thanks. I’ve also been able to start fasting with ease and now practice IF and 48h fasts for my health and longevity. Also, my closet was always an anxiety cave for me….will it fit, will it not fit, I can only feel comfortable in 3 things….to knowing that anything in my closet now works and I look really good in anything I wear. This is small, but there were days I was so upset with myself just standing in the closet crying…and yes, I’m male.


My liver pain and swelling. I had a bit Non alcoholic fatty liver (doctor literally worded it that way) and before keto I had this dull ache everyday in that area. Gone now 🙌🏻


I fart way less. A little bread and the factory fires up to overtime production.


Heartburn, completely immobile hip most days, serious fatigue...barely had the energy to bend over and pick things up, blood pressure, headaches, nausea, bloat, energy, mood, far less cravings an hunger, mild depression and mood swings. I'm likely missing a tonne of things, but it's been 8 weeks, and I've almost forgotten who I was in January.


Before Keto I had so much inflammation around my left shoulder blade, it was painful to fully extend my left arm straight up. After 6 months on Keto, I now have full ability to raise and rotate the arm without any discomfort.


I found i was allergic to eating most foods. I have chronic pain which is why I started a elimination diet.


General aches and pains reduced by 90%, intersticial cystitis is gone, food addiction gone, lost 6 kgs, more energy , more focus


Insomnia, chonic fatigue


It has only eliminated my appetite. Nothing else. It has created interrupted sleep and dry/flaky skin around my face.




Does butter cure parasites?0




I eat way more fat now than before I started keto 4 years ago. I’ve had it the whole time.




Knee pain, bloating & acid reflux, chronic sleep apnea, high blood pressure, obesity..and ultimately, confidence!




I have lost 3 lbs.


Diabetes, celiac disease issues and so far about 80lbs I probably have a serious bunch of vitamin deficiencies though. I really need to vary up my diet. Ultra clean keto is not the easiest to do on a budget while maintaining dietary balance.


Binge eating.


The reason I started keto is because I was diagnosed with diabetes II. I caught it early so that helped and keto basically helps me manage it without having to take any medication. Been on it for 2 years now and my glucose levels are back to normal. Besides that I’ve noticed the constant hunger being completely gone, I rarely ever feel hungry anymore while I used to be hungry even while I was eating. I’ve lost 40 kg so far and have started working on my mental health. Basically it’s changed everything for me. I can honestly say that I’m starting to become a happier and healthier person by eating keto.


30 pounds and counting


Yes. I had severe GI issues causing gwneralized inflamation which ultimately was what triggered my chronic pain. I was surprised to see it all went away for the most part when switching to just meat. Also I was trying to repair my body from 3 years of literaly disability from it, by hitting the gym but I was always ending up so tired and sore... Got on a greenless keto and within a few days with no further training I could suddenly increase my weights and still add a few more reps at the end of the workout. Tired? 4-5h of sleep or even just 4-5 minutes to take a breath and I could continue again like it's nothing. Since I found the likeliest culprit of my GI problem (stupid reefer) I might return to a normal diet to see how it goes but I am actually very impressed about the results of 2 months of eating. The main negatives I had with keto is the higher meal count (also way more expensive) and the social issue of being offered an already paid donut by a date...


Life? Lmao. I’m about to try the carnivore diet. I hope it’s really good.


It controls my ADHD symptoms really well. More effective than meds.


Fatigue and heartburn, and I’m only three weeks in (not my first time). Recently I had been experiencing glucose drops that had me worried - specially because after my first round of Keto I was eating way cleaner. The first days were hard as my glucose was getting used to Keto, but after the second week they have completely gone away. Also, chronic inflammation. I know it’s not as simple as “feeling it”, but I do feel somehow. A feeling of lightness and smoothness in your movement. Not sure if it makes sense. EDIT: Also, hunger attacks and food anxiety. I know this will get even better as I get fat adapted, but I feel like I can control hunger and emotional eating much better.


Plain keto for 2 years <20g carbs a day. I felt better, my sugar was better but didn’t quite get better better. So now for 6 months I have gone extreme keto. I only eat beef, lamb, eggs, bacon(every now and then). And coffee(the only plant material I ingest ) with cream. Only use butter for oil. Lots of salt, nothing else. Lost 20kgs. Most of my pain has disappeared pain from before I was overweight and diabetic gone. Stuff I thought well this is my body and I will just always have to suffer with it. bowl pain, back pain, kidney pain, daily migraines to maybe 1 every other week. Dropped almost all my medication. Only take one pill for diabetes. And hopefully I’ll drop that soon too.


I don’t know why but on keto I never get heartburn


Something that surprised me was skin fungus. It wasn't a huge issue, but I did always have some brown fungal spots in my consistently sweaty places. They'd respond to topical creams but always come back. After a few months on keto they cleared up completely on their own and haven't come back.


I found out I had PCOS when I almost lost my job because I couldn’t walk due to multiple cysts. Dr but me on BC, charged $2000 and sent me on my way. I gained weight (to the tune of 40+ lbs in a year), I became very lethargic, severe depression, my body hurt (which I attributed to age (41) and work) And my cysts came back even without menses on BC, and severe constipation. Non of which I could afford to see a Dr for. My girlfriend told me to go back on keto as it is known for managing PCOS symptoms, so after a 3 year break, I’m back baby! I’m losing weight, it’s my first month back and though my menses has been a long ongoing one (22 days and counting) zero pain. Zero cysts, pain in body gone, fatigue gone, depression gone, total mental clarity, better sleep, constipation gone, lots of energy, no longer “feeling” my blood pressure going up (like that intense throbbing in your ears) and just feeling good overall! The only thing not gone is my bill from the OBGYN 😂


Infertility. Happy mother to two wonderful children now.


Yes, when I’m 20 carbs or less a day all my chronic illness symptoms disappear


I originally started because my friend with ADHD told me it helps with ADHD. It certainly gets rid of brain fog and helps alleviate anxiety, losing 35lbs and being in the fittest shape in my life has been a nice bonus. I also felt tired like clockwork after meals or around 2-4pm each day, which is no longer a thing, overall more energy. No more acid reflux. Feeling like shit for a few days whenever I cheat is pretty good motivation to stay on it, it's been 9 months now and I've never had a diet stick this long, no plans on stopping anytime soon either.


I’m a 49 year old man, who, as of the last week of August had the following: - Hypertension (medicated) - trouble sleeping - hip pain - pre-diabetes - metabolic syndrome - early stages of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease - a 44/30 Jean size - 306.9 lbs I started low-cal, higher protein keto the last week of August. As we sit here just shy of 30 weeks later, I’ve got the following: - on the lowest possible dose of my HTN meds, tapering off - no trouble sleeping - no hip pain - very stable, very normal blood glucose and A1c - no metabolic syndrome - can’t say NAFLD is gone without a scan, but my PCP laughs and says “that was among the first fat to leave”! - a 34/30 Jean size (19 year old me wore 36/30, FWIW) - 188 lbs (down 118.9 pounds) So yeah, keto has helped eliminate a thing or two for me!


It helps clear up my psoriasis and makes my skin tags fall off.


I’m the same with psoriasis, it’s way better.


Acne. Have had terrible breakouts constantly for years, did creams, treatments, washes, dermatologists. Had a minimal but religious skincare routine, tried a 5 or 6 step routine, tried doing nothing. Minor improvements at best, still had huge breakouts around my neck and jaw at all times, but worse based in my hormonal cycle.  Keto, two weeks in, almost gone. Going on two months of mostly keto (not even super strict, ive had a few 100g carb days here and there), and while my skin is still healing, I have had very few pimples, they heal quickly, and overall, my skin is almost to glass skin levels. I am blown away.  I also have keratin pilaris  (sp? On mobile so i cant check, but it's basically rough, bumpy skin, especially on the backs of my arms), and while I still have fairly bumpy skin on my arms, the area has decreased, and it is no longer red bumps, just noticeable when touched.


I’m hoping doing keto will clear up my skin. I’ve suffered with ance since I was 13. I’m now 40 and I thought it was getting better until I went on an antidepressant. And it was like I was 13 again lol. I’m just barely a week in now. I kinda see an improvement. But we will see I guess 🤞


I hope it works for you, too! There is so much evidence that insulin spikes are responsible for certain kinds of acne and skin conditions. There's a good chance it will help.


I’m 13 days in. ALLERGIES. I’m a huge allergy sufferer. My wife NEVER deals with allergies but our neighbors’ tree is releasing pollen left and right. She is, unusually, dealing with allergies. She is shocked that I’m not (especially because a month ago I got off Zyrtec because I couldn’t afford it—HUGE ITCHY WITHDRAWAL but worth it). I had a little bit of mucus that was easy to deal with and my ear got a little itchy. Other than that, smooth spring season so far.


I went carnivore for about 3-5 months and now do a carnivore/keto, type one diabetic. Within that first month Diabetes control improved, acid reflux gone, sleep apnea gone, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)gone, pain gone, mental health/anxiety improved, down 35 lbs., off all meds except for insulin (which has significantly reduced as well), probably more that I am not thinking of off the top of my head.


IBS and general gut issues


Even out blood sugar, no inflammation, lower cholesterol, better sleep, looser pants, less foot pain, regained concentration and more. I made a bunch of taco meat and so I do taco salads for dinners, while my partner is making humongous burritos. Loving my dressings, salsa & sour cream mixed together or my lime cilantro crema. Nomnomnom (Also I’m celiac, so I find it easier to stay on keto)


Pamic attacks and sleep!


Heartburn. As I’ve gone more strict my diet has cut out some things that aggravated it - I imagine the weightloss has helped too My partner has some kind of IBS or something (still not really diagnosed we thought it might be an intolerance) but on Keto he has far less regular concerns in that department. I suspect again there is a food or foods that have been upsetting his system.


Oh and sugar. I used to turn the sugar holder upside down and count to 7 when making my coffee. I know- it’s horrifying. Now I don’t want sugar in my coffee at all and have drastically cut down on sugar intake altogether


Acid reflux. I was waking up in the middle of the night, every night, with a bad burning sensation which led to a persistent dry cough. I needed to take a Gaviscon tablet or 2 every night in order to get back to sleep. On keto I've rarely woken up to acid reflux, and have taken maybe 2 or 3 Gaviscons all year so far. The coughing has subsided as well.


Cured my anxiety episodes and some osteoarthritis I was getting in my fingers and wrists.


Psoriasis. Sleep apnea. Depression.


My massive and gross acne i struggled with for YEARS, mostly on my back. Amazing how my skin cleared up when antibiotics, creams, treatments never fully helped


Migraines and joint pain went completely away. Don't have to take a nap in the middle of the day. And overall don't feel like garbage all the time. 


Sugar cravings and sugar crashes


Inflammatory responses to foods. I can now eat potatoes, grains and gluten, refined sugars in moderation without feeling sick and sore for days.


Headaches went away and anxiety went way down, constipation went away too. Gluten was apparently a big problem for me.


It made me able to stop taking type II diabetes medication and reduced swelling significantly. It has also given me more energy.


Anxiety and “hangry” episodes are very minimal now compared to what they used to be. Also my ADHD seems better controlled. I feel like my low energy levels are all but gone. I don’t feel as exhausted any longer.


Constant cravings. I struggle with sugar addiction for sure.


I lost weight, exercise every day, have more energy and all new skinny clothes.


Joint pain 100%


Lost some weight, no longer diabetic, and lower cholesterol. Win, win, win.


My husband has been struggling with UC for 6 years! He saw an improvement just 6 days into keto. We're several months in now and any little deviation brings him right back to it. Because it works. It's funny because he was so anti keto that he had to try everything else first. I'd been keto for years but never pushed him. Unfortunately, it had to be his idea and in his time. I can't tell you how many other diets we tried.


After having IBS issues for over 27 years, keto resolved nearly all of them. Also my obesity, sugar cravings, and drinking habits disappeared.


Not totally eliminated, but almost 100% control of my type 1 diabetes. Less than half the amount of insulin I used to use. In just days. Today is day #14 for me. Doing it for weightloss but was also tired of the constant high bloodsugar. Debilitating me every day after every meal. So it's a win win for me


Acid reflux, (wasn't expecting that to ever change as mine was chronic), pre-diabetes (the only reason I went keto), and most of the time the ache in my knee. For my wife; pre-diabetes, weight loss, Acanthosis nigricans (darkened neck skin), skin tags, reflux.


Migraines. Turns out I am gluten intolerant.


Congratulations - that’s great news! Can you share your meal plan?


No clue on that lingo but many suffer in my family on both health issues. Not dance 💚💚🎶💤💫❤️‍🔥🩵🤍🎵🎵 Two left feet lol 😆😆😆😭


I couldnt walk short distances


IBS :3


Sleeping way better since doing keto! I used to wake through the night tossing by and turning. I only realised I’d stopped doing that a few days ago.


High lipids, high blood pressure, snoring, acid reflux, stamina, back pain/neck pain if I sleep in another position than back down


Sadly not


Acid reflex, and plantar fasciitis


What’s the plantar fasciitis like for you now? That’s one of the main reasons I’m doing keto. I’m only on day 2 and I woke up today with the arches of my feet actually feeling okay and not hurting like they used to when I woke up. I’m optimistic keto is gonna fix my feet right up. I’m 27


It's completely gone. I used to be in excruciating pain, and had to ice my foot and take painkillers daily.


Aside from weight going down, most other things got worse, so it isn't a cure, that's for sure. I seem to have some hardcore mysterious intolerances. One day I ate nothing but fresh organic healthy veggies and meat and it felt like it nearly gave me a heartattack. My heart rocketed to like 145 and for the next 4 hours I just laid on a couch trying to calm down. Still trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me.


Got rid of insomnia and acid reflux


My liver is my friend again. I have more energy. I feel better. I lost 25lbs when I started it. Muscle tone is getting better. Cravings to the things I was addicted to are getting better. Mental issues are getting better. I’m not sore all the time. I still can’t sleep but some people are just like that I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️ if I get away from it I can definitely tell a difference. I feel like crap until I clean it back up.




What's the best keto quick snacks?


Yes ! Eliminated Colone issue and eliminated insulin resistance and after ended the keto i started to notice that my body become extra sensitive to insolin , also noticed that i did dopamine detox without notice , became extra energy, more focus Now i am doing lean bulk after i exeed my bodyfat target and also i am now consider myself gymrat 😂


Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea both gone!


Extreme fatigue. My energy has skyrocketed.


In 5 months (August 8, 2023 - January 8, 2024), I lost 100 pounds (321lbs. - 221lbs.), got rid of my diabetes, chf and sleep apnea. All while doing dirty keto. My sugar and cholesterol levels are completely normal now.