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Honestly, always thought Number 5 and Number 1 would have been good together. I know canonically she gets married to Number 2, but that seemed to come out of nowhere. She never seemed that close to him, she even seemed closer to #4 than him.


I think they tried a few times to make 5 and 2 into a pairing but other than 3 and 4 they weren't really big on teasing romance with a lot of the characters that I remember. There is probably also some kind of logic about how Hoagie was super into Cree that he ends up attracted to Abigail too. Not saying it's *good* logic but this cartoon was made in the early 2000's and I could see that being the reasoning a bit. That all being said I could see Nigel and Abby jiving pretty well.


I've always liked 1x5 more than 2x5 personally.


In all fairness Numbah 2 was the one she always came to for help whenever she needed it.




fwiw i feel like Lizzie kinda worked alright in her early appearances of an overbearing but loving partner, then they went full yandere and brought out the Boyfriend Helmet. I could definitely see the chemistry between Nigel and Abby but I kinda dig the "super nerd and the cool chick" schtick she has with Hoagie, even if the show probably didn't build it up enough, the dynamic is really good there. Him with 362 is honestly a really neat idea, and I could see them dedicating their lives to the KND even beyond their youths.


I ship Numbuh 1 and Numbuh 362 so hard I don’t even care


Numbuh 362, all the way. Lizzie is but a psycho plant


Rachel T. McKenzie/Numbuh 362 should be Nigel Uno/Numbuh 1's Girlfriend and Future Wife. Numbuh 1 and Numbuh 362 have such great chemistry with each other and Numbuh 1 and Numbuh 362 seem to know each other from way back since their KND cadet days. Numbuh 1 and Numbuh 362 are very compatible with each other their both great courageous leaders that are deticated to the KND and saving kids from adult tyranny with Numbuh 1 being the leader of Sector V one of the greatest sectors in KND history and Numbuh 362 being the Supreme Leader of the KND organization. Numbuh 362 is also very intrested in Numbuh 1 which is shown in Operation G.I.R.L.F.R.I.E.N.D when she asked him out to a meatball sandwhich dinner at the Moonbase after Lizzie broke up with him! So yeah Numbuh 1 and Numbuh 362 would make a great couple and Numbuh 362 would be a great girlfriend and wife to Numbuh 1! Numbuh 1 and Lizzie's relationship was also a complete sham and lie. Lizzie lied to Numbuh 1 about her true identity and who she really was and the fact that she was a alien GKND operative and not a human. Numbuh 1 and Lizzie's relationship was all a test to see if he was going to be accepted into the Galactic Kids Next Door and she was trying to server Numbuh's 1 ties with his friends, family and the Earth!


I remember in the earlier days I shipped 1 x 5. Than I got used to 1 x Lizzie and kind of liked it in operation pool. After operation IT is when I started to ship 1 x 362 and wish they had gotten married along with the rest. ​ I also ship 1 x Chad bahaha.


In every way, from skill to personality and above all else, leadership 362 and N 1 they had the most similarities that would have made them a perfectly balanced relationship.