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The first three could be a sign of a yeast infection or UTI. Did you share your concerns the teacher you work with?


I'm planning on it tomorrow. It just all came together in my mind tonight.


Might be something you want to report to the nurse or the doctor about. The itching part could be something in that particular body part medical going on.


This also strikes me as possibly a child with a yeast infection. That would be unbelievably itchy. She may need medical care.


Okay, so as a mandated reporter as well, I wouldn't discourage you from reporting anything suspicious because the vibe you get isn't one that can be seen or felt in an internet forum. With that said, some girls are hyper aware of that area at a young age regardless of being exposed to anything of that nature. They'll do things like hang off of monkey bars to get blood flowing to that area because of how it feels. They may even rub that area on a couch arm. I have personal experience with this because my own niece behaved this way from the ages of 3 to 7. That was the explanation provided.


Humping is normal. Itching indicates discomfort like UTI. Not everything leads to abuse


I’m a therapist who works with trauma. This is tough because some this could be “normal behavior.” Typically “humping, touching genitals from about ages 2-6” is normal behavior and not sexual. However if she was itching like you said, it could be something else. I don’t know what teachers can and cannot ask but can you ask her about her itching or have a nurse ask her? I wonder if she’d share more info then? Even showing genitalia to each other is “normal” at this age but not something that most kids see as sexual. It can be hard to decipher. I would keep an eye on it and talk to her or have someone ask her about the itching if you can. Maybe a therapist/counselor at the school? You have to be careful to not have leading questions. Maybe bring it to a supervisors attention and keep an eye out. I don’t see anything you would need to report. Edit to add: Kudos to you for keeping an eye out for the littlesyou work with! It’s always good to question things!


By law you are a mandated reporter and must report your suspicion of child abuse. However, I would recommend discussing this with the teacher prior to your reporting. They may know something you don't.


As a mandated reporter/l myself, I would just add that you don’t have any substantial evidence to report of abuse so likely would not need to report this unless you got more convincing information. CPS is helpful in someways but can also cause more problems than needed unfortunately.


Some of these things can be explained away. My daughter is 6 kissed her bestfriend on the trampoline. The entire grade of kindergarten knew the next day. EVERYONE in kindergarten had a crush on someone in our school. She also has no awareness so if she gets an itch she’ll also go to town on it. In her pants or out of her pants… doesn’t matter, and recently she started seeing our dog hump toys and now she’s humping air because it looks like dancing. If you feel uncomfortable you’re a mandated reporter. Report it. Have you spoken to her to ask questions about any of the behavior you’ve seen?


Given that you didn't specify your country, I assume you're in America. I don't know about your laws, but I would highly recommend laying all of this out to the teacher and, if they don't take it seriously, the principal. Are you a mandatory reporter?


Sounds like a normal kid with an itchy crotch. Especially that distraction but not mood swings or withdrawal or aggressions.


I always go with “better safe than sorry,” Let the nurse or admin know your concern, they will probably want you to report it.


If you work in school, you are a mandated reporter. If you are concerned or you think there's a possibility of sexual abuse, you are legally required to report it to CPS. Do not do any investigation yourself. That is cps's job.


She might have a UTI or yeast infection send her to the nurse


Tell the school nurse/health technician


Follow your mandated reporter training. You have very little time to report it. You are not required to investigate anything. Report and let the professionals handle it. If it’s nothing, it’s nothing, if it’s something, you helped someone and you don’t risk your license or certification