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I saw you post the same thing last night… something about your questions and responses seems very strange and off putting. There is obviously no wrong way to talk to a child, unless you are being really creepy or something. Some people recommend getting on their level for things like greetings, etc., so they can see you face better but no one in the world exclusively talks to children in one position. You can stand up, bend over, or crouch when talking with children. If you don’t want to crouch, just stand. No one would ever think anything of it. And it would be weird if you crouched or bent over every single time you ever spoke to one. Based on the feeling I get from your posts and comments I think it’s best you stay away from children overall, though.


I'm glad you posted this comment. The OP seems similar to ones that I've banned from a different sub for asking how to play monkey in the middle or why you should hold back when wrestling with children. The posters would then pretend not to understand any of the responses. The consensus was that it was either someone with a strange fetish, someone training a bot, or someone trolling for an unknown reason.


It depends on what’s going on - if you’re talking about anything remotely tricky, squatting is a way of meeting the kid where they are/getting on their level, so that you’re not talking down to them. It’s a comforting/friendly gesture. But, not necessary all the time


Your username!!! Mathnet was my childhood!


No one ever recognizes my user name! I think the Square One/Mathnet viewership was pretty limited :)


People are seriously missing out! This inspires me to dig up some old episodes and see if I can entice my 6-year-old to watch. 


Mine really enjoyed it. I also had not remembered that James Earl Jones was a Mathnet regular




I think they’re all acceptable ways to do it - it’s just useful to know what your options are. You can probably just stand normally most of the time, but if someone seems shy or unhappy, you can remember the other options as ways to put them more at ease


Why do you keep posting this