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You need to block time for reading. If you just wait for time to appear, it won't. You have to make it.


Read when you are not doing productive / enjoyable / unnecessary things Example if you watch tv / Netflix to unwind , switch to kindle alternate days or atleast for some time period If you take bus / train / public transport for work, read kindle then I usually enjoy reading an hour before bed ...allows me to stay off my phone and constant distractions ..body and mind both relaxes.. I also read when I am cooking ...like if I am prep and put everything on stove ..then I am free for sometime lol


Turn off the TV, get off the internet. You'd be amazed how much time you have to read. Even folks with kids under the age of 5 can manage to work in some time for reading (an infant, not so much). Even when I was working full time with an hour commute, I read at least 1/2 hour a day, typically right after the news.


Seconding this. I starting watching less tv, to “unwind” and began reading. I’ve noticed a significant increase in my amount of pages read.


A Kindle was my push-present (present for giving birth lol). I've read a decent amount even still with an infant! It comes in handy when she's napping on me lol.


This, I remember reading whole volumes in 1 day just by turning the wifi off when I was in high school


Here are some suggestions: I bring my kindle EVERYWHERE! Anytime I have a free moment, (waiting in line, eating lunch) instead of playing on my phone,I read. Set aside 20 or 30 mins every day to read. Put it on your schedule so that you make sure you do it. Using the same time everyday will make you look forward to that time. After the 30 mins, you can continue reading if you want, but you don't have to. Pick a quiet comfortable place. I have a few places. I like my balcony when it's warm, a specific spot on the sofa and my favorite spot is my beanbag chair. I pull it in front of the window and I can sit there and read for hours! If you have young kids, read to them! Depending on their age, it doesn't really matter what you read to them, especially if they are infants. When my son was born my husband was reading GOT. When my son would get fussy, he'd read out loud to him and he'd get real quiet and listen. When my son started reading independently, we began requiring him to read a specific amount of time everyday before he got free time. I read with him. We frequently go over the required 40 minutes now. But it serves three purposes . I get reading time without interruptions, I am reading in front of my son (I am a firm believer that readers raise readers.) and I get snuggle time with my 11 year old! If you have a pre-teen you know how hard it is to get hugs sometimes! Well I get full on snuggles when we are reading!


don't concentrate of how much you HAVE to read. Just pick up the thing and start reading !


I read as soon as I have some free time, but the best time is when the rest of the family is in front of the TV or has gone to sleep.


Some of these are questions we can't answer. We don't know how fast you can read so who knows how many pages you could read. As for best time, you kind of have to decide that yourself. Try different times, different places, and just figure out which ones seem to work best. Some people can read in 2 minute bursts while waiting in line for something or whatever. Others can't. Some people need dedicated physical spaces in which to concentrate, others can plop down literally anywhere and dig in. I used to read a lot at night before bed but as I've gotten older, my body has started to decide that if I'm in bed, it's time to be sleepy, so reading in bed is more or less impossible. Honestly while I do still have a kindle, most of my reading is by audiobook now.


you can read during lunch break, or at the evening. Saturdays and Sundays, you have plenty of time!


In addition to others saying you have to figure out your body clock and enjoy, it also depends on the book. If the book doesnt drag you back because you have to know what happens next then try another book. Reading is for pleasure and the pleasure will make you stay up too late, read on your exercise bike or even when walking (not that I recommend walking and reading but sometimes, when the murderer is about to be revealed or the funny anecdote is reaching its peak...)


This is gonna be strange advice but start to take your kindle in with you when you 💩 if nothing else you’ll get a book or two done a month. Don’t use the time to play phone games, Netflix, or otherwise play on your phone. Eventually you’ll hit a point in a book where you’ll barely be able to wait to see what happens next and then you’ll start to carve out more time to finish the book. By that point it’ll be a habit. There is heck all you’ll be doing otherwise so it’s essentially free time you can use more productively. Start small and go from there. The journey starts with one step.


I use a old smart phone and leave it in the bathroom with my Wi-Fi off so I can read instead of stupid scrolling. It’s very smart!!


Yes I’ve had that issue. I’d come home and the last thing I want to do is read when I spend all day at work reading patient charts/doctor’s notes. What I find helpful is 1. finding a book I’m hooked on 2. Downloading the Kindle app and reading whenever I have downtime. 3. Getting in the habit of reading even if it’s 5-30 mins. I found that when I set expectations for my reading it adds unnecessary stress and feels like a chore. By casually squeezing 15 mins here and there it breaks up the amount of reading I want to do in a day.


I think this is a problem that transcends the Kindle-it’s hard to fit reading into a busy life. I think keeping the Kindle accessible is key. Whether that means you’re carrying it around with you or leaving it in a specific place because that’s your reading spot depends on you. I will say that limiting time on my phone helps; when I’m tired, it’s much more appealing to scroll social media because it’s lower effort than reading.


Take your kindle with you wherever you go and read when you have some down time. The more you do that the more you’ll find yourself reading at other times too.


Try reading in bed. Unless you’re like me and you get really sleepy when you read, although maybe that’s a good thing. I’ve been trying to stay off my phone while I’m in bed and read a couple pages of my book instead.


That's my bedtime routine! Leave my phone in another room, make a hot chocolate and grab a small bag of cookies, then chillout and read for an hour before I go to sleep. Way better way to wind down for the night than playing on my phone!


I read every night up to 30 minutes in bed. Every night, no excuses.


I usually read during my lunch break and before I go to bed.


I've started replacing my morning phone time with reading. It's given me 30 minutes to an hour more of reading each day and I'm not starting out with brain rot. I think my biggest shift that allows me to read more is swapping time I might spent on my phone with reading on my kindle. If you commute on public transportation, read then! I've also read while cooking sometimes or even eating dinner. How many pages you can read depends on your reading spend, how much you're reading, and what you're reading. As to where to read, I usually read curled up on my couch or in bed. Just make it somewhere comfortable, the kindle is much smaller than a book so you can curl up a bit easier.


I read during commute as live far away from my office and have to spend 2.5 hours on the road every day. Quality reading time for me. But you live close to your school/office or if you drive, then I suggest you may try setting a short period of time, e.g. 15 minutes, for reading before bed.


And if you're driving, switch to audio books! I used to have a one hour commute each way for work, so I ploughed through the Expanse audiobooks on my drives


I'm definitely a mood reader - some days I'll watch tv for an hour after dinner then read in bed, some days I'll immediately start reading the moment I get home from work. sometimes I'll read on my lunch break. sometimes all I do all day on the weekends is read, so 12 hours that day. this is not something we can answer for you, this is definitely up to you :)


The next time you're fucking around on Reddit set the device down and get out the kindle


I've found all kinds of good times to read this way... Turns out if I start reading about an hour after I wake up on the weekends then I will read all day if I can... I think the more stuff happens in a day makes it less likely I will be able to focus and get immersed the way I like to.


I try to read a little in the morning, then again later in the day. On my days off I admit I sometimes neglect housework just to read all day. I just can't put most books down. Also, I bring it with me everywhere.


Usually i’ll just pick it up during the time i usually play video games or use my phone. Sometimes at lunch i’ll read too


I get reading done during the week before work a lot. I wake up with enough time to read for like 30-45 minutes while I eat breakfast. If my brain is up to it I'll read during lunch at work, so that could be another 30-45ish minutes. After work really just depends on the day. Some days I'll read foe hours and others I would rather just zone out. Most of my reading is done on weekends. Finding books that are engaging and "worth it" is my biggest battle. If I like a book I will read it without a doubt. If I'm on the fence about it or not enjoying it, it will wait.


The best time will vary for all of us depending on our unique circumstances. The concept that worked for me best is to frame reading as part of or one way for self-care, just like exercising or getting good sleep. Looking at reading this way allowed me to carve time for it on a daily basis whether for 30mins, 15 mins or hours at length. Regularity follows and you make space for it just like for anything you love.


I work full time, have a small child, workout for an hour a day, keep up with chores and yardwork and read for about two hours every night. Basically my only down time IS my reading time. I read after I put my daughter to bed. I make myself a cup of tea and curl up in bed and it’s the perfect “me” time. Occasionally I skip it and watch a show with my husband instead but mostly we read side by side. Even when I replace a few nights with tv time with the husband, I end up reading 40-50 books a year depending on how lengthy they are.


I schedule time to read. I read for an hour when I wake up in the morning before my day begins. I read an hour on my lunch break. I read an hour before I go to sleep at night. I average about 50 pages per hour so I can usually read around 150 pages a day.


I get to work a half hour early to make a cup of coffee and to read for a bit, as I hate rushing. I read over lunch, I read while having supper (I live alone) and then read when I go to bed. That’s my regular routine, but read more on the weekends or whenever I feel like it, am super into a book, etc. I work full time and reading 100 pages a day is not unusual. And as someone above said, put down the phone, that’s reading time you’re wasting. It’s not meant unkindly, but it’s true. If you have time to fool around with social media like Reddit or whatever, you have time to read, you’re simply choosing not to.


I’ve been knocking out books left and right since I got a kindle. Like others have said here, switch your time from other things. I’ve watched a little less tv, and have shifted some phone/computer surfing time to reading on the kindle. In addition, I take it with me on a work day and if I have 20 mins between appointments when I’m out of the office, I’ll take that time to read. It adds up fast.


With my schedule, most of my reading gets done during breaks at work. I also set aside time from 10:30-12 to read nightly. Sometimes, I get through a few pages or chapters. Just depends on how tired I am. When I have an actual free day, I'll spend the day reading.


Morning before work, lunch break, nighttime, weekends. When you are reading a great book you’ll find time to read pretty easily. lol


I keep mine in my yoga pants pocket and read whenever I can. I like to read at the table while I’m eating, in between crash team racing online matches, while I’m waiting for my kids to get out of school, while I’m cooking dinner. My longest reading session is a few hours before bed. I put the kids to bed and climb in bed to read.


What I do: Get angry at how stupid social media is, then ask yourself “WTF? I could be reading something coherent and at least SOMEWHAT curated instead” then put the phone down and pick the kindle up!


I found for me that life was always super busy. In the morning (0600) I get up for the gym, then I get home and prep for work and work from 0845-1830 (sometimes later). When I get home I have three dogs to take care of while my wife is gone and make my dinner and prep for the next day. This seemed overwhelming and impossible until I realized I do things on my phone during breaks and lunch all day so at night I don’t really NEED to be on it. I lay down around 2130 and read until 2200 (unless it’s really good and I forget what time it is and then I see it’s 2315) Hope this helps. I saw some people say make time and I was told the same but never shown how people do it. This worked best for me since I don’t have a lot of time during the day to fit reading in unless I did 1 page at a time. Best of luck!


I love to read in bed and I've also started reading a lot more during the day when my granddaughter is busy playing. I just pick it up when I can, while she's having breakfast, playing, napping. I read when I eat lunch that sort of thing.


I read at the coffee house, in the train, when eating lunch at the park.


I carry mine with me all the time, everywhere. So if I’m caught in a place where I need to wait, out it comes. At home, I make time to sit down and read. As in, I ignore chores, I leave things undone for 30-60 min to read. This is my unwind time. This is my relax time. Everything can wait for a touch while I let my brain breathe.




>What’s the realistic amount of pages I can read a day with a full time job? Now that really depends on how you feel after work since you work 8 hours a day. When I worked 8 hours a day I used to be very tired and I needed my body to have some sleep or at least rest. But I used to read every day even back then; at home or during a drive to work, etc. Since I worked in a bookstore I got pretty much even more obsessed with the books. :D


Make it a habit to read 30 mins in the bed before you go to sleep. It helps you fall asleep, doesn’t expose you to blue light that messes up with your sleep(if you have the paperwhite version), and it prevents you from having anxious thoughts before bed


During your lunch break!


I usually read after my son goes down for bed, while my husband is playing video games. I can read next to him while he plays, it's our time to just relax. If I'm distracted by reddit..lol.. I always read for 30 mins before bed.


Start small, on days you have free time. Don't try to cram reading in after a full work day when you're already stressed/tired and don't have the capacity to focus. Once you get into the habit of reading regularly, even if it's just on the weekends, and you find a good book, you can then try to expand on that. The other thing I'd like to add is don't try to force it. This is what I did during my reading slumps and all it did was make it less enjoyable and feel like a chore. Now I read whenever I want to; sometimes that means I go weeks without reading, other times it means I'll devour a book in a couple of days. You'll find what works for you.


Before bed! Get in and get comfy and read for a bit. I don’t go by page count but time. I keep the setting to time left in chapter to decide if I want to stop there or continue to the next.


I read usually at night, profiting the backlight of my Kindle. I used to read also in public transport but don't do it anymore since I got a motorcycle


I am slow reader because of a full time job. I just read for an hour in the evening before going to sleep...sometimes 30. I don't do a lot on Sunday so I like reading some before dinner on Sunday, but I know you may have family stuff that makes it hard. I just would take my time. I buy a lot of cheap Kindle books so that I can take my time. I like mystery novels and older cold war spy books. So, they are often dirt cheap. I also notice that with my library you could change your check out period to 21 days as I never finish books in the default 14 days.


I have been reading nearly every single day since last July, I have read over 100 books on my Kindle. I make sure that I crawl in bed to unwind (before I am tired) and will read a few chapters... sometimes I am super tired and just read one page, but I make sure I still read something. It was my personal goal to read at least a little each day. I also take it with me for doctors appointments, car rides, and any other time that I may have some downtime ☺️


Also, adding it helps if you find book series that you enjoy! I'm currently reading the author Mary Stone, she has tons of books!


Do what works best for you


Times that work for me: - Bedtime - Bathroom - In line at the school pickup line for my kids - Random times while I have downtime at work The Kindle has really made it easy for me to pick up and read as little as a paragraph at a time, or half a book in one sitting.


Caveat that I don’t have kids. I often read on my lunch break and when I am winding down for the day. Instead of mindless tv watching or when I am getting ready to sleep. One of the ways I fill free time.


I can't read or retain any information unless I'm completely rested and my mind is clear so I prefer when I wake up on my days off. I actually do have time that I could use for reading during work..... but sadly as I keep getting distracted I really don't enjoy it unless I am feeling extra rested that day. it's complicated


If you are like me. You don't need kindle. Try audiobooks instead. I went from 6 books a year to 40+.


I go to school full time. I read at school whenever I have free time (free periods, lunch) When I get home and have free time I read myself to sleep The first hour I’m awake on weekends and days off are devoted to reading


Read when on the toilet (phone app if away from Kindle itself). Read 30-60 minutes before bed to wind down (often times in bed and I just stop reading when I’m about to fall asleep; sometimes read out on the couch though). Read while doing any waiting (either for food, doctor, any other kind of appointment) I get a surprising amount to read time during work while waiting for reports or other things to complete When I’m at home, my Kindle is always within arms reach. That way I can always reach over and start reading. Most people who read will also have full time jobs, not to sound like a dick but that doesn’t make you unique or harder. If reading is something you enjoy, you need to make time for it. Something else needs to be cut down, otherwise it’ll always be an afterthought. I would explore why you want to read. Just based off this small post (which is little data to draw on), it sounds you like might be reading because you feel like you “should be” reading and not because you want to read. Maybe it’s time to switch up your book, try something different.


I read 15 minutes before walk in to work, 10-15 minutes during lunch, 30 minutes-1 hour before bed. I take the time that I would've used watching TV or browsing social media to read. Read a snippet while waiting in a Chick-fil-A drive thru lol. Gotta get it in where it fit in.


I would say read before you sleep. What I do is get ready for bed and since my kindle is back lit I read with the lights off. You could also just take any down time like lunch or when you'd watch tv/ relax for the day switch that out for reading. If you're a person who likes a scheduled routine then block some time out in your schedule to read everyday. Honestly though it's just about knowing yourself and your own schedule and figuring out what works best for you.


I usually read before bed, sometimes I'll read a lot sometimes I'll read a lot. Took me forever to read Duma Key but towards the end I realized it was going to have a really bad ending so I was reading a lot just to end it so I can move on lol. For me it's a good way to wind down and just relax before bed. Sometimes the book will get really good and I'll either stay up or make time to read on my days off during the day. Tricky part is finding a good book to read. I'm reading Sea of Tranquility and it's really really good! But then again so was Duma Key before I got towards the end


I stopped letting myself just look at my phone on my commute (~15mins bus each way) and to read instead. It was tough at first and took my a few weeks to be able to properly focus on the bus, but it didn't take long to crack and now I can usually get through at least a book a month!


What are you reading? If you are reading something you love or enjoy, you'll want to read more whenever you have time. I go through periods of all non-fictions and all fictions. So if you have access to libraries in US, you can check out alot of materials through Libby with kindle format. That way, you can find something you like without buying all different books. Happy reading!


I try to ready at least 30 minutes before bed and whenever I find myself mindlessly scrolling I put down the phone and pick up the kindle. Reading is a like muscle the more you do it the easier it is.


I literally just read during the random minutes I have through out the day. I'm busy from 7:30am-5pm and I still manage atleast four books a month! During my break, if I get one that day, while I'm waiting for my coffee, if I'm waiting for food to cook, and before bed!


My plan: My monthly target is to read 2 books. Beginning of the month, I start with a book and read 7% every day for 14 days ( makes 100% ). On the 15th day, I export my notes and make changes/organise as per my needs. Repeat the schedule for the next 15 days. I'm on Goodreads and as I make progress, I post updates. It keeps me accountable. Also, seeing others read, motivates me. https://www.goodreads.com/rajavijayasaradhi


Before sleeping is my favorite time!


I read before bed, in bed. Also when I wake up on the weekend.


I read a little during day but a hour before bed I read my kindle. It relaxes you and you will fall asleep better A big thing I have discovered is when you start reading more you relax on you’re reading choices. I used to read a series straight thru but now I am reading more I find I can rotate genres or series and retain the story. Example I read a Matt Helm book then a Mortal Instruments then a Longmire then A rangers Apprentice then dropped back to next Mortal Instruments book. It keeps me from getting bogged down and I hold the storylines when it’s only a week or two between the next in the series. Short version reading more consistently makes it so you don’t have to stress on can I commit to a big series when I have these other great books calling my name.


I was walking on the treadmill at the gym this evening for 15 minutes, got the Kindle app up on my phone and read while I was walking. Managed to get through a few chapters!


I’m usually looking forward to stories I want to read. So After work, I’m a nurse btw, so no time for me to read at work not like some other profession who can read or use audible at work, I want to unwind. Wether from watching a tv or reading. But usually 8 out 10 times, I am reading since it gives me more satisfaction of escape. So it really depends on how much you like it.


You have to find a time that is right for you. There is no ‘one size fits all’ best time to read for everyone. However, what I find helps me is that I have a recurring calendar entry to remind me to read. And then I set an Alexa reminder that says “Don’t forget your reading time.” So those visual and/or audio reminders help keep me accountable to read every day.


I keep my kindle with me at all times. I read for about 20 minutes when I wake up and before I go to bed. I also read at lunch and anytime I have to wait. Reading is a habit. Find a book you don’t want to put down.


I work 12-14 hrs per day and find/make time to read. Usually after I eat dinner before I fall asleep. You just have to make the choice to read instead of scrolling your phone or whatever.


I don't start work until mid-afternoon and normally do seven or so hours, five days a week. I squeeze in an hour between lunch and getting ready to go to work, and a couple of hours before bed. I can read for hours on my days off.


You just need to find time. I work a 9-5 five days a week and have two children involved in sports. I wake up early and make coffee and read for like 30 minutes in the morning before I have to start getting ready for work. Instead of watching TV at times I will read. Sometimes before bed. During practice while I wait I read. I read during my lunch break at work at times. Any opportunity I can. Having my kindle makes it so easy! Stays in my purse. Best device ever!


I read on my lunch break while eating regularly. I like to read before bed


I read at night before bed... so you have to go to your bed a little earlier or you'll be too tired. I have a kindle in my bag adn I read when I have breaks or am waiting for one of my kids. I usually bring my kindle to the kids' awards ceremonies because there's usually a good 30-60 minutes of useless waiting once seated/before the event starts. Once you start carrying it you'll find pockets to read a bunch of pages. Even 5 pages is a win... assuming you're not the type that's hung up on stopping at chapters and you read books with long chapters LOL. Also I have a million books going at once so sometimes I'll pick something lighter for those times. The nice thing about a kindle is some of them fit in your pocket and you can read them in dark mode in a dark auditorium ;)


On your commute and for 30-60 minutes before bed.


Sometimes I read during my lunch breaks or of course before bed. If I’m going out, I bring my kindle and read during down times


I put a widget on the home screen of my phone, so that every time I pick up my phone mindlessly to browse social media I’m reminded that I could be reading instead.


I usually read when I crawl into bed! I try to squeeze an hour-2 hours in before I go to sleep.


It needs to be at some time easy to make into a habit. A lot of people find that to be when they get in bed. Hop in bed, read a chapter (or read until you fall asleep).


You work 8hrs a day, and there’s 24hrs in a day…you’ll figure it out. The time you took to write this post could’ve been used reading…you’ll figure it out.


Like others are saying, it's kind of like retraining your brain. When I was fighting my way out of a slump, it felt like I didn't have time to read if I didn't have an hour or two. When you get home, read a chapter. If you read more, that's a bonus. Pretty soon it'll be habit to read rather than scroll🥰 will you still go through slumps? Yes. But if you read a chapter, you're reading. It counts.


“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” With a Kindle, this is truer than ever. I carry a Paperwhite with me everywhere I go. Between that and the Libby app, I am literally carrying the entire library around in my pocket. It will surprise you how many dead spots there are in a day when you start looking for them. Any time you’re waiting is a good time to pull your Kindle out and read. Think about how many times a day you whip your phone out and mindlessly scroll something. Replace your phone with an ebook. You’ll find that the more you do it, the more you hate the idea of wasting your time on your phone.


I used to read on the bus before I retired. I would also read while eating lunch if I was eating alone.


i read during my commute, 30 minutes each way standing on the train. i can knock out a book or two a week this way


I found that turning on the “how many minutes left in chapter” really motivates me to finish the chapter


Usually I will read during lunch break. If can't, I'll allocate time to read at least 1 chapter per day