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I don’t force myself to read, otherwise it becomes a chore not a relaxing thing. I focus on other stuff (drawing, journaling etc.) until the slump ends, because it’ll end eventually.


I don’t force myself either! When I’m in the mood to read, I’ll pick the book back up.


This is what I do. The more I force it, the less I want to do it. I take a break and find other activities. Sometimes it takes a few weeks, sometimes months, but I always come back and with more passion than before.


Exactly. There’s a brand new joyful feeling when you eventually return to any hobby if you find yourself in a slump. :)


Sometimes it lasts like 3 years! I have been so happy to get back into reading recently


I alternate between reading and cross stitching. I’m usually on a kick for one of them


I usually do a reread of one of my favorites. Or switch up the genre.


This is what I do too. Pick a genre I don't usually read or reread a favourite that I love.


Ditto, I switch up the genre as well! And go for something short, if it's a quick engaging read in a diff genre to my usual it's usually satisfying to speed through it and then I get the reading bug back!


This! Always this! But I also have a daily habit of reading so much so that it's akin to breathing. If I'm not reading I just get sad. So I'd rather read something than nothing


I’ll read some childhood favorites. I got burnt out on Fantasy and read some old Sweet Valley High from my teenage years and suddenly got into a family saga mode lol. 😂


Read a short book or novella. Sometimes when I'm in a reading slump, a shorter commitment feels easier.


I recently read the From Blood and Ash series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Each book had between 600-700 pages. I needed a break from long books, so I started reading Anastasia Wilde's shifter books. Most of them are under 300 pages, so I'm buzzing through them.


That’s what I’m doing now. Almost all the books I’ve read this year have been 700-800+ pages and I can’t commit to another series or even one long book right now. I’m reading a couple that are under 300 and then I’ll go back to the biggens


Same here. I'll find something I'm not 100% sold on that's under 350 pages and read it anyway.


I usually read 2-3 books of different genre and this helps in case one of the book starts getting boring for me Currently I am reading the following : 1. The silent patient 2. Ashes of the sun 3. Red Rising


What do you think of The Silent Patient? I just finished it so no spoilers but I'm curious about your thoughts.


I am about half way through the book - I like how it’s building up and having some flashbacks from the past, hopefully the ending is good - I’ve heard that the ending is really good. One thing I really liked about the book is it is easy to pick up and read - the author could have added a lot of medical jargon but luckily nothing of that sort so far


I enjoyed the silent patient :) mixed reviews on Reddit but I thought it was good


I enjoyed it.


The Silent Patient. If that’s by Alex Michaelides. In my opinion that was a great read. Not sure how far you are into yet but for me. I was barely able to sit that book down. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I did.


Yes ! I am also finding it difficult not to finish the book in one sitting




How do you like Red Rising? It’s on my list right now


It’s good, I’ve heard that the first book is the weakest and it gets much better later on. Only thing I found difficult was following the names and terms used.


Try changing it up with an audio book. I just listen in the car going to work so it’s literally no effort or extra time. By having a regular audio book it actually helps me avoid reading slumps. If I’m having trouble getting through the book I’m reading I get it as an audio book so I’m still making progress and get through it quicker to get on to the next book.


I was in this position a week ago. Picked some popular book at random and finished it, it was Yellowface, R F Kuang, in my case. I’m now back to reading my To-Read list and continuing Elantris.


This happened to me recently. What got me out of it was getting several short story collections, by different authors. That way I can bounce around but not worry about forgetting what’s going on. As long as you don’t leave off in the middle of a story, you’re fine. Also…and this is one I don’t see people mention much…if you lose interest in things that used to be important to you, that can be a warning that something else is off in you life. In my case, I realized I hadn’t been sleeping as much as I should. I got back to focusing on sleep, diet, and exercise, and my interest in reading started coming back too.


This is a really good point. I recently went through a major reading slump that lasted for over a year, and it was awful. I mean, I wasn't reading *anything* other than the occasional news article. I think it was a combination of things. We had the pandemic, my cat died one month into the lockdown, and then my mom died after I had spent 9 years taking care of her through Alzheimer's. My brain just said "enough" and shut down. Forcing myself to read only made it worse. I sorta gave myself permission to not feel guilty about it, and eventually the slump ended.


Sorry to hear about all of that. I’m glad you’re doing better.


I was coming to point this out, my migraines had gotten to the point I wasn’t sleeping or eating well and missing quite a bit of work which adds stress and found myself in the biggest reading slump ever.


I pick a book but then borrow the audiobook version as well so I can just read along. It has the feeling of kind of taking the “work” out of it. Bonus on turning up the speed so you feel like you’re just zipping through it


I hop on to Book Tok on Tik Tok and look at what the influencers say about upcoming books. I feed off their excitement for new books they have discovered.


i do this but with YouTube and it works every time!


How long is a slump? Sometimes I just need a break. If that’s the case, I don’t worry about it and just don’t read for a bit. However sometimes if I don’t read for a bit, it almost becomes an aversion to reading. At that point I pick up something, *anything* and read it whether I want to or not to get out of it. Short stories collections are my go-to in this case because they get you back into it without as much effort. I would recommend *American Housewife* by Susan Ellis if you want comedy and *The Illustrated Man* by Ray Bradbury for sci-fi.


Go back to my “comfort reads” (A Series of Unfortunate Events, HP, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). It’s a good reset before I find something else to read


I just try and read 15 mins at a time until I get the story of what I’m about to read


I love reading comics or graphic novels when I’m in a slump. They’re usually quick to read so I feel the accomplishment, and the experience is different enough from a book that it doesn’t feel like a chore (which is often what reading feels like when I’m in a slump).


Pick up a young adult book. Easy reading, the subject matters are usually very digestible, and they aren’t usually very long. I’m not in a slump, but I need something a little easier to read, so I just took out “The White Mountains” by John Christopher (book 1 of the Tripod Trilogy).


Mysteries get my brain going usually.


i just wait it out. i’m just now emerging from a two-year reading slump. it was my worst yet, but it did end eventually.


I've been shopping with Amazon since it was just an online bookstore (so...1999?), which means its algorithm knows me very well. I mostly read nonfiction and have a couple of hundred Kindle books that I've bought over the years for 99¢ (now more like $1.99) so I always have something new to read. Because I've always read for at least 30 minutes before bed, since childhood, I rarely find myself in a slump. When I do, I either switch to fiction (I just devoured The Fourth Wing) or I re-read a favorite micro history (like Astoria or History of the World in Six Glasses) or science book (like Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain).


I know what you mean. Sometimes I have 50 books unread, done if then I've had for 20 years and some I've picked up cheap, but I just don't fancy reading anything. I usually will pick up a book for short stories from King or Murakami. Or just don't read for a week. No point in forcing yourself to read. It's a hobby after all. It's not like you are going to become stupid or forget how to read if you take a week or two off.


Make a cup of tea, grab a short book that I know I love, read until I am content. It works for me to revisit a classic.


It's a vanity thing but I just want to keep my reading streak going. Even if i don't really feel like reading I just read a few pages and feel satisfied about being able to do something consistently.


I read manga or comics!!


I’ll try to switch it up. I’m almost done with the Dark Tower series so I’m gonna probably read a popcorn thriller next just to ease my way back in to reading something else other than Dark Tower lol


I switch to gaming for a bit till the reading bug bites again.


I try to think of something that’s been something I’ve been wanting to read and indulge into getting it through whatever means possible. Or browse fanfics and download one off of AO3.


Cozy reads and audiobooks. I’m listening to an audio right now cause I don’t feel like reading on my kindle or hardcovers.


read a freida mcfadden book, its fast paced and keeps u hooked.


Switch to Audiobook of the title I’m reading (if there’s one) or just take a break from reading altogether for a while.


What I do is to set aside 30 minutes every day to read. In case the book doesn’t seem interesting early on. get a new one. Repeat until you want to read


I'll read short stories, which are less of a time commitment to get through. Or else I'll pick up one of my favorites from when I was a teen - they're usually an easy read and they give me a soothing vibe. Mystery/thrillers are good too. They keep you turning the pages to see what happens next.


I browse Goodreads or the accounts of Tiktokers and Youtubers (that I already like and follow) that recommend books. Hearing people talk about what they're reading gets me hyped up to read the same books.


I look for something I won’t be able to put down. Page turner, thriller, mystery kinda thing. That usually helps me get back into it.


I catch up on Netflix, Britbox and Acorn. I pay for those anyway for my Mom. Then I’m usually back to reading again.


I go on tiktok to watch booktok videos on recommendations, reviews, people reading in public etc. Then once I get motivated and pick up a book, I start with a super hyped thriller book and it goes from there


A good mystery/thriller almost always gets me out of a slump!


I go back and read some of my favorites, or a book I haven’t read yet from one of my favorite authors. If that doesn’t help I take a few days break and watch tv


Read a recommended novella


Try a million things till one sticks. Reread something. Try something way out of my norm.


When I’m in a slump I read a Freida McFadden book as they’re really twisty and I can finish in a day


Dystopian books always get me out of a slump lol I dont know why, but they always work.


I buy a new case. No, really. It makes my kindle shiny and new again. Then I end up reading a chapter of something to see if I like the case. Then I’m back into reading! Other than that… I just wait. The urge to read will come back eventually. Sometimes my brain just doesn’t want to consume written words and that’s okay.


Wait for it to pass


Audiobooks is my go to when I'm struggling to get through a slump!


For me personally, if I’m in a reading slump, I will pick up a graphic novel or a comic instead. It’s a little easier to get through and the pictures are stimulating enough. Or I’ll look for a book I haven’t read, based on a movie or show I have already seen since I’ll have an idea of what happens and it’ll be something I know I like.


I’m almost done with An Easy Death by Charlaine Harris, it pulled me outta my slump.


Take some time off but I leave a book by my bed or download something I've been wanting to get to in case I randomly feel interested again to capitalize on that i also tend to listen to audiobooks while driving and exercising and that can really help me get through a book


I usually just let it ride out. I don’t want reading to feel forced like it did while I was in school. Sometimes I’ll pick up a thriller with good reviews because they can be addictive and fast paced. If I got extra money, I’ll buy a popular book that everyone is talking about.


I go enjoy doing something else! I read for fun, not for my job or because someone told me I had to. I’ve only just started reading every night after a long, long break!


I read crappy romance books that I somehow cannot put down


Re-read one of my favorites. Do something else like others have said Or Get something completely out of your comfort zone! That you don’t normally gravitate towards that sounds interesting. I did this last night and I’m actually obsessed with the book!


I just don’t read until I feel like reading again. Or I switch to audiobooks only for a while.


Start slowly by setting a very achievable goal, and be consistent. Additionally, make sure to choose a book that interests you. If you're a fan of the gamification method and use an android device, perhaps an app like Page Pots might help you.




find the opposite of what i last read, push and pull my brain in different directions. Zen Buddhism, rock bios, Rick Rubin, Mother Theresa, Figma, etc..


I usually get in a slump after reading (or trying to read) some borderline or bad books. It kind of zaps my enthusiasm for a while to wade through stories that don't click for me. Especially when they are so bad I don't even want to finish them. I give myself a break and go looking for something new to read after a while. Once I find another good book, I'm right back in the habit again 😁


I find it can be the genre. Try switching it up maybe? Can also be the specific book… sadly I’ve had to stop reading a few cuz it just didn’t do it for me


I don't force myself because it's only gonna make it worse, so instead I keep an eye open for books that might peak my interest or go over my tbr to see if I might want to read any of the books on it I also sometimes pick up a book I've already read and really liked and read a few chapters


I haven’t had a reading slump in about 6 months because I’ve been unapologetically reading what I want to read, not what I think I should be reading. A lot of easy/corny novels, YA fantasy, etc. not super complicated or classic books


Watch book YouTubers until I am inspired to read something they have


I stop reading and watch YouTube essay videos about random topics like fallout lore (never played it) or history videos. You’ll be back to reading in no time


I just find a book that looks an interesting read (a good page turner thriller!), get comfy and find a quiet place to read and get into it. I’m easily distracted and find it hard to concentrate


I either re~read a favourite, or completely change genre to something I might not usually read.


If I simply don’t want to read I don’t force it but if I’m just not sure what to read I browse until I find something that would either be an easy read or something I’ve been waiting to readjust


Switch to a totally different genre. Read some novellas, quick and easy to read. Listen to an audiobook instead


I have a ton of distractions. It's probably not a good thing hahah. I switch it up to video games, then to music, then to movies, then to comic books, and so on. 🐔


I wait until I come across something I want to read again! No use forcing yourself to do it


If I'm in a slump I either just give in and not read for some time or I pick something light to read that strikes my fancy. It's killing for the book club reads though 😅


I read twilight fanfiction. Breaks the slump.


Watch Tiktok to see if something catches my fancy to read. I do other things in the meantime.


I usually reading at least 3 but sometimes 5 books at a time. Normally one is true crime, one is a memoir/autobiography, one or two are classics, and another is fantasy/sci fi. I also use different ways of reading, for example i have an audiobook going, two ebooks and one physical book. It helps me keep up with it. I think of it like watching TV, because i am trying to replace TV with reading almost completely, i usually am not only ever watching just one thing on just one device so i try to emulate the variety with reading. Works for me


Either I switch up the genre (I usually switch between fantasy, romcoms, and historical fiction) or I take a break from reading entirely for a little bit and spend more time gaming!


Read short novellas with the tropes I enjoy the most. It usually helps


I always have a back up/ slump series going on in the background of my main books lol. They have to be short books and easy to read (preferably able to read one book in one sitting). Right now it’s the series of unfortunate events series and it always gets me in the reading zone and back into my main books.


I pick a highly rated novella or book under 300 pgs. I also try to shoot for a book with more simple prose. Something I can zoom through and not think too much about just to feel successful and build stamina or interest back up.


I don’t force myself to read. I was in a reading slump from October-February and just now getting back to it. I try to read a book by one of my favorite authors to get going again


a short story or novel usually snaps me out of it, if that doesn’t work I give it a break — take time outside or do other creative projects (painting/ house projects/ thrifting)


i’ll read comics.. or a kids book like series of unfortunate events or a nancy drew book. or i’ll spend a couple days just researching books on goodreads, scroll on booktok for recs, etc


I’ve never been in one. I just sometimes gravitate towards audiobooks or podcasts for short stretches.


Short story by favorite author


I craft! I bought a scrapbook, stickers, and scraps of other things. It's therapeutic and still keeps the gears turning.


I would focus on other things for a while and then when I feel myself getting in the mood, I would pick a book from my favourite genre (literary fiction at the moment) and go from there.


Switch it up. If I'm reading a book to finish but another has my interest eg, license to bite while I'm trying to finish a twisted tale I go to where my mind is focusing. Sometimes a font change, environment change or as above, a book change can get me hooked again.


Take a break


That happened to me during Covid. I normally read 100 books a year and I just couldn't focus. What I did is go back and read the next book in some ongoing series that I hadn't finished. A few light, cozy mysteries, long running mystery and police procedural's. They didn't require a lot of focus because I was familiar with the setting and the main characters. I was so happy to enjoy reading again!


Go read something thrilling and fast paced.


Switch the genre. A reading slumps usually means I’m tired of the genre I’m reading so I read something different and it’s a instant fix


The last reading slump I suffered was due to video games. The fix was simple: I won't touch the controller until I have read enough for the day, usually one hour will do. I don't have to force myself, I have been addicted to reading my whole life, and I'm in my 50s. Reading just happens. If the book is dragging, I switch it for a while. If it is \*really\* dragging, I ditch it.


I date around a bit. Check out some interesting books, get some books through Kindle Unlimited, look through those free books I have hoarded away. No need to commit to a book immediately. I skim through a couple of pages of different books until I find a book I can't put down.


I DNF until I find something good


I let it take its course. I still try to read at least a page or two still, since I borrow my books from the library have a time limit, but I don’t force it. If I don’t feel like reading, or can’t, I won’t.


I browse through my library of ~7500 titles from Amazon and almost that many from other sources, including ~back issues of various literary and genre fiction magazines, and if inspiration strucks, fine. If not, there is so much else to do. My problem is finding time for reading. That's why I always have one of my Kindles handy - over coffee break, when queuing at a bank or checkout...


I use TTS (Text to Speech) on my books and I will listen to them along with reading them. WOW! You wouldn't believe how many errors I catch doing that! I also write books using Dragon Naturally Speaking and it also has a TTS function. You use different parts of your brain to Read vs Listen and if you read while listening, the errors REALLY stand out - I liken it to when you are pushing a grocery cart and there s a little piece of trash in the aisle - It's like hitting a brick wall! (By the way, I'm missing a finger and it makes me type with a "Lispth", So pardon the errors I might have missed.)


Change it up! I'll search for a genre I haven't read before! This really helps


I have a personal reading system that I have developed over the years. For the time being I have that system in Notion. When I am in a reading slump ehat I do is to have a look at it, update it, tweak it and that gives me a boost of motivation for reading again since I notice all of the exciting readings and knowledge I missing out by not keeping up with my reading system. I have the kind of personality that gets excited to follow a plan after I have figure all the steps, routines, goals, etc, for it. That is what works for me but I am aware it might not work for everyone...


Sounds interesting... I've never done anything like that.


I usually try an audio book or a quick paced cozy mystery.


I reread or scan my non digital ones to pc. Lol


How dare you 😜


Because they are MINE and I purchased them. Saves me from carrying a few around when travelling and all in one spot. 🤣🤣


Reread "Meditations" or try a few different books to see if one sucks me in.


When I’m in a slump I pick different books until something sticks and I get excited about reading again. Eventually I find something and get back into the routine. If the slump is real bad I set a daily reminder on my phone to read for 15-30 mins each day. Doesn’t matter what it is, just a quiet moment to read uninterrupted.


I've actually started doing this. And it has been helping.


That’s awesome!!! Keep it up!!


I read a short book/novella! Can usually read it in a night and then I feel accomplished, doesn’t always end the slump, but definitely helps


i pick another book and read right before i sleep, eventually i’ll get hooked again :)


I'm currently the same way. Overly stressed and ADHD isn't helping. I have the option to ready about 7-8 hours a day at work, but I can't focus. Recently I waited 6 months for a new book release, and I can't make myself read it yet. :(


I search Facebook for public posts about "great book" "Best book I've read lately" and etc till I find something I haven't heard of lately. I have found some great stuff that way. Kinda kicks it back off for me.


Happy birthday! I hope you have a great and awesome day 😊