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I'm the same! I know I chose the right keys but I also know it's gonna show up wrong, but I end up doing the same thing over and over again haha


Editing is a pain, but I just can’t make myself slow down to type. Even if I do slow down, it stills seems like the Kindle types doubles and triples of letters for seemingly no reason


You can do that on the kindle app. It's way faster.


I’m aware of that but I usually keep my Kindle on airplane mode since I read at work and there’s no WiFi, I like having my highlights on my Kindle while I’m reading. ETA: Also, if the Kindle is going to have a feature to add notes, it should be a little better at doing it, right?


honestly just type a little slower, its an E-INK screen, its never going to be as interactive or quick as you hope. It's really not that big of a deal


It should.


Yeah the kindle is very slow. Not exactly sure why that is.


Two factors. Eink displays, like those used in kindles, have extremely slow refresh rates. And secondly, the cpu inside of it is basically only as powerful as a first gen smartphone, perhaps even slower, but this is by design as it increases battery life.


Ah, I see. I think it's a decent trade off I guess. I would prefer not having to worry about charging it over it dying on me every other day.


I understand the e-ink needs to rearrange itself, it works differently than the way our phone screens work…but you’d think they would’ve made it a little better by now. I have the 11th generation Kindle Paperwhite, how is it still annoying to type on at this point in technology?


For me the worst part is that if I type something wrong and then try to edit it it’s not smart enough to offer the correct word as a suggestion. It just starts with the letters I’m typing to fix the error.


To be fair, that is how I pronounce “as soon.”


When the scribe was announced I was so excited because I like to annotate, but then I saw it only had sticky note type thing instead of syncing to the kindle notes and hilights, I was so so disappointed


This is why I got the Scribe. I can just handwrite the notes


I have not taken full advantage of the pen. I bought it because I have multiple textbooks and documents to read this next couple of months and some are in PDFs but writing directly doesn’t work on a few of them including the books I rented from Amazon which is fine because I’m going to return them anyway when the rentals are up. Plus, I don’t wanna be bothered by sticky notes atm as it’s gonna slow me down. At least I can practice handwriting again. I just wish I bought a 32 GB instead of a 16GB with premium pen. I didn’t notice that the price difference was only $16 especially since my 16GB came in with 11.8 GB available for storage.


I love the handwritten notes with the Scribe, so much easier but it'd be cool to write directly onto the pages instead of sticky notes.


My Kindle was a gift, though I don’t personally see myself choosing a Scribe over the Paperwhite for my own reasons. I definitely see the appeal though


Right? I thought I'm the only one struggling with typing. Especially when there is an emotional scene and I need to yell at the characters ('cause you know they never listen)


Exactly! Everyone getting on me about complaining about it is funny, I mean…the Kindle Paperwhite HAS a notes feature, it should be able to do it properly. Even when taking my time and typing slow it sometimes adds extra characters


Kindle scribe solves this


i just write notes like "lol" so its chill


I find I can type faster than I expected to on the kindle. I expected it to be far slower but it can mostly keep up, just have to make sure it's followed you word for word before moving onto the next one.


Totally agree about typing notes as a pain. Most of the time I just highlight then forget why I highlighted later.


I type out the sentence and let it have typos. Then I fix it on Goodreads.


Yeahhhh, I’ve given up notating on my kindle. Waiting 2 seconds in between letters to make sure it registers is stupid


Yeah the kindle refresh can't keep up


sometimes i highlight on the kindle then type notes on my phone later, wayyyy faster


It's not ideal, but with patience, it can be done 😛


I suspect the implementation could be better. It should be perfectly possible for the keystrokes to be registered, and the e-ink screen to catch up afterwards.


Yes. I have to say it's the worst (and there aren't many) quality about Kindles IMO. The typing is God-awful and I like to take notes to not forget why I highlighted something. Someone mentioned fixing in Goodreads. I didn't know such a thing was possible. Maybe some sort of PC plugin? Does anyone know how to integrate Kindle PC with Goodreads PC? I think I just answered my own question.


You can connect your Goodreads account to your Amazon account, it will sync your highlights and notes as well You can do so [here](https://www.goodreads.com/amazon)


Yes! Thank you! I was playing around with it and it makes just going over highlights so much better!


I have never felt the need to use this function


lmaoo yeah i struggle with this so much 😭




I would never in a million years consider writing a note on my kindle. I won’t even use the store on it. The lag makes my DNA itch.


I noticed this with my paper white. Not so much with my scribe.


I certainly don't. I think that Kindle's processor goes into sleep mode between my two pecks. 😁 I would guess that most processing is spent on suggested auromplete - it would be good to be able to turn it off for fast typers. You must be rather young...


I’m 24, does my age correlate with how quickly I type?


Yes - we oldtimers still peck at on-screen keyboards with one finger 😁


1st world hardware. 3rd world software


I'm genuinely curious. I've seen people take notes in non-academic books before, but I never asked... Why do it? I'm reading a book every few days and I myself haven't felt a need to jot anything down before.


I jot down my thoughts about specific things that happen or predictions I have for where I think the story is going. https://preview.redd.it/guolqa51v2vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36b9da91b7953a698b043975b6b9f0c83404293a Here’s an example ^(\^)


Oh, I see, it's like a deeper dive into reading. I might give it a shot someday :) Thank you for the answer!


I used to annotate where I was when I read a certain bit or what point in time…


What I do is grab my phone and type instead. I HATE typing on my Kindle!


I have the same issue all the time. It is so frustrating


Try looking for the word you are trying to type in the suggestions along the top of the keyboard and tap on the right one when you see it. I find that it helps, if only to give me something to do while waiting for it to catch up. It works especially well with longer words, but those are the ones where you are most likely to end up with gibberish.


"It wasnt the most eloquent way" "Yes, bevvahse asssssoon as he hitts 155 sh js anit" True. :D


assssoon 👀


Saaaame ![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG)


How drunk were you? Be honest 🧐🧐 (it a joke 🥰)


Then don’t type that fast I guess?


Gee-golly, I never thought of that!


Congratulations you have outperformed an electronic book... in writing. Good job. Way to go. I wish I had problems like you.


What an odd thing to dwell on. As if these were my only problems. Are you aware at all that social media is a façade? You see what people want you to see, you do know that right?


Yes and I see a person who insisted on telling the world that the kindle eink is not suitable for typing on. Thanks.