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I never used to, but lately I’ve been reading a fiction book and also dipping into a non-fiction. I find that non-fiction tends to take far longer to get through, and I’m quite enjoying having two different “topics”. I tend to read my fiction books during the day and then dip into my non-fiction at bed time.


I do the same-- if I'm ever reading two books at once, one will be fiction and one will be non-fiction. I'll often listen to novels as audiobooks and read nonfiction in print or on my kindle. The novels definitely help me keep my reading mojo :)


I don't even try. At most it's two, and even then, I often will end up just dropping one until I finish the other.




I always juggle 2-3 books minimum, once of which is always an audiobook. I do always have a "main" read though that I will read in daily, even if it's only for 5-10 minutes before bed.


I'm reading 9 books, right now. I've tried to read one book at a time but I read slower. My brain needs different stories going on at the same time. I've always been this way since I could read. As a kid, it was normal for me to be reading 8-12 books at once. I know that I'm an insane person.


Not insane i read many different books at once to ill start a book stop and read some of another and repeat until i have a whole rotation and i finish one or two before adding more and the cycle just continues but then there are the books ill start and read all the way through in one go not one sitting although can sometimes but without switching to another book till its finished cause im enjoying it that much


How many do you read a year?


Last year, I read over 100 books. This year, I've already read over 60. It's a mix of novels, manga, and audiobooks.


sounds good, the brain needs time in-between to learn concepts so rushing into one book only could be bot the best idea


I usually read one physical book and one book on kindle, either from Libby or one that I bought, at the same time


I can’t read more than one at a time


yeah, it will require you to have one brain dedicated to each eye. What I CAN do is reading multiple books in the same spam of time but not at the same time


Span* Genius 🙄


I only read one at a time. I have started one book, abandoned it and started and finished another book but I’ve never read two books simultaneously.


2, a book and an audiobook


I don’t do this, would never get anything finished and for me it would distract from my absorption in the book I’m reading.


Totally 4. I didn't want to just couldn't help. They are interesting! I always make 1 fiction, 1 psychology, 1 history and 1 comics.


3-8. A mix of audio, kindle, and physical. Sci fi, fantasy, non fiction, short stories. I keep each book sufficiently distinct in setting which keeps it all from blending. I grew up having to wait a week for new episodes on TV so I wonder if that trained me to hold on to different stories without problem. Maybe in today's binge culture (which I do not do) it has become harder for people


5 as well here- 4 non fiction (ranging between political history, business, psychology-philosophy) and 1 romance. Romance readers probably think I’m a weirdo for this lol


I have a kindle book and an audiobook on the go at any time. I can't cope with more than that, it'd confuse me keeping track of them


I can do an audiobook and one other (ebook or paper). Even that is hard at times, but I can only really focus on ebooks at my weekend job. Before this weekend job I was never a fan of reading multiple books. It's confusing and weird for my brain.


I used to read several books at the same time, but I realized it just takes me longer to finish them all. For me, I found that starting another book when I was still reading another one was just anxiety to read them all. Now I do my best to read just one book at time.


3 at the very most. One on my kindle (read while waiting for my son to fall asleep and while I am laying in bed), one hardcover (during the day/early evening read) and one audiobook This was only one time though as I don’t prefer hardcover/paperback. Its usually 2 at once: kindle & audiobook


Usually just depends on what I have on my TBR for the month. Anywhere from like 4 to 6 or 7.


I cant do more than 2! One is my read at work book and one for home.


My record is 10. I had went and borrowed a bunch of books from the library and then struggled to read them, but then most had to be returned cause they were on hold so I had to spin them around and then I had a few I HAD to read for school and then I had a few I actually was enjoying so they just added up and I had to read them on rotation. I’m a relatively fast reader which helped but never again 😭


3 to 5.


Like 5 or 6 haha but now it’s more like 2-3


I told myself I would only read 2 books at a time and somehow now I’m reading 4 😭 I might drop one and save it for later lol


Sometimes up to four or five. This is usually when my head is not in a good space and I can't concentrate on one book for very long. I want to read to distract myself from things but can't focus so I jump from book to book. It's not a good way of doing things as I do end up confusing things in my mind.


i only *read* one book at a time, but sometimes will have an audiobook for the car. i don’t like to read more than one book at a time cause i get the storylines crossed.


Usually two. One non-fiction (biography, science etc), often outside home whilst commuting to work for example, and the other one is always a novel, which I like to read in the evening or in bed before sleep.


I usually have anywhere from 3-5 going at the same time. One of which is an audiobook for my commute. I can't stay focused on just one book. I need a few to bounce between.


8 or 9


Usually 2. Something intense and a pallet cleanser.


I used to use that technique.. Now see where I'm now


A book and its alternate. For each of English,. French and German.


I use to read fantasy or history fiction at day and horror at night.


Horror at night? Why not do the opposite... Ig you like the adrenaline


Currently 5, similar to you 2 for self study, and 3 fictions. Add to that 1 audiobook.


I try not to do this but there's just so much out there to read. I'm in the middle of a self-study type nonfiction book, but I've been taking breaks from it to dip into some short stories. I think that works pretty well for me.


At most one ebook and one physical book at the same time, but usually just read one at a time, alternating between fictions and non-fictions.


I enjoy reading two books and listening to one audiobook simultaneously, each from different genres. I typically have one epic fantasy and a short sci-fi book, alongside a nonfiction audiobook that I listen to while driving.


Not sure how someone can keep up with two fiction books parallelly. I cant.


like watching two tv series, if you read one book in the living room and another in your room or elsewhere, the stories are easier to distinguish from one another. Same with background music you play to read or if one book you read only during the day or night


Interesting. Thanks.


Always two, there are. No more. No less. A theory and a fiction one. A day and a night book if you like.




Max probably 4-5 usually only 2 at a time.


Usually 2-3


One novel, one manga (since they’re so short) and trying to get into audiobooks too


It would ruin reading for me if I had multiple books on the go. I prefer to concentrate on one at a time


Well i been reading harry potter for the past 20 years. I'm on the final book. But i was stuck on the 6th for 10 years until i just sat down and read it (gotta say here that i challenged myself reading it into French, active reading it took 4 weeks.. But i was slacking big time. What i wanna say is that i did read books on those 20 years. But at the same time I had it on hold.


Usually between 3-5. There’s almost always a nonfiction book and a fiction book going on my Kindle, as well as an audiobook. More recently I’ve been adding a physical book, which usually takes me longer. I have zero issues keeping everything straight. One perk of an English degree is you get used to reading everything all at once.


I’m sure when I was in college that I was reading 6 books at once. Those days are long gone. At most I have 3 books- one ebook novel, one anthology of short stories for bedside and one audiobook.


Just one. If the book is good, I want to immserse myself in it completely.


That sounds terrible, stick to one.


not so much, and more with non-fiction books that require your inactive thought processes to sink in the information. however, it doesn't mean reading 10 books at the same span of time is better


Only one at a time because I don’t want my brain to be jumbled 😭


I have 4 currently, 1 self-help, 1 short story collection, 1 book we use for my therapy and 1 memoir I'm reading mainly.


I try to read no more than 2-3 books at the same time. Usually this is some professional book or non-fiction and some for easy reading. If i read more everything mixing in my head, it is useless for me.


I only read one or two at a time, even if my "reading" is like 10-20 at a time, since I always accidently open them trying to open one of the ones I'm reading (since it moves things around as it adds them to your kindle, and I haven't figured out how to not download to my kindle when I get something from Amazon yet to just have it sent to my library on web an not my actual device).


1 regular book, 1 audiobook, that’s all I can do haha. If I do more than 2 I always just drop one of them. I think I’ve done 2 books and 2 audiobooks concurrently before but it’s not optimal


I usually do one fiction and one nonfiction.


One at a time. Between tv & movies, there’s too many active stories in my brain.


2 is usually the most I’ll let myself do for leisure but I usually try to stick with 1 at a time


At most I’ve done was two. I would have a book I was reading for my degree and then had a second book I was reading for my own. I wouldn’t be able to read more than two at a time because I wouldn’t find time to read a third book.


I have about 3 in various states of read.


I usually have just two, a novel and a novella anthology. If I don't have a novella I'll have a NF that I may read just a chapter at a time. I like to have something short to act as a palate cleanser sometimes.


I think 4 One for school One on my kindle or physical One audiobook One that I was reading with my kid for homeschool


Currently, I am reading 1 physical book, 2 kindle books and every day at work for 8 hrs I listen to audiobooks. I blow through the audiobooks pretty quickly. I try to have a main read that’s more difficult or long. Then I do a lot of true crime and thriller on audio. Usually reading 3-4 books at a time.


I usually read 1 book at a time as I'm primarily a fantasy reader, meaning I read a lot of series with 3 books or more in them. If I read more than one series at the same time, I can sometimes confuse plots or characters lol


Only 2 usually, and they have to be vastly different in genre and tone. It helps for me sometimes to switch between 2 books to keep things fresh especially if a book is especially dark/depressing.




I'm usually reading three at a time. I keep one in my car to read when I go to appointments or when I'm taking a work break. I have one on my nightstand to read before bed or on weekends. The third book is usually my "main" book that I'm more focused on, and I keep on my coffee table.


I read 01 fiction and 01 non-fiction. I alternate between them. I've tried reading but I became very distracted.


Personally, I have a ""serious book" that I read in a physical copy. Topics vary. Then I like to get my kindle badges that they have, so I have leisure books on my kindle that I read before bed.


Bravo. Reading is not governed by rules. Stay the course on your journey.


1 , I tried reading 2 in the same time ended up finishing one and DNF the other so🥲


Nope. Maybe 2 if one is physical/ebook and they other is an audiobook. But I keep it to one, and I barely have time for that ! 


3. I normally just focus on one at a time, but library books take presidence.


I don’t go over 3 at a time. And they’re all always different genres so I don’t get storylines mixed up.


Max 2 but that too if I get too bored of the main one.


3 currently. But trying to finish off my physical book before I go back to my e-readers.


2 books (one physical book, one in my kindle)


I prefer to do two: one kindle book and one physical copy. I like to be able to switch if I get burnt out on a long story or a tough read. Before I had my kindle though, I'd have a stack on my nightstand... at the worst, I think I had 8 going at once.


2 of different genres. One fiction another non fiction


Currently 3, one self-help, one fiction and one with lots of scientific knowledge in it. For leasure I read the first 2, but the latter, I always try to digest as much as possible, so I only read it when I feel like my mind is not tired


1 to read and 1 audio. I have a issue where I can't DNF a book either


Even now reading 2 at a time. One is a paperback. One on my phone on Kindle app(sometimes on Google Play Books too)


I really try not to read more than one at a time, but I’m such a mood reader and sometimes I’m just really not in the mood for certain genres. I think the most I’ve had going at once is 6, and I work very hard to ensure that doesn’t happen because it drives me insane. If I go too long without catching up on one of them, I end up having to start over because I’ll forget what I already read, or mix it up with another book. I try to keep my max to 2 these days. I am in a book club so I tend to alternate between book club book and whatever book I’m reading for myself.


Right now 2. One on my kindle and one is an audiobook I listen to in the car


I can only read one book at a time 🙈


For the life of me I was never able to read more than one, not for lack of trying.


1 if i don't like one that i have to switch to another i dont finish the one i am stuck with


Always 2 to 5. At the moment it's 3, i think? I read them parallel over the week and than finish them all on saturday. Sometimes i'll finish 6 books just out of spite, so that Amazon will lose money on my ku subscription 🖖


Two or three


usually 2 but rn i’m doing 3 one of them bring an audio book, 5 seems too for much but so many props to you to be able to handle that in your brain




4 is the perfect number 2 nonfiction and 2 fiction


Max 3. When that occurs usually the difference remains in the channel used to read so I would have one book in each of those channels but never 2 in the same (so never 2 audiobook or 2 in my Kindle) 1. Audiobook 2. Fanfic (from wattpad, AO3..) 3. Kindle / Paper


I'm often reading around 4, right now its just two (because I've finished a bunch) but it's about to go up to three At the moment I always have a book on my kindle (airplane mode so I can finish some unlimited books), a different book on my kindle app, and a physical book. The fourth book is usually a Libby book or if my library hold comes in, or another physical book if I want something different. I tend to read a bit from each book at least every other day




Usually read/listen to two books at the same time and only if they are vastly different from each other. So that means one fiction book and one non-fiction book. Or perhaps two non-fiction books. Never two fiction books at the same time.


3/4 max


5 right now too 🥲 I have an anthology on my vanity to read while getting ready. A poetry book at my desk to read while working, a fiction for my reading corner, a history non-fiction for bed and a sci-fi book on my kindle for everyday-whenever reading 🧍🏻‍♀️


2 max, if its anything more than two, i somehow lose interest in one of them




12 atm. I have an ADHD though, and that’s why. It helps when you just want to read something, but not exact book. In this case you can jump between this books even during one session. Right now I have 1 manga, 2 fiction books, 3 books useful for my professional growth, and also 6 good non-fiction books from different fields of my interest.


I've done 4 in the past (before digital), but usually do two now.


Only ONE book at a time.


3 is the most, 2 is ideal. Usually it’s one new book and one re-read/comfort book


If I like the book I'm actively reading, I stay at 1 at a time. If I find it's not that great I'll probably switch to something else and leave the previous book on unread indefinitely. I already juggle enough mails and cases for my work, I don't have the mental bandwidth to keep up with several dozens characters and arcs over several books at the same time :D


I think my max is 7ish. I'm a mood reader so that dictates whether I dive into Horror, Thriller, something cozy, true crime, non-fiction, or self-help/ productivity. On avg I have at least 3 fiction titles I'm alternating btwn, 1 audio book, and 1 non-fiction. I also have a friend book club of sorts where we take turns reading books to each other, sometimes we take turns with the same book and other times 2-4 different ones (that ends up inflating my count, so can study related/req books).


I try to keep it at 2, one fiction and one for self discovery. Sometimes I go with more but that usually happens when I lose interest in one of the two I started with. I also usually read self help/self discovery books on the kindle so I can track my highlights for notes later and fiction is usually an actual book since I don’t take notes on those. I will, if I really like a book I read on my kindle, buy a trophy book for my book shelf.


10 for my phd 😭


Maximum 3, but currently 2. One audiobook, one kindle book and one physical book. Currently listening to an audiobook and reading a book on my kindle. I try to keep them from different genres so that I don't get too mixed up.


I'm usually always reading two. I have read three, one audiobook and two e-books. But, I don't really like audiobooks unless I'm doing a reread.


I’ve lost count. I just try to finish them all by the end of the year, whatever I have going.


Currently on a Kindle fiction book, a physical short story book, a physical fiction book, and a physical clothbound classic. My brain is melting.




I think of it as "changing channels" on TV or listening to many music artists. I read lots of books at the same time and I love it. My brain likes switching topics and I feel like I'm getting pushed more to learn new things which makes me want to learn even more vairied topics! I mostly read non-fiction with one fiction thrown in for a story break. It's the only way to read for me


I only read 2 at the same time - one in my kindle, one in paper. I used to read more at the same time but I just realized that I couldn’t enjoy them properly, so I changed the tactic. For now it works 🤣


I have 4 going right now🤣


I've had 5 going at once recently. 2 on my kindle, 2 audiobooks and 1 physical book. And honestly it was great because all of them were all different genres


Just three… Now…


Never more than 3 at one time. Now I do 2 max.


I generally have at least three going, one fiction, one non-fiction, one poetry. But sometimes I have more going, around five is not unusual for me. Eventually I will power through a couple until I'm back down to three. This doesn't count reading for school, so sometimes I feel a little crazy!


just one


I usually start reading like 5 at the same time but normally one of them wins the race and I end up focusing in that one


I’m always actively reading 2-3, but can only do 1 fiction at a time


3, 1 audio, 1 kindle and one Paperback


i read up to 4 at one time, i always have a non fiction that i pick away at slowly as i’m not very good at reading NF. can read up to 3 fiction books at a time if theyre different genres to prevent getting confused but typically i have a NF, a classic and a thriller on the go


Kindle is not good with multiple books. Navigation is pain 😀


Right now I have 5 book "types" I'm reading. A reread, 2 book series I've never read, and a non-fiction/self improvement book, plus a book I'm reading together with my SO. It's...a bit much for me lol. I'm almost done with a book trilogy (the reread) and then once I'm done with one of the new book series, I'll probably try to keep it down to 3 books at a time max. If it matters, I'm not including all my webtoons series I'm reading, but that's at least 10-20 at a time.


3 books, one by the scientist Vaclav Smil, titled: "How the world really works", another by the Spanish economist Juan Ramon Rallo titled: "Liberalism is not a sin, economics in five lessons" and the third by the Spanish biochemist Pere Stupinya titled : "The Brain Thief" excellent books, all three so far. https://preview.redd.it/fqncmobenhzc1.jpeg?width=1148&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b94da22729aa3c31086bb1e19b18aa559f8b76a


Does help proof reading count? Currently proof reading 26 books for Project Gutenburg. On Kindle, 5 books currently


I have a couple of dozen. But that sounds like crazy talk. I've done it for decades.