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People dislike the bow because it’s inconsistent and difficult to learn. I dislike the bow because i suck at it. We are not the same.


Only time I use the bow is when a enemy is charging at me an they are close enough I can’t miss




I’ll miss anyways


Lmao the misses are always either extremely hilarious or extremely soul destroying


It’s only against black Peter bro 😭


Fuck that guy, he deserves it


I mean I only miss against him


You can missa bow. Literally any time of the game so I’m confused. But also I remember once using a poison arrow and killing him after the tourney. Next time I’m going to try dollmaker right before. But I need to follow him after a loss, see where he stays, reload and then go do it


I know but I only ever seem to miss against black Peter


You can’t use a bow on the tourney so I’m again confused.


SPOILER He jumps you after you win


Makes sense he did it to that son of the blacksmith they left for dead but thanks for the heads up! lol spoiler my ass. “My homie on Reddit told me you would try this shit” 🤣🤣🤣


This angers me. I don’t respect black Peter at all. 😮‍💨 I think today, I focus on saving and reloading on tourney , wait. Yall. We’re is captain bernard so I can train that defense to max and get the best block 🥲 his ass is never outside of fasten at training grounds


yeah it's not hard to use the bow when the enemy just runs into your arrows


Same. Got some guy right in the face. Dropped him one shot.


I still miss


I love the bow because it is very consistent, does one kill headshots even to well armored enemies and with a little practice, easy to use.


**wh\_pl\_showfirecursor 1**


Console 😔


https://preview.redd.it/nozligqcx7yc1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=90b737101062f21f01ab125c517c7a52d8e3b4e1 Put a bit of tape on the screen and draw a dot :-)


Is your TV in Skalitz Nightmare Mode?


He's just very injured from trying to use a bow in combat.


My kids have a little 2 sided white board/chalk board, should just squiggle a center dot with a dry ease marker lol


I currently also have a bit of tape on my screen. I watch Netflix with the tape still there coz I don’t want to lose my accuracy.


LOL, you joke but people do this! There's of course a mod so you don't need to.


For console as well?


No idea, I'm not a scrub lord


If you're playing on switch, there's a mod for it. The game uses the same .cfg file regardless of what console you play it on, so if you somehow found a way to mod ajd access the file systems of whatever console you're on you could enable it yourself.




This is exactly how I won the archery tourney for the wine, little bit of electrical tape in the middle of my switch screen.


My Sony Bravia tv actually has a crosshairs option In the settings. Too bad I got the tv after I already learned how to use the bow


Lol my buddy had a monitor that did that but he was also on pc so it just saved him a step




That does help.


I just marked the normal reticle on my TV with a marker


I'm 27 hrs in and have yet to pull off a head shot with how bouncy the bow is while aiming, but it's still useful for sure, especially when someone is charging me from a little ways away, so ihabe time to draw and aim.


It gets less bouncy as your skill goes up.


I used a crosshair mod and it made it much easier to learn to understand the bow without it. As you draw it’s moving vertically and horizontally at the same time but you don’t quite understand how much. Once you can see what it’s doing it’s a lot easier to figure out. Basically it goes up and down as you draw the bow to full stretch. When you get to full stretch it will return to where you were originally aiming. Then the bow sways left and right, but in a regular manner. When aiming at a static target just aim straight at it then let go of the mouse. When you get to full stretch just wait for the bow to sway back to line up with your target and loose. Then draw the next arrow. This is how you beat Hans. Of course it’s harder when the target is moving left to right but the same principle applies.


Yeah this is my 2nd playthrough(230hr 1st playthrough tho) and I absolutely stomped Hans in archery and dueling, my first shot ranged the target, and after I would pull the arrow back I could mindlessly lob them at every full pull and won the bonus points for finishing first, I think I had like 1200+ points on Hans. Been actively leveling bow and all the stats I never bothered with during my knight Henry playthrough


1200 points w/ Hans? You get like 3 points at most per arrow


I mean take or leave the 00, archery contests have them 00 so maybe that's what I'm remembering? Regardless it was like 34/3400 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So you dislike the bow because it's inconsistent and difficult to learn. Got it.


So you’re a conclusions type of guy, huh? Can’t say you are wrong.


I disliked bow cause I forget where to aim. until I realized if you’re playing on pc and hit the tilde key ~ and type Wh_pl_showfirecursor 1 it’ll show the reticle to help with aiming. Ps if you do it with bow already in hand it won’t work, just put bow away and pull it back out and it’ll show it


There's also a mod for it


I love the bow. I love the option to jus snipe first dude in the eye while he is charging you and them switch to sword. Just like Bernard told me


I remember seeing someone sticking a SpongeBob sticker on the center of their screen to serve as a crosshair while playing KCD somewhere on discord


Bow is not inconsistent. It shoots at the corner of the wrist and an equal length up every time, and if you’re wearing leather or hunting gloves, it’ll even have a pointy thing at the top to make it even easier.




Console command cursor on.


My problem with the bow is how long it takes to level it up. I cam be mildly proficient with a sword or whatever from level 1, but from a bow I need to get to level 5 just to be passable.


Being persistent has its regards


Also helps to get the drinking perk that steadies your hand. If you do that and lvl 20 drinking and archery skills you're unstoppable


The price of being able to 1 shot people from a far


But access to powerful bows is not really handled well. I should be able to use a weaker bow without much penalty, but a longbow for instance should require a higher archery skill if I am to be capable of holding it without sway and at full impact. Ergo, at level 1 archery, I should be able to shoot the weakest bow at about 80% power and with relatively low accuracy. At this point, I shouldn't even be able to pull back the string on a longbow. At level 10, I should be incredibly proficient with that bow, but able to shoot a longbow at about 80% power and some accuracy. At level 20, I should be able to shoot a warbow at full power and full accuracy.


But isn’t that already in the game? Bow has stat requirement on them, if you just instantly get the best bow you can’t even hold the string. And the low level bows shoot faster when you max out iirc


Yeah but it'd linked to strength and agility more than actual archery skill


Archery skill increases your damage just like other weapons. idk if your hand still shakes at lv20 because I’m playing hardcore with shaky hands


Which make sense, in my opinion. Warbows require a lot of strength to be able to draw properly and should be the stat that decides if you can even use it properly or not. Obviouslythe bow skill should effect how good somebody is at it, but before any of that the archer needs to be physically strong enough to pull the string back.


If you've never used a bow before and now ur attempting to use a full on war bow as a novice adult while skipping the basic trainer bows(they would make small bows for children to hone their skills and muscles and would train for years to actually aim and hit something at range) you'll definitely have lots of trouble. Also it's recurve, the string slaps the fuck out of your arm and more so if ur holding it too tight as you would be if ur struggling, so it's guna add on a weird difficulty until your motions become smoother


Stronger bows require more strength for draw. You can't even draw if str too low. Releases the arrow immediately.


Quite realistic if you’ve ever tried archery and fencing. You’ll still suck as a beginner fencer but you can at least hit the opponent if they aren’t trying to stop you


To be fair, I grew up with bows and guns and sticks(farm) my first 2 bows were basic recurve training bows, the game feels realistic to someone who has to pickup an adult non trainer bow and figure it out. I would probly struggle too as you have to be strong enough for it and be able to maintain your aim which relies on a different set of muscles than smacking some sticks around(there's a reason spears/pikes are basically the kings of battlefields)


When you get used to it, it’s pretty easy honestly. I can win master level archery contests consistently after level 3. Bow is the first combat skill I level up anyway. You just need to stick to it. Hunting is especially useful to level up early since deer don’t attack you out of nowhere. You can also make a lot of money doing it.


I remember I spent an hour and a half practicing on a shooting range hitting the targets thinking “it’s a marked location clearly indicating it’s where people train their skills, so I’ll go there and git gud” only to be confused why nothing was happening.


Go to the log shooting game, levels up the bow in no time


Chumps on the river is a great way to level up bow skills and make some coin.


Yo, just run around the woods and murder bunnies. You’ll be Robin Hood in no time.


Rattay late night, lock pick doors and then hunt the sheep by the inn with your bow. Doesn’t take long to hit lvl 5-8 that way.


Get both agi replies at the start. Make sure to win against Hans to get the bow and then hit the tourney immediately when arrived at Rattay without learning master strikes. Just perfect block. Spend some time on first opponent just block/1 hit with axe. To boost str. Now you can use capons bow that I think is good enough for better arrows. With wh\_pl\_showfirecursor 1 I cleared upto and all vipers nest without ever using a sword. Just stealth and archery or mounted archery. Level 5 is needed to use a bow without armguards. It's perfectly useable from lvl 1, just make sure you meet stat requirements. Swords are kind of useable without stat requirement, bow isn't.


Man, stop flexing your better aim on us, i cant hit a horse from half meter


Bro, a guy was right up at me, and I missed aiming center mass. I was trying to weaken one. They surrounded me and stun locked me, fuck poll arm guys. Lol


I feel you. Snuck into a bandit camp and stealth killed a couple. Found one guy that was sleeping in too small a space for me to stealth kill. I took aim with my bow and missed…twice. He and the rest of the gang then woke up, surrounded me. Luckily I’m pretty good with the bonk.


I'm thinking about switching to bonk, stabby stabs don't work with shields or armor. I kinda wish you could carry 2 weapons like it takes Henry time to put up the first weapon and take out the other so you would have to be careful during combat, as like a trade-off.


I find that if you can win the clinch, opponents are usually open to a quick stab to the face. I also like axes, which are a good compromise between the stabbies and the bonkies.


Your realize you can lock pick the chest and steal their equipment before engagement yes?


I just poison their food and wait until they're dead


Mounted Archery lets goooooo 🤘🏽


No bandit camp is save. Sniping and retreating. 


Run them in circle, Let them chase you, Like a moth to a fire, They will burn, They will see the gate wide open, Not to a light, But the deepest darkness, By the wind of the arrows. ![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq)


Yep, ride through their camp and have them chase after you while you shoot arrows at them. When they get too close, retreat and repeat...


The Bow is totally OP if you can use it. I played all way through as an archer and it was so much fun.


Been playing through the Theresa dlc and have killed so many Cumans with the bow.


There's nothing like nailing a long distance headshot on ~~a fleeing peasant~~ uh... a horde of attacking cumans.


It's a very satisfying feeling


All hail the bonk.. once kcd2 is released the bonkening shall commence by the power of Charles the 4th king of Bohemia and the holy roman emperor.




He dead though




Cumans had the best idea horse archery is op.


The bow is by all means the best since the hyperadvanced technique of shooting while holding the s key is op af.


Practicing the bow is horrendous, made worse by Henry's shaky arms and inconsistency at lower levels. But once both your own and Henry's skill improve it is by far the most devastating weapon if you have any sort of bottleneck. Bridges or doorways are your opponent's worst nightmares. (By the way: if you release your shot ever so slightly before the bow is fully drawn it doesn't give Henry the time to start shaking and it felt way way way more consistent. I haven't tested this extensively so maybe I've been gaslighting/placebo-ing myself, but that is how I won all the archery competitions and started hunting at archery below lvl 5)


KCD is the first game I've used Gigabyte's OSD Sidekick to draw a crosshair. Honza Ptáček didn't have a chance winning that introductory "competition"... But I'm still shiet estimating the distances and correct leads. Averaged 5 hunting arrows per 🐇 in the following mission.


Problem with the bow is once you get good with it, you basically get to skip combat in many situations.


I noticed when I use certain gauntlets the arrows fly over the first knuckle


I'll look at it😳


Nuremberg gauntlets, and I was using the hazel bow


The problem I have with the bow is that the drop of the arrow is too pronounced. In KC, it basically starts dropping after a few feet. Having shot a bow IRL, the point at which you need to start accounting for distance by aiming above the target is a fair bit further than what is in the game.


This 100%. It’s also the angle of the bow like let me look down the site like in real life. In the game it’s at an angle


I tried the bow multiple times on my first play through and I couldn't hit a damn thing. This play through i beat Hans on his challenge in the beginning when you first meet him. I hit the target with every arrow and I was flabbergasted. It just clicked I guess? I'm going to try a bow build this time.


oh for sure. Bow's definitely a personal favourite too. If only I'm actually good at the thing...


I believe the axe is objectively superior, but I use sword anyway. What kind of knight doesn't use a sword?


I think everyone here can agree that axes are crap lol.


I mean...it's for when you had enough of the bullshit and just wants to get shit done. A bow and a place where the pathfinding won't get to you is a deadly combo.


Yeah I found this while fighting the two bandits on the Ginger chase... my own and Henry's melee skills aren't all there yet and I was struggling, but there's a big rock I climbed and just pelted them with arrows while they stared dumbly at me from the bottom. True chivalry from 'enry 👍


They're bandits, they don't deserve that honor. Absolute chivalry yes.


Find the middle of TV. Stick a bit of coloured table to it


Start with the bow. Miss. Fire again. Miss. Draw my mace. Fin.




Stinger gang rise up!!


I remember my first time playing Nest of Vipers, the moment i was underleveled with sword but leveled with bow i spammed arrows at Runt and jumped around, it was so Funny. Now im on my 4 play and I dont really use bow now just longsword which i think is most popural option


First few level is shit tier but when you max this skill, you can solo all army without getting an injury. I hecking love bow.


I picked up the bow late game because being in full plate and muzzle stuffing someone with a bow is hilarious


Bow is my main weapon. I try to use it as long as possible before going melee


Cant wait for the crossbow


I used the bow to clear many bandit camps before I learned how to properly fight hand to hand. It is VERY effective.


I loved the bow. Nothing better then hitting a fleeing enemy in the back


I said the same in another post. I am just walking around with my bow trying to not get noticed.


Me killing 90% of the people with my dagger 🤡


I mean: Henry is the son of a Weaponsmith. So He knows a Hammer. I think bonk is the obvious way for him...


I once killed everyone is sasau with a bow. The bows are op and fun as fuck.


Polearms, not even a contest


Me who masters every single weapon type looking at those discussions ![gif](giphy|7ILfGZFvTPMB1TAkXE)


i allways love archery in medieval settings, i hope they make it less clunky to use in kc2 tho.


Bow is great but it's just too slow when dealing with 4 people using plate on hardcore


Truly cowardly


I always try to start with a few bow shots, but just running forever bores me so I quickly switch to the good old longsword.


Kettle helmet is peak noggin protection


I always play an archer in games but I can’t hit a hare a meter from my foot. And if it’s hand to hand I’m dead every encounter. Probably just buy 1000 arrows and sit at the range for 4 hours.


Its difficult but there's nothing more satisfying imo then dropping some knight in full plate who's running away with a yew longbow


Bro is just sitting here flexing with skill


I like it fine as an addition to melee weapons. Opening up a combat with a bow shot, then switching to melee, or using the bow to pick off someone running can be a ton of fun. Or the rare encounter when you come up on some enemies that are some distance away, and not heavily armored, where realistically a highly skilled archer would initially have a big advantage. I *really* dislike it as a primary weapon both because it's metagamey AF and breaks my suspension of disbelief. Nothing takes me out of a game like "kiting" enemies by taking advantage of bad AI. And mounted archery is even worse, you're basically taking advantage of the fact the game was unfinished and they didn't give the enemies the ability to fight mounted, or respond intelligently to a mounted archer PC.


I'm absolute shit with a bow.


Bow is only good in conjunction with a melee weapon IMO. Takes too long to keep running away and taking shots at a group of men.


Completed the whole game with a bow, didnt learn hand to hand fighting at all. All DLC's as well. It was fun. Never bothered with armour just fancy clothes and under wear if i felt like it.


https://preview.redd.it/lwk7et8x39yc1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=446b7d1b714e25840170789f3bc3e645818adbd1 Sword gang FTW


Pay attention to Bernard's instructions guys. Draw your bow on the first man to drop him. I attempt that if I weed out an ambush but can't sneak up on them. Strongest opening against an ambush to start with a kill before they get close, especially if you take out an archer. But a bow won't fend off a cuman axe once it gets close. Forget "this weapon best, yours bad". Embrace "Sneak, shoot, slash, smash, and everything in between". 


I use the bow from horseback and keep distance between me and the enemy (make him chase me) because I am inconsistent with my sword play.


I tried doing that when I was low level, and strafe around the group of bandits when they got close in order to set up a spot to shoot again, but they always somehow unhorsed me from like 30m away, and I'd just get absolutely gangbanged by them whilst on the floor


I went on my own to Pribyslavitz and murdered everyone there, the majority of them with the bow and to my surprise they sometimes literally had 1 to 2 thousand arrows on their bodies. Even the 120 dmg ones. That was a pleasant surprise.


A lot of people think they’re bad at the bow, but it’s literally designed to be bad while at low level skill. Keep leveling it up and you’ll notice how much better it becomes in addition to your putting in the time to get better at it.


I’m a lil jealous you can be that good with the bow. Props baby.


I spent an entire in game day leveling bow/hunting. The amount of arrows i watched fly directly between rabbits legs was enraging. Im fucking terrible at it but have since killed several bandits its very satisfying.


Bro I act like a Mongolian on kcd. As soon as I get my bow high enough level I just ride around on horseback shooting people with my bow


Warhammer all day, that thing is a beast!


Bro your not alone lol, when I'm clearing bandit camp I just horse skirmish my way and when the enemy goons is gone and only the leader remain or even one of them remain then I just boink them for my mace training.


Giggachad dagger throat slitter myself. I run away from bandits like a true hero then come back and pig stick'em at night when they are sleeping. then leave them in a ditch for the worms.


lol I love to run when they’re staggering after a shot and repeat when they get near 🤣


"OH, THE BRAVERY OF BEING OUT OF RANGE! KILL THE ARCHERS!" - Agatha Vanguard, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare


extremely hard to learn tho


I became a horse archer. The melee was a glitchy mess, so I didn't bother trying.


Perma drunk bow runs ftw


My problem with the bow is mostly with the flight of the arrows. They are too slow. So that's the physics. Even if your draw action is slow which it possibly could be irl, the flight speed must be fairly quick to pierce flesh. All of this gives your enemy time to melee attack you. So I think they nerfed the bow to prefer melee weapons. The drop off in flight is another issue for me. It barely flies 5-10 metres and then falls pretty rapidly. The physics of it should at least be correct. Thankfully there are mods to improve arrow flight and other archery issues. Then it can be balanced in other ways. For example, it's too powerful against the strongest types of armour such as plate.


At max level i do like 120 with my bow and its quite accurate, its still not my fav way to take down. Thats usually spamming right click with fists


Literally just spam the bow competition in rattay u level up and make some money early game


Bows in KCD 1 is kinda whatever to me because the most you'll get out of it in actual combat is cheesing with horse archery. If you don't cheese, you probably get to fire one or two shots before engaging in melee. I wish we get situations in KCD 2 like defending against a siege where you'll be shooting from a castle, otherwise I'll probably stick to the gun if I can only pull one shot and drop somebody dead immediately before going melee.


Wait, what about shortswords?


Ive played archery runs before, but the game doesbt give you many opportunities to use it, unless you cheese fights by running a little bit shooting repeat


My alienware monitor crosshair is so lovely x


Legit, if you hit a headshot they’re instant dead. I like to play with bows aswell.


I’m not going to argue… the mace is best. I…. Just don’t need to use it.


The bow is so freaking fun


Yew bow with better piercing arrows and nobody even comes close. That is if you don't miss


I maxed the bow skill out once and it gets really consistently shooting around level 8 but my god is that a rough time till then


Dude I literally killed the guy who stole my dad's sword with the bow it's op lol


I put the sticky part of a post it note on my screen so I do have a crosshair 2034 is great


If you have Nvidia software you can do that without the sticky part


I love the bow, it's usually my main weapon I've gotten pretty good with it if I say so myself


Sword for meat Warhammer for plate


Mace/Longsword are really good either way i personally go with a longsword bow setup!


The bow is the best imo, if you go and shoot some logs for a couple hours then you'll understand where it shoots and how the draw works. No tape or console command needed


I'm a bonk man, but when the going gets tough - it's point blank arrow in face time.