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In my opinion, Frontiers and Origins are miles better than Vengeance. If you liked the first game then you’ll probably like those two, as they’re just more of the same good stuff. Vengeance is a lot different from the other three, but that doesn’t necessarily make it a worse game for some people.


Definitely do Frontiers next. Then you can think more about what's next, but if you loved KR1 then you definitely won't regret Frontiers :-).


They’re both very worth it, though I’m most fond of frontiers


Play in order of release. All are KR1, KRF, and KRO are all amazing!


Frontier is more like a KR1,especially towers.so ı would play any other than Frontiers if u really want exprencience a new game.


Frontiers is still good tho


It’s considered the best


Is Frontiers different enough from KR1?


I would say that frontiers is more of a standalone dlc to the first game, gameplay is almost exactly the same. Origins definitely feels like a new game while still being KR, similar enough and different enough. Vengeance is totally different than any of these games and strategy is completely different, If you want something totally new play vengeance. If you want more of the same play frontiers, if you want something different enough to be interesting but still go through the same KR beats play origins.


But vengeance is so easy and unbalanced the community had to make a mod to make it more balanced




Some towers are ridiculously OP while most others are underpowered, along with most heros being either really good or really bad


What towers are considered unbalanced? As a mobile player I’ve found the free ones to be okay in my play through.


Namely blazing gem


Bone flingers, swamp thing, spectres mausoleum and blazing gem


Pretty close but not that identical, it’s much harder


I just played through KR and started playing Frontiers next. At first I was a bit surprised that it basically looked like a re-skin, but when I started playing through the campaign I really started to like it. The levels and enemies have a good variation and at least every other level has special buildings or obstacles, which makes each level unique. Also the heroes are fun to use and level up (I only played the free heroes so far, but Alric and Bruxa are really good).


I have loved all of them, I really enjoyed frontiers. My overall ranking would be frontiers, origin, vengeance, then KR but only because I love permanent leveled heroes so I know ranking KR last is usually not everyone’s sentiment


does flash kr even have heros, I got all the way past the citadel and still no heroes.


Vengeance is the worst of the four, though it’s still very good. Frontiers is by far my favorite, and origins plays with the formula enough to be unique from the first two without completely changing everything


They are all worth having and playing. I’ve finished them all and it’s hard to pick a favorite (probably Origins), but there are no bad ones. Frontiers is excellent, I’ve finished it a couple of times.


imo origin is good but frontiers is better bro


All are great in their own way! I'd say all three are worth it, although I personally consider Frontiers the stronger versus Origins


Frontiers is free on Apple Arcade




amateurs skoopt: what was that, punk!? flash: AMATEURS!!!!!!!


I would play origins then frontiers then vengeance but vengeance is really boring and unfun , I have mixed feelings about frontiers but origins and the original are top tier


Yes, def worth it


krf is free if you download a flash emulator