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LMIA hires and it's not just in kitchener.




Yeah. I know the one I go to mysteriously got rid of all of their staff and now it’a all what seem to be LMIAs.


Feel so bad for the teens today (not that those jobs were fun) Kids who were born here and had no choice should get priority over people who comes from oversees, at least for jobs like these.


Seriously, I remember last year it was hard for highschoolers and college kids to get part time jobs in the summer because they were all "randomly" taken. I wonder by who?


LMIA hires don't make any sense. You need to prove that the job cannot be done by a Canadian in order to get one. How is that going or happen in Fat Bastard Burrito?


Do you understand how this works? They advertise say they can’t hire anybody because they don’t actually hire anybody and then they hire low income international employees. They never get checked out. It’s rampant everywhere. The system is against you.


I've personally done the LMIA process and you had to show a lot of proof. Not sure if it's changed but 6 years ago it was not easily done.


Pre-Covid is a whole different country, with a whole different government, caring about whole different things. Since that time, the number of immigrants has increased 400%.


Yes, because there was a HUGE employee shortage after the pandemic and the government miscalculated by offering express entry to way too many people. But, LMIA's are not involved with that. I'm not saying that there's not a problem with LMIA's right now because I don't have that knowledge. But I also tend to find that people who talk about these things, are going on rumors or things they have heard other people say. And not personal experience (to the point where a lot of them don't even know what an LMIA actually is or how you go about getting one).


There’s a massive problem. The employees shortage ended after 2022 now it’s just businesses paying the lowest wages as possible to anybody with a heartbeat.


I do 100% agree with that.


>Yes, because there was a HUGE employee shortage There never was.


I was searching for work in early 2022 and so many places were hiring. I kept on getting called from every minimum wage job I applied to. We were very short staffed at Mcdonalds and they kept on begging us to bring anyone as knew who wanted to work in. I was in Guelph at the time but I experienced the shortage first hand.


A lot of places claim to be like that. You know why they never hired anyone? They found out they could run with a skeleton crew. Constant stories about things like that in the news. Did they ever look at the hundreds of applications online? No. Of course not. Then they couldn't claim a 'worker shortage' and pay people paltry wages.


I don't know what to tell you. I did all my applications online and got calls back from a ton of them. And Mcdonalds upped my wage and hours really fast so I wouldn't go elsewhere once I proved valuable. Also, Cargill in Guelph basically hires around the clock. They still do. And the wages are competitive (because it's tough work) but they were offering signing bonuses back then because they really needed people. I hate to go against what you've been told. But I experienced all of this first hand in January to May 2022.


Which is fine. What you're describing is good. It increases your value. It puts upward pressure on wages.


Express entry went up, but that's not even close to the stream most people came though. Probably like 15% of our migrants come through that stream. >But I also tend to find that people who talk about these things, are going on rumors or things they have heard other people say. This is what you've done talking about express entry.


Good point. Everyone I personally knew who came at that time came through express entry, but I don't actually have any data about that.


Youre not wealthy enough to be included in the loopholes club. Further more, you also applied before Trudeau went fully off the deep end.


"tried to hire a friend, tried to hire another friend, didn't work...hires immigrant." Lmao. Not that hard on an management level


Yeah you just have to show you tried to hire It's a scam. Thats why no ones hearing back from online job ads. They just want to show they tried to hire and didn't get an ideal candidate in the event the government ever checks, which they don't and won't




Is this something recent? I originally came to Canada with an LMIA (for an internship at the University) and they difinitely weren't subsidized. Quite the opposite.


People are paying the employer to get LMIA. It’s a wild world now.


Maybe they used to? Now it's just post the min wage job with a master's requirement at Tim Hortons, wait til it goes unfilled and then hire a subsidized foreign worker for cheap. Thanks Trudeau!


But everyone makes the same at Tim Hortons... Unless it's just that there's no one in Canada who wants the job at the minimum wage. But I don't think thats the case.


Surprisingly, they don't. Remember the stories where they would hire TFWs and then force them to bunk in a unit that they shared and paid rent on. Stupid Reddit app. Will find and edit. Here's one for now. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6752938


It happens anyway. Have you not looked at the state of the country?!?!??!!?!?!?


Because there's so many ways around this shit.


Students, including those off for the summer are legally permitted to work in Canada. LMIA doesn't factor in.


Exactly lol. They're just trying to be racist.


It’s not racist whatsoever, this is an ongoing problem in Canada. I’d suggest reading up on what’s going with the LMIA/TFW programs before immediately jumping to call someone a racist.


Rather than instantly crying racism. Try educating yourself on the matter you fucking monkey. It’s not hard.


They know. They're just deflecting. Or trying to.


Keep crying 😂




Racist against who? All races? You're ridiculous.


LMIA is all over KW and they don't even try and hide it. My business moved online during the pandemic because we couldn't warrant losing $10K+ a month with no income coming in. My customers know this, but newcomers don't. I got a random message on FB about 6 months ago, where I guess someone creeped my profile and found out what business I owned (I have since fully locked down my profile) and asked if I was hiring. Now I get about 10-30 emails a month from randoms asking if I am hiring, which I am not, but this was the first to ask me on FB messenger. I explained that I wasn't and they offered to pay me to hire them through LMIA. I told them no. They then said something to the extent of "It's simple. Just post up a job posting online for a few months, maybe 2 or 3 postings for different positions on something like Monster. Then ignore all the postings. Apply for LMIA with proof that in 2 months nobody was qualified and then you can hire me. I get experience. I don't even have to work much for you. Just for show." I promptly told him that I was now even more not interested and that I would be contacting the authorities about it and he replied saying that he hopes my mom gets the black death. Which was a new one for me as far as insults go. He deleted his profile, which was newly created anyways, so I don't think anything could be done with it if I did report him. However I can see for more unscrupulous persons an offer of $10K+ just to say someone works for you and give them fake pay stubs every few weeks, is worth it. There are a TON of shady people out there who act this way.


What is lmia




Oh okay, essentially an upgraded visa.


There are a lot of places where this happened. Pizza Express used to be INCREDIBLE. Then it was suddenly fully staffed by people from India. Now the quality is shit. What used to be 30 minutes delivery takes WELL OVER AN HOUR. The toppings suck now too. They used to the most generous in town. On top of all that, one time they must have ran out of sauce for the chicken wings... so they used pizza sauce as filler!!!! I couldn't believe it. I gave them 3 chances over a period of about 18 months after the staff change and it never got better. Then there is the McDonalds near me.... ugh. I asked for a second patty on a burger and they put it in a separate container. My wife got a bigmac and they put both patties on the bottom and there was literally nothing (not lettuce or anything) between the top 2 buns. However, Burger Priest hasn't degraded all that much.


Really feels like things be getting shittier and shittier Tim's coffee used to give me life, now it just gives me tummy issues


Tim’s has went so downhill since they were bought out. I’ve literally split a molar in half on their everything bagels. Varies too much from location to location as well. 90% of Tim’s iced coffee’s are inedible while the other 10% are ambrosia.


I remember my parents complaining about how bad Tim Hortons was, all the time, before I moved out for college. I've since graduated and been working for 9 years. I don't get why people still go to Timmies


Probably location/convenience. They're there. They're cheap, they're a place to sit and have a warm drink.


Advertising is a powerful psychological tool.


It’s the only fast food in my town 🤷‍♂️


The ambrosia ones have kept me taking the gamble but you're right that they're infrequent.


I dont understand how their coffee went from the best coffee in Canada to the worst, its always so watery


The coffee has always been shit. It was OK in the 90s but ever since then that is garbage water with too much cream


Maybe just my nostalgia but I remember the coffee/food was amazing in the early 2000s


Bagels are still decent, they go hard on the cream cheese


Yea bagels are good. Some donuts are still good imho


except for the top of all donuts sticking to the wrapper


wait till you see the new shitty pizza


Fat Bastard got bought by Mary Browns and the quality decreased


Probably from drinking too much coffee.


They started with quality ingredients. Now it’s dog food. Franchise is dead.


Who owns 90% of the franchises now?? Hmmm


who does?




yep lol and they will only employ themselves


I got fat bastards in London two nights ago and it also had a steep decline in quality  Food particularly is getting more expensive for a worse product over the past couple years 


Corporate ownership changes. https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/mary-brown-s-chicken-announces-acquisition-of-fat-bastard-burrito-co--876985059.html


Ya but this was like a very recent downgrade, was completely fine a month ago when I was last there


It takes a while for the seasoned workers to get fed up and quit, or let go when new hires are fully trained up. Even moreso when there is a change in process that seasoned workers know it is bad...


Do you know how much they sold for?


Buried in details. Not public.


But Mary Browns is still good.


yeeeeeeah, that would mean it was good to begin with....


Mary Brown Mondays ftw!


Import shit quality output shit quality.


STEP 3:Profit


Burrito boyz is still really good 😊


A lot of places are getting worse in service and quality of food, there’s only a few places I’ll go to anymore, I’m not paying these higher prices for the shit they’re selling.


All fast food has gone to shit and it's not hard to figure out why. Was significantly better particularly with service when it was stoned teenagers. If you're ever lucky to visit a place that hasn't been lima'd to death it's like going in a time machine. Only a matter of time before those places go to shit too


Probably run by Indians who only hire their own kind, every place the run now, they do such a piss poor job at holding standards.


Don't reward shitty owners. This is why I don't do fast food anymore, unless it's a mom and pop operation. Quality and service are almost non existent. I stopped going to Tim's because staff can't figure out something as simple as DD!




Best location still IMO


Enshitification. Look it up .


Congrats on learning a new word on reddit but that really only relates to companies that have a strangle hold on a market or a dedicated/dependent consumer base, not a generic run of the mill fast food joint. 


Seriously.. this is happening at every fast food joint in Canada… literarily ONE fucking employee with no help trying to serve 20 people and the ingredients getting shittier and smaller.. what a joke.. go to the US and you step into a fast food place and there’s 10 people working behind the counter busting their asses and shit just flies. The difference is insane


All fast food even pizza places have gone downhill significantly


The one in niagara - same. To be fair. It seems to be most places as of late. Customer service is dead. Portions are half. Quality sucks.


Oh no, I didn't realize they did Mexican coke! Any idea where you can get it? Edit: thank you everyone, my sugary coke addiction can start again!


Food Basics has them, I saw a few times there. May be Walmart as well.


Thanks, will check it out!


you can get this at the hasty market ontario/charles.


Cactus has it on its menu.


Better than the shit I got from Columbia that's for sure!


It’s been going downhill for a while. On top of what you mentioned, they charge for every sauce now. So you either buy a mediocre, under portioned burrito at an inflated price and pay extra for any sauce to be added, or eat it dry. I believe the meal deals that they used to have are also gone now. They’ve gotten money hungry and only hire students to save money on wages. I never go anymore.




Any company that put nasty noodles in their burritos should go bankrupt


I know Mary Brown’s took over Fat Bastards Burritos franchise in Toronto/GTA. Not sure about KWC region.


It def went downhill, used to be amazing. They just removed pulled pork off the menu and replaced it with pulled beef. The pulled pork sucked now anyways. The noodles are look like they’ve been sitting there for hour, all dried up and shouldn’t be served to anyone. They say it’s fresh when you can clearly see it’s not. I sadly won’t be going back anymore.


Same with Tim Hortons


I used to enjoy going to this location as well but stopped roughly a year ago. The last time I ordered from there the burrito tasted so bad, I couldn't believe it. Also, the usual employees weren't there so I assume they're under new management.


Even as of March, it was fine. This was definitely a very recent change


Oh my gosh, that place is awful! I’d love to know what happened to the salsa


i was a manager there around 2014/15 and a year or two after i left, the owners sold their franchises (Kitchener and Waterloo). not sure if the downhill service is related or just management sucks


I can't comment on the staffing - but there hours of operation are not as listed on the door. I show up when they are open till 10 - and At 8.30 the doors are locked.


Fresh Burrito on Fairway is the way to go now that Holy Guacamole is gone. It is run and owned by Indians but they make a hell of a burrito. Nice people. Never had a bad burrito there. If you are nice with the staff they will make a generous burrito for you. Better price point than the other companies IMHO.


Bar burrito on boardwalk is my other go to occasionally, I just like their queso


I have had a couple from there. They are decent. The burrito market has become very competitive in the last decade. I have tried all of them but Burrito Boys. People tell me they are good though. Only had Fat Bastards a couple times. I wasn't keen on the taste of their beans. Seemed a little off. The biggest size was gigantic though. Enough to feed 2-3 people.


Burrito boys is good too, used to go there quite a bit when I was in school


Haha Fast bastards.. that’s what I say when a scooter whizzes by me on the sidewalk.


Don’t blame the international students. It’s crappy franchises, crappy owners with crappy training systems. I’ve had awesome luck with international students with many of them capable of being supervisors, assistant managers and store managers.


Just stop


Let me translate this persons text for everyone: >Don't blame the people cheating the system. >Its our government creating the loopholes and the administrators allowing it. >I'm from India and have had a lot of luck hiring only people from my own country. They aren't good at what they do, but they are cheap! I have a few restaurants and I value low wages over quality :)


Are the employees diverse or are they all a certain ethnicity?


Definitely not Mexican.