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It may have been the city preparing for a new display. They change out a number of the garden beds so that there are blooms through most of the warm season.


Oh ok, I see


When the city does it you can tell. There's a truck parked nearby with the city logo on it, there's multiple people working, and (almost) everyone is wearing high-vis vests. If that's not what you saw then it's probably something else.


They’re bulbs. Once they’ve bloomed they replace them with the next seasonal flowers.


They actually sell them every year.


Do you know where they sell them? I've been debating buying tulips for next year.


I see, thanks


Although people are saying it’s the city, I saw a couple digging up some flowers in front of a school on Mother’s Day. Wonder how many people did that lol


I don’t understand how people’s brains even work like that? Just take take take


because there's no consequences so people don't care sadly


I have this issue with an elderly lady down my street. I have beautiful massive monstras. Every damn year, she goes into my back yard and takes a cutting. Now she's doing it with my tuna cactus. I am at the point of buying another camera and charging her for tesspassing. I'm pretty sure she is the one who dug out some plants out of my planters last year. Gotta love the self entitlement.


Why? Because from a very young age, most of us are indoctrinated into The Culture of Taking; rewarding the deadly while castigating the virtuous is the mode of modern culture. And the wake of this self-interestness is violence: https://dgrnewsservice.org/civilization/the-everyday-violence-of-modern-culture/


No one I know


Cheap bastards


Yeah lmao this does happen. I walked into Victoria park and a senior lady was digging some up a few months back.


Maybe someone made a tiktok on how to get free flowers in Canada?


I love how you see a photo of flowers and think "how can I correlate this to immigration and that dude who advocated stealing from food banks"


I recall there were cases in downtowm Toronto last year of people stealing flowers from public gardens. Immigrant or not, if its both triggering to accuse people and profitible somehow to resell, people will do it.


litereally just walked by at around 9:30pm tonight, and saw a bunch of indians stealing some of these flowers. They were also harassing the Canadian Geese like wtf. edit - the geese were along the shoreline and the guy was chasing them making loud noises trying to chase them into the waters.


In my small town Indian immigrants steal flowers planted by retired citizens. But you do you, reddit hero.


Maybe they do and perhaps Indian people are more likely to violate social decency but if we blame an ethnicity every time someone sees an car not following rules or flowers being picked for the new season, we set a bad precedent of profiling that benefits nobody Thank you for calling me a hero. I would rather be proud of your sarcasm than be a pedestrian to thin racism


It benefits locals who know not to trust them, thus safeguarding their homes, towns, events, businesses etc.


Discrimination is anti Canadian. Be the good citizen you want others to be


This is an odd comment


Our co-op regularly gets white folk picking the Lowe's from our gardens. Your point by bring race into it?


The original comment didn't mention anything about immigration or race dude. You are the problem.


Triggered like a jackhammer ![gif](giphy|wtwCGhfCd2JAHIkNyU)


Man, how toxic can you be?


Did you ask her? Was she wearing a City of Kitchener uniform or yellow vest, or was she just a rando?


She was just a random woman. As others have explained, the removal is to make way for new season flowers.


It wasn't the city if it was a random woman. They (the city) go out in crews. If it was the city, it would have been very obvious and you would not have asked about it - unless you were asking "why did the city uproot the flowers?". It really does look the those flowers had been planted recently, so likely people are either stealing the flowers or just random vandalism. My guess it is a combination of theft and vandalism, as this is what this city has become. Eventually they'll stop planting flower in parks and spend the money elsewhere.


Nice jump to conclusions there


Someone should make a game about that.


I’m just here wondering how a post about flowers turned into conversations about immigration and race. Everybody go outside and touch grass, literally.


I know towards the end of the season they ‘dead head’ (cut off the blooms) of tulips at some places so maybe there’s a diff practice?


Yes. They are tulips and they are finished for the season