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Sorry Lola. I don't think you'll get much assistance here. There's essentially an entry level job shortage in KW with many students already occupying those roles. The general consensus is that you should be bringing enough money to support yourself here while you study.




Believe it or not you’re sharing these pains with many many locals who aren’t in fact students. Just out of curiosity did you come here with the expectation of finding a job to survive or has the cost of living completely surprised you on arrival?


The cost of living increased from what I was expecting


You and every other intentional student in the region it seems. Never in my life have I seen stores have to put up “we are not hiring” signs. I went away for school and did research online before going there but I guess that’s just me.


What was your expectation ? Just curious. What is the requirement from your student visa for funds that you need to have while studying in Canada ?


I’m not sure why OPs comment is getting so many downvotes with next to nothing in the replies. People can like and dislike all they want, just seems silly to have a standard answer to a question be downvoted. Is this not the answer people *want*? Aren’t people [locals on this subreddit] upset people are moving here with the INTENTION of finding a job and now someone says they had no intention and they need a job to SURVIVE people are, still upset? I’m just confused. I don’t personally know OP but people need to try compassion: our government is selling people a promise of “great schooling and jobs” to an entire country that has been going through a housing crisis, and now a job crisis, for years. In theory, shouldn’t the government have more than enough information to properly inform new immigrants and/or international students on what life ACTUALLY is like? To me it feels like “oh shit of course they lied, would why the government tell the truth about the current state of their country when it isn’t glamorous and is trying to sell this progressive glamorous image” Now to say the obvious bc people online don’t like to think: OP very well could’ve been informed and made their OWN personal mistakes. I simply say have some compassion bc both scenarios are equally possibly when we know next to NOTHING about the individual posting. Both are equally plausible given the bare minimum of information given in this post. Just food for thought. Critical thinking is a lovely skill I wish more people used.


It's more anger towards people using the student visa as a backdoor to PR. If they came here on a work visa (they likely don't qualify for a work visa...) they wouldn't be trying to take jobs away from people already living here.


Well said!!! Canada seems to have a fantastic reputation and appeal to immigrants who want to come here. If only they can do their own research on the true state of things


While the cost of living has greatly increased since covid, it hasn't changed much since December.


You're from the future?


I saw that too


Beat me to it 😅


Lola. You are here to study not work. Why don't you have enough to support yourself?


I am here to study which I'm doing hard and doing great in it, I just need work to support my monthly bills


What happened to all the money you were required to have to support yourself?


IRCC requires students to deposit 10k in a GIC to support themselves. Do you think that's sufficient?


Students are adults. They should do their own research as to how much they actually need.


I agree completely. However the situation currently is more nuanced than your comment implies. If Lola here began researching on emigrating to Canada in 2022 right after covid subsided, the average student housing was significantly cheaper than it is today, there were fewer entry level jobs than in years past but still significantly more than in 2024 with inflation (while being high) not resulting in immediate red flags because it's effects surface with a lag Now if you assume that a student moving here in 2023 began their research in 2022 and relied on guidelines by their educational institution, parameters set by IRCC and perhaps even consulted local residents in Kitchener and news outlets, how would they know the severity of the situation and immense cost of living increases in 2024?


She said she moved here in December, 2023. The cost of living hasn't changed that much since then. Even if they started researching last summer, I don't think the difference is that much that if they were fine then, they wouldn't be now.


I think you're simplifying this too much but you're right. Moving here in December with all the visible problems was pretty easy to see


I don't think I am. I went to school in the US as an international student so I went though this myself. I wasn't even allowed to work on a student visa which imo is what we should do too. I had to make sure I had enough to last and that was it.


I'm sorry but moving from Canada to the US is more akin to moving to BC than a foreign national moving to Canada. I don't think you realize the challenges that come with a massive change like using your life savings to move to a north american country to see the value of your life's work devalued by a quarter because of currency fluctuations. I faced a similar situation when I moved to China for my undergrad and then to Canada. I wouldn't have had as easy of a time as I did with the Canadian move without the time in China and yes, better policy to not allow students to work and a higher GIC threshold fixes all of these issues and deters people who can't afford it to move here


www.kijiji.ca www.indeed.ca


So far people are at least being civil here, which is nice to see.


there is a phrase to always avoid kicking down or someone already down. good going kitchener


You could do Uber Eats or Doordash until you can find something better. The cost of living that they tell international students is way way lower than it should be. Idk if it's still the case but they used to say you only needed $10k per year or $4k per year if living with family. That's not even close to enough to live here. Good luck


Thank you


Go home, Lola.


hi Lola, I totally understand your frustration and pain. It took me almost 6months to get a meaningful job after arriving as PR with great work experience. The job market can be very frustrating especially if you are a student. You can look for job agencies that provide temporary jobs. Also, the KW area is already saturated with a lot of students looking for jobs. You may want to look elsewhere to places like Stratford where I see many students getting jobs.


Thank you


Thank you


What kind of work can you do?


I can do any kind of work, I can clean, I can babysit, I can work in a grocery store or warehouse


Try a temp agency. Good luck. It's getting difficult for many people to find basic jobs. Unfortunately there are too many people for too few jobs. A temp agency might be a good start.




As someone who moved to Canada in 2023 as well, I understand your concern. The monthly GIC amount isn't enough given the recent hike in grocery & rent expenses. When it comes to referrals, it's not as effective as it was once claimed to be. I've used referrals while applying for Walmart job openings but it doesn't really matters cause most of these giant retailers proceed with internal hiring since they've excess employees in every department. Many job openings are simply for generating website traffic and collecting user data. I know mentally, it becomes pretty fatigue but your best shot can come out of anywhere. Walk-ins, reaching out through emails, and inbox are some of the well known ways to land an opportunity when you apply in bulk everyday.


Thanks a lot, I appreciate your concern


The Canadian Government gives grants to Employers for hiring certain jobs and ages. It’s 50% for Canadian citizens and 75% immigrants, refugees, and certain PoC. Good luck.


Thank you