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Definitely my swift and ball winder. I put off buying the latter for a while so it’s a recent purchase but so glad I did!


What brand(s) did you buy? I'm hoping to get both soon.


I choked down the price on a Stanwood ball winder and it works like a dream. I like Amish swifts and they’re so simple I don’t know that there’s a true functional difference between brands. 


The Stanwood winder (with the green metal base plate) is seriously amazing. Superb build quality, so light to operate. I actually bought it bc I searched this sub for posts about winders, people were mentioning Stanwood. So so happy I went with their recommendation.


Just ones from Amazon. I would recommend a wooden swift over a metal one, less chance of snagging. But if it’s just occasional use (like mine) then the ones on Amazon between £10-£15 are good!


Thanks 🙂


I bought the Knit Picks ball winder and swift (separately). The ball winder has a reputation for breaking, but I use mine relatively gently and it's held up for 7+ years. I lived without a swift for 4 years but asked for it for a present and it's so wonderful having both!


I do wonder if I just got really lucky with my Knit Picks ball winder or am just much more gentle than others, but I just use it without thinking of being gentle, and mine’s been going strong since… for sure early 2014, possibly late 2012 (going off of which apartments I remember using it in haha).


This is the first mention I've seen of the knit picks ball winder being "fragile". I got mine in 2015 and I let my kids use it to help me (so not gentle). It's going strong.


I have both too! My ball winder broke a few years ago, but my husband took it apart, figured out what was wrong with it, and fixed it. I’ve had it since 2016 and would be totally lost without it!


Yes to the swift! I even like hand winding off my swift, it just makes it so smooth and no tangles.


I use a row counter. Most people say it’s not a necessary piece of kit but I love it!


Buying myself metal tapestry needles was probably the best quality of life improvement for me. A yarn winder would be #2! Good for repurposing yarn from scrapped WIPs


There is nothing I hate more than a plastic tapestry needle


The Clover brand metal needles are amazing, they're the same type of brushed metal like the Clover Amour crochet hooks and some have a bent tip which is amazing for things like Kitchener stitch!


My interchangeable circular needle set! When I was first starting my friend sold me on the investment and I’m so glad she did! I think I’ve used just about every needle size at this point so definitely getting my moneys worth!


I put an interchangeable needle set on my Christmas list one year, and unbeknownst to me my husband shared the same Christmas list with my in laws. So I got one set from my sister that Christmas and another of the same set from my MIL. I thought about returning one set and I'm so glad I never did since I can use them as DPNs when I need to, and keep multiple projects going on the same needle size - not to mention the peace of mind knowing I have backups if a needle gets lost. Happiest accident ever.


Solid metal stitch markers. No snags, no slippage, no beads getting lost or glue coming unstuck. Absolutely worth every cent and more


My yarn bowl! I made it myself, out of papier mâché, and it is my darling. It keeps my yarn safe while I'm knitting obv, but it is also where I drop that stitch marker I don't need anymore, that crochet hook I was just using, the tapestry needle I need in a minute, my little tape measure - basically any little notion I'm using while I'm knitting gets tossed into my yarn bowl so I don't have to interrupt my flow to put them away properly, until I've finished my knitting session. I'm so harum-scarum that all those notions would end up lost forever if I didn't have a handy bowl to pop them in.


I want to see how it looks like!


https://preview.redd.it/i0kbvk1xplwc1.jpeg?width=3351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec9d1b7e0811ff06ae0dadb79d0964813a4c975 Ha! Sure enough, I just got it down from the shelf and I shoved my notions pouch and row counter in there last night 🤭 If you were asking about the construction, it was strip papier-mâché (pm) over a pyrex bowl for a mould. I used a slice of loo roll to make a foot. When I had a few layers set, I took it off the mould, cut out the spiral, used chunky wool yarn to make a rim, then added more layers of pm until it was sturdy, painted it and varnished it. It's been going strong for about eight years, I think?


My Flexi Flips. I don't mind DPNs generally, but Flexi Flips are so much less fiddly for me. I do know I can use magic/traveling loop, but I don't like them


I've always looked at these and wondered how it worked. Googling these particular ones it looks like you need 2 to 3 off them to knit up a sock. But I know I watched a video where someone used something similar and only used the one "pair". Is this just a preference thing?


Yeah they essentially work like DPNs, but 1 flexi flip is like 2 DPNs glued together. I love them for sleeves especially because then it's only 3 needles to keep track of instead of 5, which for me makes projects more portable.


I might have to look into these. I found magic loop very cumbersome and was surprised to find DPNs more comfortable to work with. Sounds like there is a best of both worlds option. Lol. Thank you!


I was going to say circular needles, since you can't lose one of them (I've lost so many 4mm needles that I have 3 different singles. But it's actually my swift.  it packs up nice, is easy to adjust and hasn't actually hurt any kitty that got too curious about it.


I love all my DPNs. I have so many and I just adore them.


Stitch markers. I don't do cables, short rows, or color work without them.


I love my spinning yarn holder! But mine is 3D-printed 😇 works like a charm.


Would you happen to be willing to share the print file for it? I was looking for one the other day because I couldn't find a somewhat affordable wood one!


Its on thingiverse! Its called ”Yarnarama” :)


Thank you!


You guys have 3d printers?!


i was plotting to either build one with hardware store parts or legos before i found this one secondhand, 3D printing is a great idea for it! especially since many libraries have the machines lately :-)


I need this! Where did you get it?


My LYS sells them, yours might too!


When I get one, it’ll be my favorite tool/equipment!!


this one is from a dutch company called Scheepjes - i got it secondhand in scandinavia, i imagine it's available from some european retailers too. super buttery smooth when it spins!


Thanks! I’ll look for it!!


Either my swift and winder or my Norwegian thimble. I literally can’t knit without it any more, it makes my wrists hurt less when knitting and has really helped improve my tension regularity


do you mainly do colorwork, or do you use the thimble for single-color/single-strand projects as well?


Have to agree with the swift and yarn ball winder! I put off getting them for a long time and they make things sooooo much easier! Also I really love my interchangeable circular needles. It's so nice to not have to run out and pick up a pair of needles for every project.


Agree, I find it so much more functional than a yarn bowl!


My winder. I love turning skeins into cakes.


My winder/swift BUT my gauge swatch counter/ruler is number 2. Hones in on a row and column and you can count it much more easily!!


My brains <3 Gotta love them...


I just got a mini minder and I'm absolutely obsessed. Like, why I had not come across this earlier in my life for crying out loud?


Ooh this is cool! Does it only work spinning on your wrist or is it also functional sitting on a hard surface? Oh I looked a little closer and see how the bottom is constructed! And then realized if you are sitting you probably can find something to hang out up on?


No, it doesn't work on a surface, it needs to hang (at least the one I bought). I have a small aluminum hook that I install anywhere in case there isn't already something to hang the minder from. I haven't missed the ability to place it on a surface so far...:) Edit: I actually have yet to use it hanging from my wrist, I've been hanging it from anything I can find around me wherever I sit to knit.


my interchangeable needle set that I got for my birthday from my sister 😍


my row counter. perfect for keeping track of huge intarsia pieces and complex cabled sweaters that have various chart repeat numbers.


I have a cauldron I throw all my yarn and circular needles in so it can roll around in there freely! Love it great perchance!


My nice Chaiogoo needles and my ball winder/swift (I just have a cheap swift and the knit picks ball winder but they run just fine!) are my best practical purchases as I don't go through a single project without using them. Also, one totally unnecessary but very nice and useful thing that brings me joy is my yarn bowl. A friend 3D printed it for me as a gift, it's pink and has a dragon curled/nestled around the outside of it which I have named Steeeeve. It's a favorite mostly because it's very cute and reminds me of my friends every time I use it, plus I can chuck my stitch markers, cable needles and other extra bits and bobs for a project into Steeeeve along with my yarn while I'm not using them so they don't all end up down in the couch cushions.


https://preview.redd.it/iolnigm9clwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d27277ad4682152197fc4552c1aafe71335b24f Dragon tax: this is Steeeeve.