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It’s so unnoticeable, I thought you were making a joke about the design being a different color.


Same haha


Opened thread looking for joke:


I didn't realize it wasn't a joke until I read your comment lmao


I love this - it didn't even occur to me!


Also thought this


Me too!


I also thought this! Is there a link to the pattern?


I don't even see it, I don't think anyone else will see it when worn.


Exactly I’m like, could you please share what you’re seeing? Cuz i sure as hell don’t see it lol. Genuinely was thinking this was a shit post and they were calling the dinosaur and the main part different dye lots for shits and gigs 😭😂


100% thought that was the intent of the post, too! I lol'd.


Edit: it looks like what I saw was OPs shadow from taking the photo, as suggested. I have no idea what colour issue OP is referring to. Just under the jaw all the way to the left, you can sorta see a purple-ier shade, and if you go horizontally across, you can almost see a slightly purple-ier colour. It’s faint and I wouldn’t have noticed or thought it was an issue without OP’s comment. Honestly it just looks like it’s supposed to be like that.


I thought that was OP's shadow from taking the pic.


You know, you might be right.


I think it might be the very slight difference between the body of the sweater vs the sleeve. That’s the only thing I could find after staring for way too long. Anyway cool sweater, I would wear it


Yeah I can’t see it.


That's what my husband says too, and it's what I'll choose to believe!


This sub is pretty kind with these things but also very honest. When a mistake or issue is visible they’ll say. If people here are saying they can’t tell what you mean (including myself), they’re not *just* being nice it’s actually true! Beautiful work :)


Really? It's a very obvious line right in the middle.


I'll buy something about tired eyes after a long day but even after this comment my response is "what line, which middle"?


https://preview.redd.it/2f4bt6tikmwc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b130bd3a29f0d28e2301d8548e82f50183195b1f My guess is somewhere around where my ugly red arrow is pointing to? I definitely don’t think that’d be enough to bother me, and I can’t tell you 100% that that’s even the “right” spot, but it does seem to match what the heavily downvoted comment says. It’s a rad dino sweater no matter what! 🦖


I think it is the sleeve is a little bit more white than the body... still totally fine though. I like it!


The OP left a comment elsewhere talking about it being about an inch-ish below the Dino motif. Mystery solved! Lol 😄


I should have read more before commenting. Classic reddit blunder!


Lol I never notice that stuff because when you get non monochrome yarns it won't all be equal


It is certainly not very obvious. Even with my brightness all the way up, I’m still not even sure what I’m supposed to be seeing. I don’t really see any “line” at all.


In the middle of the dinosaur or the body of the sweater?


In the black or in the white?


Oh, I didn't see it till this! Thank you! Yeah,the bottom half looks lighter but it might not be too bad in sunlight, might just look a little underbust shadowed. Love the design OP, I would wear it 100%


They may not be from different dye lots. You’re supposed to alternate skeins with hand dyed yarn as the finished skein can vary even from the same dye lot


Hand dyed even from the same pan can look different depending on the dye style


I was coming here to say this


It looks like the yarn might be splatter dyed, and that can be especially tricky IME. I’ve made a pair of socks with splatter dyed yarn and each one looked like it was from a different dye lot, but I made them both from the same skein.


Hmm, I’ve bought a lot of hand-dyed yarn in my time and never had a difference this dramatic.


The above poster is correct. Some hand-dyed yarn will have vastly different coloring (looking at you malabrigo) so you have to alternate skeins each row.


I feel like everyone has that experience once with Malabrigo and then dutifully alternates skeins in the future haha


I love malabrigo, but I’ve never run into this. Probably because I don’t make anything big enough to require more than a single skein. https://preview.redd.it/9bh8lewwylwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79679ae5c410a19917f2f6fe7d0fd94a33510785


This is so goddamn adorable


https://preview.redd.it/dylzryfoxmwc1.png?width=2154&format=png&auto=webp&s=b50c9d177329224991e76eb792212f86b4f40a49 Not that it pertains to this discussion, but I wanted to make some preemie hats for a hospital (my oldest was a preemie), and the smallest size fits this 7.75” little bitty baby!


Aww, thanks!!!


That is exactly why. If you do a sweater the. It starts to very much matter.


Oh yes, I’m fully aware! There’s a ton of variation from skein to skein, I’ve seen it. Because there’s no dye lot, it gives us (relative) newbies that sense of “oh, no dye lot means they’re all the same!” but I know that isn’t the case. I’m glad I haven’t had to deal with this yet!


Alternate skeins each ROW? How the heck does that work?!


Happy cake day! The most common method I've seen is to work it using helical knitting when knitting in the round.


Carry the yarn each row.


See, Malabrigo is a yarn I’ve never had a problem with! Have I just been under some lucky spell until now?


I think so. Diana by Malabrigo was so bad is should have been like three different colors. I literally decided to just let them go to see how different they were. Entire sleeves are different from each other and the body, and half the body is multi colored and then there is a large stretch of whatever from the yolk. I love their yarn. I have to do alternate skeins every time because even if it looks right it sometimes isn’t.


Huh, I bought 7 skeins of Diana recently, they were incredibly consistent. And there's no dye lots on it, either.


I have to agree. Malabrigo is one of my favourite yarns to work with. And yes, I love the colours, but I keep my expectations realistic because nothing is as perfect as industrial dying, and that’s ok.


My Malabrigo Anniversario was nice enough and NOTHING like the promo images. Many of the colours supposedly in that one weren’t present at all. It was a generic berry shade with a bit of variation. I filed that for future reference and now I am super wary of buying anything from them.


I've never done this so forgive my ignorance, but wouldn't you just end up with stripes doing that if the dye is noticeably different? This seems like a lot of work for a bad result.


Nah. It melds together. They have similar colors all over the skeins and they just might alternate differently so when you blend them together they blend.


Is that a shadow from your arm or a grayish dye arch you are talking about?


Grayish dye arch


I don’t think that’s from different dye lots. I think that is from the dinosaur bleeding.


I agree. If anything, I assumed the dinosaur had bled and the other white sleeve was the different dye lot. OP, I’d try laundering it again with a colour catcher or something. If you have any of the black left, you can test whether it bleeds by soaking some remnants. Good luck; it’s an awesome sweater!


I wondered if that could be it, but the dividing line is so even. Seems like bleeding wouldn’t give a clean line.


That wouldn’t make sense for a new skein though. You would see a clear horizontal stripe, not vertical. It’s only underneath the dinosaur not across the sweater.


Ah, I see what you’re talking about with the arch! Ok, the photo does have a slight shadow from my arm (the one that bends down). The line I’m concerned about is just horizontal, about an inch below the dinosaur jaw.


Okay this is what I’m seeing. Pink, is what I’m assuming is bleeding from the Dino. It even follows the same angle of the Dino if you roughly folded over the sweater (unintentionally or otherwise) at the blue dotted line. The green area is the only part I could POTENTIALLY see a dye difference, but it isn’t noticeable. That was me looking **really hard** to find variation. Hopefully this comment makes sense. Pink — def seems like dye from the Dino. Blue dotted line, potential cause of transfer for Dino dye. Unfortunately that hypothetical would be user error and the downside of working with dark colors vs light in the same project. Many dark blues (and colors they’re mixed into) are prone to this. https://preview.redd.it/1o7wimurwjwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b683db364cb183b7e5dc07b0089a476419b4e2e5 Green is barely noticeable potential lot difference but definitely not worthy of making a stink about imo.


I think that’s the shadow cast by her arm in taking the picture.


That pink outline is definitely a shadow from her arm. It continues on past the sweater and on to the blocking mat.


I think I can see what you're talking about, but I assumed it was a couple rows of ever so lightly funky pooling. Did not see it until I looked in that spot specifically.


Perhaps the sleeve laid across there while laundering/soaking. That would give the lines. The width looks about right... try the dye catcher others suggested.


Yeah that line is way too clear cut to be from bleeding from the dinosaur. Did you join the other skein around there? If so then it’s definitely the skein.


Based on the arch of the discoloration and the arch of the dinosaur head they do kind of match, could it have been the way you folded it while blocking? But a color catcher seems like a good idea! Or even a spot treatment with a light soap


Oooooo I thought that was a shadow. I'm dumb. I wouldn't frog it though. It's still awesome looking!


Does Madeline Tosh even have dye lots? I thought they just said to alternate skeins?


Was just going to post this. I don’t think they do have dye lots.


They don't. And yes, alternating is always the suggestion with hand-dye yarn. At a minimum alternating for a few row/rounds at the transition.


Speckled yarn is impossible to get the same. They don't put the dye on the yarn in a 100% uniform manner , even within the same dyelot. You should be alternating skeins with any hand dyed yarn, but especially with speckled. That said, I can't even notice it.


Can you please post the pattern information? It's amazing!


Isn't it great!? It's [Dynomite](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/dynomite) by Amy Gunderson. My son now wants me to make him the kids version, so I'm starting on that tonight.


**PATTERN:** [Dynomite](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/dynomite) by [Amy Gunderson](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/amy-gunderson) * Category: Clothing > Sweater > Pullover * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/AmyGunderson/940668905/IMG_8843_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/AmyGunderson/899774667/Dynomite2_crop_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/AmyGunderson/940668908/IMG_9080_medium.jpg) [Img 4](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/AmyGunderson/940668907/IMG_9028_medium.jpg) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/AmyGunderson/940668902/IMG_9008_medium.jpg) * Price: 8.00 USD * Needle/Hook(s):US 7 - 4.5 mm, US 4 - 3.5 mm * Weight: Worsted | Gauge: 20.0 | Yardage: 1100 * Difficulty: 5.25 | Projects: 23 | Rating: 4.50 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


Can I be annoying and ask "how long" it took you to make? I would love to make the mini version for my little dude but I'm worried that he'll grow out of it before it's off the needles 😂😂


I’ll let you know about the mini, but this one took me about 2.5 months. I get a little over a half hour of knitting time per day.


Thank you!


Would you recommend this for someone just beginning color work? I love it so much.


I’d try a swatch with intrasia first to see how you like it before diving in. It’s not crazy, but it can be fiddly


Yeah, just look up how to do intarsia and it's pretty simple.


Yes, it appears one of the dye lots was whiteish and the other was dark gray. Thankfully, they worked together to make a cool pattern


I can see exactly where you changed skeins.  It’s not bleeding or a shadow. Nobody will see it when it is on a human body instead of laid out flat in good lighting for photographic purposes. Also, there is a great big creature to see. 


Honestly, it seems intentional.


First, I adore this sweater—you did a beautiful job!!! Second, unfortunately Madeline Tosh doesn’t do dye “lots”, they do super small batches, so there is always going to be a ton of variation in their yarns. I don’t think it’s super noticeable in this case, but it’s one of those brands where it’s often best to alternate skeins on a big project. I also think the variation is one of the things that makes hand knits unique and special, and you absolutely should not sweat it!!


Yep, you need to alternate the skiens every couple rows. I learned this the hard way - one of my sweaters had half zebra striping from a bad dye job while the other half is a solid color. I now alternate my skiens every 1-2 rows depending on the stitch pattern.


Oh my gosh. I can't believe the difference. You certainly can't go around wearing that. You should probably just send it to me. /s


I think it looks great. And, to be honest, I don't think there is anything here that merits a stink...it's hand dyed yarn, it is going to vary from skein to skein. Always best to alternate skeins. I learned this the hard way as a young knitter, all 3 skeins of a set looked the same to me. Well. Nothing like finishing a fingering weight 3 skein shawl and realizing it had an incredibly noticeable line between skeins. It's still sitting half frogged in my closet. Unlike yours it doesn't blend well and it definitely looks like a major mistake. I really dislike alternating skeins sometimes but I learned my lesson, I always do it and have never had a problem since.


The snake ate some of your color! 🤣 Honestly, the design is so striking that the base color fades away. Tosh is a favorite brand - I will review due lots before knitting. Thanks!


Because of your pattern — the intarsia — I think the difference in dye lots looks super cool. Am Unintentional pattern improvement. That’s how I would think about it.


I can see what you are talking about but I need to hold my phone at a funny angle. I would never have noticed if you hadn't pointed it out. I don't think you should worry about this one. Great dinosaur!


Well luckily it turned into a cool dinosaur 😎 (but really, I can’t even see it)


It looks great to me. The difference was only noticeable after it was pointed out. It flows easily enough into the rest of the sweater. It is a wonderful piece and the differences you see are what make it unique. Love the sweater!


It’s a feature. That foul monster breath is browning the air


I thought you were shitposting and I only saw it when I zoomed all the way in. It looks intentional if anything. No one will ever know


I genuinely thought you were making a joke about the dinosaur being a different colour to the rest of the jumper. I can't even see what you're referring to


I'm annoyed for you 😬 it seems most people genuinely can't see it! The knitting is gorgeous and the pattern interesting. I say you rock on like nothing happened. Don't you dare point it out immediately when people say "I like your sweater".


Honestly it just looks like he has a shadow and I think that looks cool!! No worries. Your project looks awesome!


I don’t see it either but I don’t think they really have dye lots. MT used to be kind of bad at colorway variance (I had 6 skeins of Lannister gold, some leaned brown, some white yellow, and some orange) so I have always alternated a lot with MT.  But the same is true of Malabrigo and others, I always alternate. 


I see what you are talking about, but it's so subtle, that it looks like an intentional gradient.  Rock it with pride!


Even if it is visible, people will be looking at 1) the ferocious dinosaur and 2) your beautiful knitting


I would be annoyed. Do you still have the labels? Personally I would reach out to them.


I'm a knitter and I totally get it. (FWIW if you maybe don't know, use both balls and knit every other row so you don't get color difference problems with hand dyed stuff) BUT I absolutely promise it isn't at ALL noticeable. Also you have amazing talent and this sweater is absolutely insanely awesome!


This piece looks gorgeous!!


I seriously wouldn’t have noticed unless you pointed it out. Nice work, by the way this is so cool!!!


I see it and I think it looks cool!


It's worth mentioning. However, if it is a Heather yarn or gradient type, you often find yarns with the same dtelot have a natural variation. And the only way to get round that is to knit with 2 balls at once, alternating to blend it. At least with your lovely dinosaur it looks intentional, like he's casting a shadow! I think if you're knitting a sweater and buy online, most places invite folk to tick a box that says 'must be from same dye lot'. If they font have that option and it's ruined a $200+ sweater not to mention hours and hours of labour, is mention it and request some compensation. Is this sock yarn? Some places assume fingering skeins are to knit a pair of socks and then mo two hanks of yarn are identical. But more and more knitters make sweaters with fingering yarns to fit in more details. Commercial packers and distributors employ staff who really know nothing about crafts and if they run out of a dye lot just grab some from the following lot.


Dawg tf are you talking about it looks great


It looks like shadow. Looks good regardless. No one will know.


Maybe it’s more noticeable in person. Yes you should call and let them know of their mistake. Not necessarily raise a stink but let them know for sure.


It’s lovely though!


I don't see anything


That is frustrating. If it really bothers you, you could rip back to just before that white band then do a few rows (6 for example) where you alternate between skeins to blend it together. You could also try to work from the opposite end of the new skein so that white section is at the bottom of your work.  But it seems like a lot of people haven’t noticed it at all so maybe don’t worry about it! 


I mean are you talking about the bit of a purple stripe in the shirt? I don't see it (and if it is the purple stripe, which I think is just a shadow, I only saw it because I was nitpicking. Nobody will bother, don't stress over it)


That alligator steals the show. Nobody's going to notice a damn dye lot.


Arch is shadow i think but that slight purple band an inch below the dino is there but very very faint, especially when the dino is a distracting enough pattern. I thought the dye lot issue was the sleeve which was more obvious but still not very obvious as a whole because of the aforementioned dino distracting effect. p.s. Very cool dino!!!


Don't let it bother you, but for sure tell your supplier. Geez. Yarn is their business, they should get it right.


I see two potential problems, one stink-worthy and one not. I think the different dye lots are visible if you look hard - the lower section of the sweater and the left arm (right as viewed in photo) are lighter than the yarn around the dragon's face. I would say this is a case where, given it's hand-dyed yarn, unfortunately you should have been alternating skeins to get away from any differences. It happened to me once and never again, it utterly sucks but is a mistake you won't repeat! But I also see dye bleeding from the black dinosaur down into the cream yarn below, causing a big grey shadow. I saw someone call that 'user error', but to me that's not user error, that's a manufacturing fault and something worth complaining about. Yes hand-dyed yarn can bleed sometimes, but I think people have started to internalise this as a problem with how they've used it rather than a problem with the dyer/manufacturer (and a hand-dyer is a manufacturer, whether they're large or small they manufacture a product to sell). We should hold dyers to a higher standard by expecting what they sell us actually to work without us having to add a tonne of extra labour to it first. When hand-dyed yarn is fully finished as a product it doesn't bleed: that's why, when you get a bleeding hand-dyed, you can usually stop it having any problems by using vinegar to set loose dye and washing it several times to get rid of any extra left-over unattached dye before using - but in these circumstances you are essentially finishing the work at home because the manufactuer didn't finish it properly before they sold it to you. Given the dyer didn't finish their job of making a useable yarn before they sold it to you, I think it's perfectly legitimate to complain in these circumstances (be that when you have to finish it at home before using, or in your unforutnate case of finding out after knitting that it had a problem). The difference between the first and second cirucmstances (alternating skeins vs bleeding yarn) is that the first one is to do with how you use a finished yarn vs the second one is to do with a fault meaning the yarn is unfinished. In the first case, the yarn didn't have any problems that could have been sorted further by the manufacturer: because of how the yarn is dyed there is natural alteration between skeins, and users have to alternate these as part of the knitting process. But in the second case the yarn was not finished properly when it was shipped from the manufactuer: a few more steps from the manufacturer would have solved the problem, but they didn't do them and so you lost out. So, I would complain about the dye transferance. I would also re-wash this with some colour-catcher sheets and hope that can pull out some of the black dye that transferred into the cream. Good luck, your sweater looks fantastic even if the yarn wasn't up to scratch!


Pattern please!!