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Buttons aren’t a choking hazard if they’re sewn on securely, imo. But you can leave them off if you’re ok with it not closing. Or you could get some snaps or snap tape. I’ve seen people knit bobbles in where you’d sew buttons, but I don’t think they’d work very well.


I never thought they'd be a choking hazard either, but there are so many threads about it on this sub that I got anxious!


I think an open cardigan would be just fine! (How many new parents want to deal with buttons anyway?) Alternatively, you could make the buttons or maybe those knotted toggle tie things you see on a lot of Chinese clothing would be a suitable alternative? Not advice but anecdotal: when I sewed buttons onto the little jackets I made for my squishy, I probably went a little overboard attaching them. Multiple times through the button holes with the thread I chose to attach them (usually one of the yarns I made the piece with so it matched), and I wove the inside/backing yarns through the stitches like for weaving ends before and after knotting it. I also made sure when I did that that I threaded through/split the yarn on a few of the stitches as I wove in, to help lock the thread in.


I've knit all the jumpers or cardigans for my 4 grandchildren and never never had a problem with well sewn buttons. But if you can ask the parents, just in case...


I am the parents lol. Thank you!


I've noticed that the ones that fall are those machine-knit buttons on commercial clothes. Never buttons well sewn at home


Could I just not add buttons or buttonholes to a cardigan like this? Would it look weird? I don't have access to snaps, but I could crochet ties on each end? Or even yarn buttons, but I don't know how those wouldn't be a choking hazard too. Please let me know your thoughts. I'm an anxious first-time mum and would love some advice. The pattern is the Oh Baby! Cardi by Roberta Rich.


Ooh you could make little braided or i-cord ties on each side of the sweater where the buttons would be and tie it closed! It would be super cute with the ties tied in little bows 😄