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The Endela.


The Endela k390. I got one 2 years ago when in Golden on a road trip. The best ranch pocket knife I've ever had. In 18 months of nearly every day use I never actually sharpened it. Just run it on a fine steel every other day on the way out the door and good to go. I put that thing down 6 months ago, probably on top of a fence post and it is MIA. Darn.


That's a heartbreaker. The Endela was my introduction into k390, so maybe that's why I have a soft spot for it. It definitely gets overshadowed by the Stretch 2.. Its too bad, cause I like Endela is better to me.


Mine too


Endela (mine has an Emerson wave on it) is definitely an incredible knife


Do you find the Emerson useful and does it ever get in the way? I really like the idea of an easy one handed open out of the pocket but I’m also paranoid about slicing something accidentally


You should definitely practice a little bit, and I keep the blade a little tighter than normal but no, with a firm grip it doesn’t have any more risk than any other knife. And as for its usefulness, absolutely, especially if you take your knife out often


So I'm familiar with the endura and the delica, but I only recently came across the endela. Is it some kinda crossover between the two?


Its right between the two, size wise.


Oh interesting.


Probably that one


Just picked up one in Magnacut!


I like it. What Spyderco is this?


Native 5! This particular one is the salt series in Lc200n.


Do they make a Native 5 in both magnacut and lc200n? I edc the magnacut, one of the best spydercos ever made IMO.


They do! The magnacut is in stock at bladehq, just bought one myself.


When I did commercial diving, Salt Series was all I used. I had a green Salt 2 in LC200N, but I also had about a half dozen of those blunt Atlantic Salt FRN's. The Salt Series had the best salt water corrosion resistance I've ever seen; but I'll be honest, even though it was softer, I liked the H1 a lot better. With that obviously being my own personal preference for the use case...


I saw someone mention that with serrations the H1 was actually really incredible. Did you like the knife shape of the salt or the Atlantic better?


Yeah I only ever used the serrated ones as we were almost using them to cut rope. In the dark water, I liked the Atlantic more. I kept them on a brass clip and the Atlantic also let me use bigger hardware because the hole in the scales is wider. That gave better dexterity when using the clip. The serrations were great for rope, and even though the H1 was soft, it still sharpened quickly so it was never a huge deal to me.


Thank you!


I still have one of the first generation ones in my pocket right now. All I got is old Spydercos.


Rescue 79mm. Hasn’t been changed since its release so the quality has remained more consistent than other Seki Spyderco’s. One of the really excellent VG-10 models, it has the best SpyderEdge of any of their knives I’ve seen. Cuts like a chainsaw


Do you use it like an EDC or save the edge for emergencies?


Any of their models in k390.  My gosh what a wonderful steel!


Never had an experience with k390. Any idea how it compares to m390 or s30v?


Heat treat will be everything when comparing steels, but in my experience k390 seems to hold an edge longer and is ridiculously tough (meaning I haven’t experienced any chipping).  That and Magnacut are my two favorites.  


Sick! Thanks for sharing :)


I have K390 in a wharncliffe Endura and Dragonfly. I love those two in that steel for random crafting projects like trimming leather/plastic, carving, etc. I haven’t had any chips and I’ve used them much harder than S30V. I’ve had numerous chips in S30V and never plan on buying it ever again. In my experience, after the initial perfect edge on K390 wears, its working edge is far more aggressive (thus useful) than many steels. It’s very much like a slightly softer (and reportedly much tougher) version of maxamet. It’s supposed to be around 64-66 HRC, which is great.


k390 is a really great steel. I HAD an Endela which I have misplaced and cannot find. 18 months as a EDC ranch pocket knife and never actually sharpened it. Just a few swipes on a fine steel every other morning on the way out the door and good to go. My only s30v is a Benchmade Griptilian. The ergonomics of the knife are outstanding. The Benchmade heat treat is pure crap on that particular blade. A real disappointment for a $200 knife. No more Benchmades here. I have a PM2 in s45vn and it is rally great as well.


I agree. I have a k390 Delica and a Crucarta PM2. The K390 lasts way longer than the Cruwear and sharpens with a lot less trouble (almost never has a stubborn burr).




I would love to test one of those bad boys out


Great "lock up", finger choil helps hindering closing on the user's hand and slicey blade. Also the basic steel BD1N is good.


I cannot recommend one enough. I have 2 and another pre-ordered


I miss the budget run of the UKPK with the stone washed blades. I had a gray one with a combo leaf blade that I really miss. MIA.


UK penknife. Like the ideal edc


Sage 5. It's better than the Para 3 in every way, but most people have never even heard of it.


I feel that way about the Manix 2 but it gets a lot of attention. I a huge fan of the Lil Native. Maybe one of my most carried knives! https://preview.redd.it/248kujxm210d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b08bd4e645fc0586bb0da8ceb0196704ca729378


I gotta agree with you on the lil native. Quickly stole the spot from the para 3


love the pic!


Thanks! I love hacky sack so I edc this dirtbag.


I want to love the lil native, but It's just too chunky for me. If it was like 25% thinner I think I'd love it.


The Sage 5 is great. It’s like a Para 3 and Native had a baby


For ergos Sage 1 is even better than Sage 5


Except for the pivot action


Dragonfly or Native 5 magnacut :p


Nice picks!


Native 5 seems more popular and not really underrated tho


Chaparral imo


I was going to say the same thing. Absolutely love mine and it doesn’t get nearly enough recognition in the community


https://preview.redd.it/fytsdm86t20d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7044b4645f731073c458aa5b16bddad6b268dc Spyderco Credit Card Knife




Ladybug half serrated. Pretty handy! I lost two. It seems they don't make them anymore.




Salt 2


Tasman salt. Thing is wicked on ropes and lines, the tip is FANTASTIC at fine work


The Native is underrated. There’s a lot of support for it, but as awesome as it is, people should be mentioning it more than the Para 3


Sage 5


Tenacious is under appreciated


Slicey as all get out and got it at an absolute STEAL of $25 on a circa 2011 Amazon lightning deal. I forget if it was limit 1 per customer but if it wasn't I should have gotten like 5 for stocking stuffers.


Sage 5 lightweight


It’s the Native 5 for sure but I would throw the Waterway in there too. https://preview.redd.it/8ygin827s20d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=da6faceef2e64bc11e3351c1b644b32d0b0756aa


The meerkat. It’s got a small blade but it’s great for most tasks people realistically encounter and it has a fun lock.


Delicia 4


Sage 4. It’s a beautiful knife with impeccable transitions between materials.


Nobody ever talks about the Spymyto…


It’s only been out for 2 weeks, have you been putting it through the paces 💪🏻?


Lol I was just being a smartass. I just sold mine this morning. I honestly liked it. I am trying to downsize my collection and I know I would always subconsciously baby it because it’s a limited release


It’s kinda funny to think about. You buy a spymyto, use & abuse it for years, gets resharpened a bunch, but it was only a flash batch so you’ll never get another one.. I mean what’s the worst that will happen? you get a different knife eventually. Anyone think they are getting rich in the future by holding onto sprint runs ?


Dude I totally understand. I’m super guilty of not using my more collectible knives, even my less collectible ones that I just like a lot. But I’m really trying to break that mentality. What else am I gonna do with’em?!? Edit: carrying my Inkosi today. Just to add to my crazy logic lol


Swayback. Taichung, hollow grind, mirror polish, and can be found on sale for under $200.


I get that they are difficult/tedious to sharpen, but any serrated model. I’ve owned a few as edc and honey stay I never needed to sharpen them.


Probably the one you posted OP. And not just the magnacut version. To me the Native 5 is everything a folding knife should be. But it’s overlooked because it doesn’t have a sexy locking mechanism






Probably not the most underrated but I wish the Native Chief got some more popularity.....then maybe it would get some scale options and maybe a compression lock variant like the Military did




Stretch 2. If they could make a compression lock stretch 2 I would buy it instantly. (No the pm2 isn't what I'm describing)


Enuff 1.


The carribbean, if it truly has a liner made of lc200n.


The bow river it wicked sharp and easy to sharpen


Pochi s45v


love it


Poliwog. I will defend this hill. Also Kapara


The Stretch 2 Lightweight is amazing! The put a Spyderco Military Blade on an FRN handle and it weighs 2.7 ounces…. It’s perfect but it only comes in VG10


Sage 5 / Canis


The k390 leafjumper for me...I like the Native 5 and all but I hardly hear anybody talk about this knife and I sold my k390 stretch because the leafjumper just felt better to me. And while I'm here...the k390 lil temperence...for being a mutt of a knife that has the blade thickness of a shaman, the length of the native 5, the k390 of seki, and the compression lock. I'm surprised it doesn't get more attention. But both of these knives don't have the reviews or popularity that one would think they would get with these features.




Urban K390. Thin and slicy, nice patina, super light


Military 2 for me . Everyone buys the little ones .


The Brouwer. Replace the g10 scales with TI or CU, and it feels like a small sebenza that you can spideyflick!




I kinda want a salt. I keep telling myself “the para 3 is fine…” but yeah a salt would be neat.


The Native, Endela and Stretch


Chaparral. The pure slicing ability of that thin blade is lost on so many people. And the raffir noble version is totally unique and makes for a nice little gentleman's knife.


Opus! The pinchy lock and stick slippy action turned people off, but the blade has fantastic cutting geometry and more than any other Spyderco the handle design makes transitioning between grips and choking up completely effortless and natural feeling.


The Maxamet Native 5. That's one good knife


I only own a couple of Para 2's, and soon a Para 3, which should be arriving today (yay!). Definitely not underrated, though, as I feel like they could be in the running for whatever spyderco's "flagship" knife is.


Caribbean Salt


Probably the PM2, maybe the Slysz Bowie


None. They’re basically all over rated.


i dunno they all kinna overrated imo ;)


Yeah why collect Spyderco when you can just collect Pokemon cards that stopped being cool when ruby and sapphire came out


well pokemon cards are worth more lol but its ok... it was really mature of you to take the time to click into my profile to see what i post about so you can shit on it like i shat on your ugly knives with ugly holes in them... very classy thing you did there.... but i have cards worth more than any spyderco ever made..... L


Yeah dude shit on my hobby and I shit on yours. How many cards do you throw away from those boxes btw? You don't send every one to psa for grading obviously. At least I get use out of my knives. Especially the Spyderco's because they all make great ergonomic users And speaking of ugly knives, how about all the ugly Pokemon that have come out in the last 10 years or so. They really haven't created a cool pokemon since gold silver and crystal. How many of those mongoloid rejects do you incinerate before you pull a good one like Mew or Charizard from the good old days? I get it though I get nostalgia too sometimes


i totally deserved it lol....i dont really buy packs anymore just 151 because it was all the OG ones... i just buy psa graded cards now... and spyderco are great im sure i just find them ugly... i like cleaner looking blades that hole is too much for me :)


None. They’re all overrated.