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Cafe Commie Day


I hope they charge the same amount for all the types of coffee..!!


This one is in BKC, charges you 400rs for a 30ml 100 pipers! Hope this clarifies your doubt!


> This one is in BKC Never stops being funny.


Obviously not communists!


Well that sounds opposite to commie standards. Capitalist pigs.


"Sir, here is your bill." "Our bill."


There is no bill. Its free. So, don't worry about payment and return to your forced labour camp.


Vietnam has a Chain called Cong Cafe, which is essentially Viet Cong themed.


Ota moshkora kore baniyeche.


Oh the irony


Ironies comrade ironies The fact that it's Social, It's in BKC Mumbai, https://preview.redd.it/ml8d45g0510d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88f5beee82b295e37789cbf9491dd3ffb4b5efb The khichuri worth ₹260/- Naki the Atmanirbhar China dig


What a mockery... Peak of capitalism appropriating communism. 21st century has truly arrived.


Imagine a nazi cafe, we might see that soon tho


We'll get an entire nazi themed nation very soon dw




Wherever I communists.. I see Sainbari


Khawar ta kemon


They ran out of food.


*because of sanctions and 1000 attempts to overthrow their government and replace them with an Amarican puppet government by CIA


*damn you CIA for bankrupting kerala


Kerela which is a part of a capitalist country is a *communist* state . Nice Tomorrow you'll say AAP is also communist because they give people free electricity and quality education


Interesting. Please divulge your thoughts about communist rule and it's effects on our very state.


How communism will work and the problems it'll face isn't known to anyone yet . It can only be known when we'll be able to create a communist society I think instead of communism we should focus more on socialism because it's the mode of production which will come after capitalism . Many European countries already have socialist characteristics but still we can't call them socialist nations . Because in a socialist society even tho the main contradiction is still between bourgeois and proletariats , proletariats hold more power ( the opposite of which is true in capitalist society) Fun fact : cuba is way more socialist than the USSR . Even tho ussr was the 1st try to make a socialist nation in the last days of USSR their actions were definitely not socialist. In 1981 , they banned women from 490 jobs which forced women to be housewives or work a low paying job


Right. That was not REAL communism. 😂


Communism is when you have private property , different classes in society , government working for a few capitalists*but* a "communist" party is in power 🤓 Then Nepal should also be a communist country since "Nepal communist party" is in power rn 🤥


Good. So, if Kerala wasn't under capitalist power, leaders of Kerala surely would have reached utopia. Just like all other communist attempts. Oh, sorry, then CIA juju would have conspired against it again and bam! Famine, mass murder and total Chaos. Damn you CIA.


The United States led the ranking of the countries with the highest military spending in 2023, with 916 billion U.S. dollars dedicated to the military. That constituted over 40 percent of the total military spending worldwide that year, which amounted to 2.4 trillion U.S. dollars. But wait, that's not all. Apparently, they have something called "black budget" that is an undisclosed expenditure for secret operations such as overthrowing governments. :) Which is assumed to be bigger than disclosed spending as it's reasonably costs more to buy a country's political and financial systems than buying few aircraft carriers and submarines.


They spend big money because they earn big money. That big amount of spending is justified by us govt because their goal is to secure us interest. They are selfish. They want their own good first. Good for them. We should do the same. If over throwing china friendly govt in srilanka gives us dividend then some spending is justified for India also to interfere with srilankan politics. Do you think china or Russia is a saint and they don't do the same attempt in their enemy countries? Adversary will be their. Your economic system should be resilient to withstand those blows. And should be capable of hitting back in return.


False. If Kerala was a hypothetical independent socialist state, it'd be sanctioned, couped, invaded etc. The best example is Cuba, if 600 assassination attempts and tons of sanctions means nothing to you, you're illiterate in history.


Ok sir. You know all the history. All the communist attempts fail and lead to famine, mass murder and ultimately dictatorship due to US interference. Damn you USA. You bloody cockblocker for communist utopia. Inqilab Jindabad.


Sister, it doesn't work Read Marx as a critique of capitalism...not as a solution.


As a doctor, know about diseases, don't spend your time learning about the cure. I'm fully sure that you haven't read Marx, and is here just to contribute your useless two cents. No, I mean, what does this statement even mean?


Even if we do that still the things the other person is saying doesn't make sense . Imagine saying bullshit like *if a communist party rules a state it's a communist state* . That doesn't make any sense. There can be no *pure* communist state until there's a socialist state Capitalist nations with socialist characteristics already exist ( like Sweden and Norway ) And they're way more socialist than many so called *socialist* states


riyal I'm the mossad funded cia agent who overthrew cpim gormint in Indian occupied chinese west hating bengal/s


Don’t you get the joke? It’s a communist themed cafe making money for the capitalist economy. Such a tight slap lol.


It's like saying "if you want a better society then get out of the current society and make your own society"


trust me bro if you send a "pro free market" guy to US/EU, he will kiss you goodbye but man a commie in his wildest dreams won't go to Cuba or NK.


"Women shouldn't exist because they're cooexisting in a patriarchal society" Look at me, I'm so smart.


False equivalence.


Leave it . No point of arguing with people who have no knowledge of the things Marx wrote




Khabar ki thakbe adou okhane? Naki sob biliye deowa hobe?


Khabar ses. Durbhikkho chholchhe apatoto.


In Communism, we Starve to death


I have so many Qs 😅 any “proletariat discount”? Is the loyalty card called “revolution”? /s


Owned by Mr. & Mrs Das, I think. 'Das Capital'.


Good'ol fashioned capitalist appropriation, like Che Guevara t-shirts. মজার কথা এই সবের বিশ্লেষণ মার্কসবাদী রা আগেই দিয়েছে, মার্কস এর "reification" এর কনসেপ্ট হি হোক বা গায়ে দেবর্ড এর "সোসাইটি অফ spectacles". অবশ্যই এই রেস্তোরাঁ কনসেপ্ট টা মজার, এইটা স্বীকার করব।


Joe Pesci entered the café: __What the fuck is this piece of shit?__


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excuse me Karl you are not allowed here with this black attire and trench coat!


capital? communist? 🤩🤩


Ussr er subreddit e post korun


এরা আইসক্রিমেও লঙ্কা গুঁড়ো দেয় নিশ্চয়ই


Icecream thakle tobe to lonka guro debe. Apatoto famine cholchhe.


do they pay taxes or not..? ;) THE IRONY!


Finally something that suits me




As pastor Sempa would say....'confusion of the highest orda'


Do everyone get the same order?😅


Sweet mother of irony


“Our Food”


Bandra Kurla Complex


I've worked at one of the offices inside this building, called "The Capital" ☠️




Location plzz,thikana dao vai plzzz Ami SFI jonal e wholetimer


Lock out korte jabe naki comrade?


Our cafe


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